Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

Feel vy sad 2day go & test pregnancy test got 1 vy dark line & 1 vy light line,is it consider got gd news?I vy scared I will not get preggie.

Puipui, oh... so sorry abt your grandpa... If you preggie then you have to inform your mum and she has to give you a red cloth to tie ard your tummy to protect the baby during the funeral. If it's not close relative funeral, better don't go. But close relative no choice have to go.
I feel it's only a birthday party and why take the risk. So I decided not to go and won't allow my hubby to go also! Hee hee..

Jac, Ya lor. it's true preggie women cannot carry other people baby. My mum also warn me. They say the baby will be very difficult to take care after a preggie women carry him/her.
You measure your progress everyday? Did you take measurement? I gain 11 kg of gas and water, 10 inches on the waist overall then now slowly losing them. I realise I always lose the water at night. I have to wake up 2 to 3 times to pee. So irritiating but in the morning when I measure my waist. It really go down. If I nv drink enough water, it won't go down and will increase again.
Wahahah, cannot stand his snore then divorce? I think the lawyer will advice you to get a ear plug. Lcuky I nv have insomia during the worst time of OHSS. I always feel like sleeping but cannot cos of backache. Now I sleep 10 hours everyday.
If you are positive for your blood test, you have a worst time ahead! The injection for pregnancy is really a killer! be prepared cos have to take the injection on the same day as the blood test.
Jac, congratulate! you are pregnant! you can call the clinic today and go for the blood test.
As long as got two line no matter how light, it's positive!
So happy for you.
I scared is a false alarm & my hubby said I 2 gan chong 2 test already.Anyway nver book appointmt w t clinic 2day wait until Mon.
If I consider strike,3 of us strike at t same period Dr.Foong got hard time help us 2 deliver our BB.3 ppl at 1 go.HAHAHA......
Jac, it won't be a false alarm. A positive HPT is nv a false alarm. Even a very light line only also means positive. Actually if you go today, you won't have to book any appointment. Only go for the blood test in the morning.
So lucky that 3 of us also strike together. Next will be puipui's turn.
Feel vy nervous cos Mon will go 4 bloodtest.After t bloodtest do we need 2 go bk clinic again or Dr. will called us 2 let us know our results thrg phone.If thrg phone I thought we still need 2 have jab then how must fix appointmt again?
Jac, after bloodtest, we need to go back to the clinic for jab if result is positive. I did see dr that day. Angeline will call you first regarding the appointment then later dr will call and inform you the beta personally. Don't be nervous. Since already know result, n0w only waiting for the beta to confirm how many babies. I very kia su. I done 2 blood test to confirm it's growing in a healthy pace. The beta will double in every 2 days if it's growing healthy.
So tat mean we can get our bloodtest on t spot & beta Dr. tend called is it?
So yr beta got increase alot a not?
So happy 4 all of us now waitg 4 puipui results,I thk she no problems of conceiving easily.
4 yr case is it after know tat u preggie,then can sleep soundly.Me still cannot sleep.
After tml if my results is positive,thought of changing 2 part-time or like Chloe take unpd leave.
Hurray,our group is back Curl & Puipui,hope Chloe will log in soon.
Don't know how is Chloe & her 3 BB.

Jac, we don't get the result on the spot. We take our blood test then go home wait for dr's call. If positive then go for the injection in the afternoon. My beta double in 2 days so it's an on going pregnancy.
I still cannot sleep soundly even with the result cos of the backache all that. But it slowly recover. Now I'm very much better and can even go downstairs already.
You really have to consider twice cos if got baby have alot of expenses. Imagine the injections alone will cost you 67.50*16=$1080 and every consultation is $50. Not including scan and medication. Moreover with baby need to eat 'bu' things. After giving birth need to spend alot of money also. How good will it be if we don't have to do IVF. Then all the money can save up to use during the pregnancy.
Hi Jac, congratulations on the positive! Like Wan says, even if it's a faint one it's still one.

I haven't been feeling fantastic. I'm nauseous most of the day and don't like a lot of food that I used to like to eat. And strangely enough, I put on 1 kg in 1 week so I'm a bit devastated. On top of that, I 've got a bit of the flu.

