Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

tks, I'm started clomid already, this time round I have zero side effect. HMM.. this make me wonder if is working.. last time i took clomid 50mg and my follicle did not grow at all, but my lining is thin.

I really dun have much faith in clomid.

Good lor u dont face any side effect at all tis time round.JIA YOU...........
Me so long nver take clomid already.I rember 4 my case alone clomid my body also cannot work out 4 me,I must have clomid+purgeon then work,but also fail in so many times of IUI.

Tendering today? well, my personal opinion again is if can tahan, tahan until dec, go for IVF, take 2 weeks' mc, go back to work for another 2 weeks, take awc, then pack and go.
Anyway, since u have made up ur mind, all the best to u yar?
u may wanna start thinking wat to do next, cos staying at home can be quite boring and can set u thinking too unnecessarily. Occupy urself yar? All the best to ur IVF!
In fact company all t personal data I del most already + clear all my stuff,look like going to R.O.D. but t true is still havnt throw in my letter yet & me so kan cheong of packg my things,buay tahan myslf.
Serious when dont have family tat time,vy firm n seow sha of tender,got family must think tis & tat & must plan nicely then can throw in.Now I still dont have child really got tis type of thinking plus my tat hubby even thg said support me but t true is he dont support me at all 4 tendering.
Anyway tis round I vy firm already of tender.
No lah I still havn't tender yet.On 1 hand really got t chong dong 2 tender & on t other hand really dont wish to let go my aws.

Sori all t jie mei meng.During tis 2 mth really need u all 2 keep telling me & nag at me often.
I really dun think there is any rush to do it. Frustrations can be managed emotionally, cos no matter what job you go, there tend to be politics. Why forgo the aws?

Sorry if you dont mind me saying, but you are not preggy yet, so you will be bored. Frankly I wish I can work too, but becos of 2 losses and my cervical problem, I am fearful cos the stitch is not 100%. Its not just the money but the sanity.

I think I shared with you too. When I came back from maternity leave in Jan this yr, the big bosses became v cold and keep anyhow change my job and didnt make things easy. She try to use all sorts of mtds to get me out, including stressing my small boss and not allowing us to take leave from Jan - July (using work exigencies as excuse). But I still endured thru to at least finish the treatment cos its even harder for you to take the 2ww leave when you go somewhere to work.

When I lost the baby at 6 mths last yr, I also tot of quitting immediately to ttc, but I know I will be worse off, most importantly, you will feel unoccupied, lost and stressed pple around you, so if you have such focus in mind, then you can continue working, no matter how bad the env is.

Your leave is not worse off than mine. I took 10 days HL off early last yr due to ectopic pg, then
1 month HL due to cervix followed by 3 mths maternity in 3rd quarter, excluding 2007 those 2ww, injections, checks & etc.

So my heartfelt suggestion is for you to tahan until u finish IVF and rest and concentrate on pg. Its good you start packing now, cos you will have less to do later. Sorry for being v frank.
hi happy,
I plan to do IUI just with clomid first, for puregon
is SO-IUI I guess. will see how my body react with the clomid first , if really cannot will go for SO-IUI.

It seems like everyone here really try hard.
I'm not a fighter, the first time i took clomid was more than 9 mths ago, 50mg i'm going to faint le. And also, I had spotting for almost 1 week for unknown reason. After dat I just i stop trying.
Somehow recently, I have the courage to try again.

with all the advise, suppose you should just tahan a bit longer...for the sake of $ and also keeping yourself occupied as one tend to think too much when too free.


i see. today is day what of cycle? i suffered from the side effect around 3rd day of the medication.

so now your evil big boss must be happy that she has finally gotten you out.

have u decided which offer to take up?
today is my cd 5, day 4 for my medication. last time i got the side effect around 3rd day of medi too. this time hmm...nothing.
Thank Curl althought u words is frank but really wake me up,no matter how tough is tis 2 mth,I will still loon until aws then tender.We works becos of $$ especially 4 us need ever more $$ than normal ppl.Hahahaha......
I know my situations is not as worst as u,I also dont wish 2 spoilt my reput when I resign.But on other hand I really buay tahan I work & work like a cow end out all credit tat idiot who talks,play stocks get all t credit & big increment,while 4 me slot so hard & nver get appreciated.

Come in often & u will like us got full of courage 2 fight 4 it.
I also once lost my courage last yr when I lost my bb.

Great that u decided to loon till u gotten aws! Well, 2 months very fast one! Try to take things slowly and manage ur emotions (like wat curl said), u are coping well with fertility treatment, u can tahan all the needles and drugs, so why let the env factors affect u? Hang on, pal!

keeping fingers crossed

hopefully, the clomid works for you this round. i confirm need puregon as my lazy eggs never grow when on 100mg. can't take 150mg as i'll suffer from side effects...also, don't think it will work that well.


that's good! u can always come in here to complain and release your frustrations. time flies.
Hi Jac
No worries, hope you dont mind my frankness. I understand the reputation thingy. We all have pride and want to do well and leave nicely, but 2-3 mths wont make a big difference.

