Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

Jac, Izzit? no protein then will become forgetful? I bought powder milk to drink at night. seems like all mother to be is drinking milk at night so I also go buy. Hee hee..
I always got cramp on and off. Is your cramp from one side only? Very severe?
I keep getting gastric pain when I nv eat for long hours. Belly itchy when I bloated that time. Now okay alread. Heartburn I encounter it a few times but not that bad.
my boobs abit sore I think it's normal bah. Cos of the hormones.
My cramp is always 1 side which is on my left my blocked tube there.Vy worried!!!!!!!
I heard tat if belly itchy cannot scratch it must gentle roll on t stomach & now must starts 2 apply stretchmark cream already.
Wat milk powder is suitable 4 mother 2 be,I still havn't go & buy & drink.
So have u started 2 talk 2 yr BB already,I believe they can heard our voice.Now I make my hubby be4 I sleep must kiss our BB.hahaha.......Let him experience & share a life in my tummy.Cannot imagine if lost them how will go crazy a not?
Jac, I also have cramp on the right side. I read on the net that it might be the ovaries producing hormones for the pregnancy. Therefore they cramp at times. Dr say only after 6 weeks then will have symptoms of ectopic pregnancy. You just pass 5 week so don't think is ectopic. Don't worry too much anyway very soon will have scan. I bought the nestle non-fat hi-calcium milk. It's enriched with iron and folic acid so I think should be quite good for us.
Jac, today actually book appointment for rebonding but in the end cannot go cos angeline say cannot do rebonding, treatment, colour, perm.. what also cannot do. Only can cut hair. And worst of all, cannot stay in the salon for too long time cos many chemical inside. Kaoz. I going to turn into a 'huang lian po'.
Luckily u canx yr appointmt during tis 9mth don't ever thk of need 2 get beauty like colour hair/perm hair or even do anythg chemical on yr hair is harmful 2 yr BB,now doing facial I also dare not 2 do anythg temporary.
Is a fact tat most hubby went out flirtg is during wife get preggie maybe they feel tat is t right period of having flirtg around some hubby will vy supporting 2 their wife during tis period.
Don't worry I believe our hubby will not flirting around during tis period cos our pregnancy is not easy they will cherish us more.
Like yestday my hubby told me advance be4 tat yestday nite he need 2 go 1 new disco place open by his friend,I just said ok lor & nver ask more,then he feel vy uncomfortable & ask bk me y I nver ask him go w who,wat time coming bk etc.anyway 2day he still make an affort of getting up & send me 2 work.I thk during tis period trust is t most important thing but still need 2 keep a vy close eye on them.
2day my hubby broke a new 2 me sayg tat his company might be sending him to India for abt 6mths maybe in Jan onwards.I tell u I said ok 2 him but cannot imagine when he not around how?dont know how t arrangement.Like during tis period I need ppl 2 take care of me,wat if sleep until midnite & legs cramps no1 is there 2 massage 4 u,t worst is wat is I sick then how?alot of things 2 thk abt it.I thk if he really need 2 go India I thk during tis 6mth will shift bk 2 my mum place & stay.
Jac, Ya lor. I also agree with you. This period of time really very risky. Moreover we cannot BD with hubby and we changing physically. Some dick itchy guy might just go and have some fun outside.
My hubby has been having more activity of his own after I got pregnant. I feel very uneasy but what to do? I always suay him. "wah recently only after I got baby then you got many friends hor?' You know lah he got bad record one. So Very hard for me to give him lots of trust.
Huh... if your hubby goes to india then he won't be there for your scans, consultation and when your tummy slowly grow big... Can't he tell his boss you are pregnant. Hint them that he cannot left the family at this point of time.
He just join tis company is not nice 2 reject.I told u thought of shifting 2 part-time,I thk now thk only cannot thk already.xianz...........
U right when t tummy become bigger & bigger will tend 2 need him more,moreover if he not beside me how?Vy fan!!!!!!!!!
2day rush & rush like a mad woman like tat just cannot stand tis type of life when now preggie somemore.
In fact vy vy buzy still cannot stop myslf log in & complain 2 u.hope u don't mind.
While 4 yr hubby if u feel vy uneasy u shd c him more tightly & closely even thought u preggie,sure tat a way.Treat him more nicer,guy r all t same like 2 pamper 2,so no matter how tired we r we still need 2 care 4 them,pamper them.Free then teach u a few tactics.
Jac, if you shift to part time job, time will be more difficult to pass. If your hubby really go over to india then he won't be seeing the growth of baby/babies. imagine going for scaning all that alone. very poor thing leh.. Hope his boss don't send him there.
Today first day of month end closing. you busy another few days then can start chatting and relax again.
Yesterday went cut hair, my stylist ask me don't eat orange leh. He say baby will have lung problem, example cough all that, in future. I everyday also eat one orange now must change to apple.
I thk yr health is better than me.Me cannot walk long distance plus after tat day got bloodstain I even dare not 2 walk so far at all,even sometime when my hubby cannot come & fetch me bk after work I will take a cab bk.just imagine fm CK tang to orchard MRT t distance already vy long 4 me.
2day when 2 t clinic Dr. said my BB heartbeat just starts 1-2 days only,it really melts my heart when dr. show me tat tis is my bb heartbeat.
,even can c t heartbeat still must really c natural fate c whether t BB will grow a not,tis is wat Dr. told me,tat make me even more worried.

