Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

Jac, I going tomorrow for the 8 week scan. Cos next week I going overseas so I have to adjust my injection day.
I think dr forgot all abt the picture for you to keep. It's free leh! so must remember to ask him on your next visit.
I apply stretch mark cream on most of my body so still not so dry but my tummy grow alot of hair. Like hairy men already~! UgggHHH~~~!!!

Jac, just back from scan. My god! the baby is so big now. Can see legs and hands already. But the head looks very big like alien. hee hee.
From the scan picture, there will be your EDD on the top right hand side.
There is an ang mo myth, they say if your baby's heartbeat is less than 160/min then you will have a baby boy. If more than 160/min will be baby girl. Mine is 171/min so I think mostly girl already. Sianz... no retirement for me.
Wat is EDD? Vy fast u really in yr wk8.Don't worry sure u got a boy so by then u can retirement already.
Me really cannot walk at all or sit so long,if not t stain will bk again.XIANZ........
Jac, EDD is estimate due date. Mine is in 22th july. I hope the baby doesn't come on friday the 13th!!
The staining still there? I think curl is right abt once have it, it will keep coming back. I think your baby just wan you to rest and not go to work or stress yourself. Since baby wan it this way then no choice lor. Now haven't come out already like gold. Wonder if we will spoilt them. I tell my hubby, i confirm beat the baby kaching next time when he/she come out. Make me suffer so much. Hee hee. Then my hubby say, if I really bear to do that he won't stop me.
If 20th July good lor.Just rember 2007 represent all dd,mth & t yr.hahaha.......don't know will I fall on tat dd.
At least yr BB vy good nver give u any major problems,me give me so much problems plus I thk if successful delivery tis BB,will be my 1st & my last.
So is it wk 8 then can know & scan t EDD,then wat is my case is less than wk8 then how?
I also vy hairy around my tummy,I already so hairy plus now preggie t hair even more darker.
Jac, If fall on 20th july also very risky leh... cos high possibility will give birth a week early then suay suay kanna friday the thirteen.
Who says mine nv give me problem. I can't eat at all for the past few days. Very very sensitive to smell and food. I lost weight lor. I can't even drink water and my urine turn out very very yellow. Dr say it's bad for me and baby, he even advice me to force myself to drink. Sian!
I look at my 6 week scan picture also got the EDD date. Anyway you will be having your scan this week or next week right? remember to ask for the picture by the end of it.
HOw come will hairy hor... Dr say my wound for the lap will also darken as the pregnancy progess. Wonder if can shave or not... Scarly the more you shave the more it grow!
My hubby always scoldd me tat I waste food.I told him wat 2 do is not I don't wan 2 eat is becos recently when I c food,make me feel sick,but vy funny when I ask my nephew go bk my mum place & packet 4 me then I got appetite 2 eat,but cannot everyday send my nephew bk n take food mah,not nice I stay at TB my mum place at Bukit Batok.
I just wonder how come Dr. can 4get 2 pass t photo 2 me plus I visit him so often.
Vy xian my whole body vy dry tat day told u only my hands now I realise around my stomach also,seem like whole body also.
Jac, you haven't apply stretch mark cream huh? therefore your tummy is getting dry also. me now only leg dry cos I nv apply the cream there yet.
Me also cannot eat. Everytime after food will feel like vomiting and have to force myself to keep it in. sianz... why don't you ask your hubby to go to your mum's place for dinner with you then you can enjoy food everyday and don't have to 'mafun' your nephew.
you always make appointment during peak hour izzit? me always make appointment on weekdays so lesser people and dr got more time for me. I realise he will take his own sweet time when the next slot is empty. he even print the pic on the last visit and explain to me and my hubby.
I start to look fat already. Even I nv eat much now. Wonder izzit cos I nv exercise anymore and I always sleep sleep sleep. Alot of friends comment that I'm looking plump. So worried that I will look like pig by the end of everything.
Yestday went 4 checkup.I really vy sad & worried,my BB is not growing well.Now wk7plus heartbeat shd be 160 but my only 108.I really vy scared 2 lost tis BB,I know my hubby also feel vy sad but he nver show it 2 me not 2 add in more scared & worried 4 me.
Hi Jac Horse

Really sorry to hear that, but not all is lost. At least there is still heartbeat. Sometimes it does pick up on the way.

