Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

Ba zhen is to clear all the unclear blood during menses. I guess this is why we ladies has cyst gua.... Hate also must drink laaa.... js drink it fr this two mths lor.. drink for 3 days aft menses will do.

Hi Baby,
Most probably is baby gal. If i remember correctly, you mention there's no problem with you right? Hmm I only have 50% chance of conceiving, thus if I can get pregnant, you definitely also can just that the fate is not here yet. In fact I did had miscarriage in early Jan, was devasted then, this baby is a surprise to me. Don't give up, you are better than me cos you have the courage to go for IVF. As for the gynae, guess I'll stick to Dr Foong cos am very comfortable with him.

Yeap I took the powder form herb, Dr Zou knows I am taking clomid at the same time. She's actually the second physician I went to thus I would said she's good as compare to my first. But after pregnant I didn't go back to her cos her med will make me puke so now only depend on Dr Foong prescription.

How i envy you, i put on weight during 1st trimester and am overweight now. Thus Dr Foong comment that I am coping very well. Maybe you might be expecting baby boy thus the hormone is causing you more serious MS. Thought package will include delivery as well. Never mind wait till week 22 then I'll know and share with you gals.
Must drink for 3 days ah? Tot drink once a mth can liao?

But i aldy tried for years liao wor.. Some more i did 4 times iui all failed.. Now ivf also failed.. So i also duno what is my problem.. Asked dr f before whether im the difficult case patient for him.. He say we are dirt easy for him compared to his other patients.. But dont why we still havent succeed yet.. Haha..

So envy those we can conceive on their own.. Dont have to spend $$ and dont have to to thru the physical and emotion roller coaster doing ART.. I tot this ivf i can succeed but nvr expect i will fail.. Cos dr f says my egg shell is thick so i tot this is the problem all the long why my trying and iuis failed... So ivf should solve this problem but still fail..

Just hope my fet can help me.. Still got to wait for 2 mths.. So long..
Baby, maybe some ppl womb abit weaker then others thats y more difficult to conceive.. I m pressing on so must u!
I agree with ur that ART is so emotional draining have to worry abt every step. So envy those who can conceive so damn easy sometimes very angry also coz y its so unfair to ppl like us..... I guess fate is not here yet lor but will come soon la...

Vinwee, ba zhen is not to strenghten womb meh? Pls correct if i m wrong. Any idea whether we can take bai feng wan? Heard some ppl conceive naturally after a few mths of taking.Got hear of wheatgrass to improve egg quality?

Dream ya one of my colleague knows i saw dr f b4 ... I dun not have pcos but coming round i think dr will start me on much higher dose of sitmulation due to my poor respond in first round so scared of hyper sitmulate. Fyi my colleague not pcos also got ohss during her ivf thus she say maybe cost wise its wiser for me to go dr c...
Ya lor sometimes angry that y ple can get preggy so easily.. No one can understand what we are gng thru.. Not even families and close frds... Only u gals who have been thru can feel the pain and anxiety.. I guess its all fated ba.. Maybe god feels its not the right time yet.. But i believe it is soon liao.. Lets jia you ok!!

I also hear my mum say eat bai feng wan is good for the womb.. But i dont know what is the main purpose.. I tot ba zhen and bai feng wan act as the same purpose is it? Eu ren seng got sell these two? When can eat bai feng wan? After af finish? Eat everyday?

Or these two things is to eat for regulate menses? To reduce af cramps? Or is it to boast fertility?
Baby, i bought BFW from EYs but didnt take for quite sometime so 4got when to take liao. As for ba zhen DH used to brew for me once a week and not sure if this is the correct regime. Hope ladies here can advise?
Yup enabled my pm liao.. U can email to me..
I never enable my pm cos i seldom chk my email..

Yr hubby so nice will brew ba zhen for u..
Just now i go chk on royal jelly.. There is one from honey farm.. It uses natural raw honey.. Unprocessed.. I may get one to try.. Heard its good for fertility.. Will have a teaspoon every morning.. Wat u gals thk?
Baby, one lady from the other thread say royal jelly causes a risk of developing cyst and thats what had happened to her previously.
Good morning ladies!

Vinwee, thanks for your advice but I am really clueless on all these chinese medicine! Actually, I also don't dare to take any of these because I am always afraid of side effects.

I guess I am the very kiasu type and "low" risk type.