How come my is different fm u,Dr. nver tell me my BB heartbeat per min & also nver pass me anythg abt t scan photo at all,don't know is it becos 2day is sat vy buz so all t procedure change.
Just feel abit moody.U know yestday my hubby show face 2 me sayg tat I keep on askg him 2 do tis & tat,if I can do tis & tat I will do it myslf already,no need 2 ask ppl 4 favour,he said I don't care abt his feeling at all,he already damn tired & bk still need 2 heard my instruction.I am tat sort of ppl hate 2 ask ppl 4 favour,now ask ppl 4 favour u think will make me happy,I feel even more sad cos everytime must trouble ppl.If I not preggie sure will quarrel bk w him already,but now preggie I just walk off & went bk 2 my bedrm,I thk tis is wat ppl said 4 t sake of my unborn BB.
I thk after tat he feel bad still do t housework 4 me even though he damn tired but t bottleline is I still not happy.
y recently he got short temper just becos t pregnancy both of us need 2 adjust our lifestyle.

I thk y Dr. always treat my case not so optimism always will tell me 2 prepare 4 t worst.Got pro & con at least he ask me don't put on so much hope on it when fail I would fall until so terrible.

We only 1 wk different,I thk when both of us give birth abt t same timing.hahaha.....
X'mas is around t corner,2 bad 4 me no x'mas shopping if not shop until seow.
Jac, Maybe your bb heart just start pumping so he nv tell you how fast cos not accurate? So you scan one or two? The scan picture is angeline after the consultation then pass me one. Maybe she forgot to pass it to you. Monday you go for injection and ask her. Very touch to see the heartbeat hor... so tiny.. Then it's something foreign from your original body. Can't imagine it will grow so much in the next 8+ months.

The problem with you and hubby is both of you still not ready for the pregnancy. Like me and my hubby. We also very caught up by what is going on. The changes in me and the changes in my body. I keep feeling I'm fat and unattractive since now I can't do anything much to maintain myself. Then I make him very tired by asking him to get me breakfast every morning then at night still wan to eat supper. I also became very suspicious of him. I can call him many times during office hour. Luckily, he still can ren my behavior.
Really have to sit down and talk with your hubby. Can hired a part time maid to pack the house. This will lighten the burden on your hubby. Of cos you also must give in abit and not be too demanding on him. This is a critical period for the family (hubby, you and baby). Don't let him have the thought of staying out better than going home.
Go shopping also cannot buy clothing or else wear a few times then cannot wear already. The first day of my 12weeks I wanna go buy the maternity wear from topshop!
1 heartbeat only,1 already so happy abt it we will not greedy of askg 2 much cos wat we went thrg is not like normal ppl anytime can get preggie,we nd 2 do injectn 4 t whole mth & during 2 wk wait suffer like hell & now worried like hell,as well as we havn't pass 12 wks we will still full of worried.
Don't worry abt us,when we walk 2 tis IVF path,we already prepare alot of changes in our lifestyle,we really hope 2 have our own children & now God give us tis opportunity,we will cherish wat God had given us.
Maybe preggie woman tend 2 have mood swing often & hubby at tis point of time just cannot adjust so fast.