What did Dr Foong say? What's his opinion?
Then 4 my case my BB is it vy critical.Tis few days worried until I really cannot eat.
BTW chk w u did u ever encounter vomit until cannot swallow saliva at all,t saliva keep on throwing out instd of swallow in.
Jac, as long as got MS means baby is still growing well. I think heartbeat is not so important. Maybe your baby sleeping at the time of scan so it's not as fast.
Did dr say that it's bad or give you more medication?
Actually the normal fetal heartbeat should be abt 120~160. So yours only a little low. Don't worry too much. Another 4 weeks will be pass the critical period so 'ren' for a while more only.
Hi Jac_Horse

Actually I really dunno cos not gynae, but i do hear that at initial stage, heartbeat is a 'gauge' of its growth, but like Wan say, the heartbeat is not that low.

Worrying is unavoidable but have to manage emotions. You must be strong for the baby inside you.

As for the MS and cannot swallow saliva, I have no such thingy as I basically do not have MS. However, my own mother is like that. When she was preggy with my elder sis, she vomit her own saliva, cannot even swallow and when she go for movies, she has to bring a 'cup' to spit her saliva, otherwise she will vomit.
Curl, how's your cycle going? In your 2 weeks wait now?
I always have very bad hot flushes when I take clomid. And I hate the taste. Always make me puke! You are lucky this is a cold month at least won't feel much of the hot flushes.
Shiok woman when u will going holiday?I really so envy of u can go holiday,me don't say holiday short distance is a problems 2 me also.
But anyway I still worried abt t BB heartbeat,as wat Curl said now worried 2 much will harm my BB,I will take both of u advise 2 be more strong at tis time.

So when u start u cycle?Really hope u also in yr 2wks wait now.So t chinese sinseh & gynea did they give u any advise a not,like yr body like is suitable to conceive already.Rmber must "BU" alot if not yr body still so weak.
Hi Ladies

Thanks for concern. My body the 'same' after delivery. I still react well to clomid and have a follicle at 17.5mm on Day 12 on thurs, so I think will ovulate latest yesterday. However, the egg is from the left this round (where my ectopic happened), so just try naturally but chances low cos tube is partly damaged unless the right tube goes over to pick up the left egg which is possible but extremely rare.

Dr say this round is to 'kickstart' system again and see how it goes. TCM has cleared me totally and say I am ready, can do whatever I want, be it injection, IUI or IVF and he will still give me herbs to help. So hubby and I Baby Dance naturally this round cos chance not high.

Dr will be more aggressive next round and add in some injections, hopefully to boost > than 1 follicle and from both ovaries, then maybe will do IUI lor. That was how I conceived the last round, so am still waiting for AF to show end of the mth and go more aggressive. By then, I will have 3 complete mths of rest already, so more than enuf.

But frankly, dunno if it would happen again like last round. Woman like us just have to wait till neck long for our baby to come.
Jac, me not going for holiday leh... my hubby going for business trip so I follow him lor.
Have to endure the long coach ride.. sianz.. Next month I going BKK again! This is holiday for me. Hope can get some cheap maternity wear there. Anyway wear a few months then throw already so buy cheap cheap one will do.
YOu really shouldn't think too much. Just rest as much as you can.

Curl, Do you inject HCG on thursday? I think 17.5mm is very small. I remember dr only give me HCG injection when my follicle is abt 20mm and bigger.
You nv take injection before right? Do you wan the puregon pen? I can lend you then you won't have to buy a new one which cost abt $70. Pai sei only can lend you cos I scared I might need it for future use. Let me know and maybe can arrange to leave it at dr's clinic with angeline and you pick it up from there.
Out of S'pore also consider go holiday,u tis woman vy greedy.By then u make take care cos now u carry BB.I saw my pictiure scan my EDD around 28/7/07.Really hope 2 have healhty,smooth 9mths.

Don't thk so negative,sure God will heard our prayer,will sure 1 day grant us a BB,we of course not so easy 2 have a BB like other ppl,tat y now I realise tat t more hard we have t more cherish & treasure we will have unlike normal ppl who can conceive so easily.

BTW don't know how is Chloe & Puipui now.Hope both of them r fine.I thk Chloe is going 2 reach 7 or 8mth already is it?
Hi gals

It's been a long time since i last posted. i have been reading ur postings though and i am so glad that jac_horse, wanbb and ondine have conceived!!!

