Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

Ondine, still bloating up and it's getting worst.
Dr say protein drink will help and my hubby went to buy a small tin. It's 30 plus. Quite ex and it's tasteless except for the chocolate smell. Today I woke up from a nightmare. I remember taking a pee stick into the toilet and I spoilt it cos my urine anyhow spray. But can still see the result is positive. After that I woke up and can't get to sleep, thinking that it's a bad sign as people always say dream always opposite fropm reality. So I get up and test my urine. Lucky nv anyhow spray this time and the result also positive!
Tomorrow will be your big day. Wish you alots of luck.
I went to bed with cramps last night and woke up this morning with cramps and a back ache.

Wondering whether I should pee on a stick.
Ondine, it's best to pee on a stick using your first urine cos it's more concentrated. I use my first urine and the result already not very dark. So if use 2nd or 3rd urine, maybe can't see.

My stomach has too much pain to notice any cramp but I remember having sharp cramp during DPO9 which my temp drop to 36.6 in the morning. And the next day it rise to 36.9 and above. Then I started to bloat and bloat. Today it drop to 36.79.
Your last jab is the same as mine so I think it should have already been gone. Cos Dr say I can test one week after my HCG jab. But I think you already pee this morning right?

Very happy to hear that. All has been worth it to just see the positive test!

Anyway, just do what you can, take blood test, take hormone pills and whatever you can to give yourself a healthy pregnancy!

I am really so excited for you. Feeling of seeing the positive sign is really great!

Keep us posted, WanBB and stay cool!

Actually may be a good idea to share room with jachorse yah? Then can chit chat too
Curl, thanks for all the encouragement.
Actually, I still don't really think it's worth it to suffer so much. Maybe I compare too much with other people who can concieve without so much suffering.

Wondering if jac is out of the hospital already. Hope she is fine. Can understand what she going through now and it sucks.
Hi WanBB

Dont think abt that. Once you see your cute baby, everything is worth it.

Sign, we just cant compare with pple who conceive so easily. They are a different breed lor. We just have to live with what we dun have but most impt, we have our own children and we bring them up well and good.

Yah, I know the feeling sucks. When I was hospitalised with Incompetent Cervix, even I wasnt having any allergy, but hanging me head down, legs up and giving me those anti-contraction medicine that causes breathlessness and heart palpitation is bad enuf.

I think yours is a lot worse off. But just hang it there... it will be over soon.... let us know your HCG results...
Hi every1,
As I postd yestday stay at hospital until 6pm,I keep on askg Dr. can I discharge anot?
I having slight infectn,deydratn & gastric cos Dr.advise is better 2 stay in t hospital.

Wan,just 2 chk w u yr diarreha stay fm which day.Me starts 2day D8 & slight giddy.whole day lay on t bed.
Curl, Wow! they hang you upside down? Must be feeling terrible then.
Now got to worry abt whether it's healthy, is it in the right place, izzit growing well. So many things.

Jac, My diarrhea started when my bloating start. I think it's day 5 then when I guai guai eat all the watery and plain food, I recover for a few days. Now started again. The diarrhea is becos of the bloating as don't know what is pressing on what inside. Hee hee.. don't know how to explain well. Eat what medicine also no use.
Dr say it's not good to lay on the bed for too long. Better if you can walk ard the apartment from time to time. Maybe you can ask hubby to buy the protein drink also.
I really nver expectd tis path is so tough.My hubby even ask me 2 adort tis IVF if I really cannot stand.If I fail tis cycle I thk I will not go into it again.
Jac, me too is not prepared for all these. therefore I say I won't think it's worth it. Now wanna back out also cannot. Have to endure all the way.
My private part swollen and sore like hell. I look like an alien and have to suffer all those pain. Everyday also think when all these will end. 2 weeks wait pass very fast for us cos we have no time to think abt it! All the time we are suffering.
Jac, take care!!!!
I just keep feeling like I need to pee, but when I pee, very little comes out.
Tummy is also slightly bigger today but I shan't complain since you both have it worse.

