Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

None at all.

So have u listed dwn t list 2 ask Dr. when u having yr 1st scan.

U mean cannot ever buy maternity clothg 4 ourslf.All my skirts cannot even zip already.Last few days wear dress 2 work luckily got whose casual dress.Just imagine wearing dress all my colleague fm other floor also can tell & ask 1 of my departmt colleague,now t whole world seem 2 know abt it.I thk my departmt might be thkg y I on leave just 2 wk & bk already preggie I thk they know I went 4 IVF I guess.
Have u encounter after t jab both legs cramp until like like having a long distance run muscle cramp,me just a few walk also feel so painful.
2day I work half day thought of going Borders & get some pregnancy book & read but thk only end out will not going cos no strenght 2 walk & cannot stand 2 long.
Since detect positive tat day onwards I realise tat every day poo my abdomen cramp like hell,is it normal 2 have such feeling.
Jac, I haven't list any question cos I also don't know what to ask him. Those questions can ask one I already ask during the last visit. He say 'it's normal,it's normal, it's normal'. Seems like nothing is not normal at all.

You can buy new clothing but don't buy those maternity wear. Maybe like bigger size normal clothing. Buy skirt that can expand. Until 3th month then can buy maternity wear. Anyway now also won't expand as much and slowly getting back to normal.
Must rub on the injected part immediately after the jab. I everytime rub even it's very painful. Or else it will get worst later on. Yesterday I also have the most painful jab of all. I think she hit a vein. Today my bum very painful and kanna blueblack. You better don't go out or else faint in the streets how? Cos recently the weather very weird, suddenly very sunny then rain heavily. We now very weak and might not be able to take it. Better not take the risk. Weekend then ask your hubby bring you go library to borrow books lor.
So how r yr BB 2day? Do u talk 2 them often.Me quite often even at nite cannot sleep will talk 2 them ask them good BB & go & sleep,if they don't sleep mummy also cannot sleep.Seow hor don't know whether they can heard a not & talk so much 2 them now.2day my hubby told me I talk in my dream yestday,I laugh & laugh I told my hubby I know cos I talkg 2 my BB.My hubby said I seow 1.
I really facing terrible cramp around t abdomen there,really wondering is it normal a not?
Oh yes do u have any part-time maid 2 help around u 2 do household.Me cannot tahan anymore I thk I will ask a part-time maid 2 help around 2 do some housework.All t long I use 2 clean t hse until a single dust also don't have,now everything also cannot do,really cannot get use 2 it.
Jac, I nv talk to bb much. Now still not stable I scared if too much feeling for bb will not be good if anything happens. I always look on the down side. Always prepare for the worst.