Work is like that, at some pt, you dont feel appreciated, but sometimes its the other way, meaning that boss likes you and you get everything, so I believe its cyclical. So matter where you go, there is this chance of not being appreciated. Also, sometimes bosses like new 'toys' too, so they are nicer to new pple and old ones get forgotten. I believe your frustration is partly becos of wanting to manage work well and trying to have a baby.I know its not easy and we already recognised the fact that we are 'different', so just face it and do it lor, bo bian.

Of course she is. But at the moment, I am putting myself as priority. At times, I still think of her f*** face and feel like punching her and pulling her hair. I believe the world is round and what goes around will come around.

I am still undecided. Ex boss v kind, has offered 30% increase in pay somemore but all my close ones scold me and say I shld not even take the 1% chance, so I think it will be a no. Anyway, boss is v kind, she didnt press me but say if I not ready, we can look at it next yr May after I deliver and she will keep a role for me.

I may take up a 3rd option which just came. This allows me to work from home on a part time basis to kill time.

Are you looking forward to your holiday?

Actually you need to watch if you are on 50mg clomid and have lining thinning already. I was on 150mg and it didnt thin until I use continuously for 3 mths. I chose to switch to injectables though more expensive cos it 'preserves' my ferility.

But i believe Dr Foong knows the best. Ya man, you will be surprised how strong woman can be when they want a baby
. Good luck for your IUI!
Yr ex-boss vy nice lor can wait 4 u 2 retn.
Yr hardwork yr ex-boss can see & appreciated.
Yap is not easy 2 handle work + infertiltity 2gether.Especially when ages catchg up.
hmm... jac, wat u say reminds me of wat my ex boss mentioned to me during appraisal time... not to expect too much cos i need to take leave to do ivf and other fertility treatment... i felt so upset when i heard that. That's why, i dun think it is advisable to tell companies that we are doing IVF and will be taking leave becos of that. Some nasty bosses will just use that as an excuse to pull u down...
I learn my lessons last time,so tis round I not going 2 tell my boss abt it just said go 4 appendix(which Curl teach me).hahahaha........
My stickening boss vy 2 much,u know tat time she keep on pestering me 2 inform all my colleagues abt it,so tat they will suport me.Luckily tat time I vy firm I never let any Kpo colleagues know abt it.Even dont get t answer fm my mouth,ppl also can gossip & guess wat going on 4 me during last 2ww or maybe my tat boss already told them abt it.
happy, the confinement lady come back for 2 weeks to help look after lor. Now my lunch and dinner is well taken care of.. Wahhaaa.. Better than having my mum ard. My mum only make me do more work.

Jac, i pay same rate as the confinement period lor. Cos she have to do housework, marketing, cook and take care of baby mah. Anyway only this once. I also don't have the life to save this kind of money. So no choice lor. Not me good life leh. My girl good life.

Glad, I thought it's not recommended to take clomid for more than 6 months. Will cause cancer???
I hate the side effects!

Chloe, when your babies start teething huh? Mine is drooling alot! Then the aunty say it's gonna rain so baby blow bubble. I also feel that her temper and mood not very good recently. keep wanting people to carry her. wonder izzit teething but she only 3 months today so will teeth so fast meh??
Hi Chloe
Yes, I remembered what your ex boss told you during appraisal too, that time you were v upset with the little increment and etc but u still push on, now you have 2 wonderful baobeis

Hope u dont mind, I guess in a way at least he is frank and tell you not to expect much. My that big boss pretend to be v nice but try to kill u in other ways. Bear in mind, I didnt even tell her abt fertility treatment. I think if I tell her I do IVF, she may plant a bomb to sack me.

I think its a taboo in the spore culture to 'take leave'. Actually I am sure you agree with me that except for those days when you need to rest, other days, you are as effective, if not more productive than many other colleagues. So I think its unfair to give such a statement.

Not really 'wait' for me but she forsees another role that she can give it to me next year. Meanwhile, she gets someone internal to fill the current vacant position.

yah. u shouldn't return to work now. yr ex-boss is indeed very nice. well, u can always take up the 3rd option now if the load is not heavy and join your ex boss next year when u r ready next year.

enjoy your freedom now
I dont know is it I sensitive or wat.Tat idiot make life difficult 4 me.She told me my way of doing is different fm her must follow her style & askd me 2 redo everything fm 1st Oct onwards.I really buay tahan,of course diff ppl do things different mah,cannot just accept mah.I loon....................
glad, opps.. sorry. I nv got back to clomid since it doesn't help.. After all those terrible side effects, only give me one pathetic follicle. Then after that, clomid doesn't work for me already. Need to enhance with injection.

Jac, I think my mum won't be going on holiday for a long time. Maybe another 2 years? The next time I hired this aunty might be my next confinement. Hopefully will conceive easily with the FET. Or else I don't know if I will have the courage to do another fresh cycle or not.