U also don't give yrslf so much suspicious on him,it not good 4 yr bb.
Oh yes y don't u try out injectn in GP clinic,I realise tat injectn in GP clinic,after injectn 1-2 days not tat painful as wat Angelina inject 4 me.maybe u can try out & compare.
Pls lah no shopping at tis point of time,we must rest more
frankly speaking I am tat sort of ppl cannot sit till must always look 4 things 2 do 2 occupy my time & now must stay at home doing nothg really don't get use 2 it.
Jac, my hubby say he got a feeling i'm having a girl.. Me also have same feel cos my skin getting better. My friend told me if it's a baby girl, the pregnant women will receive the women's hormones so her skin will be more radiant and smooth. If baby boy, the pregnant women will turn more 'ugly'(example skin not that good) cos of the boy hormones. I really hope it's a boy... what abt you?
Good that you and hubby already okay. I think sometimes they(the guys) need some time alone or sometime to adjust to the changes in our life.
I read from somewhere that it's best to take the injection at your gynae cos GP might not be trained to administrate such injection. I also don't know much but anyway if go angeline there, I can ask her question for free. Hee hee..
U not I heard is opposite than u.If u get prettier is boy & if u get ugly is girl.Don't know wish is wish.We shall c lor.U keep thkg u wan girl & yr true will come true of wanting a boy.
I realise my skin vy dry don't tell me got bird bird.I thk we cannot contact 2 often if not u attract mine I attract yr.hahaha........Just joking.How can I don't talk 2 u u t only 1 tat I can pour everything 2 u.

Now t most important thing is we pass tis 12 wks dangerous period & then thk abt it.
Hi Jac_horse & WanBB

So cute to read your postings
. Actually, personal experience with my boy pregnancy, think I looked better, stomache v nice and colleagues say my skin radiant.

I also heard girl, mummy more ugly
. Actually as long as baby is healthy and normal, any sex also can. I remember everytime I go scan and tests, my heart pump like crazy one.. v scared dr say something not normal abt baby...

enjoy your pregnancy gals!
I thk is vy true when preggie tat time when u get more pretty u r carryg a boy.So around how many mths u will realise tat u get more pretty?

As wat Curl said maybe u r carry a "bird bird" which will make yr dream come true.

Me come bk again no appetite 2 eat all at maybe due 2 my gastric.
U know 2day I went off 6plus our deadline is tml,when 1 of my colleague saw me going off vy mean of askg u finish yr acct already.I don't her havn't I not feelg well so nd 2 go off.If I feeling well of course I will stay & do la.
Jac, very sick today. This kind of feeling like in a boat with storm outside. I think this should be MS? Can't wait for baby to pop out!
My leg skin also dry leh.. but for tummy and upper body I apply stretch mark cream so it's still okay. I think the medications makes our skin dry.
Your colleague still so mean... Different dept one right? why she so bad?

Curl, how are you? getting gear up for ttc?
Hi Jac_horse

Actually started looking radiant say abt 16-18 weeks then, just before the 'tragedy' happened.

In fact, I didnt look pregnant until abt 18-19 weeks, I could still wear all the normal clothes & maternity wear all v lose.

ACtually, I find v hard to find colleagues who will 'understand' our fertilty problem. They sometimes pass v insenstive remarks. Thinking of going back to work is q xian to me too.