Jac_horse, i understand wat u are going thru now. Now is not the time for u to worry too much. Make sure u rest well, and i am sure things will turn out to be fine. Trust me, u are in good hands. Dr Foong is a good doctor, and i am sure he will do his best for u and baby, just like wat he is doing for me.

Curl, dun be disheartened. i am sure ur wish will come true next year. Trust the doctor, he knows wat he's doing.

Some updates on me and babies. The last few weeks had been a traumatic one for us. i lost one of my sons in week 30 due to IUGR. At week 28, he was only half the weight of his siblings. He was in distress and the only way to save him was to deliver all the babies straight away. However, that would mean compromising the other 2 healthy babies. After discussing with Dr Foong and a maternal fetus expert, we decided to let this baby take his chance, hoping that the situation would improve and he could wait till at least week 30 to be delivered. Unfortunately, my little one din make it. He passed away in week 30, there was not foetus heartbeat by that time. At week 31, my water bag burst and my surviving twins had to be delivered.

i am now under confinement, but i make it a point to visit my twins at the NICU regularly. Losing one of my sons is a blow to us, however, we believe he should be in good hands now. We have always regarded him a brave fighter. He managed to survive till week 30, despite his sickly condition. He has given his siblings a better chance of survival by sacrificing himself. He will always be in our minds.

Well, enough of the sad news. Time to carry on with life. Wat's impt now is i still have my twins with me. They are 1.3KG and 1.7KG at birth, one boy and one gal.

Dr Foong has been a fantastic doctor all these while. We are really fortunate to have him. If not for his help and support, i am sure things would be more traumatic for us.

i may not be posting so often, cos i will be rather busy visiting them at the hospital. Will prob update u gals again when things start to settle down.

Christmas is round the corner. Here's wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May u have a smooth delivery and for Curl, i am sure ur dream will come true soon.
Hi Chloe

Really nice to hear from you! Was thinking how you are. Dunno if you have time to read the old postings. I had a healthy pregnancy until week 20 where my cervix gave way! Didnt know I had incompetent cervix. When I had the cerclage, was already dilated to 8 cm. The cerclage managed to hold for another 3 weeks and I had to deliver my baby at 23 weeks. AS he is v premature and though he survived in NICU, odds against him are too high, so we let him 'go'. And I think you were after me for a cerclage. Think Dr Foong after my case was quite shocked and when you show signs of effacing, immediate surgery is given. Totally understand the trauma you went thru. Most impt, like u say, you have your twins with you. Is Dr YY Yip your pediatrician? He also handled my case, and you can trust him too, v good pediatrician for premature. Chloe, 30 weeks is quite safe, just make sure you visit them, give kangaroo help and etc. ALso, lots of good books on how to handle premature baby, grab them and they give good tips. Library got a lot. YOu take care and keep us posted okie.

Thanks for infor. Yah, 17.5 still small, but dr say it will grow and ovulate next 2 days. No, no HCG jab given. He allow me to have a 'natural ovulation' cos its on the left egg. ANd yes, I do have the purgeon pen. I bought it last round, cos while I react well with clomid, Dr Foong wanted to boost both ovaries, so suggested injections and true enuf, have 2 eggs and I did IUI and conceived the last round.


How have you been? Any more bleeding or has the bleeding subsided?
When are you seeing Dr Foong again?
I really so happy 2 recd yr posting.I keep on askg t gals don't know how r u,as long as yr twins is delivery safely,yr worried can ease unlike us worried tis & tat.Once again Congratulation 2 u having a "long feng tai"

Me now every wk must go bk clinic & chk & scan,Dr. said now must watch closing on my BB,while 4 bleedg fresh blood nver(touchwood 1st) but t stain everyday always have.
Hi Jac_horse

Good that Dr Foong is helping to monitor you closely. And I think the weekly scan is good, at least put ur mind at ease. I remember my first pregnancy, I also very eager to see him every week until he say he will see me 2 weeks later type.

If its stain (brown/ dark red) left, then its ok, it prob means old blood. I will have that for at least 2 weeks following a fresh blood bleeding incident.

