Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

I know which dental u referring.But tat side always full of ppl.Dont go 2 t 1st floor beside ZTP,tat dental also 1 of t money sucker.I went to tat 2nd floor share t unit w Fong Yang women clinic tat dental.
No lah cannot claim already,we only entitle 2 claim $60/yr,n recently rember I went 4 x-ray & take some antibodies already cost me $130 n I only can claim bk $60.So if go extract now also no point cannot claim mah.


never mind. u won't be there for long

i super sian! got to think of a target/project to complete in this term. cracking my head now

can i put in make baby? heee... then my hr will faint.

it's for those appraisal thingy. for senior exec n above, got to do such things...management wanna see what we have accomplished other than the normal routine.
U try lor put yr appraisal as baby making,c wat t company will comment wat & give u how many incremt.Wahahaha....
I try to pack & throw things,cannot imagine t house so big until none of t items can throw,buay tahan.

yah. then no increment for next year. also, this target very difficult to meet.

haa..that mean u have no rubbish at home. good what
heeheehee....where got good,show tat I so particular in hygience & cleanest until no rubbish 4 me 2 clear.I think no1 will believe in me,will just laugh n laugh at me cos in a house sure got unwanted things tat dont wan wat.Like when I go bk 2 my mum place on sun sure got alot of things 4 me 2 throw.Most of t time when my nephew or niece lost something sure will 1st 1 who look 4 me 2 ask where is their stuff.heeheehee....
U welcome!!!!!!
He dont stay at office most of t time.He got a few project 2 run,in fact he already took 3 days leave fm Wed to 2day but have 2 cancel his tis 3 days leave.XIAN lah......
Hi Happy
Went shopping at JL after gynae appt and so tired after that (long time never shop), the sleep until now
. Bought lots of toys for my fren's kids & nephews.

Never le, today I see golden teeth foong but never laugh. Maybe he look serious today, so I also serious
. I think he is getting more & more popular. Now I book 3 weeks in advance for Sat also hardly have any slot. Walau.

Baby & mummy both fine. Cervix dun seem to be funelling, so far so good but danger zone is above 20 weeks, so beyond 20, I have to start eating lots of medication to stop premature birth.. really hate swallowing tons of pills but no choice la. Baby still not cooperative leh, kept moving & moving but alsways cross leg, dun wanna show me. I presume its a girl since so 'shy' ya?

Ya, took long nap yesterday, so cant sleep at nite.... I have also replied your pm, let me know if you didnt get it ok?

You so funny, I know what you mean, always have to put in appraisal on 'initiatives'.. ha ha last time i also got so sick of doing initiatives which my company is SO fond of, then I also feel like putting down baby making. So I am not only the 'xiao' one

My next appt mid Nov, only then will know the sex... so xian ..... I think if its girl, I sure broke.. girls things are sooooo nice!
hi Curl, so happie to hear from pregnant women in this thread. Dr Foong helped conceive my 1st baby via SO-IUI. For my 2nd, i tried 3 rounds IUI, but failed.. so disappointing.. sob sob
Hi Cutiebaby
I understand. I also got pg on my first SO iui but lost it at 6 mths. after that I try for 4 times also fail. I couldnt wait so this is an IVF pg. IUI is like that, need to be patient. He says there was one lady who tried for 6 mths of IUI before she succeeded.

However, she got pg naturally for her 2nd pg. I think its a chance thing.
Hi Cutiebabie,
I don't log in very often. Like Curl, I also got preg with my first So iui. But for my 2nd bb.. I tried normal iui.... but failed.. and guess wat.. I conceived naturally for my 2nd bb. I just delivered my bb last week. So.... guess it boils down to our body condition, luck and patience.
hi paddy,

congrats! was just thinking how are you.

how was your labour? u went thru natural or c section? how's bb? looks like the 1st one?
Labour was ok. 6.5 hrs.... down from my previous 13 hrs... happened again on Sat... and Dr Foong was telling Angeline... hopefully it wun happen during clinic hrs.... my boy was co-operative... came out at 7.31 am. Ha ha ha ! I went through natural... 3 contractions and 7 pushes.

Bb seems to look like his older brother. Dunno leh.

Dr foong came just in time when the urge to push was soooo strong. He ah as calm as a cucumber. Salute him man...
hi curl,

which jl did you go to? i don't like the new one where og used to be. so if i need to shop in jl, i'll go to the one in marina square.

why do u want to go on sat? isn't it better to go on weekday? can yr hubby take time off to go on weekday?

haa.. yr bb so shy but active. my son wasn't shy at all. we got to know the genital pretty early. hee.. but, he is a very shy boy now.

you doing detailed scan in the next appt? u r already swallowing medicine to prevent premature, right? wow. got to swallow more after 20 weeks..it's ok. time flies and soon it will be over. thereafter, i hear someone complaining abt night feed and insufficient sleep...haa..

haa.. u also wanted to put baby making as one of the targets. haa. when going thru with my boss yesterday, i very much wanted to tell him this..haa. he knew abt my ttc. but, told myself to be more serious..hee..

haa...as calm as cucumber...haa.. so funny.

that was fast. good for you. u were not on epidural?

you didn't question him when he didn't come earlier? haa.. my cousin questioned the gynae as his wife was in so much pain. the wife got to ask him to stop..haa..

no lah.. am sure he got his reasons.. he needs to come early as well.. cos he needs to do his hospital rounds. I am just so relieved to see him when he walked in. This means he can help me to get the delivery process over and done with ... ha ha ha.

