Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

I had finished my IUI process. Went for scanning earlier, not all eggs ovulated, only a few ovulated. Maybe doc want to keep track how many eggs actually ovulated.
Jac, I going for 5 days next tuesday then come back. Dr told my hubby that cramp during this period of time is very normal and most women will experience it. Abit angry why they cannot squeeze my appointment in today or wednesday. At least don't have to wait and worry for so long.

Angelbee, You stimulate how many eggs in all? Actually you can see the eggs being flat after ovulation. You can ask your gynae so she/he can point it out to you.

Typ, he got point out to me.
6 eggs in total. Ovulated only 3 Hopefully 1 egg make it happening will be good enough.
Is it true tat after mc is vy hard 2 conceive again? During tat time did u try 2 bu bk yr health a not.my mum make me vineage pig trotter to drink.During tat time wat tonic u drink,do u mind share w me at least I know wat 2 take 4 my tis small confinement.
4gotten 2 ask u during yr mc did u bleed many days a not,me bleed until 2day abt 15days still bleed,it is normal 2 bleed so many days.
Not true to hard to concieve once your have mc. Alot people still conceive after they have their mc. Of cos I 'bu' my health, else my face look so pale. I bu alot, took it after menses stop. beside vinegar pig trotter...yummy my favourite. I also cook black chicken with DOM, fried ginger pork, fish, daily brew hearbal drink, dang shen + red dates + bei qi, dang gui etc

Are you still doing your mini-confinement? Do you want the reciepe for black chicken, it really good.

I think for 1 week only. I dont know if it's normal to bleed so many days. You can call and check with your Gyane.
Thk u so much I really need t black chicken reciepts,I thought of boilg tis sat & not sure abt t reciepts.Me just boiled on sat t herb & tonic & drink,not much bu at all I feel.
AngelBee, hopefully your bloating don't stop as pregnancy will contribute to it. 6 eggs with just clomid is a very good result. I remember only getting 2 egg after 3 puregon injection. With so many eggs floating ard, your chances will be so high. Update us the good news asap. So all can be happy for you.

Jac, I heard people in their confinement drink red date water and milo instead of plain water. Must really bu during this period. Your future health depend how you 'bu' back.

Do you have slow cooker (dian zi sa bo) at home? Reciepe at home, i will send it to you when i reach home. as well as other herbs and tonics. Do you still feel tired? If yes, might be not enough 'bu'.
I also heard tat.During t 1st wk after t wash make alot of red dates to drink & later just drink plain water,u know lor working where got time 2 make red dates or dang shen 2 drink.
Any idea must really bu 4 how long then is consider got bu.
I heard fm sinseh sayg tat once u pass 3mth must drink alot birdnest to bu yr BB.Have u stock up t birdnest 4 yr BB a not?
I really die lah since after t wash everyday is like insominia 2 me.I can sleep but will sure wake up in t middle of t nite & next day always don't feel like wake up 2 work.My hubby said I already get use of not workg tat y my system also don't work already.
So 2day do u still face any cramps a not? Yr stomach can see already a not?
Jac, I think at least need to 'bu' for 2 weeks. I think the longer you bu the better lor. No seafood for at least a month. Or else might end up infection.
Ask your mum to make the red date drinks lor. then you can store in fridge at home.
I got birdnest at home. but always no time and forgot to double boil it. Very lazy leh. And my mum also dunno how to do it for me. Dunno why is she there for! kaoz.
You haven't got used to working yet. that time rest very long so now have to go throught a transit period. Very soon you will get back to normal. Don't think too much.
Still have cramps leh. but nothing serious. My stomach still cannot see. I think maybe I keep losing weight and not eating well. Must wait until i recover then got appetite.
U vy naughty dare 2 complain yr mum.hahaha......
If u lazy 2 cook birdnest just drink t instant 1 lor,of course cook yrslf is better.Me also drink instant birdnest.
U know I really cannot tahan my tat MIL.Got brain ppl also know tat after mc must bu bk t body cannot drink liang stuff wat.Tat day my MIL cook liang cha & bring over 4 us 2 drink.She insist me 2 drink t liang cha,me told her I don't wan 2 drink.My body already so weak & still askd me 2 drink liang cha.When a women after abort,mc or givebirth,t body is t weakest,tis type of things she also don't know or do it by mean.
Sometime I hope like u stay w yr mum or stay around her,at least sometime will cook dinner 4 me or help me 2 make some tonic/herb 4 me 2 drink.Me stayg alone w my hubby,tat y I only can make tonic/herb 4 myslf on wkend.I only go bk my mum place 4 dinner on Thur,Fri & Sun.All days packd bk & eat.
My mum not very traditional good mum. She need us to take care of her more than she take care of us. Imagine she nv do housework or even cook in the family. Other people mum will cook 'bu' for their daughter, my mum wans me to cook the birdnest so that she can share with me. kaoz. Nv cook for me still wan to share my food lor.
I heard the instant ones are not very good. cos got perservatives. So I nv stock up any.
Wow.. your MIL abit extreme. Must warm up your womb rather than cool it down.. Then your hubby nv explain to her?
T worst is my tat typical hubby will nver help me 2 answer bk t mum at all,tat y sometime vy angry of him.Funny lor where got tis type of MIL still exist.