AM having my period right now and started on clomid already this round. So I will go back and scan my eggs D12 and see how this time. Dr say since I have a delivery, body is 'reset', so see how the old dosage of medicine will be. U know sometimes woman who delivered body hormones can change q a bit, hopefully its for the better for me. I intend to try 'naturally' even if I ovulate this round, dun intend to go for IUI.
I think most 'normal' people will gossip behind us. And those people are usually women. Men seldom gossip that much about such issue. If they say sensitive things just one ear in and one out lor. Ignore those Ignorant people.

I heard after a delivery, the women body will be very fertile. Maybe it's the womb? Easier for embryo to attach themself?
Better no IUI, or else need to spend $500 more. Ask your hubby to work harder during that period. don't miss the 'golden egg'.
How r u 2day,have yr sickness gone already.Me since yestday until 2day my gastric given me problems & feel like my tummy funny 1 plus no appetite 2 eat at all.
Did call Angelina 2 help me chk w Dr. whether when I were in hospital t gastric pill can take a not,I heard tat now preggie must vy cautious of t medicine.
As wat Curl said gettg prettier might be carry a boy so u got chances don't despair of it.

Is normal tat after restg so long don't intend 2 work at all,if I am u I also don't feel like workg.Like me every nite cannot sleep well or most of t time countg stars & when I fall asleep already morng must get up 2 work.Plus in t office always heard all kind of insensitive remarks,1 word 2 describe vy qian,wat 2 do.Becos of money,if don't work where got t money 4 my fertility treatments.
So u will remain using Dr.Foong or u instd 2 shift 2 another gynea?
Jac, I doubt my MS will be gone that soon. Feel so sickening. Hungry but cannot eat. Eat but cannot go down the throat. Sick but cannot vomit. ugrhhheee! So angry lor.
Dr ask me to take antacid which can be bought from the pharmacy. Maybe you can try that. He say will help with the gastric. He also remind me not to take other 'medicine'.
Me already arrange all my injections for the whole month. Cos alot of festive holiday so must arrange first. I'm lucky i manage to escape from one injection. I going KL before christmas so have to take only one jab for that week. Hopefully it won't affect much.
Yar lor. Men normally dont gossip so much... woman sometimes perhaps dun understand why we pregnant so 'troublesome'? Did we exaggerate or what type? Aiya, like u say, what to do, need the money to do fertility treatments, if dun work, where got money. Unless hubby makes $20K a mth!

Likely to stick the Dr Foong due to my history and I think he has some experience handling cervical cerclages since he deal with multiple pregnancies. Changing gynae gotta build relationships again. To be frank, Dr Foong has been q nice so far except that I think he is 'overly' busy, so v hard to get him.
Curl, I also feel Dr Foong is too busy. when I'm at the clinic waiting for my turn, can always hear people make appointment with him. And his side always got patient waiting for their turn. Never an empty slot. Wonder how he take his lunch and toilet break. hee hee...
Yestday having bleeding again,tis round is internal bleedg,Dr.did said at tis point of time my BB can stop growing or abnormal growing if tis happen I must stop tis pregnancy,when I heard tis my tears rolld dwn in t clinic,luckily Dr. said my BB so far so good but my tears still cannot control keep on cryg.
I already having difficult 2 conceive & now preggie y keep on still bleedg which make me even more worried than any1 else.Me must totally must bedrest,lay straight my bkache,lay side way t ovary cramp,now still having t stain.

Wan overall u really vy lucky no major problems,aiyo u still wan 2 go KL,did u ask Dr. can u travel a not?

Just 2 chk w u during yr preggie tat time did u ever had bleedg be4,internal bleedg mean wat,is it my body 2 weak 2 carry t BB or other thing else?
Jac, sorry abt what happen. Don't worry. You will be fine. Alot of women also have bleeding and in the end also have perfect babies. Since dr say your baby is growing well then shouldn't be a problem at all. Go and rest. Don't think too much. I search the internet for you and there is alot of reason why got internal bleeding. Since cannot explain then just don't bother abt it and rest in bed well. Ban you from surfing net and thinking too much!