Dr say it's normal to have cramp cos your womb expanding for the first time so it will have cramp. I everyday also have cramp and it just love to attack me in the morning when I still sleeping.
I nv do housework at home. My hubby pack our room then my dad pack the rest of the house. me only in charge of cooking dinner. But I haven't been cooking for a month already. My mum more 'song' she nv do anything. Just sit and eat and sleep. My hubby say women in my family all don't know how to do housework. You can hire those twice a week maid to pack the house. Or train your hubby to pack?
2day t cramp is really killing me.beside t cramp my both legs muscle cramp 2.don't say walk get up of bed also got problems 2.No matter how I rub t jab area it still vy painful don't know next mon how 2 have t jab again.I thk only both of us complain here apin there pain.hahaha.........................
Maybe u can try 2 take some tom yam soup,hope tat sour & sweet stuff can help u in yr sickness.Me thought I cannot take such stuff cos I got gastric 2 my surprised my stomach can get better after taking tom yam soup.
Typing error - I saying I thk only both of us complain here & there pain.Don't get preggie we worried,now get preggie both of us worried even more.Vy fast next mon is yr 1st scan.make sure must update me yr 1st good news.
Jac, how come got leg muscle cramp? you go jogging? hee hee... I ask angeline can have the jab once a week or not. She say ask dr myself. Next monday then I ask Dr.
I nv like tom yam soup. I don't like sour food cos they taste like spoilt food. I very suay last time work in office the canteen always serve spoilt food. Make me food poison and vomit all that time. So I very scared of sour food already. Sour snacks still acceptable.
I found a nice website. You can go check it out. Can see the baby development from week to week. http://www.i-am-pregnant.com/pregnancy/calendar/week/5
Jogging u must be joking.I realise tat after t jab make my both legs vy aching just don't know how 2 describe like ppl so long nver exercise & after exercise tat type of pain.SIANX........
t jab is 2 make our BB stable so I thk better stick bk 2 2x a wk 4 t sick of t BB.
Jac, me also got that feeling. If nv rub, it will last for 2 days. If rub will last for one day. If apply ice-pack and will kill the pain for a while.
The jab already too painful to bear. Next time BB if really come out they will only make us angry and sad. now we still have to suffer so much.
hahaha.......Tat human so undecisive!!!!
Me vy xian always plan 4 somethg end out chicken out.Like I told u I wan 2 go Borders & search 4 pregnancy book,walk a while t cramp is killg me & ask my hubby come & pick me up.I also thought of later go TB plaza t Eu Yan San & get some tonic herb,I thk I will chicken out again,just 2 lazy 2 walk,scared walk 2 much will got harm 2 my BB.Do wat also no strenght.
oh yes r u crabtree & evenlyn fan,is yes I can borrow u my VIP card,now got alot of cheap & good stuff.
Jac, yesterday very lucky. I gamble with my friends then play 10cent per point also can win $10 back! wahahah.
Can eat herbs meh? I don't dare to eat leh. I only double-boil bird nest and eat. The rest of the tonic I also don't know can eat or not.
You better don't go out often alone. I don't even dare to go downstairs cos recently keep raining then floor very slippery. What if slip and fall? My hubby say wanna bring me go buy the crocs slipper . He say it won't be slippery but I don't like the design at all. I feel it very aunty. Me not c & e fan but anyway thanks for the offer.
Yr BB give u luck.

My bloatdness gone & my stomach flat bk,start 2 get vy worry cos i no MS & bloatdness gone will my BB still around a not?How 2 test?
Yr hubby so nice 2 u.
Jac, my bloating still haven't gone down and stomach still big! how come??? It goes down in the morning and increase again at night. When will I ever get to wear my old clothing back again...
Don't worry too much. Not everyone will experience MS and be glad you are not one of them having them. Ondine can explain how bad it is to have MS. YOur appointment will be next friday right? So you won't have to worry that much. By then can see your baby/babies already. At least your bb very guai.. Nv give you much problems.
Hi all,
Been feeling so bad that I haven't been online much. Dr had to give me a jab to stop the throwing up. So now, still very nauseous but at least can keep some food down.

So we saw the two little heart beats
But Dr said still must be cautious and monitor because sometimes, one stops growing so still a bit worried and have to wait another two weeks to keep an eye on them.

Don't worry Jac, my bloatedness has gone too. And you don't wish to have MS really! It's not fun. I think I eat less than my 5 year old niece!
Congratulatn 2 u.U must take care of yrslf & yr 2 BB.

My apointmt on Sat still got 6 days 2 go.Tml is yr appointmt must updd me abt yr BB.
Ondine, congrate! At least your babies won't be bored for another eight and half months. Can play inside the womb. Hee hee.. Must be very cute to see them together when they grow bigger... Do eat more or else how babies grow right? Don't think abt MS. Don't even mention it. I very pantang one.. So I believe if people ask you if you got MS then you will suffer it.

Jac, Sat very fast come one... But you hoping for one or two? I already bought the stretch mark cream... Hee hee.. Kia su.
Today I see the heartbeat already! So tiny... Looks smaller than a bean. Dr says it's beating at 110 per min.. faster than mine. I read on the net that the early stage of pregnancy, the baby's heartbeat will be very fast becos they are growing very fast.
When see the heartbeat, I feel so weird. Seems so foreign, yet so close... Can't imagine that 'bean' will grow so much in just another 8 months plus. Dr give me a pic after the scan. The pic cannot see anything much.. also don't know what is that.
Tat good,so got how many heartbeat.So 2day nowards can talk 2 yr BB more often.
R u t lady w long hair,if yes we meet at t clinic 2day.
U know 2day after bathg I got blood stain,immediately rush down 2 t clinic w heavy heart,can imagine tat type of worried & scared I have,so scared my BB will anythg happen.
Dr.ask me 2 go another bloodtest 4 assurance,he said tis bloodstain he not worried so much,he most worried is internal bleedg.
Reach home I cannot tahan & tears keep on roll dwn.I really vy worried & scared at tis point of time.I cannot & I also don't know how 2 calm myslf down
Jac, have one little heartbeat. Me is that little girl with long hair. Hee hee.. lady sounds very old. You are that pretty girl wearing dress? Your hubby wearing 3 quarter shorts right? wow. So co-incident! BTW, I have to explain! I don't look that fat at first.