My MIL never how to cook 'bu' tonics but my mum's do. My MIL also dont know what is liang and heaty, she more any moh style. Mostly i cook the tonic myself. Sometimes, I will count in her share as well.

Cook bird nest taste better. I dont like instant ones. WanBB, take bird nest in the middle of the night for best results.
Jac, Maybe like angelbee's MIL, your MIL also ang moh style one? but if she ang moh style how come she will cook liang cha for you????
My in-law side also nv 'suggest' to cook bu ping for me although I'm with their first great-grandchildren now. At least my own grandmother talk abt cooking bu ping for me in later stages.

AngelBee, You so good even cook for your MIL. Last time I used to count everyone in when I cook bird nest cos it's a gift from supplier. Now I pay my own bird nest then I nv really share that much.
My friend working in TCM shops tell me to cook during mid night then wake up at 4am to eat! he say for maximum effect. I nv really did that but I eat before I sleep..
I buy 'cui yan' - cheaper. So everyone can eat. My MIL also good to me mah. I also used to wake up at 2am to eat. then go back to sleep again. Find that it's disturbing my sleep so I just take before I sleep.

My tummy bloated till so obvious that people started to ask me. I just tell them it stomach wind. U think people will believe?

Maybe your MIL is that kind of half know half dunno kind.

Almost forgot about the reciepe.

There you are : -

1 black chicken ( go market to buy, ask them to remove skin and cut into 4 to pcs)

DOM 150ml
water 150ml
Gou Qi Zi 1 teaspoon

Put all these in a slow cooker to cook for 3 hrs. Drink before sleep.

Or you can brew these drinks

red dates
dang seng
gou qi zi
bei qi

3 bowl water to cook into 1 bowl
use small flame to cook for 15 mins. then simmer down the fire to even smaller flame for another 30 to 40 mins will do.

You can put it in the fridge, make it warm in the day.
Both of u so nice will cook original birdnest 4 everybody 2 drink,me vy selfish just bought instant birdnest 4 myslf 2 drink only.I thk must learn fm u all buy some original birdnest cook 4 my family & drink.
Since yestday until now my abdomen cramps until now,t worst is walk or sit 2 long can feel t cramps even more painful,don't know wat happen.Since yestday nite nver sleep properly 2day nver go & work.

Yr in-law side also vy funny,if it is t case tat u carry is t 1st grandchild they shd be vy gan cheong wat.Anyway just don't bother of them,at least we do our part.
Sori my MIL vy typical type like tat type of wang ah ma!!!!!!!! but I po chap her as long as she don't step 2 my tails I try 2 ignore her.Vy bad lor I know,wat 2 do I just feel tat cannot get along w her,4 t sake of my hubby wat 2 do.
So how yr checkup 2day,did Dr.said anythg at all.

U vy lucky not many DIL can get along w t MIL.I vy scared bei qi tat smell after boil already t taste vy funny vy swan.
Are you still having your menses? Why dont you give a call to your gyane to find out more information.

You can obmit bei qi if you dont like the taste. You can put dried longan, they are good for soothing your nerves to have better sleep.
Me having my review tis sat so I thought still can tahan.But since yestday beside t cramps & still have heavy bleeding also,don't know is it internal bleeding now a not?Later then call & chk.
AngelBee, I think it's a good regarding the bloating! Hopefully you won't recover by next week. Cos if you gotten pregnant, the bloating will be worst. Maybe you can take some ginger water to ease it first.
I have a friend working in Fu Hwa TCM so I can get some discount for the bird nest. I also heard can buy 'cui yan' but nv try that. Izzit really much cheaper? I bought at $240 for 'yi liang' of xue yan. Izzit very ex?

Jac, you no time mah.. therefore nv cook the original ones.
When is your next appointment? if your cramp continue, you better visit dr soon.
Partly also might be cos, your hubby is only child, therefore she got nowhere to divert her attention. All attention will falls on you and hubby mah.. My hubby live in a big family and now with no parents ard, i dunno is lucky or not.
I also feel angel very lucky lor... I nv heard of DIL can get along with MIL. Mostly all fights and quarrel in the family. She must have a good temper.
I going for my appointment now. hopefully the cramp is nothing and Dr can scan an ans out for me. talk abt it, the cramp comes again. sianz!
Much cheaper, I bought at at $110 at 'yi liang' . that one is 'guan yan'.

