Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

Baby, i dun think dr f got time to check in here lah and somemore here all ladies talk he c already sure faint coz we r so long winded....

Baby, i havent answer ur q abt the short or long protocol. When i saw dr f last thru he mention he will want me to go short one coz of my poor respond. But he also mention some usage of superfact so i m not so sure too. But short protocol shld be better for puregon poor responser? Maybe dream can advise also?

I hope more ladies under dr f will cme in and chat to gv us the support..
Ya.. That time when i just finish et.. I got real bloated.. So i post asking what are the symptoms of ohss.. Hoping to have more info on ohss so that i can get prepared.. Never expecting some gals responded saying i shouldnt ask abt ohss as the feeling is terrible and no one wants to get reminded of it.. Should just relax and stay positive during 2ww.... I was like.. Huh???? I tot the thread is to provide support?

Ane once when i ask a gal abt her fsh reading cos she has poor response... Scarli before the gal can ans me... Other gals told me off in saying i should not be asking this as it will make the gal feel bad... In was taken aback cos i dont have that intentions cos i only wanted to know more whether fsh reading has a impact on stimmulation drugs.. Thats all.. But in e end the gal answered my qn... So from then i dont really dare to ask qns over there...

Dream also went for short protocol.. I thk if fsh reading is higher dr f scare supression will make poorer response.. But even short protocol will need suprefact cos this will prevent own hormones to ovulate the eggs before er can take place..

Did kkh also practise this?
Baby, i think that thread has got more and more ppl of strange character. I also sian to post there liao coz some thinks that we r trying to compare with one another but in fact we r only trying to look for more info and make ourselves more knowledge...

Baby, i did post a q there asking those ladies who had short protocol in kk but no one answer me yet so i m not sure whether short protocol in kk need any suppression or not...
morning all
I am not aware tat clomid will delay AF tat's why for the past 2 cycles I thot I got hgh chance cos' AF hardly late.

I also thot maybe the fibroid affects implantation. Initially I wanted to remove the fibroid but Dr F asked me to try a few cycle 1st b4 deciding to remove. He didnt pressure me to remove.
the waiting time sucks and gynae is those quiet type. U need to ask then he will answer. I prefer someone who is more vocal & explain in details so tat we know wats gg on.
just now look see the thread posted. no wonder he so bz lah got so many patients under him. to him ivf is nothing but to the patients is a tough journey.
Angel, ya i know to him i like nonthing but the patients r all desperate and depends on him to have a bb.. but in return this is wat u get
That time when polyp was discovered dr f also never ask me to go remove cos he say its small.. Can just monitor it.. But only when 2 iuis failed then he suggest me to go remove to increase chances of success by future iui.. Im glad i remove it cos if i dont, i may not try ivf without making sure the womb condition is good before proceeding to do a exp cycle..

But i did hear gals when on preggy even thou they hv fibroids.. But its gd to remove it if u cant conceive after trying for long.. Maybe removing it may help u conceive... But removing fibroids can do via vaginal or need lapo?

Ya some gals there abit defendsive and some not v helpful... But there some that are nice..

I stopped working for a few years liao.. So not planning to start work in near future.. I wana focus on ttc-ing first... So will be hard on hubby for now..

How abt u?
Baby, ya i m working and also feel stressed coz gpt to tell boss i have to go scanning etc. My boss and colleages know that i gtg ivf and my cycle is terminated. Feel so sian for needing to go back to work 2molo again. But no choice i must work in order not to create financial stress to my DH. So envy u..
Ya im fortunate for not having to work when ttc-ing.. For those who need to work at the same time doing ivf.. I know its tougher on them.. Esp when needing to explain to boss n cols on why u need to take leave etc.. Sometimes dont wish to let anyone knows also cannot.. But for dr f, the waiting time is short.. If yr working pl is near glen.. Can go see him during lunch hr for scan during ivf so dont have to take leave.. But after er and et can take HL to rest but not sure for how long.. Dont know the leave paper will put due to wat reason.. If nvr put can no need to tell cols u gng for ivf.. Can say other medical reason if u dont wish to let them know..