You still working? I suggest you take some no pay leave and 'an-tai' at home. Afterall, its really very precious baby
I cannot affort 2 take no pay leave now just work 1/2 day everyday.I also intend 2 take no pay leave but my boss voice like not so happy.I know 4 our case BB is vy precious 2 every of us.
Hi Gals
I got 1 sad news to announce,2day Dr.confirm my BB 1 wk behind t normal grow & confirm is abnormal pregnancy & advise us 2 have tis BB abort.
Is really a blow 2 me,my tears every min every sec just flow dwn.I really vy sad y God like 2 play fun w us,like as wanted kids so much & yet we r not given,given but taken away fm us.Tat type of pain only us will know how painful is it 2 lost our own child.
I really don't bear 2 go 4 abort the BB now tis BB got his/her own heartbeat,is vy unfair 2 end his/her life.I really loss in words 2 descible exactly how I feel now.
Thk 4 all t sisters here fm beginning until now all t support,I will disappear fm a time being hope I can recover back soon.
Sorry to hear what happen. There must be another option. Is there any chance that you can keep the baby? Must really consider all options. Or maybe you wanna seek a second opinion?

Two cuties! Congratulation! Do rest well during this critical month. I heard confinement period is very important to a women. Your future health will depend much on how much you take care during this month.
My dear Jac_horse

I am really really sorry to hear what happened. Did the doctor say why? Can you monitor for a while more before deciding to abort?

What I can say is for you to stay strong and look forward to your next FET. Quickly recover and ask Dr to help you do the next FET. Dun be despair, we all know not all first tries are jackpot, but u shldnt give up now. At least you have me with you now on the ttc journey.

Take time to heal and come back on the thread again when you are ready. My thoughts will be with you.
She will have to do a fresh cycle in future. But it might not be so bad cos fresh has a higher chance. Fresh cycle is better than frozen ones. And even when we have frozen embryos, we cannot be sure if it will survive the thaw process.

Jac, I agree with curl. Hope you can monitor a while more before deciding.
You really need to be strong, calm down and listen or thnk abt what dr says carefully. Maybe you only capture the certain things and miss the others.
Hi Jac_horse

So sorry to hear about ur baby... i understand how u feel. When i was in week 28, the baby which i had lost was behind growth for about 3 weeks, and only half the weight of his siblings. i had the same dilemma as u, whether to keep the baby in my womb and let him take the chance or deliver him in week 28. i chose the first option cos all my triplets are too prematured at week 28, esp the one who was not growing well. No one could tell whether he would be borned abnormal, and it would not be fair for me to compromise the other 2 healthy babies at that time, so the harsh decision to let him take his chance, which subsequently, led to his demise...

u really need to consider very carefully whether to keep this baby. Prob can monitor a few more days and if really got no progress, i think it is good to come to a decision so that there can be a closure to this matter, and u could carry on with life. Bear in mind that it would not be fair to baby and urself should ur baby be borned abnormal. It is a lifetime matter which u really need to consider very very carefully.
Thk 4 yr gals all t comforting words.Me now beside just can pour my sorrows in tis forum who else I also don't wish 2 c,don't wish 2 talk cos even don't talk tears also roll dwn so no point of opening my mouth & talk.
I promise hubby cried 1 solid day & 2day will start all over again but I can't make it,in front of him I must control my tears of not let him worried 2 much 4 me but my tears still rolled dwn.
I thk I really cried 2 much which make me had terrible headache plus I feel my body not comfortable at all,I thk baby know I going 2 abandon him/her,tat y he/she now inside protecting it.

When u lost yr son,how u manage 2 tell yrslf of not going 2 let yrslf fall into depression.Me vy poor in managing my emotions.
Hi Jac_Horse

Its quite hard to not fall into depression, in my view. I had many rounds of it. Just when I tot I am better, I sink into it again. Its just a v tough and traumatic journey and all sorts of things will come to your mind.

But on the other hand, you tell yourself the only way to get out of it is to conceive again, so you just need to be strong, take care and be ready v soon for the next one. At least you have conceived, some pple try like crazy and cant even conceive, so you just have to think v positively ahead.

As for hubby, dun give him such '1 day' promise. Let your emotions flow, otherwise its harder to recover. Tell your hubby its part and parcel of griefing and you may break down anytime, so ask him to just be prepared and dont over-worry.

Now it has been almost 3 mths since what happened to me and I think its 'slowly' coming back to normal. Dun rush yourself to recover, please take time and dun bury your emotions.

Please post whenever you feel like, will try to come in more often and offer advice.