Don't worry abt the bloodstain. Although me not as bad as blood stain but I got pink discharge this morning. I also very worried. But since nv bleed like menses, it should be okay. Don't cry anymore. You cry, bb will scared. Are you at home now? If yes, pls have bed rest. Don't tired yourself out.
U really vy pretty & not as wat u describe "fat",u tis type of figure called fat then I thk tat type of fat woman know words 2 describe them already.hahaha......Hope my image 2 u is not tat old lady.hahaha.....My hubby everyday will wear like ah bai send me 2 work,then he will went bk & bath & change.Yr hubby & u look vy young,vy compatible.
Me spot is not pink discharge,is really bloodstain discharge.Now wait anxiously 4 Dr. 2 called me up regardg my bloodtest,hope everythg turn out well.
We really got so many things 2 worry,1st abt gettg preggie,next worry abt t whole pregnancy,full of worry!!!!!!!Tis is woman I thk.........
Yes I rec'd last wk 4gotten 2 updd u.T service is damn fast not as wat other gals descibe must wait 4 2-3 mths then we rec'd bk t refund.
Jac, wow. you describe me until too nice already. Me really fatten up alot since I stop suprefact. I think it's the protein drink or the bloating. wahaha! now it's the blame game.
You look very elegant pretty type. different from what I imagine. But your hubby really abit 'su say' as compared to you. hee hee...
Don't tell him I said that.
He should look nicer with shirt and pants.
Don't worry too much. Go have a rest. If dr call very early then something is wrong already. Since now so late and he haven't call then everything should be fine.
Dr just now also say to me. If alot of symptoms, then we worry what is wrong with us. If no symptoms at all, we also worry what is happening. If we falls in between ( with some symptoms), we also worry why so little symptoms. Women!!!
Jac, ya lor. I also shock that we got the refund so fast. I thought have to wait until Jan then can get back our $$! Can buy more bird nest and 'bu' already.
Jac, Got to go take my nap. You also go sleep lah.. Put your hp beside you while you sleep lor. I got a very strong feeling you should be fine. Don't worry okay.
I already so sad & u still said I look elegant,I even more sad.Elegant mean proud lah.Me where got look proud,my face 2day full of worried,u nver notice mah.I thk no1 like as will meet in t clinic,both of us really got fate.Wat is yr real name so when next round we got chance 2 meet,we can say halo 2 each other.
Sometime I really vy envy of u,u look so cheerful & easy going,after u know u preggie,since like sleepg 2 u is not a problems but 4 me since I detect positive sleepg become an insomina 2 me.I really worry becos of my not enough sleep will affect my BB grow.Dr. still haven't call me yet don't know how t results.Sori 2day full of complain in tis forum.
Jac, elegant not proud to me. Elegant like very gentle, very si-wen, got study, etc. Just like those rich tai tai elegant look. Proud is arrogant. different meaning.
I only see your face full of pain. Hee hee... I think you just have your injection when I come out from Dr's room. That time I also worry. Worry abt the injection which I have after you.
I PM you my real name. Or else everyone know who I am. hee hee.. then whoever call my name I also thought is you.
Dr should have received the results. I think there's really nothing wrong in the report so he nv call you. No news is good news. If you still very worried you can call the clinic and ask dr to get back to you asap. Or ask angeline abt the result.
I not always cheerful. Actually I very gan chong and always look at the worst side of things. Maybe just now finally have the scan so abit happy.
Hi Wan BB

I drop by here to see how are you... he hee... A BIG BIG CONGRATS TO YOU, finally see the heartbeat, me really happy for you. Not going back to cycle buddies liao, huh?

