Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

I guess he must be looking forward to this Business Trip and short getaway! I can understand how he feels. It is really boring to stay at home when you are feeling well, especially after one week of work and you just need to destress.

Otherwise, just endure for another 2 weeks. i hope you'll get better very soon. You are still working from home or you are on sick leave? Must be quite tough to juggle both right now.

Don't worry...I am sure you will not be a like a bamboo for long...

I cant take beef..
I saw some gals say some gyneas say dont take soy beans food cos it will cause inferility..

After et should eat more protein to boast implantation.. So should we take soy bean milk or cow milk? Or should take protein shake? Hmm... So confusing... I will prefer taking soy bean milk.. Cos i dont like to drink cow milk le..
Agree it is really sad. She should really seek 2nd opinion. For IVF, I know there is a big price differential between gvt and private but is it the case for pregnancy follow-up? Is it really a lot more expensive to go private? Really feel sad as it seems something could have been done or at least, she should have get some mental support. Same for wish a star storey. I don't know how they can cope after that.
I am same age as you..although I'll be 38 this September! I guess your hubby has no issue and that's why you are doing clomid. Sorry for asking but do you have PCOS (which could explain the high FSH?). For my case, I have PCOS (FSH 6+) + male issue.
I dun think I have PCOS but my dh swimmers not so gd based on SA result. Both of us are seeing TCM & am asking dh to do a repeat test. FSH level of 6 very gd rite?
I thought it was Ok as well but I had egg quality issue when I did IVF. i guess it is due to my PCOS and in addition to FSH, also need to look at some LH:FSH ratio which must be close to 1. So, I guess I must have some hormonal imbalance. Which TCM are you seeing right now? Did Dr. F do BT for your hubby (to look at the hormones)?
I read thru the archieve in another thread, plant protein not as high as animal protein. And among all animal, beef has higher protien. And there's ppl suggest to drink organic soy bean milk. B4 I preggie, I drink soy milk as well...

U can't take beef due to religion?
Ya it's kinda sad for Fellaine. Her HCG is high. At least the dr should see her and check if anything can be done. At least try and the patient feel more secure and relief. And at least the dr trying to safe the pregnancy, and if still losing it, then nothing to blame. But the dr like done my job fr ET / ER, then let u "zi shen zi mie".

The ladies has go so far to IVF and get BFP... his job not only ET/ER but try to safe pregnancy, dun he know, a succesful IVF is till delivery????? he got high conceive rate coz so many ppl go to him... is he really golden finger???? But then, no morale.
Ya cant take beef due to religion...
I also tot of drinking organic soy milk.. Cos i saw ntuc got sell those individual pack soy bean powder.. But dont whether drink soy milk or cow milk better during the 2ww for implantation...

Dr f purposely see u at 8am?? He only start at 830 right? Wa he is so nice.. U called him on his hp so he ask u to come see him at 8?
Baby & Vinwee,
I think Dr would usually start his day early with ER and then proceed to his clinic. So, on the days he don't have ER or other ops, I think he can see patients earlier. But then, no nurse yet since Angeline usually comes in later!

Otherwise, I usually like to see him very early in the morning as well. Usually take 8:30 or 9 am appointment (the latest) on saturday and then I have the full week end to enjoy.
That day the recep said dr f start at 8.30am. Of coz if like what dream said, got ER or operation or delivery then he has to start earlier lor.

Ya... he called me to go over at 8am coz he dun hv slot fr me.
Yep, really hard to get it! So, have to book long in advance but I guess Dr will always try to squeeze us in for urgent matters. Although it is saturday, he still takes the time to talk to you. I think he "plans" 15 minutes per client (whereas other Drs would usually squeeze 3 patients in 15 minutes).
Thats so nice of dr f.. Not all drs is willing to come earlier to see patient..

I wonder would dr f give his hp no to those who is near delivery in case there is any wrong in the middle of the night.. Can call him to ask him whether need to go hosp not...
Yep. Did my 1st IVF with him. He is quite a nice Dr like Dr. F but extremely busy. Always need to wait very long. His style quite different. No Blood Test and most patients go for short cycle. Nurses are really nice there. But I still prefer Dr. F and I think lab quality is very important as well for IVF. Try to read the feedback on TMC in "Matters of Heart: IVF under TMC.

If I am not wrong, Dreambaby is under Dr LC Cheng and she is considering 2nd opinion with Dr. F.
Are you considering changing Dr? Have you checked how much it will cost? I think should be about the same charge than Dr. F. May be Dreambaby can help us.
Dream, i didnt know ur first ivf is under him. Tmc is very nice to my work place, the nurse who answered the call quote me 14k plus. But first consultation with dr cheng is abt 200, thats ex... I find Dr f consultation charge more reasonable... Sigh so confused now...
Hi Ladies,
Being very long never log in liao. Am here to spread some baby dust to those who still trying to conceive especially to Baby and Dream. Me too am a patient of Dr F, glad i go to him after we tried for about a year. Manage to conceive after seeing him for half a year with the help of clomid and also TCM. Oh ya i went to Dr Zou Yu Min, the one at Ang Mo Kio. I would said she's good. Usually she encourage us to have accupuncture, but i never had the courage to try it but have being taking her med though. Therefore mine being successfully conceive, the credit definitely go to Dr Zou and Dr Foong.