Later I go si-ma-lu if got pass the guan yin I go in pray for you. I heard buy flowers and put donation will qi-fu. And it's very accurate there. All will be well.
Dr say take coach nvm. If flying then cannot fly too far places. So I think KL should be no problem.
Can help 2 search t nets 4 me wat is t reason tat have internal bleeding during pregnancy.
Do u notice u drop alot of hairs me yes lah.
HI Jac_horse

Sorry to hear that. But WanBB is right. The scan is most accurate, as long as doctor say baby is growing fine. Generally, medically defined, any forms of bleeding during 1st trimester is a threatened miscarriage, so doctor will normally recommend u to bedrest, stabilise & etc until everything ok. Some pple have hormones insufficiency, thus bleeing. For such cases, can do injections to help. But this you need to check with doctor if you lack the pregnancy hormones.

Yes, I have q bad bleeding at week 11 & Week 13, 2 major episodes. Suddenly when I was bathing, I feel something come out from there and when I touch, oh gosh, its gushes of blood! I almost fainted... and dry myself and call doctor. Dr say as long as I have no cramps, just stay in bed, put legs upwards & rest and see him next morning. I assure you it was REAL bleeding, bright red dripping and soaked my night pad within 20 mins. True enuf, things eases off by abt 4 hours later.

Next morning rush to see him and baby was fine, he also say that the internal bleeding is from the womb. However, as the scan shows that there are no 'blood' around the placenta or near the baby, it is quite ok. He thinks its the edges of the placenta that causes the bleeding. You know sometimes our body will produce some extra things and unnecc, so body will expel out....

I let it be and bleeding stop but I continue to brown spot for next 2 weeks until on week 13, bright red blood came again! This time I just bedrest myself and again see him the next day. NOthing was found & baby fine. Dr told me the more episodes of bleeding you have, it will just be more and more lor, so I just let it be. And it cleared off in the next 2 weeks. And I become totally no bleeding until my cervix gave way and that bleeding is signs of labour bleeding as it has mucus in the blood. During that period, I still had to work and run a bit up and down but po pian lor.

I totally understand how you feel, the fear is just there. But during 1st trimester, there is v little we can do but to hope for the best. Sometimes, embryo just fail to grow the way we want. But I believe resting on bed do help. Sometimes just unstable. Also, cos you had so many injections for IVF, so some injections may cause certain homornal imbalance and thus some bleeding.

SHld just listen to gynae and rest well. IF you have severe stomache cramp, then you need to contact him. Otherwise, it may just stabilise after a couple of days.

Keep us posted and be positive.
Jac, I help you search again and found this.

First trimester bleeding is any vaginal bleeding during the first 3 months of pregnancy. Vaginal bleeding may vary from light spotting to severe bleeding with clots. Vaginal bleeding is a common problem in early pregnancy, complicating 20-30% of all pregnancies.

So it's very common... you can relax already.
I heard some girls even have their monthly menses for the whole of their pregnancy!

What curl say is also right. Dr told me before, cos we doing IVF that time we used superfact to stop the hormones in our body. Therefore we need alot of medicine and injections to support the pregnancy. Our body cannot produce the hormones needed for baby.
I also drop alot of hair. Like having cancer lor. I thought I cut my hair then it won't fall so much. In the end now still drop like hell! Non-stop from day to night also will drop hair.
Now I can't even eat more than 2 meals a day. today just vomit for the first time. I guess still got many more to go.
Thk 4 helpg me search t net.Wat u said on my wk5 when I bleedg I already experience it,during tat time I just worried but tis round t worried is different,beside worried plus I know I cannot take t blow tat type of fear,now my bleeding really fresh red bleedg tat make me even more worried abt.Luckily fresh blood gone now left is t dark red stain.
I thought only me experience drop hair.It is due 2 t medicine plus injection,tat make us drop hair.I thought is only after give birth then drop hair.By t time we give birth,we become bold hair.hahaha.......
Now my body feel so weak don't know is it loss blood.

