Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

Hi dream, thks for the link. Had read thru the forum, so i guess glen e being ex also got its reason... Dream as u know my first attempt is cancelled due to poor respond to puregon so i m rather stressed up now abt choosing dr coz i m so afraid of the same thing happening again. Can i know whats the reason that dr foong wants u to use gonal f for the coming try? Is gonal f much more ex then puregon?

Dream, sorry didnt see ur posting abt dr jinn and dr zou. I was with dr jinn in dec 2007 for 3mths i think. Her package is ex-abt 280 for 5 times of accu, that time i was trying natural and know very little abt ivf so didnt have much topic with her but she keep saying my body is very weak but dr zou say my body condition is not too bad so...... Dr jinn acu is 1hr front body only, and its very very painful esp at the head and ears, dr zou is much better not so painful. Dr zou accu is 25 per seeion of 40mins..
Oops didnt know spore only hv one raffles hosp..
Yup i will tiao my body for 2 mths before fet cos my fet will be in sept most likely.. Which is why im trying to gather info on accup and other ways to improve my body.. I will start drinking yomseishu... Then start accup after my af ends... Planning to take royal jelly but heard of the side effects of cysts.. So duno whether to take or not...

So should we take the ivf boaster or the general one.. I believe should be the boaster program right? But its quite exp le.. Maybe i will try dr zou first.. See whether i like it or not.. My af like gng to end liao.. Now v light flow.. So its not v heavy afterall.. Heng ah..

Dont think too much now.. U still have time to decide..
Whether its dr f or dr c i believe it will not be a wrong choice cos both is as good.. So it really depends on who u are more comfortable.. U may want to visit dr c before u decide so u can compare...
Baby, both dr is equally good but now my concern is abt the lab. Ladies from the other thread do not have positive comments on TMC lab..
When I read the experience from the ladies under TMC, it brought back memories. But at that time, there was no forum and nobody to share information with. I had nobody to talk to and discuss with! But some ladies still manage to BFP under TMC but I think our case may be more complex and may need better lab.

For my case, Dr F explained that he would usually prescribe puregon to his patients as it usually works quite well and it is cheaper than Gonal F. It seems that Gonal F will be much more expensive as Puregon as he estimated my IVF costs to be SGD3k more than the one I did with him. So, considering that I had 10 vials of puregon (at 475?), I may have to spend close to SDG8k on medicine alone...can you buy medicine from your clinic at subsidized rate? that may be a way to reduce your costs. I think Dr. F would understand as you are a nurse in a O&G clinic.

For your case, Dr. F will certainly do short protocole which usually gives better response. There is also no evidence that Gonal F is better than puregon. It is still a trial and error...

As for accupuncture, are you still seeing Dr. Zhou?

I think we can go for both packages in RH. Normal fertility before IVF and then IVF booster during IVF.

Do you find the accupuncture painful at RH? I am very tempted to try but a bit scare of needles in the head and ear...I am now doing accupuncture for slimming (Aimin) but I am only poked on stomache and legs...

Haven't heard from you. Are you doing ok? Have you ever tried accupuncture? Wonder whether it could help your MS.
accup is sometime painful with all physician, i think it very much depend on your body condition on the day of accup. but the pain is bearable like a prick on the skin, if u can survive injection from ivf u can survive accup.
If i am not wrong, gonaf has 1 molecule more than puregon mayb that explain why gonaf is more ex.
u mentioned that your problem is immature eggs, why don't u chk with dr f if he can do egg maturation for u on next cycle? r u on short or long protocol?
No one can be v sure which lab is better... So u have to know which dr u prefer rather than lab... Even thou both drs are good.. They cant guarantee success also.. So keep an open mind that u may need fet if a fresh cycle fails.. If no frozen em for fet.. Maybe will need another fresh cycle.. The $$ involved is huge so u must be comfortable on the cost.. If u dont mind the few k difference.. U may want to stick with dr f.. But dont pin high hopes that it will definitely succeed else u will be more disappointed.. Be prepared to do more than one fresh cycle.. In this way u will be more prepared... Just look at me, dream and tassa.. We didnt succeed on our first try... But dont be despair ok.. We all jia you ya!!