Hi Ondine

Congrats on your twins, take good care.

Wishing both of you have a smooth nine months.
But Dr. say my appointmt tis sat is a bit early 2 scan scared I might need 2 go another scan again.My exact appointmt shd be next Mon but be4 I book appointmt Betty told me is all right 1-2 days different make no different.
Dr. still havn't call me I thk by 4pm still havn't rec'd t call then call up t clinic & chk.I scared they said I so gan cheong.
Oh yes do u feel itchy around yr belly tat,me yes feel like giving a big stretch.hahaha.......
I still vy worried called up t clinic,Angelina said Dr. 2day damn damn buzy & nver told her abt my results,now 5plus already will he still call a not?
Dr. buzy while we wait anxious abt t results nothg we can do beside feeling anxious & worry wat t upcome.
Hi Ondine & WanBB

Congrats! I am sure the heartbeat melts your heart! I can still recall that feeling and I look forward to my next pregnancy, if ever I get the chance again.

You really need to take care. Twins normally more siong but I am sure you can carry them through if you take extra care. Since its multiples, just note your cervix changes closely okie? But am sure Dr Foong will also help to monitor.


How is your bloodtest? Q worried abt you after you say Dr never call you. But never call you may be good news cos means nothing major right?

Keep us posted.
Yes Dr. did call me abt my results.He said my beta is fine,my tis wks beta shd be 3800 & my around 3700plus,is consider low side but still overall consider OK.Now just hope tat tis coming sat my BB can detect t heartbeat.
U know when I c bloodstain my heart really drop dwn I thk only like us got fertility problems will face it & experience it.Full of worried.

I told my hubby abt t young couples sitting opposite us is u,he told me t same thing as wat I told u,u vy cheerful & take things easy,ask me 2 learn fm u so tat I will not so stress & affect t BB.But he did said yr hubby look vy serious.hahaha........
Jac, sorry hor... yesterday went out drinking with my hubby @ kopitiam. So just woke up only. hee hee... I drink mineral water only. But I think take in alot of 2nd hand smoke cos the friend is a smoker.
Only a 100 beta different so should be normal. Cos maybe your baby implant later than expected... BTW Dr say I should be 6 weeks and 1 or 2 days only. So I think mine also one late implantation. Still remember how low is my beta. Yours consider good already.
This sat you see baby and will also turn very cheerful and happy. Moreover can bring back the picture to admire.

Curl, of cos you will experience that feeling again. Don't be negative. almost all of us do IUI and some do many times and still can't conceive and you succeed doing it the first time. We have to resort to IVF then reach this stage. So you are the most normal and lucky person in the thread. You will join us soon!
U really having good life,don't worry of how long u had sleep,sleep as long as u can,u know sleepg is a blessing now I then realise it.Be4 I get preggie sleepg 2 me is not a problems,insomina not in not in my dictionary but now tis words already in my dictionary.Funny wat.Tat y I keep on said I not so lucky as u.
U know my boss 2day send me a msg askg when can I go bk & work.
Next round wear a mask so at least u in take lesser 2nd hand smoke.wahahaha.......

I agree w Wan u will join us soon,don't give yrslf any negative thinkg must always think of positive side.

At tis point of time build up yr health is t most important mission & later u will share t good news 2 us again.By then our tis forum will be full of BB talk & no more fertility talk.HURRAY!
Frankly speaking I still don't get use of stayg at home,nothg 2 do,even feel like doing sometime also cannot do.Hard 2 please I know.hahaha.......
Jac, Yesterday I only take 1 hour nap so today must sleep until late late. I also don't wish to sleep that much cos I feel very heaty after I wake up from nap. Then cannot drink 'liang cha' during this period. Have to bear with having smelly breath!
You check your email? I send you a PM leh. Then you know my name lor.
Did you drink tea or coffee? I drink tea I also get insomia. Even green tea also cannot. I remember going to bed at 1am and 4 am then sleep cos of that green tea. Very sensitive to caffine now.
Then how you intend to reply your boss? Must be careful during this period. I read on the newspaper that the MOM only protect employees which is 6 months pregnant and above. So unfair hor.
I don't take any caffine at all.Cannot drink liang cha drink more plain water or honey water,but I heard fm my mum tat barly water can drink.
U sure a not? then how abt us just get preggie must bear all t symptoms already not fair already & still need 2 careful our ricebowl.
Jac, Barley water not liang meh? Can drink? Like that I must cook some to drink already.