Thk 4 comforting me & share yr experience w us.Now u r 2nd puipui know how 2 comforting us.hahaha.....I agreed tis type of fear only yrslf experience it then u will know how scarely & everyday just pray tat t BB grows healthy.But 1 thing vy strange,I realise tat when I havg bleedg tis tue & now just stain,my tummy totally flat bk plus no MS at all tat make me even more worried,just worried is t BB still around a not?

I think its a good sign that the bleeding has turned brown / stain. It means it has slow down and thats a good sign. Plus I think you have no stomache cramps, so it shld be q ok.

But dun be too garang and start walking around. Just have bedrest, hope that you are on MC.

If the blood turns red again, then just go and see doctor okie. Your baby is still v small, flat tummy doesnt mean baby not there la! As for MS, i cant comment cos I dont have any MS at all. But cos your MS may be gone cos te injections are not as intense.

Sit tight okie.
Jac, me also flat tummy now. No appetite to eat at all. Whole day feel like dying... Seems like getting worst day by day. you better pray that you won't get MS. I wonder izzit me nv drink enough water then will like that. Just now I take off glasses, my hair struck somewhere there. Then many of them just pull off. I was shock that my hair is that weak. I also scared abt being bold.
After postg earlier on after tat start 2 bleed already,3pm 1 time 7 6plus again.When 1st time bleed did call up t clinic,Angelina said Dr won't be coming bk 2day just ask me 2 bedrest,if still bleedg ask me 2 c t other Dr. if midnite still bleed must go A&E.After bedrest tat time my tears keep on rolling dwn again & just cannot stop it.I really so scared now I got 6th sense tellg me I might cannot make it it round.1 day bleed 2 day all flesh blood.Postd again
Hi Jac_horse

Dr tell me the more episodes of bleeding you have, the more it will 'relapse', so dont worry too much. Crucial thing is whether there is any cramp feeling.

If you can survive tonight, see Dr tomorrow morning for a scan to see how things are. Meanwhile, just pray hard and be positive.
Jac, today you went for injection at O&G right? I think it's best that you go to the clinic for injection. Maybe the jab nv shot in the correct place and you nv really receive enough progestone to support the pregnancy? This is just my guess.
Don't cry okay? cos if you cry your baby will feel stress also. Baby is busy holding on tight and growing so don't give baby more worries okay?
Like curl say, go for scan tomorrow and see how things goes. don't worry too much.
Really thk 4 both of u 2 comfort me & support me.Me really like a cryg bb saw both of u t postg tears cannot control & flow dwn.
Me 2day stop bleedg so don't know wat 2 do next.Yestday terrible fear I have bleedg twice a day plus t whole body feel so uncomfortable plus cramp & 2day all gone just feel weak.Try 2 call t clinic but betty said Dr.Foong 2day damn buzy now still waitg 4 his call.
Really next step I really don't know wat 2 do,shd I take unpd leave in t meantime or work shift 2 part-time,now my body xian xian 1 bleedg can come & go vy hard 2 pretict.
Dr. keep on tell me now let natural do t work,I really feel tat he always try 2 hint me something,even my hubby also can feel it.But he always don't tell me t true at least we know next step how shd we go.Wat u all thk?
Jac, Maybe you are very scared now and so very sensitive to dr's words. I think dr mean nature will help clear the bad blood out. Actually he also cannot do much to stop the bleeding. it's up to you to bed rest and take care of yourself. Don't worry too much okay... Go rest or ask your hubby to rent some disc home for you to see. So you won't be so bored.