Last but not least, not sure if any of you had any idea about Dr Foong's package or he doesn't offer any package for delivery at all?
Seems like lc cheng is also a popular pte gynea..
I read frm the net on his comments.. He is a nice and caring dr same as dr f.. Also has high success rate but his waiting time is long...

Lyn, maybe u would like to see lc cheng then u can compare whether u prefer dr f or dr c.. After comparing then decide which one u would like to do ivf with.. Im sure both are as good.. The most impt is u have to feel comfortable with..

My af full force liao.. The flow is only slighly heavier than usual.. But just as painful as before.. I count when is the earliest to do fet.. Its actually in mid to late sept lor.. Sian..
Hi vinwee,
Congratulation on your pregnancy as well. Do take good care of you body and the little one in your tummy. Try not to lose anymore weight.
Dream/baby, i m already off puregon for 3 days liao but out of sudden after dinner i feel so so bloated. Fyi, i only have minimal bloated during puregon stage..
Thks for yr wishes!! And congrats to yr pregnancy!!
So envious.. U can conceive naturally by clomid alone and tcm... How i wish.. Hee... I also planning to go see dr zou for tcm.. Hopefully can help me in my coming fet.. Now waiting for my af to clear first.. How many weeks are u now? U gng to let dr f deliver for u? How much is his package like?

I understand u like dr f.. Me too...
But of cos glen really exp in their lab and ot charges.. If can succeed then its all worthwhile.. But if fails like me.. The $$ spent is really xing tong ah...

I thk the charges different fm dr c and dr f is abt a few k.. But lyn, if u need higher dose of stimming.. The cost may not be only $14k.. Cos the med is exp ah.. One box already at $415.. If u need more than 350iu.. U may need one box a day.. Or u wana check with dr c on their er/et charges to compare with glen?

Bloated? A good sign wor.. All people tested bfp all bloated.. When is yr predicted ovulation? Yday?
Hi Baby,
Am 16 weeks now, ya don't wanna swtich gynae at the moment since i've being with Dr Foong quite some times. Don't know his package yet, or maybe he doesn't even provide any package. Am worry it'll be ex too. EDD is during Christmas week, did ask him if it'll cost more expensive since it's festive season. He didn't directly tell me how much it'll roughly cost but told me that my baby will decide for me. So in the end, i still don't know if it'll be ex or not thus trying to find out here.
Wow u in 16 weeka liao! Know gender liao?
So exciting for u.. It will be the best xmas gift!!

Or u wana check with angeline on dr f delivery package? I know not all gyneas have package.. If dont have package then it will be quite exp..

I know a gynea at sengkang mrt stn there has a package only for $550.. Dr adrian.. So cheap.. My friend went there told me this $550 includes all visits, scans and even walk in when u fall sick.. Med also included.. So its always crowded over there..
Baby, dr c er/et/lab will cost ard 5k, the rest is the drugs needed. On average the info i gathered is abt 2k plus in diff btw dr c and dr f.. sigh.. so many worries

Bluegal,i mean the powder form herbs.. U try dr zou med still can take clomid ?
Thanks for your baby dust and congrats on your pregnancy. You must really be excited!

I read from the old post that Dr. F has package but it starts much later compared to other Dr. I think around week 22 if I am not wrong. So you may want to confirm this with Angeline. Really happy that you managed to conceive naturally with him.

As Baby said, was the "quote" included your increased dosage for puregon? Otherwise, Dr. F's first visit is also very expensive. Somehow, all Drs charge higher for the first consultation as they need to spend a longer time with us. To my opinion, the nurses are really nice and warm which is a definite + point for Dr. C. Negative is the waiting time. Otherwise, for Drs, it is hard to say. I guess part of it is luck and fate. Lab is also a question mark. Don't know whether you read about the other thread on IVF Experience at Thomson. From what I gathered, it was not with Dr. C but I think they share the same lab.

The other + point for Dr. F is that he has all your records.

My AF also very heavy this month. Don't know why. Quite scary...hope it will gettter by today. I guess both of us suffering at the same time!

Good morning! Feeling better today?
Morning, not so good as well but yet throw out. But yesterday nite oledi had big one. Imagine i eat veggie and porridge water and throw everything out before midnite. Now feeling sth but try to "tong". Else I will throw my "huang dan shui" out later.
Don't think Dr f will gv his hp to patient nearer to delivery. Else he will be bz... :p I think once admitted to hospital, they will call dr f. And normally will not go immediately when we admitted to delivery room, i think is gonna wait and see how much we dialted and the nurse will keep updating dr.