Was actually at the hospital just now...My sister in law just delivered this morning so I went to hang out there. Husband was saying should have asked to do bloodtest today. He thinks today, tomorrow, not much difference.
THanks Jac. Hope you're feeling better.

Does anyone know what happens if the bloodtest is positive? Do we just go and get medication or do we see the Dr? I have a lunch party that I'm supposed to go to, so I'm trying to figure out what to do...
Ondine, maybe it's your baby growing therefore you keep wanting to pee.
So in the end you going for the blood test tomorrow?

Of cos you can complain. We are all of different case so cannot really compare.
Ondine, if the blood test is positive I think we have to make another appointment for scan. It should not be so fast. So you can go for the lunch party.
Oh shit! Just receive dr's email that need to go for the pregnancy support injections. Not sure abt this injection cos nv heard before.
Anyway, I think I need the injections alot cos I have been having cramps today. hopefully it will save my baby.
Oh, I have cramps too... Woke me up this morning, the cramps and a backache. Now I just have a headache.

Some of the other forums warn against the HPT. Warn against the false positives.
Ondine, if it's positive today, it will be positive tomorrow. If the HCG is still in our body, Dr won't ask you to go for blood test tomorrow already. Don't worry abt false positive. Cos you can also judge from your HPT. if it's very very dark then cannot be a false positive. Unless it's just a evaporate line then you might have doubts abt it.
headache is becos of the hormones in the body. So don't worry abt it.
Hmmm, maybe I'll go buy a HPT now...
Wan, how's your bloating? You didn't go to the hospital today? What did you email Dr about? I was at the ward today and saw Jothi Kumar had 2 patients in but he had none.
Ondine, my bloating is still the same. I think the protein drink did help alot. So I nv go hospital. Jac, you should try drinking it maybe it will help you also. I email dr abt my positive HPT and ask him if I need to go for blood test. Then he say still need to test and go for injections. I didn't know need injections to support pregnancy. Haiz..need to inject again.
Ondine, Dr has always been cool towards everything so very difficult to see if he's happy.

Must go in the morning so that the report will be ready by the time they off work. But I have no clothing to wear. Maybe have to wear my hubby's clothing there. I realise that I can't sit or stand for long or my cramp will come. But strangely after I lay down and rest, the cramp will be gone. Funny.
Have you test on the pee stick yet?
I can't sleep. my tummy is still bloated but it has not grow since yesterday and I lose my nausea feeling, my temp is going downhill too. I got a feeling it's a chemical pregnancy. So worried!!!
Haha, I couldn't sleep too. My bloating's gone down a little too.... I didn't take my temp so I can't comment on that one.
Hi Good Morning,

Congratulation 2 all 1st,u dream have come true already.
Wat u gals talkg abt HPT is it Pregnancy test kit?
2day testd my BBT is vy high 36.84 degress scared so high tml will drop.

I nd 2 buy some pregnancy test kit 2 standup cos now then realise I only got 2 sticks also.

I also got tis feeling floatd until so difficult 2 walk but just laid on t bed t pain is gone,like yestday whole day like giddy whole day just laid on t bed & doing nothg,funny is is better once u get up of bed t pain is killg me.hahaha....
My blood test result is out. Beta 43 only but dr say it's a good number since I done it earlier than i should. Monday have to go for the injection and have to take it twice a week. Angeline say it's gonna hurt. And I request to do another blood test to check if it's a healthy pregnancy. Beta so low I think mostly only one inside.

Jac, don't buy too much pregnancy kit. It will stress you more. Just test once near the real date will do. Good that your temp is high, don't worry too much it will affect your treatment.
I ask dr already, the protein drink will really help with the bloating and all the OHSS. better to go buy one and drink. Although it don't taste that good but no choice.
Hi WanBB

Nice to hear that its a positive number. May I know which day you are DPO?