Is today yr ovulation day after the pregnyl injection? These two days should be yr bd days right? Enjoy ya! But dont stress yrself too much ok..
just to give u some info on acu. Cannot acu when u have AF. After ER, can acu everyday up to ET. Then after ET, no more acu. This is dr zou's practice.
Baby, i m a nurse and i also work in gynae clinic so no choice must tell my boss that i m gtg ivf lor.. so far he is quite supportive. Ya working is tougher but no choice. When i go dr f clinic i always go the earliest appt and then go to work juz have to take abt 1 hr time off. Dr f earliest appt is 8 or 830 am?
Baby, ya we Bd-ed fri, sat and gtg to do so 2day as instructed bt dr f. I got cramp at the left side of tummy and thats where my matured egg is... maybe its coming down hehehehe.. Anyway i wont pin hope on this cycle too coz been getting too much disappointment from trying natural liao..
Oh so dr zou dont do accp after et.. What is dr zou operating days? Got open during sunday?

Oh u are a nurse! White angel... Hehe..
So u working in hosp or clinic? So must know better than us in terms of all the medical procedures!

Dr f clinic open from 830am.. So the earliest appt is at 830 at clinic..

Er is at 745am.. Need to admit to hosp by 6-630am..
Et is usually during afternoon.. Mine is at 145pm...
Baby, i work in a clinic hehehe.. Wow ER so early? Dr f clinic sat open at 8am rite? Coz its website written 8am everyday leh.

Baby, u intend to go amk. I m also seeing her for 6mths liao. Took her med and not sure whether it coz of the tcm that i drank coz my fsh to go up , sigh... everything is like trial and error
baby, another lady at the other thread got bad encounter with kk again. SO sad that this is happening again and again though kk is a well establised hosp in sg.. wat a shame
dr zou is open on Sundays. If I'm not wrong, she doesn't work on Wednesdays. Since you are not working, it is better to go during the day time. Less crowded. U can have more time with dr zou. She is a v nice lady. Has a lot of experience with pple like us going on IVF. She is a good person to ask all your questions and she gives good advice. She doesn't charge u for consultation. It's just $25 per session.
I dont know abt sat.. But i know wkdays clinic open at 830 sharp.. Even if they are aldy in the clinic, they wont open the door before 830...

Ya i read the story... Its really v sad.. Sometimes i feel the pregnancy may not been saved even if there was a dr intevention at that pt.. But kkh could have handled the matter more humane way.. To show more emotional support to the lady in distress..

I read from somewhere that once there is continuosly bleeeding.. Miscarriage is inevitable even if there is any medicated support given as the pregnancy is destined to be lost.. So i feel whether or not the kkh dr or the nurse has given any injections to try to save the sac.. It may not help.. But of cos any help rendered at the pt of time is a god send to the helpless lady..

Kkh is really a inpersonal hosp in the way they handle their patients.. Maybe due to ivf centre not a life threatening medical condition so this is why.. I believe when it comes to other life threatening matters.. Kkh is undenial a good hosp in their facilities..

I read in the papers before kkh can handle crash delivery.. Meaning they have the facilities and support to have a crash delivery in 7 mins.. Not every hosp can do that.. If this crash delivery is not performed within the timeframe.. Mother and baby may be in danger.. That time i wonder should i go kkh for delivery if im preggy... Haha think too far liao.. Trying so hard still no news.. Yet thinking abt delivery liao... Hee

I wont go for herbs as i also scare it will mess my cycle up.. So will only go for accup.. What kind of herbs dr zou give u? Got ask her is this the reason why yr fsh reading got up?

Yup will def go during wkday non peak hrs since im nt working... Will start once my af finish...
Baby, i did ask her but some say chances very low. I dare not confirm its her herbs that make my fsh level fo up coz i did went thong ji and put on her for 6mths but i went to her so i only got myself to be blamed....

Anyway, wat eaten is already eaten now juz trying to look forward. U too we jia you 2gether.
I will go back to her for accu after my next AF. I usually go there tues or thru afternoon, maybe we can go 2gether? where do u stay?
Hi Lyn and Baby,
Agree that it is really sad to read the stories under the other thread. I really hope things will change for the better there.

