Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles


haa...that's wat crossed my mind..if the gals here will giggle/laugh the next time we see him...imagine him with gold teeth..wahaahaa..

curl, you should be seeing him soon, right? control hor! haa..

I agree. He is a frugal man. You can see from what he wears & etc. Except having a mont blanc pen, he wears the same belt everyday and not v nice one
. My hubby says there was once he noticed Dr has a hole on his sleeve at his elbow, he also wear and work the whole day. You know, those simple down to earth man.

I would think so too. But I think in the medical field, heart & top surgeons are still the most high profile ones. Dr always like to use the words describing other areas of doctors as 'high flyers'.

Gynaes dun rank as well and I heard GAs are the best in terms of balance. Cos they are specialist and command a certain amt & needed for all procedures, yet dun have to slog like mad or take v v high risk.

But his charges also went up. This time he charge me $400> for the cerclage. I will ask him abt it next time.

Ha ha, when you see him in Dec, you can ask him whether he intends to fix gold teeth when he is old since he prob have not time to brush teeth, his teeth may decay sooner

We are all 'long supporters' of doctors with long drawn infertility problems, so we see the doctor more than our own friends. Of course we know doctor well
Ya man, I am seeing him next friday, sometimes I cannot help it but will tell him the jokes.

I tell him before that the net has a chat site dedicated to him. He was so shocked and said I was bluffing him! I laughed abt it, not wanting to give more details.

Dr is quite shy one, thats why I like to tease him.

for all u know, angeline has been updating him..haa.. i remember betty asked her to check up during her free time.

maybe, ah foong will tell you the min he sees you next friday that he does brush his teeth everyday
haha... so funny. hey curl, he knows about the forum lar. angeline even suspected that i am chloe. haha... i'm sure she has told him about this forum. He does not appear to be shy to me leh... haha... maybe i am more shy than him that's why i dun find him shy.

Well, he is not those high and mighty type of dr lor. That's wat i like about it and i feel comfortable talking to him, like a big brother to me.

oh. angeline knew your identity aredi..hee.. in fact, i'm not surprise she knew who is who...

angeline, am i right? haaa
Ya, I am sure Angeline knows but I doubt Dr Foong has time to come into such forum. He prob thought there are some discussions but not knowing there is a Foong thread. Maybe I shld write to Chin Leng (moderator of the forum) and ask him to change the thread to 'Golden Teeth Foong'... ha ha ha ha .....

He appears shy to me leh, Chloe. Sometimes I can be really frank and candid to him, i saw him q red on the face once, but cant remember what I said to him.

I also chat with the IVF doctor, Dr Liauw when I see him at clinic. He says he remembers me cos I am one of the rare patients who ask the most question at the OT table during egg extraction before I knock out and the egg transfer process. He is also v nice, mannerism like Dr Foong. One thing abt them is they are all malaysians. Thats why some pple say malaysia men better

Wa! If Dr Foong tells me he brushes his teeth everyday next round, i will be shocked to death.. I think by then, I will MIA from the forum for a while - embarassed

Talk abt Betty, missed her loud voice and cartoon expression. The clinic gets so lively with her. And before you reach, you can hear her voice already... Wondering how she is.

don't make me laugh lar!!! my boss still around lei. wahaahaa..

if he tells you that, then it will be your turn to have lobster face lor..haa..
hihi, im new to the thread. is also dr foong's patient. i successfully conceived my first baby thro SO-IUI with him. now trying for my 2nd and went thru my 3rd cycle of IUI last week. for those of you who went thru IUI with him, did he advise you to rest in bed for 2 weeks during the 2 ww? i read in other threads that some stay at home for 2 weeks. i didnt do that, and am wondering if that is the reason for my 2 failures so far
Hi Cutiebabie

I had the same experience as you. I conceived i Apr 06 under SO IUI, first attempt. But lost it at 6 mths due to cervical problem.

After resting, I went thru 4 rounds of SO IUI without success. Some cycles lining wasnt good. Some cycles, all variables are good. The problem is that IUI is just like an improved version of intercourse, so too many failure reasons, v hard to pinpoint, can only try & try.

Cos I didnt want to wait and I feel SO IUI costs is also v high as I am on injectibles not clomid, I moved directly to IVF, higher chance of success and can freeze embryos for future use.