Frankly, 43 is on the low side, so b extra careful that Dr Foong monitors it carefully for you that its not ectopic or what okie? Dun wanna scare you but dun want you to miss out anything to look out for as well.

I think you need to repeat your blood test in 2 day also right? Dun worry, the progesterone jab not v painful one. I had q a no of them in my pregnancy.

Keep u posted okie?
Curl, I think should be DPO13? I also not sure but it's the 11th day after the transfer.

I also feel that 43 is abit low but dr nv say anything. Maybe he don't wan me to worry. My tubes are damaged so there is a very high chance the embryo will implant there. Hopefully monday blood test will be much better.
Hi WanBB

Ok, if tubal pregnancy chance is low, I am not so worried for you. Yah, our Dr Foong very cool and always dun want us to worry unnecc. That is his style which I have came to realised over my IC problem.

Reason why I worried was becos my first pregnancy HCG was 20 at 13DPO, though it doubles every 2 days, but ended ectopic, but I must say when discovered, baby had a strong heartbeat and growing v well even though its planted at the tubes. Gynae said my blood supply v strong, thats why. Thats why I got worried for you.

But if from those pregnancy books, actually absolute figure not that significant, its effect of doubling every 2 days that makes the diff, so monitor tightly okie? If its 11th DPO, then it looks really fine. But actually I am no v sure how to calculate for IVF cases.

Just keep us posted. This is a precious little baby and do all you can okie!
Thanks angelbee. I'm finally pregnant but still a long way to go. Now I look like i was going to give birth any minute. Bloat until 35 inches and weight increase 11 kg!

Curl, my hubby ask if I'm going to change another gynae but I feel since already use to that place and the people there so nvm lah... I will request for scan asap for I can't stop worrying abt it. Better to see it for yourself. moreover I'm at the high risk zone. I'm worried that dr being too nice to me and won't tell me the truth when something is not normal.
Hi WanBB

What are the reasons for changing gynae? My advice is also to stick to same doctor lor. Firstly, he knows your history and frankly, he is q an ok doctor (no doctors are perfect) and as his IVF patient, I am q sure he will do his best to both for personal satisfaction reasons and career reputation reason.

From my emergency experience, I can assure you that shld anything happen and you contact him, he is quite quick to come down and see you. Some doctors may not. WHen I was warded over incompetent cervix for so long, some nurses tell me some gynaes dont like the nurses to call them at night, so they are afraid to contact them. And they say Dr Foong not like that. But unfortunately, the nurses say that the really good and experienced ones tend to be those who dont like to be contacted. So I guess depends on what you want.

My hubby and I also discussed abt Dr Foong's always very positive style. My hubby thinks there is a way to managed. He says in the future, we just have to ask him frankly that we want to hear the worst side of the case after hearing his positive side. Then at least mentally prepared.

Why are you in high risk zone? Yah, scan tells the best. Sit tight and hope he can do scan for you soon!
Hi all,
Got my Beta results too! And it's a nice positive. My counts are very high. 1100 or something like that. But we won't know if it's twins till the scan.
The progesterone jab on the butt is super painful! The pain went all the way down my leg!!!!

So I'm pleased. Wan, take care and see what the test on Monday says.
But it's good, for now! I was so nervous this morning. Angeline did not ring till 12 and I was about to faint from being nervous ready!
U mean u all called 4 appointmt 4 bloodtest is it? Beta is onluy when u do bloodtest then knoe is it? how many does it cost?

Congratulations.Hope u got twins baby.
Hi Ondine

Wow, 1100 is extremely high? Maybe triplets??

One of the egg may split into further 2! Congrats Congrats! Happy for all!
Ondine, congratulation!
Wow! it should be a twins with a beta count so high! Do take care of yourself. so happy for you. We can share our pregnancy journey in future.