And yes, the injections are SUPER expensive and worse than it being expensive, they're SUPER painful!

On my more paranoid of days, I'm concerned whether the baby/babies are still there because I didn't have a 2nd beta test like you, Wan.
Me tml then go 4 bloodtest then know whether am I confirm preggie.
Having nauseous is normal so don't worry,I opposite w u full of crave of potato chips & appetite gd but after eatg my stomach bloatd like hell.

Wat time going 4 t bloodtest is t best? I don't get u y yr beta double in 2 days is shd be a good sign wat?
U mean need 2 jab everyday again.
I know is not easy 4 us 2 walk tis IVF path full of jab & medicine unlike normal preggie so normal & easy.
My hse t weighing scale spoil always remains at 48kg.In t hospital I weight 50kg & above,my waist 1 day 1 day become thicker now even thicker than my hubby.Serious I don't mind cos I know inside got more important people now.
Ondine, Me just being kia su so take 2 blood test. But if you nv bring up this issue, dr also won't suggest it. Cos I bring up then dr say it's also good that I go for another blood test to confirm things. Anyway you going for scan this sat right? Can see and confirm already. You have been feeling nauseous so your babies must be sticking very much inside. don't worry abt it. Excited right? Can see babies heartbeat very soon already. Must be very touching. Wonder if will cry there when see the heartbeat or not...

Jac, I also have craving for potato. Everyday must eat fries or whipped potato. I think I having an ang mo kia.
I go for blood test in the morning before 9am so can get the result by noon. Normally, beta level will double in 2 days. So taking the blood test again let me rest assure the baby is growing.
We need to jab twice a week for 3 months after confirmation of the pregnancy with blood test. And medication we have to continue until 12 weeks also. Sianz... The injection is a killer! and have to go to the clinic for it. Cannot tabao and take home.
You taking it better than me. i still wondering if I made the right decision for all these suffering. Can't imagine if I failed this cycle and still suffer so much!
Morning ladies, Me just back from my 3rd injection. It hurt like hell today! And damn suay, come back home wanna wash face but slip and fall in the bathroom. So scary and suay suay of all the place, I landed on the injected part of my bum. I think we should really watch out for such small issue and go buy non-slip mat to place on the slippery floor of the house.
U must extra careful cos now u r preggie.
Angelina called & confirm I preggie & now just waitg 4 our idol Dr. 2 called 4 my beta results.
Cannot tabao vy troublesome lor?????????
U also in t clinic 2day wat time u reach t clinic maybe we got meet at t clinic.
Jac, I don't think got see you cos I went that time the clinic is empty. I think I went abt 8.30am sharp and left at 8.40am.
So how's your beta? U should be at the clinic having your injection now. Remember to rub on it immediately or else tomorrow it will hurt alot.
Jac, congratulations!! Have fun with those jabs!

Wan, take care and be careful about the falling and stuff. Now I'm wondering whether I should ask to go and do another bloodtest. Although it's only a few more days before the scan. So do you feel nausea and stuff?

I just feel generally unwell and quiet. Don't feel like talking or being energetic because feel so lousy.
Hi Wan/Ondine
Bk fm t clinic now at my mum place.My beta 486.8 Dr.just now told me he already expectd I preggie since last wk then I make fun of him then last wk nver hint 2 me at least let me know tat I having pre-preggie symptoms instd of OHSS.

I enjoyg those jab anyway just t beginning of our true jab journay.hahahaha...........cannot imagine still got so many wks 2 jab.SIANX..........
So when u will have yr 1st scan?
Ondine, me try to be careful already but still fall. I live here for 11 years already and this is the first time I fall. I think maybe now reaction more slow. I don't feel nausea at all. I just feel very tired and need to take nap or will suffer headache. But I keep having a persisting cramp over at my right side. I fear it might be a ectopic pregnancy therefore there is cramp on the tubes. Wonder if can push forward the scan and see if it's in the womb or somewhere else.
The scan can see baby already so no need to go for another blood test since it's only a few days away. But if you feel very incertain then you can email dr to ask him abt it.