Have you called gyane? Quick call and asked what causes it to happen.
only $110! Like that I can buy 2 liang for the same price. But how's the 'kou kan' like? Can feel the bird nest? My friend told me those 'cui yan' also has same effect as expensive birdnest but only the 'kou kan' is different. Maybe next time I can buy 1 liang to try.

Jac, me just back from dr. Nothing is wrong leh.. Everything still the same. Guess I'm just making myself worried for nothing.
Not much patient for Dr today. Think it's the best time to call him.
No lah Dr.still vy buzy just calld betty said Angelina is vy buz will call me later.My cramps really killg me.Until now I still havn't go 2 t GP clinic & take mc yet if still don't go I thk tml must deduct fm my leave already.

U like expert of everything,make tonic/herb u so well know,now talk abt birdnest u also know 2.Me everything also don't know,always get t instant info fm u all.

Tml u fly off already take care & enjoy yrslf.

Great to hear that everything is OK for you.

I think 'kou kan' is different bcos of different grade. I might be wrong. You can check with your friend who work in medical hall. I think usually people take normal bird nest instead of xue yan better ask your friend before you eat. To my impression not everyone can eat xue yan.

Can take panadol to kill the pain? Otherwise how can you 'tahan' the pain? Aiyah, my mum always make tonics and herb for me and I also read books about herbs, then ask people working in medical hall when i buy things from them.
You must really go and cook black chicken, it really bu and good for your health.
Jac, you go GP after dinner also can. Confirm can get MC one. don't waste your leave. Tell the dr you pain until cannot walk therefore need to wait for hubby to come back home then take you to the clinic. Last time I 'keng' MC then the dr don't give me, my hubby go in and threaten him say if anything happens, he will held the dr responsible. Ha ha ha! In the end, the dr give me MC. So gangster hor.

I nv contribute any recipe. I only know how to boil birdnest. My friend say must double boil and cannot use slow cooker or else the goodness inside all gone.
Tomorrow reach there also midnight already. nothing to play. Sat morning must chiong for the local mini 'you tiao' with the super sweet tea. SHIOK!

Angelbee, my friend say xue yan is for women cos we lose alot of blood every month. More good for our skin.. hee hee.. Then the rest I forgot already. Next time I go there then ask again.
Then how much discount u can get.If can get better discount maybe can buy together w u next round.hahaha......
T cramp is really killing me,t clinic still havn't retn my call.Me go GP & take mc already,tat clinic I went vy the loop.Tat clinic can go & take mc if really face sickness will kill ppl.
Not much ppl know how 2 cook birdnest like u,u really look like a rich tai tai.hahaha......
Maybe xue yan is good for poeple for normal people.When pregnant body is different. Better ask first. Hears people say take birdnest only start from 7 months onwards. cos too much birdnest will make the bb skin sensitive. Dont know true . Yes must be double boil.

What tea is that? Tea liang leh... Actually i also want to go BKK this fri night, then bcos of the bombing, i change my mind.
Jac, I think I buy 1 liang($240) in the end also pay abt $200+. The discount should be abt 10% only.
Did dr call you back already? Izzit infection? better dun let your guard down.
I used to put the birdnest in slow cooker but my friend say i stupid then he teach me how to double boil. Slow cooker will melt the birdnest.

Angelbee, i also not sure. I only know must eat birdnest then the baby skin will be smooth and nice. Nv ask when must start to eat. I know cannot eat orange and drink cold drinks or else baby will keep having coughs.
It's normal milk tea. Cannot drink? Recently I also got drink during cold weather. I book the tickets last October so no choice, die die also must go.
Wan, Also cant take mango. will cause the baby to have bad complexion. This is true, i see 2 cases myself.

Normal milk tea is made from english tea which is liang. better dont take. Alot of things can take lah. Just 'shi ke er zi' dont take too much.
I thk right now u at BKK.Me having terrible bleedg,half an hr can overflow t pad & calld up t clinc & manage 2 slot me in 2day 2 c Dr.
Yes I having infectn & given antibiotics 2 take if by sun still bleed so heavily must do another wash again.
Sometime think y God nd 2 test me in so many area of suffering,be4 detect positive,in out hospital,after detect positive face alot of bloatdness & bleeding,finally lost my BB & wash away,I still facing problems after losing my BB.
I thk I going 2 collape soon,happen so many things at a time.
Jac, Did the doctor say what is the cause of infections? Didnt he give you antibiotic after your previous D&C?
It;s make a person stronger when they encounter different obstacles. Most importantly, learn how to handle and solve it. Dont take it as the end of the world. If a person in whole life is smooth sailing, they might not able to handle failure.
Be positive and look at brighter side. You will get well soon. Take care!
AngelBee, lucky I nv take mango cos it's heaty to me. I love english tea leh... then chinese tea can take?