How are your 2 premmies doing? Do remember to rest well too though you need to go to hospital and see them everyday.
Jac, don't cry anymore. It will make your body weaker. Sorry don't really know how to console people but all is not lost, there is still hope. When is your next appointment? Things might be better then.
hi jac_horse

It is difficult not to feel sad, cos the baby is part of u already... i still think of my little one occasionally, esp during the nights when things start settling down... My twins kept me sane all this while. And for u, ur motivation should be to decide when to close this chapter (prob after observing for a few more days) and start working to conceive again. If u think of it positively, u manage to conceive thru IVF, so chances are, u are very likely to strike again the next round. Dun lose hope yet, must persevere ok?

Curl, my babies are still in NICU, so far they are ok. They have started feeding on my milk, hopefully in a day or two, they can reach full feed. Can't really rest well, cos need to go hospital to change dressing and visit my babies. My wound is infected and ganna lots of discharges, so need to change the dressing everyday.
Me no appointmt t only appointmt is 2 fix t dd w Dr.to abort tis child.
I really vy dilemma now,scared 2 end t child life now cos he/she still got heartbeat,it really vy unfair of it.If I don't end the child life,scared when he/she born out,I bring more suffer 4 him/her.
When seeing t show abt how great t mother born their abnormal child out 2 tis world,I will scold & scold & said y got tis type of mother willing 2 give birth the child even thg know after t child born out will face alot of suffering.Now my turn & yet I loss.
Hi Jac_horse

Sorry that I didnt reply earlier, something wrong with my hubby computer, I am using my own now.

Frankly and no offence, with Dr Foong's optimistic approach, and if he suggest you to abort, my feel is that even if you choose to carry the pregnancy, it may just stop growing on its own. Dr F always try to sustain until he cannot, but if he suggests that, may be better for you to do it soon, so less damage to womb and thus faster recovery.

Perhaps to give yourself a chance, you can seek an alternate opinion. Remember Henry Cheng, the gynae + foetus abnormality specialist that Pui Pui visited? Perhaps you can asked for a scan and seek his opinion before you make the appt with Dr Foong to abort the baby. Just tell the new gynae that you were told that this baby has no chance but you would like to seek alternate opinion before deciding what to do next. This may give you and your hubby more peace when making the decision.

There is another gynae, Ann Tan from Mt E, I think who is also a specialist in foetus abnormality. You can also seek alt opinion from her.

Keep us posted. Meanwhile, please stay strong and keep pushing yourself to look forward and dun allow yourself to be defeated.

Good to know that your twins are doing great! I am so happy for you. I will be starting my cycle again in Jan, hopefully can succeed this round. Oh, you kanna infection, must be v painful. Did Dr Foong say why? Must be really painful for you. Yes, please keep it clean and change dressing, you dun want any 'backend', better cure it and get it under control.
Chloe, so your babies fee will be paid by the insurance company for that IVF we undergo?
Please take care of the infection and watch your diet. Anyway, is childbirth really very painful? Me just curious. Alot of people say once you see your baby/babies, you tend to forget the pain. Izzit really so amazing? Sorry so many question to ask you. heehee.. when you free then ans also can. No rush.

Jac, I search the net but cannot find anything much abt your situation.
Maybe you can find another specialist example those curl mention and ask abt the chance of a normal baby. It might not be as bad. Then you can come to a better decision.
For my opinion, I dare not say it's 'unfair' to the child if you bring it to the world. At least you gave him/her a chance to see light, hear things, breathe the air... You nv know what his/her decision might be. So it won't be fair either way. It's a long term commitment. Therefore it will be best if you and hubby reach a conclusion together.

Curl, Next year is golden pig 'jing zhu' year. Hope you suceed in january and carry a golden pig near year end. Wish you luck!
Thk 4 t opinion & I think no need anymore cos I ask hubby 2 book appointmt 4 me already to wash away tis BB after Dr. reply my queries.BB had already stop growing since t scan.Is rather sad thing but life still must carry on.
Dec all t long is my favourite mth but now become my saddness mth in my whole life.Me once a while t tears still flow dwn but compare t last 2 solid day cry,cry become lesser.I believe time will heal t wound.U know fm year rooster hope can have a dog bb & fm dog year hope 2 a pig BB,like t dreams will not come so easily.
hi jac_horse