Yeah was on epidural... cos my bb was not engaged .. so kept feeling the pressure of the bb pushing downwards.
Hi all,
Wow! Everytime I disappear and come back, I feel like I have so much to catch up on! Been busy cos we moved in with my in laws. It's difficult living with in laws!

Anyway, why Golden Tooth Foong? It makes me think he lost all his teeth! My husband and I were thinking of the next one and doing FET and I thought with a little bit of horror, what if it's twins again???

Jac, when are you going to start? All the best this time!

Chloe, when did you start your kids on cereal? In laws want to start but I don't want to yet. Source of a lot of strife!

haa.. i know lar. was just joking.

during my time, the dosage was kind of high so i didn't feel anything at all. doc asked me to push when there's contractions but how when i don't feel anything..haa. in the end, it was like push none stop until face as red as lobster.
ha ha ha.... I also didn't feel much. My dosage was coming to an end when Dr came in to deliver. Just in time. My legs were numb though. But I was still able to feel some contractions.. and was the one who told Dr that I am feeling it...
When I delivered my 1st one.. it was 10 counts.. this time round.. it was 3 counts and I had to push hard to let the bb come out.

so good.. wonder when my turn will come...went marina square just now. saw soooooo many babies. sigh..can see cannot touch. saw one verrryyyy chubby one. sooo cute.
No lah, I went on Friday after appt with Golden Teeth Foong, but still a lot of pple. I went to the old OG location for convenience. Ya, not so nice leh but since i havent been to the new shop, just go see see look look.

You are really LUCKY! Congrats to the new addition to the family! I am sure you feel v blessed with another cute baby at home!

Ya, I agree with Happy, why you use 'cucumber' to decribe his calmness

Dr Foong is really v calm, sometimes v hard to gauge from his 'expression' how things are.

Hey I tot you are in Australia? Well, staying with in laws is a form of 'Art'.

He he, our Dr have this nickname cos we started with some crappy joke about his charges. We were asking one lady if he charges for her 'extra' visits due to signs of early labour, then someone commented that he sure does cos he is doing business, otherwise 'eat grass' already. Then somehow we said his business so good, so he wont eat grass but would have a plate of 'gold' but no time to eat. Then I suggested he can turn his plate of gold to new set of gold teeth in his mouth
. That's how his 'nickname' came about.

Well, you can always opt for 1 embryo xfer although sucess rate lower. Otherwise, can also do 'selective reduction' if really have 2, but may not be so ethical.

I guess if the child is meant to be yours, it will. So even if you get twin, shld just carry them thru. Actually its not too bad a deal; 2 deliveries and 4 kids! You can save a lot!
I'm not in Oz yet. Am here till my babies get a bit older I think. Can't manage on my own there!

Anyway, I would be plenty freaked if I went to see Dr Foong and when her smiled, it was a mouth full of gold! Haha.. I agree he is very calm although I did get scolded by him once or twice during my pregnancy. After that, you feel like an errant child! And he got a bit impatient with me because I wanted to go pee when my contractions were a minute a part and he wanted me wheeled into the OT ASAP. Hee...

No, I won't do selective reduction amd yes, I'll take what God gives me. Strange that I'm thinking about this even though I can't even handle my two well yet!
Hi Ondine
Oh, all the while I tot you moved to OZ after you have given birth. Sorry abt that. So are you migrating to OZ with your family? Are you still working at the moment? who helps you with the kids?

Wow, scolded? Mmm.. you must be really 'naughty', sofar Dr quite calm and I seldom hear him 'scold' patients
. He he...

Were yours natural or c-section in the end? Were your twins earlier than 40 weeks?

Yes, if its meant for you, its yours. Dun worry, if you really have 4, then God will help you through your 'bringing kids up' process, I am sure you can handle in time to come. But may be better that you are in Spore by then, at least you can hire maid. In OZ, its even harder to get such domestic help!
Haha... I got scolded cos I had contractions the night before and waited till morning to go in. He was worried that something could have happened then I guess. Also cos I stopped taking the Ventolin meds to prevent contractions on my own.

I had a c-section at 37 weeks. Desperately wanted to do it naturally but it was not to be cos my son turned breech last minute. And I went into labour the minute he said I could stop the meds.

Yup, the maid issue is why I'm still hedging on Oz. The first Sunday my maid went off, my husband and I spent the whole day with a baby each in our arms and we were so tired by the end of the day!
to add on to the 'golden teeth' thingy, curl mentioned that dr might not have time to brush teeth since he is so busy. his teeth might decay soon so can turn the gold into new set of teeth...hee...
Yar hor! I forgot abt me being so 'naughty'

Oh dear, Ondine, you are really naughty! No wonder dr will scold you! Luckily everything was fine.