Hmm... With the rh price.. I find it abit steep le.. Wat u think? I may go see dr zou first to see whether i like her or not.. I havent call to make appt yet.. Most likely go see her next week cos my af gng to end soon liao.. Hw abt u?
For egg maturation, Dr. F said he will most likely increase the pregnyl jab (before ER) to 10,000 (i/o the usual 5,000iu) as it should help the egg mature. But the drawback is that it increases the risks of OHSS. but it seems that KK IVF uses 10,000 as SOP. So, I think it should be ok. I have not heard of any other thing dr can do to improve egg maturation/quality. Dr. has also done ICSI + assisted hatching on my eggs. I am not really sure what else can be done. It was really impressive for your case that they manage to find the pb and got a solution for it! Never heard of this "activation" before.

As for insurance, I am covered by Great Eastern as well under Supreme Care by my company. Hope that it is sufficient. I also have NTUC incomeshield.

Otherwise, I am already on short protocole and for next cycle, Dr. F advises the same. Just different medicine, closer follow up and increase dosage of pregnyl.

I read quite a few positive articles on IVF + accupuncture and it seems that success rate is higher with accu although they can't really explain why. I think my threshold level has increased since IVF. But BT is still quite painful. I think the skills of the lab nurses there are not that great.

Tassa, baby and Lyn,
What I am afraid now is another failure. Hopes are really high when you think you are with the best Dr, best lab and have done everything to increase your chance (accupuncture). That's why it was so hard to accept the last cycle failure. I had so much hope!

So, agree with baby, that need to be mentally ready that it may not work...while at the same time, think positive! such a contradiction!

So, Lyn, I am sure you are even more confused now...and in dilemna...I wish we could also strike toto/natural and don't have to worry about all $$$!

About accupuncture, I think I will try to make an appointment with RH and decide after that. AMK is quite far from both my work place and home.

Otherwise, I still need to convince hubby but he seems more opened now. I have not "won" my battle yet but there is some progress. He asked whether I was ready not to go holday for 3 years...and stopped my shopping...
U did accup for yr last ivf also? With whom?
Ya i know the feeling when u are already with the best dr.. Best lab.. Even for me when best embryos are transferred.. Hopes are high.. But in e end... Also failed.. I was not prepared for the failure so was extremely sad... Which is why we need to keep an open mind... Im sure with continuos try.. We will succeed...
Nope, did not do accupuncture for my last IVF but I wish i knew about the better success rate and RH's IVF accupuncture booster. I guess it is really a learning experience and luckily, we have this forum and the sisters guiding us throughout.

What I did was accupuncture for my weight loss but stopped when I started IVF as they are not specialised in fertility. But went there today at lunch time as I still have another 10 sessions with them (prepaid). As I have not gone there for a long time, it was a bit more painful than usual but bearable. Tummy area ok but pain on the leg.

Yep, really hard to go through all the mental stress. Some days, can't wait to go through it and some days, worried about another failure...but luckily, we are here to support each other through our ups and downs.
Dream,baby, do u ladies remember the measurement of our womb linning when u went for scanning during puregon stage? There is one lady over at the other thread mentioned that her linning is 11m at d7 of puregon but mine is only 6mm at d7 of puregon. That means mine is damn lousy leh..

Dream, ya now even more dilemma. My heart wants to stay with dr f but i also have to put into consideration abt not striking at first try. Dream, u mean if ur next cycle using gonal f u need to prepare how much cash. Abt me getting the jab directly thru sales person dun know whether can or not leh, i have thought abt it but dun know can or not. If can sure can save alot...

Baby, ya u r right that no one can guarantee any thing not even the best dr.. sigh... so sian..
Dr. F will check lining but he did not mention the thickness. He would just say that it is ok. i think your lining would thicken as the follicles grow. So, as you did not respond well to the dosage, I guess the lining did not follow up as well. But I guess you should share this with Dr when you proceed with IVF.

IVF is really a tough journey. So many things must be right before we make it.

Yep, really exp. With Gonal F, it will be 18k cash. no more medisave...i can do so much with this money and that's why hubby not so keen on going for another round. We both having headache over this!

Why so quiet today?

Are you OK?
In the meantime, I think I will just try to see accupuncture and see what the Dr says.
Im here! Hee...
Ya i same with dream.. Dr f got check my lining and say its good but i didnt ask him abt the measurement.. But i believe the lining should grow with the puregon.. And somemore dr f gives us progynova to increase our lining so should not be a big problem... But i heard people saying above 12mm is good for implantation..

Dream, $18k is really not a small sum... But one thing to note is if u dont wana do.. U may not be able to try again in future cos u near 38 already right? If u wana try few yrs later.. The success rate may be much lower.. If u really hope to have another child.. Try convincing yr hubby that $$ can be earned.. But once time passes.. Even thou u wana try also cannot liao...