Ya... like what dream told you, Dr f has package but it's started only from 22 weeks (read from the thread as well). But this package is not delivery packgage I think, should be visiting and scan. Maybe you wanna check with angeline?

Ya... I hope not to lost anymore weight. Been losing a lot. I am like bamboo now....
I wish I could be like a bamboo (with same symptoms as you)! AhAhAh...just endure for a while. Are you sure Dr can not give you anything to stop the vomiting? 8-9 kg loss is really a lot.
I js fin my job as merlion. Really "huang dan shui" come out oledi.

Dr gv me anti nauseas tablet. But I didn't take it. As he did mention, is not work for everybody so I try not to take medicine even is pregnancy safe. I lost 7 kgs plus since june. Less than 8kgs...:p

Babydust to you, so you can enjoy the symptoms soon. Hv you check with the TCM?

I also tell myself endure fr a while. Less than 2 weeks time I will be fine (hopefully).
Wa lau.. My af cramps v bad last nite till i cant sleep well lor..
The cramps come in 10s interval.. Never once stop.. This is the worst cramps i ever had.. This morning i even have difficulties in passint motion.. I seldom have this problem..
And the flow is quite heavy.. Usually by d2 the flow will be lighter but now seems still as heavy... Ya lor both of us suffering af at the same time haha..

But this is yr 1st normal af after the failed ivf af right? According to dr f.. The 2nd normal af cycle can start ivf or fet liao... Have u decided yet? Will u be gng tcm if u decide on doing ivf again?

What a fast way to slim down!! 8kgs is alot!
Didnt expect ms can be so bad.. Even drinking porridge water also can vomit out.. Then means u didnt manage to eat anytin? Like that can meh? O u wana try drinking milk to get the nutrients? Try eating the anti vomit med.. Can make u feel better..

I thk both dr c and dr f is good.. Dr f first visit consult is at $150.. Dr c is at $200.. Exp but its only one time off.. Lyn, since dr f has all yr records u may want to go for dr f if the few k difference is ok for u.. But if u wana save the few k for other things also reasonable.. Since dr c also good.. Sigh.. Why glen is so exp in their lab & ot charge.. The most exp hosp in sg i thk..
Need to convince hubby to go there since pbs are on both side. So, even if my side improved, no point as need his side to improve as well...
Your AF is really bad. I can't sleep well too but I have no cramps..just heavy flow...so be prepared that next month AF may also be bad..I guess it is all the medications and hormonal change.

I think if it was up to me, I will try again. but then, hubby not supportive at all. so, kind of in a dilemna. don't want to force something which at the end, may not succeed...so, "fight" for nothing...

Glen more expensive but service is also much better. OT in Glen is very high standard. So, I guess if there is an emergency, Glen is better prepared. ER/ET for TMC is inside their clinic and I think that's why they can bring down the costs. Lab conditions may be different as well. So, I guess we are paying for "premium" service...i think Mt E quite expensive as well...
Ya lor the cramps is real bad yday nite.. But now its better.. Still crampy but its like my usual cramps.. I wonder is my cramps normal.. Cos when dr did a hysterscopy when i remove my polyp.. Dr say everything normal.. So duno why i will have cramps everytime..

This ivf duno will mess up my cycle not.. Duno will it affect my own ovulation for next cycle.. Cos if it affect then my af will be delayed.. Sigh.. So sick of the whole thing actually.. Do do.. Wait wait.. Sian ah...
I guess should try to find a hobby in the next 2 months so that you can focus on something else. I know easier said than done!

I think most people have cramps for AF...I think I am the "unusual" one..may be bcoz I don't ovulate every month..not sure...so, don't worry about it.
Dream/baby, as u know i m a nurse and work in o and g clinic, dr c is my boss frd and my coleague ivf is did by him 1o years back. So since i m gtg to tell my boss i not gtg back to kk i think he will ask me to go dr c coz he dun know i did iui and under dr f b4 and i m also considering if gana ohss or anything need hosp leave my boss will be more 4giving coz and provide more support to me and cost will also be not so high as compared to glen e if i happen to admit or anything like that... So i m in dilemma...
I have been thinking of this issue until i very headache 2day... My colleague strongly feels that i shld go dr c coz he is a very good and nice dr too..
Tough decision. But I think the best is to meet Dr. C first and then you decide from there. As for OHSS, risk is higher for PCOS. Do you have PCOS? you can also tell your boss that you have relatives recommending Dr. F and ask for his personal advice on him. I hope your boss will understand that it is a personal decision. As for your colleagues, do they know that you have already consulted Dr. F?
ya... read abt the royal jelly. try to ask the gal where she get it from?

I remember there's a few ttc gals mentioned about it as well. And someone did mention cannot take if got cyst.