Jac, a very good number! I think my baby is the slowest of all. Did you ask dr if it's twins or singleton or more?
Just email dr and ask him regarding my cramp. Hope can arrange for an appointment earlier so that can see the sac. Hopefully not implanted elsewhere.
Dr said will be singleton or twins,already hint 2 me I thk.The jab t effect I feel going 2 kill me already how 2 endure t followg jab.
So when u will have yr 1st scan.me 1st wk of Dec.
Jac, you hoping for one or two?
the jab is really a killer lor... I counting down already. I still have 13 jabs to go. Me having my scan on 27th. How come yours so early? Anyway, u nv ask dr for more MC? can ask him for it since you haven't recover from ur OHSS. You still feeling very bad right?
Dr will probably tell you the same thin he told me. That you can't detect an ectopic one till 6 weeks. I still have that fear too.

Jac, if you can ask for more time off, you should.

I feel awful and I can't imagine if I have to go in to work. It's a terrible feeling. Feel to nauseous to go out, but staying at home feels claustrophobic!
Ondine, you very accurate. Dr told me it's too early to know if it's an ectopic pregnancy and the signs will only show up during the 6th week so there is no point going for scan early. Most ectopic pregnancy have low beta. So I think you should be in the safe zone. Only thing to fear is that the baby will stop growing suddenly. So many thing to worry abt. I think I going crazy.
Don't give yrslf so much wild thking,it shd a healthy BB.
Me of course hope 2 have twin.hahaha........Am I greedy.
Me yestday just 1st jab still got long way 2 go.2day my BB nver give me any problems of nauseous,I told my BB 2 be good 2day cos her mummy is going 2 work 2day.hahaha......Funny lor........
Jac, during my ET I told the dr and nurse if twins then busy. They advice me not to have twins cos I'm too young and it will be very difficult to handle the pregnancy. And for first born better be singleton. 2nd or 3rd then twins or even triplet also can. I think maybe the womb might give way if carrying too much for the first time. But come to think again, singleton also might have incompetent cervix.
Now got new things to worry again. Sorry... make all of you worry with me. I think I getting a little depress over time.
Frankly speakg until now I still havn't got time 2 thk abt such issue yet cos last 2 wk 2 sick 2 thk abt it.
I taking half day bkache cannot tahan.U know yestday wat my mum told me I seem like having 4th mth preggie instd of 3-4wks.
U taking a nap!!!!!!!I so bore thought can chat w u but too bad!!!!!!!!!!!
T jab pain come bk again,come & go.If t side we jab havn't recover & need 2 jab again then t pain will be 4ever there lor.
Jac, you really know me well. I take nap also cannot escape your eyes. hee hee...

I nv use facial mask all that. I scared got chemical so better avoid it. For shaving I also nv use anything. Only apply moisteriser after shaving to avoid irritation.
Did you rub on the injected part or not. Must rub then won't hurt the next day. Or after jab you go home and apply ice-pack on it so it won't hurt that much. we still have a long way to go. Haiz.
Jac, don't know you pantang or not. They say cannot buy any maternity or baby clothing before 3 mth. remind you first just in case you believe in that also.
I feel so sick it's not funny already. Threw up last night and twice this morning. I'm tempted to ask Dr to see if there's any medication that can be taken.If not, I really cannot function or keep anything down.
Y don't u take some sour plums it will works.Me also eatg if I feel like vomitg.

Thk 4 reminding me,me yes same as u pantan 2.I still cannot sleep at all,even sleep also 1-2hrs work up,t worst is my stomach vy funny will go poo around 4plus in t morng & then cannot go bk & sleep.
Ondine, oh my god, you have to prepare sour plum with you or maybe try eating a biscuit in the morning even before you brush your teeth. I heard it helps. Mostly Dr will reply you ask you take panadol and rest. Hee hee... panadol seems like a xian dan.