But of cos must prepared that u may also fail and the $$ will be wasted.. Never try never know! U dun wana regret next time or not trying!
Yep, time is not on my side! I wonder why I did not "wake" up earlier! So, yep, it is now or never...can't wait...I wish I was much younger as the chances are much higher.

While I was trying to find info on RH and accupuncture, I came across this article. Seems like it is a must to do accupuncture + IVF as it increases the chance but of course, no guarantee as well!


Yep, 18k is not a small sum so I have to think of ways to cut my lifestyle or find ways to make more money!
Dont blame yrself la... U did try early wat.. Else u wont have a lovely dau le....

I also did wonder why i didnt try ivf earlier.. Wasted years of trying myself and iuis... Im already married for 4 yrs liao.. If i started earlier.. Im only in my mid 20s.. Success rate also higher.. But we cant turn bk the clock ah.. So we must jia you now!!

So we must do accup this time.. But still i hvt decide to go rh or amk le.. Hmm... I thk most likely i try amk first... Cut cost.. Hee
you try first and let me know! AhAhAh! If you go weekdays and non peak, I think it will be better as Dr Zhou will have more time for you. seems her business really doing well...unfortunately, a lot of people are having our pbs too...

Did Dr tell you how much will cost your FET?

Just now my hubby said IVF is like gambling...don't know when I will stop and chance of "striking" also low. True enough, I told him last time was the last time! I need your help to come with some ideas on how to convince him that this will be the last time. Any idea? But I don't trust myself either. Wonder whether I will push for another one if I fail this second cycle with Dr F. sigh...

Yep, can't turn back the clock so now let's look forward...and hope accupuncture will do trick for us.
Dream, juz tell urself that money can be earned back as long as u r working. Ur gal conceived thru ivf too?

Baby, tell ur hubby to be supportive and try now rather then regret later in life. I m also kicking myself for not doing ivf when i was 29 and dr f said my chances r very high and my fsh was 5.2 i made a mistake by seeking help from tcm and now my fsh is not as good as b4.

Well, life is like a box of chocolate. We wont know wat we gtg to get next. Infertility didnt even crossed my mind when i was married 4 years ago coz my menses were regular with no pain at all. I was on family planning first 1 year of marriage but now i m trying soo...... hard to be pregnant...
I hvt decide whether to go amk or rh.. Cos dr zou dont do accup after et.. Some reports i read that accup on the day of et and after et is the helpful pt in successful ivf.. I thk only rh recommend accup the morning before et and immediately after et.. Means two times accup on the eay of et.. Rh seems more systematic in their accup.. Dr zou is more like treatment before et only.. And like no plan.. Just come and do as and when u free... So im still deciding... Actually when do we need to do accup? A mth before et will be enuff?

I didnt ask dr f on the fet charges.. But that time glen gave me a pricelist.. Fet cost abt $1kplus for hosp.. Then if add in dr f charges.. I believe its near $3k ba.. Excluding the visits and scans before et.. And med also...

Actually hor quite tired over the whole ivf thingy.. Now also abit lazy to go accup.. Haha.. Guess used too much strength over the past two mths.. Now like v shack.. But i know i cant be lazy.. Must work hard! Shall decide next wk on where to do accup..

Dream, maybe u would like to set a deadline for yrself.. Eg, one last try of ivf cum fet... If next ivf and fet fails.. Shall stop trying... Else it will strain u finacially and emotionally.. It may also strain yr relation w yr hubby... Worst come to worst.. U already hv a dau.. Cos if u dont set a deadline.. U may just try and try with no ending then affect yr marriage life..

Have a talk w yr hubby and promise him this wilk be yr last try.. Tell him to give u one last chance to avoid regrets.. Compensate in forsaking other luxuries.. No expensive shopping.. No holidays etc..
Hi Ladies,

I guess all of us are enjoying a good week end with our family! Still trying to convince my hubby and although he is not fully convinced yet, he is now more open than before. Trying to control my spending

Today, spent more than 4 hours to the hair saloon. Did touch up (for my white hair), highlight, treatment and cut! Very vain!

How about you ladies? How are you?
Me ah.. Nothing special le..
Other than gng my mum pl for dnr.. Didnt go anywhere..
Just did some hsework.. Vacume.. Mop floor.. Gng to wash toilet soon... Shack ah... Haha..

My period finish liao... So gng to decide soon where to go accup... Already bought yomeishu.. But hvt start drinking yet.. Wait til next wk then start cos scare drinking now will make my af come bk again.. Hee..