Hope this helps.
hi cutiebabie,
like to know for the IUI cycle, using only clomid right? when is yr O date with clomid?
how much u spend for the IUI cycle?
I think only IVF need to bed rest for 2 weeks, for IUI just like wat curl said, like intercouse no need to bed rest so long.
i am ok so far, still carrying the prince in me... today 35 weeks exact..another 2 more weeks to go... u hang in too.. rest more..relax relax watch more series..

Ya, our edd are quite closed to each other, me will be 35 weeks next Wed, 3 of the Nov mtbs thread has already gave birth, all babies are so cute....but I do hope that my boy can "tahan" in my tummy as longer as he could.

Now is final stage now, jia yu...
Hi Koala & Jadefeet

Jiayou, MTBs! Coming to end of journey with a cute baby in your hands. Hand it there, enjoy the kicks in the tummy and dun forget to show us pics of the baby! We will all be v excited!

I think you boy is v good and listen to you. Continue to talk & caress him ok?

Wow... i am really really feeling the excitement for you as if its my EDD!

Keep us posted ladies
Jadefeet/Koala, I can understand how you feel.. During my 30plus weeks, I also worry alot of having pre term baby but she end up coming on 39th week.. Fake contraction must be getting more and more uncomfortable for both of you now.Just rest and relax.. Don't have to worry. When he is ready, he will come. Prepare the red date water ingrediate and get someone to prepare for you after your delivery. Have a smooth delivery.
BTW, must persist on breast feeding. My friend whos baby is one month now has alot of problem with formula milk. Now having constipation. So poor thing. Newborn can poo poo 6 times a day.. Imagine 2 days nv poo poo.. 12x of poo poo inside her. Cos the baby have jaudice and her dr say must give her formula milk.. My baby jaudice I also give her breastmilk and even pump out deliver to hospital for her.. Don't care abt what people say, just insist on breast feeding. Good luck!!!
Hi Wan Mei Mei

Now you wake up so early! Last time, we have to 'wake you' up when the sun shine on your bottock

Btw, Wan, yours is a natural birth right? can you recall how much Dr charge for his delivery charges. Am just making some comparisons and thinking of delivering at govt hospital if baby come out too early.

I really vy TL 2day.Last fri 1 of t colleague here pass 2 me tat stack of receipts which I pass bk 2 her 2 handle,she pass bk 2 me said she buz,I told her I buz 2 but she still put on my tray.I got time 2 key just not shiok of helpg.N 2day I saw tat stack was put bk on my tray & written as notes as she spoke 2 my boss & ask me 2 do.
Every1 said buz & push all t work 2 me,n when I buz & jam who will offer 2 help,in other words is u die better than I die n all t ppl here earn high pd but just little of works they take.
I really buay tahan & always full of anger workg here,I think be4 I tender sure will collape.

Yesterday write a long msg then cannot post for whole day. I almost wanna go crazy.

Curl, I nv see the hospital bill so I can't remember how much is the dr fee. My hubby did say the full bill before but nv mention dr fee leh.

Jac, yesterday I write a long msg to you but I gave up after trying for 4 hours!
Wanna tell you to drag her work then rush out of the office after work. Let your boss see how busy you are when she is ard. Then when she not ard, you just relax.. wahaaa..
I cannot.I cannot stand my tray full of things,even I dislike I also rush things out.So becos of my tis attitude,ppl tends 2 bully me more.
I ever thought of tat but dont 4get we got vy tight schedules,even now dont do end out still need 2 work OT & finish everything,u think tat u cannot finish tat idiot will help mah,t answer is NO,No,No........She will bkstack u of delayg her works 4 submittg 2 our management.
just had my scan and cd12 my folicle only 12mm, cmi i guess.. i got some spotting also.
dun understand, my blood test came back and doc say is all within normal range, but why my folicle always not doing its job. really must go for the injection?
Sometime is like tat,our body cannot produce & need injectn 2 boost it.Dont worried D12 is still early,BTW how long is yr cycle.
Jac, not your work mah.. So if she complain then just say you have to finish your own work first then help others do 'their' work. ha ha ha ha... act pitiful lor.
my cycle v haywire. the most can go up to 40 days.last cycle i detect opk positive on cd 23.. super long and doc suggested dat i'm not ovluating. so sick.
I really buay tahan,same trick again,I told her I not free,u know wat she said,just help 1st lor wait until boss come bk then talk abt it.Wat t hell is tat,suddenly increased so much of my workload like helping indo 15 branch to key the petty cash,help spore 2 branch to check her daily work plus also watson retail also me & not tat stupid idiot works also using my boss name 2 press on me 2 do it.I going to cry already,confirm I will let go my aws will tender end of tis mth.
At least u can detect on D23.Sometime my case cannot ever detect my 2lines OPK.
If tis is t case y dont u use chinese medicine 2 tiao yr body.
Hi all