Well, if you move to OZ, then you will become the maid

Having Dr has aged... poor guy... worked hard for his family and 3 kids... esp they are still young. He married very late.

His 2nd son is the same age as my first one. Sometimes we will chit chat abt our boys.. :p (If he is not too bz).

Anyway.. why he has aged... cos during labour.. I noticed all the white hair popping out from the front view of his head.. :p Ha ha ha !
I agree doctor has aged too. When I saw him ~ 2 yrs ago, he was looking a lot more fresh. I suppose no choice, he might have worked even harder at govt hospital.

I also realised that he is quite a workaholic. Like when there are long weekends during a PH, he will still come to work unless he is going away. Most of the doctors will take opportunity to take a break. Thats why I always think while doctors make money, its HARD earned money...
Wow, I feel really sorry for him!
How old are all his kids? All I know is that they were all born without hair!
Cos when he came to see me in my room and the twins were there, he was marvelling at how much hair they had.

And oh! That they were all delivered in NUH. Hee... All these nuggets of information that we piece together.

Paddy, how do you know that he married late?
Oh I heard from my cousin when she conceived her kid with him @ NUH through IVF. Her 2nd one was also delivered by him. She was the one who recommended me to him.

Wow.. coming back to work on long weekends... poor man.
Hi gals,
can i check what to expect during first visit to Dr Foong?

I've decided to seek a 2nd opinion with another gynae and have made an appt to see dr foong tmrw. I've been married for abt 3 yrs now but have only started ttc this yr for abt 6 months now.... 2 yrs back i had a polyp and got it removed.. and this yr in june when i went for my gynae check up and found it back again.. my gynae said that it's still very small need not be removed.. can try to ttc first... but i read on the internet that it may affect implantation depending on how big it is.. as the fertilized may not be able to implant itself on an "uneven" wall.. plus, my hubby and i are not getting any younger... i'm 32 and he's 35... so am quite anxious... i was on 1st cycle of clomid last month but no good news even tho my egg was of the rite size and the wall linings are also suitable for implantation... so would like to seek a 2nd opinion.. plus check out whether i have other problems or not...
Jac, Knock knock... You busy huh?
I got so many things to complain lor. My mum is back and the aunty is also back to her own home. Sianz...
My mum concept of taking care of children is so different. She thinks that as long as the baby can grow up, it's okay to dirty eat, dirty big. Imagine i always find my mum's perm and sprayed hair on my baby's pacifier!!!! And my mum always throw the used hanky ard. I have to pack everything after her... She never close the wet tissue box after using it and the tissue end up drying! I almost faint lor.. She really ONLY take care and play with baby. All the rest of the things. I DO! Bath already also I pack everything in the bathroom and baby's used clothing. she will throw the baby's clothings in the room waiting for me to put in the laundry tub. Aunty is so different from her... I wish aunty is my mum! My hubby say my mum is not helping at all. He see me so tired everyday he also sian.. We planning to sack mum and hired a maid.. Ask her go back to work.. But quite mean hor. I wonder if she is my MIL or my real mum or not. Why so selfish. She even scold my girl got bad temper and become very rough on her when my girl cry. Kaoz.. Stupid lor. she don't know how to take care then still vent her anger on an infant. Really don't know what to say.
I have a maid and mother to take care of my son as i'm a working mother. maid will do the house work and mother will cook and take care of my son.
If you are not work, hired a maid will be better, cos she can do all the house work and you have quality time with bb. But how you going to sack yr mom??

i always got mixed up between u and jadefeet! ok, u are the one with twins and migrating to australia. Jadefeet is the one in 36 weeks and delivering soon, hopefully after dr is back. aiyoh, i must try to remember.

Please tell ur ils that babies can only take cereal when they are 6 months old. Some pple start at 4 months but not advisable, cos when taken too young, some babies' systems are not developed and may be allergic to these foods. And due to these allergies developed at this time, the body system automatically develops a lifelong allergy to these foods. So, no need to hurry, wat's more impt is the milk, preferably breast milk. Solids can come when they are 6 months and for a start it is just 1-2 teaspoons, just for the taste and let them get to know how to roll their tongues to "sweep" in the food into their throats. Take ur time, they are still young, there is no hurry really.
haha, ondine, my twins have little hair too! i'm sure if i get to see ur babies' hair, i will envy too.
Esp when i will really wanna do up my daughter's hair, but too bad lor, my mom always says that we cannot do much with my daughter's few strands of cat hair. haha... i have thick hair, they took after my hubby. aiyah, inherit the wrong thing!

don't worry. you just have to tell dr foong abt your ttc and problems. he will scan you and will advise you on the options.

he is a very nice dr and will explain things in detail to you. so, not too worry. just write your questions on paper in case you missed out any. it always happen to me..hee.


Bring along those tests u have done with the previous dr. Dr foong may ask u to go for a blood test to assess ur hormone levels. If ur hubby has done any sperm assessment, bring along as well. Good luck!