Hey gals, u all planning to take royal jelly? Cos read up alot of gals benefit from it le.. But i scare of the side effects le.. Royal jelly contains hormones.. It will increase estrogen.. Hence help in fertilty... Similar to chinese dong guai... People with cysts or fibroids also cant take dong guai cos will make it bigger...
Hi dream, me sat work till 2plus then hm to rest liao. 2day went for dim sum with DH and now resting at home and surfing internet, 2molo need to work again sian.. Envy baby.. I got 2mths never go saloon liao...

Baby, juz now went to GNC and buy wheatgrass coz heard ppl saying good for lowering fsh but u dun need lah. Royal jelly buy one get one free but dun know whether say eat or not coz some ppl from the other thread say may coz cyst rite?
As for accu, i also didnt know dr zou dun do accu after transfer and also dun know accu shld or shldnt ne done after ET. I m also thinking now.. amk is not convient for me to go always go to take cab there when DH overseas like that also incur cost leh.
Wow eat tim sum.. Yummy.. Long time nvr eat tim sum liao...
Epo is also like royal jelly and dong guai.. It has estrogen and will help in hormone balance.. But if got cyst or fibroid also cannot take.. Wheat grass is fine i think..

Really quite confusing in these supplements.. Duno whether can take or not.. So i may not take in case it really cause cysts.. But i will take yomeishu.. It helps in blood circulation.. And i thk it help to keep the womb warm and increase immunity.. I already bought one medium bottle but hvt start to drink yet..

Just went to see gp cos i thk i kena UTI... Started to feel pain down there.:.. Today urine got blood.. Urine turns light reddish in color.. Give me a scare.. I occasionally will kena pain down there when i dont drink water often.. But first time see blood.. Gp give me antibotics.. Anyone experience this before?
Ya lor i think all the stress and med make my immunity low.. Somemore during et when dr drain my urine also hurt my bladder so i wonder did it cause my uti.. But thats 3 wks ago liao hmm...

I have cranberry chews tablets.. But stop taking it when i start ivf.. Didnt expect i will kena uti.. Got to faithfully take it now onwards...

Lyn, accup also helps in blood circulation.. So i thk blood circulation helps in fertility.. Drinking yomeishu or dom also helps in this area.. Sigh.. So many things to do and eat to boast our chances.. Hopefully will work..
Hi Lyn and Baby,
Week end coming to an end..so soon...Lyn, working on saturday is really no fun. Do you work every saturday or alternate saturday? Do you get another half day during the week to "compensate" for your saturday morning?

Hope the meds will work fast...drink cranberry juice, as Lyn said. Supposed to help in UTI.

For me, don't really dare to take anything because of side effects. Why don't you ask the accupuncture Drs before you decide on Royal Jelly or yomeishu? Don't want to treat one pb and add another one, instead...
Ya lor.. Wkends is like a rocket.. Shoo.. End liao.. U gals must be feeling the mon blues... Dont sad.. Its gonna be friday soon again..

Ya i also dont dare to take anytin.. But i guess yomeishu is ok.. Its a tonic drink to improve overall body condition.. Can improve blood circulation.. For fatigue.. Esp for those who always have cold hands and feet.. Thou i dont have this problem but just wana improve my overall condition and hopefully will warm my womb..

Dom works the same way.. But i thk dom has a stronger herb taste.. Yomeishu has a milder taste.. Once i start drinking wil update u gals on the taste ya..
Dream, i work every sat damn sian but i m working half day every tues and thrus so its kind of compensate back lor... no choice... Dream, sorry to ask again, how much puregon were u on previously and how many retrieved.. Sorry coz the other thread too many ppl so confused..
Did u go for any accu during the prev ivf?

Baby, pls update me the taste of yomeishu coz i m scared of the taste of DOM. How much is yomeishu?
Yep, week end over already! I am now in the office...another 5 more days to go...

I was on 375 iu on puregon. From what I recall, extracted 23 follicles but only 21 eggs. From the 21 eggs, only 7 were matured...6 fertilised but only 3 made it to day 2 and quality was not very good...a lot of fragmentation but they grew to 4-cell on day 2 transfer. So, pb was on the quality of my eggs. Most of them were immature, fragmented...no accupuncture done during that IVF as I did not want to stress myself too much. Dr. always said that the medicine was doing the work...but next time, will definitely do accupuncture.