Yesterday, I tried to bring up the IVF issue again and ended up arguing with my hb...It seems that our priority is really different. It makes me feel sad and I also wonder why our goal is so different. To him, there is really no point trying again. He feels chance is so slim and he feels that the money can be used for our "wealth" accumulation. He'd rather invest in it. To me, investment is not the priority. At this point in time, this infertility is really creating a gap between us. It seems we are growing apart instead of getting closer. I don't know whether it is because I have my AF and very moody. I know that we are already lucky to have our little girl. May be he is right? I don't know...
Baby / Lyn,
I am sure ba zhen can help to clear the blood aft menses as well. Not so sure about strenghten the womb. I guess ba zhen, bai feng yuan got the same function. I also heard from my friends who has menses cramps, aft eating eating either one, they dun hv such problem aft a while. Another one is evening oil.
Maybe you having your AF that's why so moody? Try to chat with him again aft that lor.

Btw, your hubby don't care if boy or gal rite? And what make u want to have another child?
yes, hubby don't mind boy or gal...I am afraid my daughter will be very lonely when she grows up. She is always asking what will happen to her when both my bubby and I pass away. She said nobody will be there to take care of her. I feel that having siblings is important, to provide support in life. Also, she keeps asking to have sibling. I think she is quite lonely.
Is it? Jia lat.. I also heard eating evening primose also will create cysts... Then really dont know what to eat liao... Also dare not take tcm herbs.. Wat else is safe to eat to boasts our chances le..:

Hugs hugs... Dont be sad... U and yr hubby is two individuals.. Im sure there is always differences in thinking.. Esp for men, they have different objectives in life.. Woman tend to be more emotional and family oriented...

Dont let this ttc affect yr relation w yr hubby... It defeat the purpose.. Its suppose to bring u two closer not apart.. Probably u may want to cool things off first.. Put the ttc aside and focus on other things... Maybe yr hubby feels u are too obsessed in ttc... Explain to yr hubby that u wan yr dau to have a sibling... Not so much u wana have another child for yrself..

Cheer up gal!! Af time is a bad timing for discussion..
Thanks. Somehow, it feels that this is the only place where I can share my feelings and feel that you gals can understand me. I also question why it has to happen to us.

But taking a step back, I think everybody has its share of problems. It is just that we don't know the other pbs faced by other couple. So, I know that we should treasure what we have instead of what we don't have! may be that should be our daily reminder when we feel bad.

Thanks for cheering me up and I'll try to cool down. But really dont know how! May be I need to go for more massage..and some retail therapy!
Can understand how your daugther feel. I also will feel insecure if I am an only child. Like anything, u hv no one to turn to. Even my neighbour kids who has sibling, the gal always call me and ask me play with her. And js b4 she fly back to usa fr summer break, she told be, she hope to have a little bro or sis (and imagine she has elder bro and sis oledi).

Maybe try to discuss with your hubby again. He might dun want u to suffer from those physical and emotional.
Is it? Jia lat.. I also heard eating evening primose also will create cysts... Then really dont know what to eat liao... Also dare not take tcm herbs.. Wat else is safe to eat to boasts our chances le..:

Hugs hugs... Dont be sad... U and yr hubby is two individuals.. Im sure there is always differences in thinking.. Esp for men, they have different objectives in life.. Woman tend to be more emotional and family oriented...

Dont let this ttc affect yr relation w yr hubby... It defeat the purpose.. Its suppose to bring u two closer not apart.. Probably u may want to cool things off first.. Put the ttc aside and focus on other things... Maybe yr hubby feels u are too obsessed in ttc... Explain to yr hubby that u wan yr dau to have a sibling... Not so much u wana have another child for yrself..

Cheer up gal!! Af time is a bad timing for discussion..
Sorry double post... :p

Dont get too affected.. Ttc suppose to be a happy event.. So dont let it spoil yr mood ok..

We are all here to lend u our ears.. So feel free to pour it all out to us ok...

Maybe u relax and manage to conceive on yr own! Theres a gal over at the other thread conceive on her own after 2 failed ivfs.. So lucky!! Btw yr dau is conceived naturally?
Baby and Vinwee,
Thanks for your kind words and thanks for "listening" to me. Good to know that I have a place to share my worries! I hope my mood swings would go away after my AF!