Yesterday so angry hor, whole day cannot post.

sometimes even with clomid, at D12 it may not be reacting well. But normally injection helps. My view is at that at D12, shld be abt 15-16. So maybe you monitor and see how. Injection is ok, not diff and less side effects. Only down side is costs.

Hang in there. Already discussed this and so you shld be focused and tahan till end of AWS.

How are you and baby? BB still guai guai yah?
Jac, then you tell her. 'Okay lor. Boss come back then say.' Ha ha ha..
Then put her work aside and do your own things. stupid lor, just write a note. Never respect you at all. Show this note to your boss and tell her you need simple and basic respect.
I really dont know how 2 hang dwn there anymore.Wat I mention is addtn work,I still havnt said my current scope of work.

Anyway wait 4 my boss 2 come bk fm holiday,if she really told me 2 do my work again tat I pass bk 2 my colleague,I tell u I will immediately throw in.
I really dont know how 2 hang dwn there anymore.Wat I mention is addtn work,I still havnt said my current scope of work.

Anyway wait 4 my boss 2 come bk fm holiday,if she really told me 2 do my work again tat I pass bk 2 my colleague,I tell u I will immediately throw in.
hi jac,

using tcm will be the next option if i cmi.

check with you did your do opk to check if your ovulating with yr clomid cycle?
Just 4 yr info,when I start TCM at JE sinseh,it can cost a bomb but some mth still cannot ovulate but after I change to MP sinseh I can see got improvemt,I can see every mth I got ovulate but still nver strike but I glad is tat I can see my improvemt in my body system.
hi jac,

how u know u got ovluate or not, I have problem cos i did not do bbt and also OPK positive dun confirm O.
I used to take bai feng wan but its too heaty for me.
The JE TCM is the v famous 1 har.
Hahaha....Ya tat famous JE sinseh.
While talkg abt t ovulate,I do OPK every mth 2 detect my ovulate,BBT I also never take wat,I feel tat take either 1 is enough.
Have u ever try double boil t bai feng wan,is better than takg t bai feng wan tablets.

12mm follicle at cd12 is on the low side, by right, should be about 18-20mm, about to ovulate liao. But that varies from individuals, some pple ovulate early, some later (about cd16 to 18). There is a possibility that u may need to up ur dosage of clomid to boost the growth. However, clomid does have a thinning side effect for the womb lining. So, perhaps u should really consider injectables. The cost depends on how much puregon (ie. injectable solutions) u need. i cannot remember how much i have to inject, but mine was rather average volume and cost me around $1000 plus every cycle.

How long have u been taking clomid? Another way u may want to consider is to check ur tubes to make sure that there's no blockage. There is a HSG test where a dye is pumped through vagina under x-ray. If the dye can go through the womb and up through the tubes, then there may not be blockage, but there is no 100% guarantee. If tubes block, then no point going for IUI, and since already considering injectables, may as well proceed to IVF.
this is my second cycle with clomid. The first cycle my follicle did not grow as well. As for this cycle I think it is a gone case cos i got my LH surge 1 day after I scan my 12mm follicle.

Wat I wanted to know is, with a not mature follicle ,what will happen during positive surge. I'm very curious with my own system.
I will go for injection I guess. but gosh.. $1000 per cycle??
For blockage check , will only do after
I can at least produce a mature follicle and can't get BFP.

agreed dat BBT is too stressful, I can't do it.