How come no news from you for so low? Everything Ok with you?
As i kena uti and on antibotics for a week.. I wil have to delay my start of yomseishu... Probably next week then start.. So will let u knw by then...

Any updates on yr discussion with yr hubby? If yr hubby finally gives the green light.. When u wana start yr ivf?
Dr f ask me to go see him in a mth time when he called my last week for my bt results.. So i guess i will make an appt to see him mid next mth.. Maybe do my pap smear test together.. Cos my last ps is mar last yr.. Wana do before my er.. But dr r say not a good time cos i have many discharge due to the injections...
Hello, thanks. I am okie. Js tired to log in. Been sleep whole day fr few days. Js eat, sleep and read. Sianz..........

MS still the same. hopefully will go off soon. Will see dr f nxt week.

I try accu b4 aft my previous m/c.
Haven't discussed it this week end. But, Dr. F said he would decide on the month based on BT results. So, if we decide to start in September, then will only do IVF that month if Sept BT is good. Otherwise, just wait for October and test BT again...I think would be quite stressful to wait for BT results and to see whether we can proceed that month. Was thinking that if we try this year again, I will take my own leave so that it does not affect my work too much...

I also have not done my pap smear for a long long time...it is definitely overdue! Otherwise, call now for the appointment as it is really hard to get a saturday...and I am sure you would like your hubby to be there as well...
Good to know that you are "well" and really hope your MS will subside soon...should be in your second trimester soon?
Hi vinwee
Im ok... My uti getting better.. At least no blood liao but still got abit pain down there.. Uti is urinary tract infection... Pregnant woman also v prone to get uti.. Drink more water or cranberry juice and go pee more often to prevent uti.. Or u can take cranberry tablets.. Can get it at pharmacy.. Hope u will wean off ms soon...

Where u did yr accup after yr mc? Im still deciding whether to go amk dr zou or raffles hosp... U got do accup right before u conceived this round?

Ya lor must wait v sian hor.. Wish can start to do right away..
Now is only july lor.. Still v far away from sept le.. If my normal o is delayed due to ivf.. Then worst still.. Got to wait longer.. Hubby say we try on our own next mth haha.. Who knows can strike on our own.. Wishful thinking... We aldy tried for so long liao... Even iui and ivf also cant succeed.. Need a miracle to happen for us to conceive on our own ah... Hee
Never know! There are always stories about people getting pregnant when they least expect it. So, hope you will be one of them

Good to read that your UTI is better. Must be quite scary to see blood in your urine. and of course, very uncomfortable as well. Seems like the antibiotics is really working fast.
Baby/dream, i feel so down and sad when i see ladies at the other thread who started jab abt the same time as me all went for ER already. I m the odd one out who didnt make it to ER. Super sad and super sian.... Do know will i still have the courage to try again or simply juz give up and go on with life without thinking of having a child....
Hug..Hug...I know it is really hard emotionally. It is really a struggle to go through this infertility. But don't give up now. Otherwise, you may regret it later in life, So, please persevere. There are always ups and downs and that only makes us stronger. So, just plan your next step. Remember you are in control of your destiny. Don't give up now. Age is on your side. Please be strong not only for you but for your loving and caring hubby
Hi Ladies,

I have been reading most of the postings here. I share with all of you those anxieties and uncertainies all of you going through.

I must feel thankful as I went through a 3.5 yrs journey after my marriage to try for a baby. I have seek lots of help, went thru IUI and nearly go for IVF. Seek TMC too. I must say it is extremely stressful.

I get very frustrated esp those period, having to attend baby showers, and seeing friends and colleague being pregnant.

But all those assisted measures, didnt help me to conceive. Till I reach a stage of giving up, not bothering about anything related to baby.

And this kind of bo chap attitude, not bothered about those temperature taking, ovulation etc, I ended missing my good friend and conceive.

So ladies, dont give up, just perservere.

All the best to all you here..
Ya.. The antibotics is working fast sia.. But still feel pain down there.. Thk should be better tml.. First time kena uti with blood.. Scary lor.. Somemore dr say cannot cfm uti.. Make me worried something more serious..

Dont sad gal... Everything happen for a reason... Console yrself at least u did not went thru er and et and end up -ve like us..
I can understand the feeling.. There are alot of gals in this forum who i chat for abt 3 yrs.. Have all became preggy.. Their child already years old liao... Even some who started ivf not long before me got bfp.. And me still no news... Sian big time.. Its really not easy to tell ourslvs not to think too much when we are facing disappointments while watching others get bfp... But wat can we do.. Nothing... So rather than drowning ourslvs is unhappiness.. We have to brace ourslvs thru all this and be happy! Im confident we will all be mummies v soon!

