Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

hi gals... read through all the postings i missed....
thanks for all your advices and concerns, y'day went back for CTG again cos the baby's movements dropped!! so worried.. but the moment they strapped the CTG, he began to move happily as if enjoy listening to his own heartbeat!!!
Dr Foong is really very very nice, i am so pai say that i kept appearing at his clinic every week.. he even assured me that he rather i more kiasu then to be unaware of anything...
he says most impt now is the baby's movements and make sure he is not destress or i am having contractions.. try as much as possible to keep the baby in till 37 weeks. now i am 34.5 wks liao.. tahan abit more..
I was asking abt his shanghai trip again so he say he will probably stop my ventolin before he leaves for 8-10 nov then by the time he's back will be just the right time....he is simply au naturale.. refuse to let me induce...
now i everyday talk to baby and psycho him... telling him to stay in until after 11 nov..
Ren Ren Ren... dont forgo the AWS.. you have worked so so hard the whole year cannot let it go man...
Be more bochap abit.. dont let any of the politics or unhappiness get into u.. it will stress u up and unconsciously affect your fertility...
My DH always psycho me that just do your part during office hour, after that switch off.. cos no one is paying you for stress after office hour and there is nothing you can do after 6pm so better be switch off, relax, watch TV, have a good sleep... nex day wake up then go to work then think abt it... I used to be like u, very tensed, very angry... after trying his method.. i felt so much better...
Thk 4 yr advise.I will try 2 ren until I get my AWS.I not going 2 let tat company eat up my hard earn AWS,even how much I dont like must think of t coming AWS.
Dont worried so much sure yr boy can tahan until 37 wks as mummy every day psycho him mah.hahahaha.......
Hi Jadefeet
I agree, thats why is v nice abt Dr Foong. He is v reassuring with great mannerism. Sometimes when I kan cheong with my pg, I must see him then I feel calm. He just has the ability to manage that.

Glad that he has plans for you and willing to try to be around for you after his trip. But like what Chloe say, if really cannot, then dun wait and defy nature, but I am sure by talking to the baby, it helps! It is good that he is au naturale. Its his stand, he never want to induce unless needed. The last round when I had the mishap, he also try to keep the baby inside my tummy as much as I can before I started bleeding like a dam and he says sorry but he has to deliver the baby now cos my cervix is tearing and bleeding. If can, I would also advocate keeping till 37 weeks, baby is a lot stronger. Move less for now, it really helps to keep it inside as long as your cervix do not dilate. Lie down with your legs above your hip, it helps to prevent contraction and keep the baby inside.

Are you getting a confinement lady?

Congrats to your MC! Another few more days to rest at home!
Now yr turn 2 swan me.hahahaha.......
No lah I still havn't extract t wisdom teeth out yet cos Dr. said 1wk later go bk & c him,then he will further advise me 2 extract a not.

do u have to pay for these additional visits?


jus tell the dentist u want the tooth extracted
No la, dun mean to suan but really feels good when v xian with work and able to have a real reason to take mc.

You so funny but I think your question v relevant. If Jadefeet no need to pay these, then Dr really q ethical & kind.

coz jadefeet said doc v v v nice. so, just wonder if he charge for the additional consultation since the package should only entitle her to once a mth visit now.

good to know too so when my turn comes.....if it ever comes..

think u got to rephase yr statement..hee..

dr is not being unethical if he charges for additional consult. yah, if he never charge, he is really super nice and kind
then, we will love him even more..haa..
Ya lah if really wan 2 extract out also must book an appointmt.Even I book appointmt also must finish my acct then can arrange mah.I think not tat fast lah.

As wat Curl said u really vy cute,then I can tell u our Dr.then eat grass already.
hi gals

Just finished my work and had my lunch. *phew* going to spend the whole afternoon doing my paper work, before more distractions come.

Nice to hear that dr foong is still his usual self, super nice and assuring.
Well, it would definitely be a nice gesture should he not charge additional visits. But there again, i am not surprised if jadefeet has to pay for the additional visit cos dr still needs to be fair to the rest of his patients. i cannot imagine if the rest starts going to him for additional visits and he does not charge them, he sure go backrupt!
Anyway, i'm sure sometimes there are exceptions.
I dun have a confinement lady, MIL is helping me.. think its enough liao, she is chanting everyday asking her grandson to wait for her to come back to Singapore next week :p
I am trying to take things easy now.. cant lie down whole day cos i have super pain at my rib and spleen area plus the heartburn.....