Jac, why don't you poo poo before you sleep then you won't poo again in the morning. Me everynight at least have to wake up once to pee. But I have no problem sleeping back. You have to work or else can take nap in the afternoon. So you and hubby discuss abt taking leave for an tai?
Just discuss only I thk I don't have such good life 2 be a tai tai.
I don't have any symptoms as u gals talkg abt recently,is my foetus ok a not? Now my most worry is I cannot sleep,sleep 1-2hrs a day only will it affect t BB grows anot?
Jac, I think sleep won't affect baby growth but will affect your health. We are very sleepy cos our body need to handle two person's need. So it make us very tired. If you don't rest enough, baby will still take what it needs and you will suffer in the end. Not everyone will have MS. But cannot say one. Example, you say don't have or you nv suffer that, then your MS will come in the worst form. I pantang this cos my ex-colleague kanna before.
You can consider taking leave until 12 weeks. Or maybe arrange to rest 2 days a week. Til then, baby should be settling down already.
Hi all,
Sour plums don't help. But so far, lunch has stayed down even though I didn't eat very much. Hopefully it gets better. I won't tell Dr till I see him for the scan. Give it a bit more time to settle down. According to my brother, there's something that can be taken for the nausea so see how, if I can't cope.

Heard if it's twins, it'll last longer.

Wan and Jac, if you don't have nausea, enjoy the nausea free days. It hits you by surprise. One day you are fine and the next, you wonder where that came from!
Ondine, then can you take the medicine from your brother and email dr if you can take it? Lucky your lunch stay down or else it will be big trouble for you. As long as you nv eat any food, condition will get worst. Try the biscuit method and let us know how well it works.
Tat day so happy when I know I preggie & 4gotten 2 chk w Dr. I in how many wks now,so send Dr. an email chk abt tis,he say now I around 5wks.If I 5wks u & Ondine shd be more than 5wks already.So when u will due?Dr. even email me my due date.So scary.......
Wan, I tried eating a rice cracker after my nap just now, it didn't help much. And then I tried half a banana, that one came right up. So I don't know.

I did go for a walk and that seemed to help a little bit.

Jac, I don't remember how much earlier I did the ER from you. Apparently, they count that as Day 14. I think I'm about six weeks or something now . Will find out more when I see him.
Jac, you should be 4 weeks plus only. Me today 5 weeks and 1 day so if you also 5 weeks then we are same? I think Dr make a mistake. The day of your blood test mark your 4th week. The day of scan will be your 6th week.

Ondine, I think your baby growing fast and good therefore you suffer more MS. I read that most MS only last until 12 weeks. Very fast will be over.
I thk u having twin t percentage vy high tat y maybe u having such terrible MS.As wat Wan said yr MS will last not long must endure it.3 of us give each other a hug hug.

I got some queries can I ask? In fact how we calculate how many wk we are in.I try 2 calculate t day I having ER until bloodtest is just 19days.1 wk is calculate as 5 days or 7 days.
So how yr BB do u face MS 2.Me so far so good.
Thanks Jac and Wan!
I counted, I threw up a grand total of 7 times yesterday. Wanted to try and see Dr this morning. But he's super busy. It's very miserable and my greatest fear is that it lasts all through the pregnancy!

Ok, to calculate how many weeks you are, you count ER as Day 14 of a cycle. So, the day you took the bloodtest would be Day 33 which is just short of 5 weeks (with one week being 7 days).

Hope that helps.
Jac, Cos we doing IVF so it's not a natural cycle. Other people start counting from their cycle day 1 which is the first day of their menses. Means they are one day pregnant. And by the time of their ovulation, they will be already 2 weeks 'pregnant' although they are not really pregnant yet. So 14 days after their ovulation means they are 4 weeks pregnant lor... Pai sei, I explain until very confuse. 1 week is calculated by 7 days. I think it would be better if you can get dr to explain to you.
I have to eat on time and eat 4 meals a day or else will get gastric. Cannot play play with my hungry baby. Other than that, still okay with me.
Ondine, you can email him, see what he say first. He will reply you tonight. At least if he say no pills for you then you can save your consultation. And if he say got medication for you, you can just drop by and take the pills.
Don't worry, it won't last for the whole pregnancy. Mostly only after 12 weeks. Another 6 more weeks to go.
Anyway thank I will chk w Dr. on my next appointmt.
I thk I seow already thk 2 much,I feel tat my bloatd gone dwn,my stomach not tat as big anymore,no nause no symptoms is my foetus still around anot?Starting 2 get vy worried cos now we still don't know their heartbeat yet!

Jac, I think it's normal to have such worries. me and ondine also very worried abt the heartbeat issue. Maybe you have other symptoms? Like sore boobs, thirsty all the time, hungry or craving for food?