Please endure! Since u are planning to resign end of the year, just tell that fella that u dun report to her, so there is no need for her to ask u do things, cos u will not do it. If want to wait till boss come back then wait for boss to come back then do lor. She is not covering ur boss, shaha... hey i am seldom so nasty one leh. But try to sound calm ok? no need to shout cos must keep ur own image.
I really dont have t heart 2 work in tis stupid company anymore.I really hate t ppl either dont speak 2 me or when need me will use my boss name 2 press on me always told me u not happy speak 2 boss lor.N they know my weak point,once I really buay tahan sure will speak 2 my boss,speak I also die dont speak I also die.Speak will offend my boss dont speak will become my work n they will ang ang qing qing do nothing.
U know wat tat I buay tahan,all t ppl here got time 2 gossip,play stocks,discuss stocks & just 1 word vy buz & push all t things 2 me.
hi jac,

i'm back...no work today as dun feel well.

yr colleagues are really bad. can't help it but tahan a bit longer. see if can plan yr mc during the mth end closing. let them shou man jiao luan..hee..
Hi Glad
Yes, I have OPK positive after I take clomid and I do check. But for me, clomid is v v effective at 3 pills per day (max). Once i take clomid, on D12/13, usually 17.5-18 mm. Every month is like that.

I got pregnant after taking 2 rounds, starting from 100 mg to adjusted 150 mg with metformin. However, this 1st pg ended ectopic and lost my left tube partially. Then after 1 mth rest, I got pregnant again on 2nd dosage, but lost it at 6 mths due to incompetent cervix. During this period, I have no signs of thinning endometrium.

After the IC incident, I rest for 3 mths and try again. However, after I delivered & lost my 6 mths baby, my body 'reset' and I reach to clomid well with the follicles growing but my lining also started to thin. I refuse to damage my system and choose full injectables instead.

Your early LH surget situation is possible, which is obviously not a v good sign, cos it means your body releases the egg before it matures. Typically some follicle contains eggs at 14mm, but a dafe zone would be > 18mm. I suggest if you really have that symptom, then just try naturally cos 50-50 chance that your follicle may have no egg, so dun do IUI and etc.

Yes, injectables are not cheap but it preserves your fertility, so I still think its worth it. Depends on how much you need, mine is slight lesser cos I tend to reach v v well to injectibles. I use like 75 per day for 8 days, I can get upto 2 follicles. When I move to 100, I get 6 follicles. So if you are doing IUI, Dr will not recommend > 2 follcles in case of multiples.

Happy, must stay healthy hor for your holiday. I replied your pm already. Today, good weather to zzzzzzzz
Hi Glad
Yes, I have OPK positive after I take clomid and I do check. But for me, clomid is v v effective at 3 pills per day (max). Once i take clomid, on D12/13, usually 17.5-18 mm. Every month is like that.

I got pregnant after taking 2 rounds, starting from 100 mg to adjusted 150 mg with metformin. However, this 1st pg ended ectopic and lost my left tube partially. Then after 1 mth rest, I got pregnant again on 2nd dosage, but lost it at 6 mths due to incompetent cervix. During this period, I have no signs of thinning endometrium.

After the IC incident, I rest for 3 mths and try again. However, after I delivered & lost my 6 mths baby, my body 'reset' and I still react to clomid well with the follicles growing but my lining also started to thin. I refuse to damage my system and choose full injectables instead.

Your early LH surget situation is possible, which is obviously not a v good sign, cos it means your body releases the egg before it matures. Typically some follicle contains eggs at 14mm, but a dafe zone would be > 18mm. I suggest if you really have that symptom, then just try naturally cos 50-50 chance that your follicle may have no egg, so dun do IUI and etc.

Yes, injectables are not cheap but it preserves your fertility, so I still think its worth it. Depends on how much you need, mine is slight lesser cos I tend to reach v v well to injectibles. I use like 75 per day for 8 days, I can get upto 2 follicles. When I move to 100, I get 6 follicles. So if you are doing IUI, Dr will not recommend > 2 follcles in case of multiples.

Happy, must stay healthy hor for your holiday. I replied your pm already. Today, good weather to zzzzzzzz
hi curl,
tks for yr detail reply.
I can't do IUI this cycle, my body got no egg to release, the LH surge is a false alarm (expected) . it seems clomid works for you everytime. I will increase my dosage next cycle and if it dun work again I will go to injectable dats wat doc suggest, he say he dun 1 to burnt my pocket.