Seems like there is no magical cure with every product having some potential side effects. I think accupuncture would be very beneficial as it is "natural".
I also heard all this will cause cysts.

Royal Jelly is Raw honey. Is not suitable for everyone. You might check with the person who sell the royal jelly.
pple always say Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. U know there is this book with this title? I read it. In the beginning, Men and Women are already different. It's when we try to make the other party think like us and differences occur, resulting in argument. Also, baby is correct, AF time is not time for discussion. U know I told u that I wasn't feeling that great either some weeks ago? I went for some retail therapy before my consult with dr f. Shared some goodies with him and he said good. He told me to tell my hubby that dr has prescribed more retail therapy!! Hahaha. Hope u enjoy ur massage session!! Cheer up!!
thanks for your kind words. May be I should read that book! always hear about it but never read it. I haven't booked a massage yet but just booked appt at hair saloon to do highlight and colour this saturday. I guess we should pamper ourselves! and my white hair is growing very fast..so, no choice...I did not go to hair saloon since decided to go for IVF...so, it is really overdue and a good way to destress...thanks again!
Yve, u gtg to do ivf also?

Dream, sometimes men and women think very different. Maybe talk to him in an appropriate time lor when gtg on a romanti dinner or when u giving me a massage? Things may go into his head easier when in a good mood. I understand ur persistent of wanting another child but gtg thru infertility treatment is so stressful, i promised myself i will not go thru treatment like this once i have a child of my own..
Thanks. Going thru infertility is really very stressful. Otherwise, I am too lazy to give him a massage but I can call and book!

Otherwise, I am still in the office now...really tired of work..but no choice, have to work...difficult to balance work and family in Singapore
hi Baby,
Still can't pm you. But never mind I'll post here. Actually wanna ask you if you ever thought of changing gynae? My sis did told me that if we stick with one gynae for too long and still no result then have to change not because the gynae is not good but it might be other gynae have the 'yuan' to help you. If you want I can recommend my sis gynae. He also practise at Gleneagles who is also quite well known for IVF. He did appear in TV and newspaper a few times. In fact my sis done IVF twice and both times were successful. First IVF is a boy and second IVF is a set of twin with one boy and one gal. If you are interested can PM me for the gynae name.
Bluegal, i have this thinking too coz i also heard ppl saying if u keep having negative result with the same dr then maybe its time to change a new dr for a change in luck i know to some ppl this can be suspicious but to some ppl it works.
Dr f is a very gd and nice dr but i had 2 failed iui under him so may want a change for my ivf. Dr c will be my choice for the change.
Dream, wow u work till so late? Is ur work very stressed? Ya i agree that in spore very diffcult to balance work and family, thats many couples nowadays also choose not to have children coz no time for them. Sigh this is spore lor..
baby & dream
I did 2 fresh ICSI cycle with dr f but did my very 1st cycle with TMC so total 3 fresh cycle. there was abt 1year break in between. I dont have any frozen from 1st cycle so had to start a fresh 2nd cycle. after the 1st failure, he did explain why it failed and mine is fertilisation problem had more than 20eggs but only 2 fertilised almost the same result as my very 1st. the lab did something to improve on the fertilisation and i had about 14 frozen after transferring 3 d3 embryo. I am expecting twins.
After my failure with dr f, i went to consult a few other drs in the private practise but still decide to stick to dr f. I also did acu with raffles hospital on my last cycle.
I feel that for IVF to be successful, lab n embryologist play a very impt role and dr f lab is 1 of the best. I think that dr f know our body better after past failure. i too had mild pcos problem and hubby has morphology problem too.
there are some drs who commented that i might hav genetic problem and suggest that i go for adoption but I just refused to give up. $$ is also a problem and that is why i took 1 year break b4 embarking on a new cycle. this journey to motherhood took me 5years and the amount of $$ we spent over the years is close to $60k. I am not exaggerating as i kept all receipts; 1 so-iui cycle, 3cycles of fresh icsi cycle in private hospital. tcm treatment with different physician and consultaion with almost all IVF specialist in SIN. had many fights with hubby after each failure as i am not working and he is paying for it.

the policy is by Great Eastern and is called hospitalisation & surgical. the cost is around $300+/p.a. depending on your age.
I already pm-ed u...