Dr didnt charge me for the extra visits leh.. but i hope no one will exploit his kindness loh... i just need to pay for the CTG and the med..i guess this is part of the antenatal package i paid for.. though i already see him more than what the package includes.

oh. he is soooooo nice and sweet.

don't think ppl will exploit his kindness...if not necessary, why make the trip there.

actually, will stopping ventolin cause bb to come out during his trip?
Dr says ventolin may not work for everyone.. so just let the little fella decides.. i am also worried abt that so i think i will continue the med until he comes back...

you are on ventolin now so if there's no more contractions, that means it's working, right?

if it's the one that is helping to keep baby inside, then it's really scary to stop before the dr's trip....
Really vy shiok of stayg at home,lan lan shan shan & pass my day.

U really wan 2 carry him until full term is it? Of course if can u will still willing 2 carry him until full term,but t problems now is as u said ventolin may not work for every1,must well let him out come & c tis world few wks earlier.
Hi Happy
Sorry, I dun mean that. Cos I tot by 22 weeks can take package ma, and got such emergency, no need to pay extra lor.

You new job like quite demanding as well, have to work on weekends and always like v rush. Poor you.

By the way, Dr Foong wont eat grass la! He has so many customers now. Nowadays, I book 2 week in advance for Sat also cannot make it. The recep tell me weekend and weekday all almost full except for small window periods on weekdays. In fact, that is my only 'complain' cso doctors are human too, if he continues working this way, v hard to get his attention if things happen during his 'cosultation' hours.

What to do? Nice doctor hard to find leh.

eerr...even with package, one will have to pay for the extra visits, right? the gynae who delivered my son practise that.
Oh, I didnt know the package is only once a mth visit. Then I think I towards the end I will see him every week to check cervix, so scared.

You are on oral ventolin? Ok, normally its not as effective as drip but not as suffering too. Cos drip have to be at hospital but v effective. Dr is right, when baby wants to come, all medication also cannot stop the little fella. I guess you have the let the little one in you ruke for now. I am actually v excited for you! I am sure it feels great to be carrying your baby in your own hands!
Dr is hoping we can keep the baby in at least till 37 weeks which is then considered full term.. he already told me yesterday that bb most likely wont be a 40 week baby...3 nov will be 37 weeks liao... just another 2 weeks more...
All the best, just 2 more weeks. Endure! Hope that your little prince good boy and stay inside for a while more!

But just in case anything shld happen before 37, dun worry abt it too. Baby will be fine. You have all our prayers!

Take care meanwhile, no spicy food cos can trigger contraction!

Hang in there, Jadefeet.

if i remember correctly, package usually covers once a mth check up and once a week for the final mth.

don't worry. believe he'll be nice to you too..since it's unlikely for you to carry till 40 weeks. believe he'll adjust the package consultation accordingly.

yah jadefeet,

do update us once there's sign of arrival.
Thanks for the information. I will be dropping you a personal email. Please check it out, I still 'owe' you something

All the while I didnt know like that one. I tot package means unlimited visits. The last round I didnt pull thru to 'package' time cos I was hospitalised by week 20. Ok, I will see how this can be done, managed. Tks for infor.

By the way, are you all ready for the trip?

How much was Dr Foong's delivery charges for natural delivery?
Vy xian go bk 2 work 2day,as usual 1day not in my tray all full of papers.No1 will said help 2 clear all waitg 4 me 2 come bk & clear.

Well, u are doing well. Coming to 36 weeks liao! 37 weeks is a bonus, so dun worry. If baby more than 2kg and 36 weeks, should be able to go home with mommy if there's no other complications. Not many pple can tong until 40 weeks lar.

haha... curl, i keep imagining dr foong with a plate of grass in front of him, so funny!! My job is demanding, my boss has high expectations, but i am happier here than my previous workplace. One of the reasons is prob becos i can focus better now at work cos the burden of infertility is now lifted from me. Another reason is i really enjoy the projects i am doing now and pple here (including bosses) are nice to me. Even when i am on leave or on sick leave, i bring my work with me and work from home (haha... with my kaypoh daughter sitting next to me and watch me at work, under her supervision!). But still i feel happy working lor. At my previous workplace, i really have to drag myself to work, thank goodness i am out from there now.