2 Employers are required under the Employment Act and the Children Development Co-Savings Act to provide 12 weeks of paid maternity leave to female employees, subject to certain conditions. The law prohibits the employer from dismissing an employee because of her pregnancy. If the dismissal is without sufficient cause within 3 months before the birth of her child, the employer is still liable to grant her paid maternity leave under the Employment Act.

This is so unfair. Employer can just anyhow find a reason to sack the pregnant employee. Must be 7 months pregnant then they cover the maternity leave with or without a reason. what if they sack you before the 7th month and just give a lame excuse?
Then the pregnant employee inform the employer only after 7th months pregnant lor.
But I heard fm my hubby saying tat once u preggie company don't have t right 2 sack u.
Oh yes yr slipper 2 me is vy slippery if can don't wear it scared u might fall dwn.
How u overcome yr anxious be4 u finally heard yr BB heartbeat?
Jac, alot of people also thought the same as your hubby. Therefore when they got sack, they write to newspaper and complain. If really like that say, then preggie can be king already. Ai mai, MC everyday or refuse work. Right? But this law is very unfair to employee cos what if the company is a smelly one and wanna save up the maternity leave. They cannot sack you cos you are pregnant but can sack you due to other reason.
Hee hee.. thailand buy cheap cheap. $1 a pair only. Therefore my hubby wanna get me a crocs. He say got better design ask me go and see. BTW, did you get the stretch mark cream already? If you haven't I can intro you one which is quite good feel to the skin and it smells nice.
I also very nervous and worried abt the heartbeat. But when you see it, it's an unbelieveable feeling. Guys are really insensitive cos I ask my hubby if he feel very touch when he see the heartbeat. He say nothing much to see... Kaoz! You have another 2 more days to go only. It will pass very soon so don't worry be happy.
Then gov keep on encourage ppl 2 give birth,gov shd know most preggie woman tend 2 have more sick at t beginning of 1st 3 mth,then how?Becos of preggie & lost t ricebowl,then who will willing 2 get preggie & give birth.
U mean hubby is allow 2 stand aside 2 c t BB heartbeat.Thk abt it vy anxious & vy worry?I thk is t normal reaction.
I really thought of shifting 2 part-time 4 t sick of my BB but worried also after u told me company can fire u without any reason.I really vy xian of working.must go bk & discuss w my hubby abt tis topic again.I thk company pd u so high pd & u keep on on mc they also not happy right.
Jac, Therefore you can always see newspaper got people complain abt losing their job when they are pregnant. Some even manager post. Sad right. I think it depends alot on the company you work in. Some company very stingy but some company very good one...
Company can fired you if they have a valid reason. But reason can anyhow find one mah... Maybe they can dig the past or find fault with you. If you quit now very hard to find another job. Hopefully can work out a win win situation with your present company.
Dr will ask hubby to stand near to see the heartbeat. Actually really can see nothing much except for a bean and a round sac. Other than that only a small flickering full stop in the middle of the bean.
So when is yr next appointmt.Be4 u can c yr BB heartbeat u worried tis & tat,now all t worried can cast aside already.Me count dwn still got 3 more days 2 go hope tis sat can c t heartbeat.Crossed my fingers.
Jac, tomorrow you having your injection right? then friday very fast pass. So only 2 more days to go. My next appointment is 11 or 12th of dec. Can't remember already have to check. Me getting more and more forgetful and clumsy...
I think the preggie package only after 3 months right? Cos before that very risky so no point buying so early. This have to check with angeline.

Is normal tat u become 4getful cos yr BB take all yr protein wah.hahaha.......
Now do u still feel any cramp.Me still having terrible cramp,scared is eptoic!!!!!!!!
Vy funny I realise tat when nite come my itchy is all around my belly tat,really feel like giving a heavy scratch.hahaha........
Oh yes do u encounter heartburn anot?