Dun be disheartened, i am sure u have a good chance to have a "golden piglet" next year. u did conceive under IVF, so ur chance is there.

u are right, time will heal the wound. Take care.
hi wanbb

i had c-section, and becos i am having multiples, the cut is longer than the normal ones. i find it painful in my case, so painkillers are a must for me. And it is true that whenever i see my babies in their ward, i tend to forget the pain. Prob becos my attention is diverted. Yes, part of the charges, can use the insurance that we bought.
Jac, you still can have golden pig! Don't be dishearted. At least you know you can conceive and next time you have better chances also.
I have a friend who failed her IVF for 2 times already although there is no problem with herself or her hubby at all.. She has almost no chance to conceive already. As for you, there is still many chances. so you must recover faster..

Time will heal the pain, bring the sun, dry the rain...

Chloe, you are a very brave women. The other time when I undergo my lap, Only 3 small holes I also pain like hell. Imagine a big cut on the tummy. Hope u recover from the infection soon, just in time for babies to come home and divert all your pain away.
hi wanbb

i am sure anyone who wants to have children will do all they can to have them. Whether it is 3 small holes or a cut on the tummy, we do it willingly to fulfill our dreams of parenthood.
2day is my saddness in my life cos 2day is my abort day.Pray 4 me hope soon I will find my direction again.I still feel lost everyday tears will drop dwn 4 nothg.
Jac, be strong. There is still a long way ahead. Therefore you have to recover soon. We will always be there for you when you need a listening ear.
hi jac

i'm sure it is not easy for u at this moment. Like wat wanbb said, be strong ok? i will pop by occasionally to see how u are getting. *hug hug*
hi all,

i am just 7 weeks pregnant, at a lost of which gynae to go to.. but i got preferance to let my bb b born in Gleneagles cos' i like the hospital's name, sounds pretisge, n heard their staffs r nice n friendly, can recommend a list of those good gynaes from Gleneagels, males or females is ok. Thanks

I understand how you feel. PLease be strong and have a good rest over the long weekend. Before long, you will find the courage to try again and fulfill our parenthood dreams!
Sausagemuffin, I'm in my 10th week now. Have been with Dr foong since 6 months ago to prepare for this baby. he is very gentle and very nice guy. Since this baby is 'created' by him, I just stay on with him and nv explore ard. Anyway me and my hubby also very comfortable with him so no point looking elsewhere. Doubt we can find a better dr.
You need to find a dr fast for your scanning to check for the baby's heartbeat and development. 12~13 weeks we have to go for test(for baby) already.
hi wanbb,

thanks for ur advice.. tat's why now quickly hav to find 1.. is he very experienced in stiching etc? who is the top/most popular/best recommended gynae in gleneagles? is it Dr Foong onli?

hi jac,

sorry to hear abt ur story.. i almost hav threatened abortion 2 weeks ago,admitted to hospital, also in the midst of abort away the bb but miracle happened when the bb suddenly grew again.. i understand tat kind of feeling of losing the bb.. be strong n must move on ok...
some Dr from other places also can come to gleneagles for delivery. Not only the current dr in GE then can use the rooms there. But you definately have to check with the gynae first.
I only have 3 tiny hole for him to stitch the other time. This question can ask Chloe better.
hi sausagemuffin

i feel that whether hospital is prestigious is besides the point.
Wat is more impt is that u get urself a gynae whom u are comfortable with. i find this impt esp in my case cos mine is a high risk pregnancy.

i'm not sure about other doctors in gleneagles, can only give u my views about Dr foong. He is a good doctor, very patient and encouraging. i'm not a person who can be easily convinced, but he managed to convince me many times cos he is able to give logical explanations to wat he's doing. So i stick with him for my pregnancy.

Not to worry about stitches cos most gynaes are well enough for that. Are u going for c-section? If u opt for natural delivery, stitches should not be a concern to u.
i had c-section due to multiple pregnancies. From wat i observe, my friends who go for natural delivery tend to recover faster. i would recommend c-section only if there are complications to the pregnancy, cos it takes longer to heal like in my case. Anyway, just my views regarding c-section, a gynae should be able to advise u better on this.
Happy gynae hunting!!

hi wanbb

wow, time flies, u going for NT scan soon in week 12? Scans are very impt cos can monitor baby's development.
Glad that u are not skipping any!!