Well, u are right lor, we are just as efficient. Although i take leave for IVF but i deliver my work, so wat's the big fuss? Anyway, i am glad that episode is over, and i am truly enjoying my job now. My new colleagues and boss are easy to get along, and it is only in my new job that i could really appreciate good team spirit
The prob with us is that we have a lot of mental burdens on our heads, and it is really a challenge trying to balance things up.

wan, my babies start teething when they were about 6 months old, and that's considered early already. However, i also heard of babies who are borned with teeth! Teething at 3 months is very early, but not to worry lar, it is ok. The first teeth will be the 2 front teeth at the lower jaw.
Good 4 u lor at least u no need 2 do t injectn at all,anytime can start yr FET.
Me think abt it all t injectn suddenly feel phobia & yacky,no choice is it t only way out.
Tell u I do until so pek chek & go & take MC & go dentist just now.Dentist is real 1 I got wisdom tooth problems,just had a x-ray & need 2 go bk 2 c him next wk & he will advise me need t op a not.Aiyah waste money again.
Good 4 u lor at least u no need 2 do t injectn at all,anytime can start yr FET.
Me think abt it all t injectn suddenly feel phobia & yacky,no choice is it t only way out.
Tell u I do until so pek chek & go & take MC & go dentist just now.Dentist is real 1 I got wisdom tooth problems,just had a x-ray & need 2 go bk 2 c him next wk & he will advise me need t op a not.Aiyah waste money again.

congrats! u might be going for 5 days mc..hee..

i'm a real expert...i've got no more wisdom..haa... my last extraction was done in national dental centre. can use medisave at that time...
U ding dong 1 I suffer u still congrats me.hahahaha......I know wat u mean.hahahaha.....
I nver extract my wisdom teeth at all,still 4 more in my mouth,Aiya,y my wisdom teeth now then give me problems,only 1 teeth,if tis round extract 1 still got 3 more 2 go.

I nver work 2day so got plently of time 2 chat.

har? u on leave?

wow. u r so full of wisdom
so when r u going to extract? one thing to take note. when u r back at home after the extraction, no matter how sleepy you are, do not lie down to sleep. the blood will keep flowing out like that. got to sleep in a sitting position.
Call in & take leave.2day my boss treat us lunch mah 4 her birthday treat,cannot eat becos of tooth & gum pain plus having slight gastric pain,so eat snake lor.Anyway u know lor xian of tat so find some excuse of restg at home.
since u r expert of extract yr wisdom, I need to know how pain it will be, going to extract mine soon, my tooth grow horizontal.
Chloe, I think maybe mine is just granny sick. She seems to be fine already. I'm really worried abt teething cos i heard they might get very difficult during this period of time.

Jac, I also don't know if I need injection or not cos I cannot ovulate myself. Or need a long time before I ovulate even with clomid. Maybe need to take a little bit of puregon? And confirm need HCG jab. After that still got the killer progesterous jab leh. But if strike, I don't mind having the killer jab. Nv strike then no need that one lor.
Yr bb really grows vy fast,just blink blink t eye yr ger already 3mths old.
Wow if yr ger grow teeth at tis stage really consider vy fast lah I heard & saw most bb grow teeth around 8mths onswards.
Wow yr ger now full of actions,t most fun 2 play with.

At least u confirm tat u no need 2 do lucrin & puregon wat,tis 2 jabs already cost a bomb already.

and u rather use yr leave. aiyah! could have passed u the series sooner then u can glue yourself in front of the tv today


yr's should be lower tooth is it? diff ppl got diff tolerance level. my last extraction was on both top and bottom at one side. it gave me headache but was bearable.

do drink some honey (sugared) water before the extraction. hee.. i always remember during my very first, it was on the upper tooth. i was scared and maybe coz blood sugar low, i trembled so much that the whole chair and the light (attached to chair) shaked...heee.. then, the dentist got to stop the procedure, got the nurse to make me honey water. after i stopped trembling so much then he starts again. but, his skill also not too good as he took a long time to pull my tooth out.
Jac, I see her everyday so I feel time pass very slow leh. Now she still only 3 months..
She might be teething now but the first teeth won't come out still 4 or 5 months. They can teeth for very long time. Today she not so much saliva.. But it's still going to rain leh.
Where got fun to play.. So time consuming leh.. NEed to look after her 12 hours a day. No time to do other things lor.
Lucrin and puregon still not so painful. Only first few days pain only. After that it's like taking medicine mah.. hee hee. My worst fear is the kacheng jab..
yah, is my lower tooth, i did not have prob with the uppper 1.
abt my pain tolerance hee, I guess i need pain killer for a few days bah..and will drink honey for sure

If tis is t case,then y u need 2 do FET so fast,u talk rot lah.hahahaha.......
As long as she is sleepg,u can do yr own thing or nap 2gether w her wat.Sometime u do not need 2 glue w her 12hrs right?She can play herslf.

Ya I agree kacheng tat jab is t most unbearable but we did make it,so bottomline is either lucin,puregon or progestone jab,is not a problem 4 us.Wahahahaha.......

Pls faster go & do t wisdom teeth 1st cos I heard tat once u starts IVF treatmt,is no good 4 our system.