Curl, I also don't know why hubby mention wanna change gynae. Anyway I prefer to stay with Dr Foong. My tubes are very badly damaged so the embryo might just go in and implant inside rather than in the womb.
Dr Foong really very nice. even that time he went bali for holiday and I went china, he also give me his personal hp number so that in case of emergency I can contact him. I don't think other dr will do that to spoilt their holiday.

Jac, no need appointment for blood test, you just walk in and take the form, pay money then go 3rd storey for the blood test. After that angeline or dr will call you. Ya, beta can only be calculated with blood test for wat I know. It cost $47.50 for the blood test. you transfer on 6th nov so your blood test should be on 20th.
Thanks Wan! It doesn't really matter to me if it's twins or just one. As long as it's safe and developing healthily.

Dr said I would be feeling tired, but last few nights, I haven't slept well. Hope this passes.
Hi Ondine

Highly possible. Just make sure if you have more than one, take great care okie! Yah, I know what you mean, as long as they are healthy and you have a smooth pregnancy, thats most impt!

Chloe also have triplets and shld be doing great!

Let us know okie...
Ondine, your beta is so high so your babies should be very healthy! It's best that you take nap in the afternoon cos at night always cannot sleep well. when will you be starting work?
BTW, did you inform anyone (family or friends) abt it? Cos I pan tang and don't feel like telling my friends. but they keep asking me and hubby out. We are running out of excuses. worried that we might lose their friendship in the end.
Hey Wan, I won't be starting work formally till the new year. Took the rest of the year off but will go in to work now and then for meetings and to clear mail and rubbish.

We haven't told a lot of people. The both doctors in the families now because they've been helping with the jabs and know how to count! My best friends know but that's about it. Some colleagues and other friends know we went through IVF but don't know that the results are out yet.

We probably won't tell the majority till the scan 2 weeks from now. Again, I've had problems sleeping.
So envy both of u results is out.

Yr beta is really abit at low side,do take care! My thkg same as Curl don't change gynae now cos Dr.Foong know exactly yr condition if u change another gynae other might left out somethg fm u,u having thrg IVF gettg preggie is not natural preggie,do nd 2 take extra care.

So envy of u starts work after CNY,me start works on 20/11/06.

So wat is yr plan now,will u been thkg going thrg tis journey also.

Me tis few days cannot sleep well,whole body got teribble backache,turn now tat side pain,turn there tat side pain.
Any1 experience put insert got a smelly smell fm t vaginal.Is it infectn?
Me seem like in t morng got energy,in t afternoon & nite seem like no energy 2 type or postd anythg,I thk Wan & Ondine don't experience tis feelg right?
Ondine, me also can't sleep well but in the afternoon I have to take many naps.
So the jabs have to take home? how many did they give you? I don't think my tummy can take the jab. Must inject in the bum also. Must be very painful. Moreover I going for the blood test after the clinic. Can still sit?
Wow.. you told friends? I only tell my parents and that's all. Even my hubby side nobody knows anything. I'm still considering whether can tell. they say it's unsafe for the baby since it's not 3 months yet. I think mine more risky so best not to say first.
BTW, did you have any increased in appetite? I really torture my hubby these few days, everynight must eat supper and always ask him to drive far out for it. I think my baby wanna be ang mo cos everyday i crave for potato!

Jac, your result will come soon. imagine we have one(me), twins(ondine) and triplet(you). Wow... can open a nursery..
I'm very worried abt myself too. I don't wanna go through other operation again. So hopefully it's growing well inside the wombs and not in the tubes.
I have abit of smelly discharge for a couple of days but not that bad. So I just ignore it. If yours is bad you must inform dr. your backache might be due to the bloating. I still have it now. Did you try the protein drink? it helps alot for my case.

Jac, you got it wrong. I'm going back to work after 31 Dec. That new year. Not CNY.

I think the energy in the morning and less energy through the day thing is normal. I used to need to nap in the afternoon. Now, I just can't sleep and it's irritating.