Otherwise, my af just came today...so, AF after IVF is really unpredicatble...now day 42! but my AF always quite irregular since I have PCOS but usually closer to 35 days.

Before the review meeting, just write down on a piece of paper the questions you want to ask Dr. F. I also read that you should bring along your medical records when you see Dr. Zhou.

Baby is correct. Suprefact given together with puregon to stop ovulation. Hope this weekend was fruitful and you don't have to go through IVF this September
Dont blame yrself.. Maybe its not the herbs..
Even if its the herbs u also eat it to boast yr fertlity.. So if it gets opp its not yr fault.. Maybe u can ask dr zou on how to improve fsh level?

I live in sengkang.. So quite near to amk.. Right now i hvt really go thk abt the accup.. I now only trying to digest the whole ivf thingy... Hopefully by my af finish.. I can be prepared to go accup and face the route to fet..

Ivf can make cycle go haywire ah... Jia lat.. My cycle usually quite regular at abt 32-35 days.. Never once missed a period before.. But hear u say delay till 42 days like v jia lat wor..
Now i still waiting for my af to appear.. My last insert is on fri night.. Af should appear anytime.. Hopefully my next cycle is back to normal.. Else dont knw when can start fet..
your AF should be coming tomorrow. Usually 2-3 days after u stop medication. Was really wondering why my af never came! But my cycle usually quite irregular...so don't worry. Your dosage also lower. Good night!
Baby, ya for now juz rest well first. Accu can start later or when nearer to ur FET..

Dream sorry to ask again how much did u spend on puregon alone? Did dr f say why u need gonal f rather then puregon in ur nxt time? Do u know how much higher in price is gonal f?
Ya i also thk my af will appear tml.. I got a feeling this af will be painful and heavy.. Cos i can feel the cramps now.. And i thk the progynova we took to increase our lining will make our af heavy cos lining thicker so shed more blood.. Gosh..

Shall let u gals know when my af say hi tml.. Haha..

Yup shall let u know when i decide to go accup.. Right now just wana stop thinking abt the ivf thing.. Think too much for the past mths... Gonna take a break.. Else can go crazy.. Hee..
Hope u can get +ve this cycle then no need to go ivf in sept!! Good luck to u!!

And to ans for dream, i thk dr f told her to try gona f cos that cycle puregon did not did a good job for her as the quality of the eggs not so good so the embryos are not of v gd quality.. So dr f hopes gona f can stimmulate better for her.. She spent abt $15k last cycle.. And dr f told her gona f is more exp and may need to spend $18k... This ivf thing is really exp lor.. Really can dry one's pocket.. But no choice since we cant conceive on our own.. So envy others where getting preggy is like a tip of the finger.. Sigh..
Baby and Lyn,
Thanks Baby. Your memory is really good! My dosage was 375 iu and from what I can recall, 10 days of stimulation and 1 box each day. So, must have been close to 4-5k for puregon alone. I actually looked back at my record and spent $17k under Dr. F since I started to see him in Feb09. The other 2k were mostly pre-ivf tests (BT, SA, consultation, scans) and 700 for insurance (as I put 3 embies). Yep, lots of money! and as baby said, yep, really envy those that get preggy so easily...

but I am sure they may envy us for other things they don't have...like a caring and loving hubby, may be!

As for AF,I think it will be heavier but not more painful. Mine is seldom painful...I think becoz mine is not "normal", may be never ovulate...not really sure.

Hope yours don't come for another 9 months!

Had a good week end? Hope you are feeling better.

Sorry, can't help much. I also took clomid many years ago but can't recall much.

Just say you are a new case. They would usually ask whether you are pregnant or not. This is for them to record in the Dr's appointment.
Haha my memory not bad hor... :p
I started seeing dr f last yr feb... Did 4 iuis... We spent near to $20k so far including this ivf.. Gosh.. Come to thk of it.. Its really alot of $$... Spent so much still have not succeed.. Hmm.. Hopefully next fet god can pity us to let us succeed...