i do my part and take things easier nowadays, cos i have to balance my time between work and children. i am the type who will get engrossed with work, so must make it a point to balance lor, else will neglect family.

jac, poor u, tray full of papers, so yucky hor? Anyway, take it easy yar? Just make sure do a proper job (but dun stress urself), and put a proper closure before u leave. u do this more for ur reputation cos local market is so small, u won't know when ur paths will cross.

yap got it and replied aredi

u r most welcome. haa..sounds like my yoga membership..unlimited access...

ready for the trip? the only thing that is ready is the yen currency..haa.. i've been changing everyday last week. my itinerary 3/4 done. but, everytime i look at the train map, i'll frown!


u r very lucky be enjoy job so much. i wonder if that day will ever come for me. so what was your son doing when kaypoh daughter supervise your work? so cute!


it's ok. TGIF!!

i cannot remember wat my son was doing. He does not stick so much to me, just make sure he is not hungry or sleepy, he will be happy.
Else, he will turn nasty, and he can be really really very very nasty, other floors can hear him when he cries!
Hi Chloe
I am really glad to hear that! It also means that this current job, you really liked it. Its different when you enjoy work & colleagues vs dragging oneself to work. And yes, lucky you, with the 2 bao beis with you, you have accomplished the biggest project in mind and can focus on career and new things from now! V happy for you. Hope my turn will come soon.

In the past, I also thot I am more family than career but over time, I realised that career is v important to me, financial independence aside, I enjoy discussion on work, networks you formed, colleagues you share ideas with and most imptly the same level of communication I can have with my hubby.

You are so naughty, imagine Foong with a plate of grass in front of him? Aiya with so many infertility issues nowadays with us woman, he is likely to have a plate of gold in front of him than grass

Yap, got it too. Thanks..... Japan is really gonna be so nice.

Nice to see you here, I have replied you too!

How are you today? Baby guai guai a not?
U all 2day vy naughty,all starts 2 make fun of Dr.hahahaha......
Now u can fully concentrate on career cos yr fertility problems already solved.So envy.

Ya clearing.U know I off yestday n clearing my own things,1 of t colleague which I pass bk t things 2 her,she askd me 2 help her key t data said she vy buz.No1 helpg me 2 clear my things & yet 1 words said not free & pass bk 2 me.I told her I buz 2 but she still put on my tray.Let it put lor anyway even I free I also wont key at all.

one should take care of their own duties. why is she asking you to cover her job?

it's ok. very soon they will have to cover you
Is vy unfair 1 lah,they will said vy vy buz & push all t fuckg thing 2 me 2 help them & my workload keep increasing,tat y u know y I make noise 2 my boss & quarrel w my colleague here.All earn high pd but just wan little work,how can be.They smart I also not stupid.As long as my work is clear y shd I bother other things,right?
I agree, a plate of gold but no time to eat. Never mind la, next time he old, can fix all his teeth with gold teeth, then he will look v 'rich and glamorous'.

Sometimes I pity these doctors too, must work many yrs to be 'senior' and then build reputation to start his own. Like Dr Foong, already mid 40s then start own biz, of course must 'bia' to establish his clinic. And becos of career, family delayed, so youngest kid not even 1 yrs old, how to retire? Sometimes I wonder if he will just give up and go back to Malaysia to retire at a much better lifestyle since he malaysian.

No leh, I heard Angeline say wife also v simple & nice lady and they not the brand conscious type, so he must be cash rich!

No yet, this little one keep covering his/her legs. I suspect its girl cos girl shy ma, will cover cover.

Happy is right. Just 2-3 more months, everything is over. Hang in there.

Wonder how you are today.
haha... curl, u very bad leh, i cannot image dr foong in his GOLD teeth. ok, better dun make fun of him anymore... actually hor, he is doing very well at his age liao. Only in his 40s and already a specialist at his own practise.
Dr is the frugal type, i still remember he told me to buy those 3 for $10 T-shirts at giordano when i had pregnancy rashes, said cheap, big and good wor. haha... anyway, good to have him as my dr, been a great great help!
i am visiting him again in dec. haha... i hope i won't burst out laughing when i see him, cos now i keep on imagining him with gold teeth and plate of grass on his desk! alamak!