Jac, I having night flight. My goodness bleed so much! how is the visit today? Maybe you need to rest in bed then won't bleed so much.. You poor thing.. Infections is very common after such procedure. Must finish your antibiotics and watch what you eat. Better cook porriage at home and dun go out eat. Cos you dunno if they mix anything inside their food. Rest well okay..
Wan,i asked alot of people they say all tea are 'liang'. But i quite doubtful lor. Then those Englishwoman have habit of drinking tea does it mean that they stop drinking tea after they got pregnant.
My bloating seems to have subsides, or i have adapt to bloating tummy. Think this will fail this time. So SIAN, have to go through the whole cycle again. I just hope for mircale to happens, who knows i might be wrong.

Has your infection subsided? V worried abt you.


Think you shld not take bloating as a cue... perhaps you can check your temperature? When are you due for 'testing'?
I never take body temp. can i start to take now? take every am only right. normal thermometer can or not? what will be the temp like if i am pregnant and not? will be due for test this sat.
Mmm.. if you havent been taking, a but harder. But generally, if your temperature remains high (eg 36.8 & 37 degree) at Day 14-16, there is good chance.

Normal thermometer will do.

Is this your first IUI? Did Dr Foong say what are your chances?
This is my first IUI. I am not with Dr Foong. Gyane did not say chances of getting pregnant.

Read some information on-line about taking body temperature. I have a question. What if in the middle of the night needs to go to toilet, will the measurement be accurate?

If you dont mind, could you tell me more information. Did Dr Foong talk about your chances on last iui?
HI AngelBee

Toilet in the nights are ok. Just make sure when you wake up, try to not move and take temperature (so you need to put ur thermometer in a convenient location).

As for IUI, Dr foong will tell you abt your egg size and no of eggs, your lining for implantation, whether you have ovulated or about to ovulate, your hubby's sperm quality and with such 'conditions', he will give you an estimate of success. Typically, its 20-30% chance every cycle to conceive.

My Gyane all these information only that he did not give me estimation of success.

I think i better dont give myself too high hope. Otherwise, disappointment again. Wrost still next month my hubby will be outstationed. Around the day of ovulation. Miss out a chance again. If there any way where I can delay the ovulation?
Hi AngelBee

So what infor did you gynae give you? Did he tell you your lining thickness, egg size, sperm count & all that? These are indications of success though.

I think you can take some medication to 'delay' your period and thus your ovulation, but it cld also mess up your system a bit. Talk to your gynae abt your hubby's schedule and he shld be able to work around it.
Hi Curl,

Gyane told me the egg size, nos. of eggs, lining thickness. IUI was perform in 12pm, mentioned that I should be ovluating around the same day - evening. He also explained that quality of sperm improved after washing. Other than that didnt say much, perhap he wasnt too positive for my condition or he dont want to be over confident. Just ask to me test on CD30 if AF didnt come.

OK, I just wait for things to happen. Nipple and breast starts to sore now. It should be AF sympton or pregnancy sympton. Keep my fingers crossed.
Dr.Foong give me some antibotics 2 subsided & it worked temporary,if by tis thur still got some bleeding then must do 1 more wash again.Dr.Foong hope tat my system will do t job instd of doing another wash again.
I heard tat do wash continueous will make t uterus more difficult 2 heal & take even harder 2 conceive,is it true.?
I thk Dr.give out of me already,u know y I askd him after t wash must take how long then can tried again.he told me abt 3 mths & if tis round do another round of IVF,he will paid more attention on my pregnancy instd of how 2 let me get preggie.I told him I still nd time 2 heal I still havn't get over yet,then u know wat he said,if u don't come & c me I also will be vy happy.Don't know wat he trying 2 hint me,anyway when I c him recently I always daydreaming & just cannot concentrate of wat he told me.
I thk I will not have any chance 2 get preggie again,cos my hubby said will not try another round of IVF,just try naturally.& I pretty know tat tried naturally will nver strike at all,if can we no need 2 go 4 IVF at all,both of us got individual problems.

Is a good sign tat yr nipple & breast starts 2 sore,don't always think of t negative side must have some confidence abt it.2day is day wat?Keep us posted.