Did dr give you any MC? If not I think you better take unpaid leave to rest. No choice, baby more important.
Me same as u no appetite at all plus everyday feel neause,tat y make our body weaker & weaker each day.Vy xian every day having tis type of fear 2 pass t day.
Jac, MS is good leh.. I read from a book cos the baby is protecting itself from toxin therefore the mother to be will have MS. Example, we must avoid spices, mushrooms, potato, etc cos they have alots of toxins. I haven't read finish. Tomorrow if I manage to finish the book then I summary abit for you.
When you get better you can go library and borrow books. I borrow 5 books. Fit pregnancy for dummy, Pregnancy sickness, Birth ways, another one can't remember what name. Anyway it's a good way to spend time.
At least u r strong 2 go anywhere u like me like a live dead ppl (translate in chinese)hahaha.....
Now I can laugh 2 u later will not know wat happen.
So wat if u got no appetite 2 eat,wat normally u will take,me now thk of food make me even more sick.How?lay on bed I having terrible backache 7 sit so long I cannot tahan.I realise tat when I try 2 walk 2 bathroom,my below like vy cramp & feel like things flowg dwn,so normally I will lay on bed.VY BORED..................
Jac, I also cannot go out too long. My MS get very worst in the afternoon and evening. Cannot even drink plain water. I bought H-TWO-O and ribena. Now my fav is the sour candy stick. The only thing I don't feel 'er xin'.
I need to go for scaling for my teeth already. I keep feeling they are very dirty and smells very bad when I wake up from afternoon nap. Makes me feel like vomiting. I brush 6 times a day also cannot get rid of the 'er xin' feeling.
Came bk fm clinic not long ago,my BB heartbeat still around,but tis type of fear will have shorten t live 4 nothing.
Y ppl preggie I also preggie,have 2 face such fear everyday.Frankly speaking last wk in t clinic weigh 49kg & 2day weigh 47kg.No appetite at all don't know how t BB get t nourish 2 grows.
Call up my office telling my boss I still bleedg Dr. give me another wk mc,her voice already can tell she not happy at all.
Hi Jac_horse

Good to hear that. Did the doctor say anything aby the baby's growth? IF its ok, then you shld be able to relax now. First trimesters tend to be more unstable.

Dun care abt boss now. Went thru so much to have a baby, just have to give up something now. If need be, tell ur boss you need No Pay Leave till you deliver and cant help it.

Just b aware that cos your keep lying down, any bleeding will be accumlated and once you stand up, you will feel a gush of thing flowing out. Also, a few weeks down the road, you may also have some blood clot passed out due to accumulated bleeding, so dun worry too much okie.
Thk.Is really a relieve when u still can c t BB heartbeat.At usual Dr. keep on mention 2 me now natural do t job.
Me beside totally no appetite at all now c t injectn n must take medicine,make me even more sick of it.

So how r u recently?so when u will going bk 2 work?Just kpo how u spend yr time?Don't know how is puipui,if not wrong she already in her 2wk wait?
Jac, good news for you. So you saw how big is baby now? Must be very interesting. Me still have to wait until next week then got another scan.
Don't worry too much. Your boss is just not understanding so it's not your fault. GOvernment wan us to give birth one... So your boss should encourage it even more.
It's very normal for us to lose weight during the first trimester. Me also no appetite and afternoon feels like dying. hopefully it will pass soon.
Me like scan every few days,so t growg is all abt there,vy tiny as long as still can c t heartbeat.
I also having my scan next wk.In fact is on next sat but Dr.postpone few day earlier 4 me.If like tat I still in 7wks mah?Can c much a not?

If now start 2 talk 2 t BB can t BB heard a not? Curl can give us any advise on it?
Jac, dr told me the 8th week scan will be external scan already. so your scan is earlier or later than expected?
Baby still cannot hear anything now. Cos it's still busy developing it's organ. I think will need another couple of months then can heard anything.

My scan earler than tat around 7wks plus.Don't know wat scan is it I thk is normal scan mah.I curious y everytime after scan Dr.nver said pass me 1 scan photo at all.Tis wk go & ask him abt it.
So u scan is when?
My skin vy dry especially t whole hands & the elbow.