I did consider of changing gynea but dont know who to try.. Cos i heard alot of -ve stories of other gyneas.. Other than a fertility specialist.. I need a dr who is a caring n nice.. Must be approachable.. I cannot accept those drs who will rush u out of he door.. Or those who u will be scare to ask qns.. So i think i have beem spoilt by dr f.. He is my first gynea somemore.. I scare i wont be used to other drs style..

But considering 4 failed iuis and one failed ivf.. Im not sure whether i dont have fate with dr f.. But i still trust his skills..

However i quite reluntant to start a new relation with another dr all over again.. It take me quite some time to feel at ease with dr f... Sigh... I really hope dr f can make me succeed in my next fet.. If it fails again.. I may really need to consider changing dr liao..
Reading yr post gives me so much encouragement... Make me feel we will succeed if we pursue on.. Never give up!

U mentioned u did two fresh icis with dr f.. But first one end up only 2 eggs fertilised... But u did icis should not have normal fertlisation problem right? Did dr f explain why doing icis still have this problem?

The 2nd icis with dr f u transferred 3 embryos.. U wanted or dr f suggested it? Cos i tot dr f usually sugg putting two esp when the embryos grade is good? Did dr f did anything different for yr 2nd ivf with him to increase success rate?

$60k is really alot but still worth it as u are preggy with twins!! Congrats!! I have already spent $20k for 4 iuis and one ivf.. Fet coming soon... Hopefully is my last...

Any tips or suggestions to us who is still trying ivf? Any special food or ways we can try?
U mentioned dr f lab is one of the best... May i know how u derived from this? U compare with which other lab?

I have a ntuc incomesheild.. It also covers pregnancy complications.. But not sure whether it cover ivf complications like ohss... Yr great eastern plan is it solely for ivf purpose?
Thanks for posting and sharing with us your story. It is truly inspiring and congrats again.

As you may have read, I am in a dilemna on whether I should really push my hubby for another IVF round. Like you, I did 1 IVF at TMC (many years ago), a second one with Dr. F and now, trying to persuade my hubby to go for a second one with Dr. F. I have lots of disagrement with hubby trying to convince him to go for a third round but I am also not sure whether it is really worth a "fight". With 2 failed IVFs and the diagnostic being quite similar between the first IVF and second IVF (poor egg quality), I am also not very optimistic on whether the third IVF would succeed. My hubby has sperm issues as well and so ICSI is needed as well. Dr.F said he would give me Gonal F i/o of puregon and watch me more closely (!). He also said he may increase pregnyl/HCG dose to help the eggs mature.

Wondering whether you could share what made the difference between the first 2 cycles and the third one. Did Dr. also change his protocole for you? I am just afraid history repeats itself again.

I can't wait much more for the 3rd IVF as I am already 37 and will turn 38 soon. I think this is also another issue that my hubby has since it is higher risk pregnancy as well.

Thanks for being there for us. And really appreciate if you could share more with us on what was done differently for the third IVF.
I think my problem is quite complicate, when I consulted angela of CARE@PARAGON, she commented that mine is a challenging case after past 2 failures. I feel that for an experienced embrologist to say that, mine is definitely a very serious one.
After the failed cycle, I think dr f and the embrologist did some 'experiment' on the unfertilised embryo and they concluded that for my case, they need to do 'activate' the embryo from the beginning for next cycle.
Poor fertilisation is quite unexplainable, it could be due to egg or sperm or both. that is the ans I gt from all the drs i consulted.
the reason why he transferred 3 was maybe due to me requesting him to transfer 4. I don't remember him doing anything different for mine case as I responded well to stimulation but thay did 'activation' to the embryo as well as assisted hatching. in some lab they charge extra for assisted hatching. gleneagle does not charge extra so mayb that explain why they r more ex in price. I heard from friends that Christopher chen's also does activation.
have u read the book "fertiliy & conception" by Zita West? it's a good book telling u wat to do during the cycle. quite ex to buy but they have it at national library.
I also did acu with jn jin hua @ raffles hospital. 3X a week from beginning of suppression stage, before and immediately after ET. her charges are high but I find that she is really good. I follow whatever she told me to eat. not herb but things like barley to remove dampness and black sesame to strengthen kidney. I also took ensure milk n brazil nut from suppression stage.
I guess i am more relax on the last cycle as I am quite confident that dr f will not fail me. I believe that if the cycle failed i will still have frozen.

i told my hubby that should the cycle failed again, I will go find a job save$$ and try again a year later.