Thanks for sharing yr stories... I have heard many who succeed when they give up trying... But dont knw whether i will hv this luck le.. I have been trying for 3 yrs.. Rounds of clomid.. 4 iuis.. 1 ivf.. All failed.. All when dr say i have no problem.. Perfect timing... Perfect embryos and lining.. But still failed.. Really scratch head... Hopefully my next fet will succeed...
Dear dream and baby, thnks for ur kind words glad i found u ladies to talk coz nowadays really no one to talk to abt this issue except for hubby but dun want to stress him abt it also. I know i have to be positive no matter wat in order to fight this battle but somehow sometimes really feel so tired and suddenly feel no more strength to walk this path liao...

Dream, nowadays u dnt post at the other thread liao hor... Me too seldom post there liao...

Angel, thks for sharing ur experience and it definitely give us a ray of lights and to perserve on...
Really... This forum is a god send for people like us.. Else really dont know who we can turn to.. Can share with no one other than hubby.. But dont wana stress him too much also.. Actually hubby also cant understand as much as u gals..

Sp lyn, dont be too affected.. Our ears are always here for u.. Maybe u are lucky to strike on yr own this cycle! Then u can graduate from here!

I also seldom post as much as before at the othe thread.. But some gals there are quite nice to talk too also.. Esp here v quiet.. Only have me, lyn, dream and vinwee... Occasionally has some others who drop by here... Hope we can have more dr f patients here!!
Thanks for your nice message and encouraging words. It is good to hear that miracles do happen. Congrats on your pregnancy. May I know whether your case was a case of unexplained infertility?

Lyn and Baby,
Yes, glad I found this forum too! and that we made it "alive" again...hope there will be more patients of Dr. F. joining us, here!

Yep, I have not posted on the other thread for a while and became a silent reader, instead! I can't contribute much there since not doing anything now. Also, lots of new ladies there and can't really follow up on who is who. All my "cycle buddies" from May have disappeared as well!
Hi Ladies,

I truly understand. I started late as well. Married at almost 29 and failed to conceive till I hit 32. Yes it does affect the relationship. Hubby does not really understand what we go through inside us. Those strong anxieties built up. As we are governed strongly by our hormones, we can swing from high to low. And it can be uncontrollable at times. Hubby will think I am temperamental or impatient, or easily frustrated kind.

I have a classmate, married 10yrs now, misc twice and have no results since. Faile once IVF. Had those similar feeling like most of you going thru.
I have encouraged her all the while. Many times she wanted to adopt. I asked her don't give up till bio clock is up. Own flesh and blood is different.

She has started to accu for 6 mths now preparing for second IVF cycle. I am flying over to visit her in 2 days' time as she is currently staying in HK. Married a HKee. We have known each other since childhood days. I even brought my boy over in March to jump on her bed. Just like what pple said, scatter baby dust all over.

Am keeping my finger crossed for her as well. When I am there, I will tell her about this forum. Ask her to join in.
Really... This forum is a god send for people like us.. Else really dont know who we can turn to.. Can share with no one other than hubby.. But dont wana stress him too much also.. Actually hubby also cant understand as much as u gals..

Sp lyn, dont be too affected.. Our ears are always here for u.. Maybe u are lucky to strike on yr own this cycle! Then u can graduate from here!

I also seldom post as much as before at the othe thread.. But some gals there are quite nice to talk too also.. Esp here v quiet.. Only have me, lyn, dream and vinwee... Occasionally has some others who drop by here... Hope we can have more dr f patients here!!
I was actually very active in my gynae thread. Dr Fong Yang.

My gang now too busy with their kids hardly log in.So I came in here cos I see this thread and my gynae's thread has almost the highest postings.

And now I have finished my bb production, I decided to embark into a new venture. Online selling my domestic papers. Because I also want to spend more time with my kids. As now I am working full day and both boys in school, I have a maid to help out in housework and meals.

So in due time, I may work half day to oversee them when they are in half day school.

At least I try to do something I like and I also bake and make my own bread. As we all know, there is no iron unbreakable rice bowls in our societies. So I am pre-amping myself in case I get that "Golden Axe" over me.

Indeed, it is a tough journey and I am glad to read that you are enjoying motherhood. In Singapore, it is really hard to balance family and work life. I am definitely guilty of this!

So, it is good that you have found a good balance. Are you doing your own business or working for people?