Think my af say hi liao.. This morning go pee see traces of red.. So should be coming full force soon.. My af usually with cramps for the first 2 days.. When i started this ivf i tot i wont be seeing af for the next 9 mths.. Even never top up my sanitary pads.. Sigh.. Being over confident not too good.. Harder to accept the reality when it fails..

Btw gals, yomseishu or dom better har? Cos i nvr drink any before.. Which is more helpful in fertility? Dont know dr zou will recommend drinking this not...
I think IVF is pretty costly! yep, really hope you strike next FET.

Good that AF is on its way so you are closer to your FET
reading your mind, right!

Really not sure about yomseishu or dom. I also never drink those. I think better wait and see Dr. F or Dr. Zhou before starting anything. You never know the side effects...
removal of fibroid via lapro. U not working for long? me also not working for a few mths thinking can ttc without stress but till now no gd news yet. but I am prepare to go back workforce liao $ is drying up.
Wa lau u really can read my mind... Haha.. Counting down 2 mths to fet.. These 2 mths like 2 years... Hopefully my cycle wont be mess up else will be delaying my fet..

I have not been working for quite some time liao.. Same as u.. Tot can focus on ttc.. But so long liao still no news.. I worst still.. Spent so much $$ and time still hvt succeed yet..

So have u decide whether to remove the fibroid? How big is the fibroid? Probably u ask dr f whether need to remove not.. If really preggy will the fibroid affect the foteus?

The fibroid has to go thru lap to remove ah? Cannot remove via the vaginal? If can, no wound so can recover faster..
I have been reading books on fibroid & it mentioned yoga & diet will help to reduce or prevent the growth. I will try out for a while & see whether the fibroid condition improves. my fibroid is abt 6cm liao. Dr F said if ttc naturally still no new then maybe consider removing it & if preggy will have to monitor closely the fibroid growth. never heard can remove via vaginal. have to remove via lap or else open surgery if it becomes too big.

am confused who's doing wat treatment in this thread?
Baby / Dream / Lyn,
Ya... my MS very jialat now. Dr said it's in peak. And hopefully will go off in two weeks time. Counting down. And lost 7 to 8 kgs.

I got heartburn when I vomit yesterday nite.

Weekend was normal lor. What else can I do at the moment? Must lie down aft food. And I normally take brunch or lunch, no dinner.
I personally prefer yomeishu (the normal green packing) than D.O.M. D.O.M got strong herb taste. I didn't drink either one. But I do drink the thing I asked u to boil before.

Also, eat more fish and beef before that. Coz got more protein. And steam beancurd.
Seems like your MS as bas as Develyn (from the other thread). I think she also lost quite a fair bit. So, just endure for 2 more weeks. Things should get better after that.

At least, your hubby should be home with you on week end so, should be nicer

I am not doing any treatment right now. Failed my IVF in May 09 with Dr. F and now thinking whether should proceed with a second IVF.
Yep, I guess both of us are quite alike! so, that's why I can "read" your mind

I think you have made the correct decision. It is really important to start early as chance of sucess is much higher when young. So, work/careeer can wait! and you have a doting hubby, so just be sure to be nice to him..Ah..Ah..Ah...

How old are you now? Have you done BT already? Do you know what is your FSH level?
Ya... but he also so sian at home. Can you imagine, almost 2 mths he didn't go anywhere? He only go market buy food to cook for me. Go supermarket store up what I might like to eat.

But he is leaving for business trip and a few days getaway with his uni friends from overseas. I asked him to go earlier instead of end of this week, else, he has no much time for his business trip coz I will hv another scan end of mth which he wanted to be back by then.

Ya... my MS quite bad... I am like bamboo now...

HI Ladies,
Did you all read about Fellaine case in another thread? I wonder how come the golden finger can only see her next week? Can he just spend at least 10 mins to attn to her? Her HCG is quite high for early pregnancy BT. What a sad story...

Dr f even see me at 8am when I hv problem last time and keep apologize to me of wanted me to wake up early and go and see him.