Why I said gleneagle lab is good is becos their embrologist are very senior, Dr liauw n dr chen.
the embryologist who handled my case in TMC is a very young lady, I only had 2cell d2 embryo to transfer for that cycle. in another word the embryo already stopped growing. the er/et transfer in TMC is not very pleasant.

my great eastern plan is not solely for IVF, not too sure if my diagnosis is OHSS or not. think it is how the dr write the diagnosis. but i tik NTUC is more stringent with claims as compared with GE.

I feel that don't give up if u can sustain financially, do give dr f another chance if u can since he told how he would do the next cycle differently. I am on gona-f for all 3 cycle. did short protocol at TMC. but was on long protocol with dr f. dont worry about your age, most impt is to build up your body.
Thank you so much for taking yr time to answer our qns.. Scare i ask too many qns liao haha...

May i know what did dr f do to activate the eggs from the beginning? And u mention the er/et is not pleasant at tmc? What happen? May i also know what is yr 3 embryos cell and grade that u tansferred? Eg, d3 8cell grade 1...

Cos im not sure whether i should transferred 3 for my next fet to boast my chances... But im scare of triplets...

How much u spent doing accup at raffles? Cos i also thinking to do accup with dr zou at amk.. Never do before..
U do 3 times per weekly? Each time how much? After et also do accup? Wont affect the embryo? After et accup how many times?
I don't really know how they acivate the embryo. it is done in the lab by embryologist mayb using different culture.
at TMC, the place where er/et is not like a theatre n doesn't look as clean as glen. then aft er, u r transferred to a room whereby they r 4 bed but not a ward. the room was quite noisy with nurses talking to patient. my hubby doesnt like it as he find that there is no privacy. after et, i was asked to go pee immediately wherelse at glen u r wheeled back to ward to rest n nurse will bring over bedpen if needed. Mayb Dream can add on as I can't really describe it.

think u can check out the thread on IVF eaperience at thomson.

I transferred 2 grade1 8-cell & 1 in between grade1&2 8cell embryo. i think it is better to have triplets than none.

accup at raffles comes in packages of 5 seesion. think abt $70+/session. U can consult both before deciding on which one to go to. 1 of my friend who did accup with raffles and ivf with dr f was also successful and is now 20wks pregnant. I did 3 times a week during the supression and stimulation stage. went in the morning before ET and back again at around 5+pm in the evening after discharge from glen. tik it should be ok as that is wat she did to almost all her patient. she suggest i go back again 3days after et but i didnt.
only start going to her before cycle. before that i go to tt ang at far east shopping centre for accup. he is more ex but my hubby like his skill. he charge $135/seesion. he is more traditional in his approach and is not familiar with IVF protocol. he would required his patient to start with 3session/week for abt a mth then once weekly to maintain. but my hubby say he can feel improvement in health after accup. I see him for about 20+ session before switching to raffles. I took some herbal capsule from him too.
Ohh.. Then i thk glen is not expensive for no reason.. Glen is really professional in their ot.. Er/et is done at the ot whereas i know some gyneas and kkh do it in a normal room..
And dr f told me he did assist hatching for all of the embyos transferred as a routine to help the embryo to hatch out more easily.. No extra cost..
And when dr f told me he did icis for all my embryos.. I tot u need to pay extra.. But in e end no extra payment needed..

I have 8 frozen em.. Only 1 8cell grade 1 left... 2 8cell grade 1-2... The rest not so good with fragmentations and lesser cells.. So i may opt to have 3 transferred.. But will hear what dr f has to sugg.. Cos my ivf et dr f say due to my young age he only want to put in 2.. He dosent want me to hv tiplets.. But now since i failed.. And the em grade not as good.. Duno whether he will say put 3 not..

Raffles $70per session is quite exp.. Need to pay consult fee? Which raffles hosp? Yr friend physician is also same as u? The physician is from china? If its good i dont mind trying..
But when should i start before fet? 1 mth before fet?

So raffles tcm recommend accup the morning before et.. Then another right after discharge from glen for et? So u head straight to raffles after u discharge from glen?
Like Baby said, thanks for answering our questions as both of us are bombarding you with questions! And even after your detailed explanations, we still have some more!

When I asked Dr whether Accupuncture helps, he mentions that it has shown that success rate was higher but it is only required during that IVF cycle. Also, he said it could be due to the positive mindset as well (rather than the accupcunture itself). I guess nobody really knows but no harm trying...Thanks for giving us the contacts.

So, my other question would be on your egg! Did Dr say anything on your egg quality or it was only a problem of fertilisation for your first 2 cycles. Seems like your embryo quality was really good on your last cycle. For my case, I transferred 3 embryos on day 2 and they were 4 cells but average/poor quality. Dr. mentioned that it is most likely due to egg quality. Mine were mostly immature.

I am also like you and was also checking on whether I could transfer 4 but at the end, only 3 made it to day 2. So, it was an easy decision. But I think they only allow 4 if you are over 40.

Thanks again for sharing with us. It is definitely a booster and now, I have to convince my hubby! That's the hard part...
Haha.. We really bombard tassa with our tons of qns.. So pai seh.. Loads of qns one after another.. So happy we have tassa here to clear our doubts.. We hope we have more dr f patients here!

With tassa story.. It definitely proves that as long as we continue to try.. We will succeed... U planning to do accup to improve on yr egg quality? Seems like accup helps alot of gals succeed.. No harm trying.. But i dont know whether i should go raffles or amk.. Duno which one is more effective.. Raffles recommend accup after et.. But amk one doesnt.. Wonder whether the accup after et is the success pt... Really hard to decide..
Yep, agree. I feel more confident to convince my hubby after Tassa's story. May be I should promise him this would be the last time but I already said that with first ivf under Dr. F! may be need to find another compromise...no holiday for a year! Any other idea? 18k really lots of money + accupuncture...may be 20k...

As for accupuncture, I personally believe in it. May be go for consultation and see which one looks more professional! Wonder whether the consultation at RH is for 1/2h or 1hr. What about Dr. Zhou. Is it 1/2 h or 1 h?
Dream ,accu at RH is very expensive la. I have been there b4 but find dr jinn sometimes dun remember ur case and keep asking the same q..
I understand your dilemna. Did you have a chance to read that thread that Tassa and I both mentioned?

Lyn and Baby,
I have just checked RH and they actually have 2 programs: one is for general infertility and the other one is the IVF booster program. I wish I knew that this existed before.

How long were you with Dr. Jinn? Is she very busy? how long are the sessions? What is the main difference with Dr. Zhou (apart from the price)?
There is only 1 raffles hospital in SIN, the one next to bugis mrt. consultaion is $10 but I tik it will be free if u sign up the package. my friend also went to the same physician. not sure when u should start accup, my friend did a year even ivf,i did with other physician few months before the cycle. but i think u shd 'tiao' your body at least 2mth before that. don't rush, make sure that your body is ready.
yes, accup before going to glen and immediately after discharge, told dr jin to wait for me that day. her charges is high but she does accup on your front n back on the same day. if i am not wrong, some physician charge cheaper but they either do front OR back on the same day. mayb try 1 session with both physician then decide from there. she only ask me to go for accup 2x/week during cycle but i kiasu. so for most patient it twice a week.

mine is not egg quality prob as the egg retrieve is mostly mature so i think more of fertilisation.

Don't give up. I know of a lady who went thru 6 fresh IVF cycles. she succeed and now a happy mum of 1. she didn't give up despite many drs telling her to give up and consider adoption. i admire her persistent.

the accup after et is done differently, no needles on tummy and back.
Thanks for all the info. It seems that Dr. F is adapting/changing his protocole after failed cycle. So, it really seems IVF is a trial and error, with some luckier than others!

May be will try to make appointment with RH to hear Dr's views/suggestions on how to improve egg quality. Then, from there, decide. I am surprised consultation is only SGD10/-. BTW, does the Dr speak English? Do we need to bring past analysis/blood test analysis?
I totally agree with u that IVF is a trial n error. the physician understand english and is familiar with ivf term but think she is more comfortable with chinese. u need to bring along your blood test reports. u can call RH again to chk out their consultation charge again cos my first consultation with her was many years ago when i failed my very 1st cycle. not sure if $10 is for 1st consultation or not.
Here is the address

in case, it does not work. It is under Matters of Heart, IVF Experience with Thomson.

As for accupuncture, thanks to share your experience with RH and Dr. Zhou.

Thanks for all info. I think this may be the first step before we can decide on whether we should pursue another IVF with Dr. F. Would like to hear her view on egg quality and my PCOS.
