Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

I think you are "quite" lucky to have Dr. F as your first Dr. Lots of us have gone through many other Dr's and I really wish I found him sooner (when I was much younger!) So, I really believe you are in good hands and I hope you can continue to trust him.

Otherwise, this switch of Dr also crossed my mind recently but honestly, I also would not know who to turn to. I was also wondering why I picked Dr. Foong and not Dr. Ng. Somehow, not many feedback on Dr. Ng so I chose Dr F after reading all the positive feedback from this forum.

Otherwise, as both Dr. F and Dr. Ng are using the same lab and facilities, I don't think the results would be much different with Dr. Ng.

As for Dr. calling to share bad news, yes, it must be tough for him but I could tell right away from his voice when he spoke to me. I am sure he will personally call you and you can ask him questions on FET then (prepare a list!). You would need to arrange a review meeting with him and it would most likely be in 3-4 weeks time. I think he wants to make sure that we have recovered emotionally.

My daughter is fine now. It was a very strong virus and she had high fever for 5 days. After the fever was down, she could not walk. During that time, I was torn in between taking care of her and IVF (as I was in my 2ww)...She is always asking me to marry again as she thinks it is the only way to get a sister! She thinks 1 marriage=1 baby. Don't know where she gets this idea!

Did you manage to find the address of the sinseh your friend recommended?

BTW, have you told your parents and in laws about the pregnancy?

Is it ok for you to share with us why you changed to Dr. F? I believe you were also seeing a good specialist in Mt. E.

good to know that your hubby has grown closer to you through the journey. Men, it's not they don't care. Sometimes, they don't know how to express. At least your hubby knows how to put it across to you in words and actions. My hubby is a businessman. He is very busy. I'm independent to go for my own dr visits and do my own injections. But once I was admitted, I was so fragile. I, too, appreciate my hubby just being there for me though he couldn't do much. I sent him 1 sms in the morning and he dropped all work to come visit me at the hospital. baby, we are blessed in this way already.

I am still seeing dr. f for my fet. I'm doing a medicated fet. I'm pcos so medicated fet, dr will have better ctrl over the situation. I had 25 eggs retrieved from my ER. 21 are matured. 17 are fertilized. I used 3 for the fresh cycle so I'm left with 14. I don't know the grades of the embbies. I only know they range from 4-7 cells. I ever asked dr, since the good ones have been used for the fresh cycle, won't the frozen ones have less of a chance. He told me if the embryologist and himself chose to freeze those, it means that ALL can be used. He says there is no meaning to freeze those that cannot be used. So, take heart, u still have a good chance.

Did I answer all your questions? Oh..1 more thing, my d&c was in Apr. I'm ready for my fet emotionally but not physically. Will see what dr has to say after this.

btw, it's not that Prof Ng has less patients or what. If I'm not wrong, Prof Ng is like in semi retirement. Already earned enough..keke.

Lastly, I was seeing dr zou in amk for 3 mths before my er/et. If u want to start acu, it's 2 times a week. Each time is about 1 hour. I think now the waiting time is longer. It wasn't so crowded then. The forum has made dr zou's business flourish. I won't be doing anything for my fet. No more acu. I still eat what I wanna eat and drink what I like. Of 'cos, everything in moderation. I don't want any additional stress. I think I've had enough.
Glad yr dau is ok now.. Must be v tiring for u for that period..
I went to dr f after reading good comments on him.. Cos his thread has the most postings.. I thk alot went to him bcos of this thread.. Haha this thread gives him gd business.. Free ads.. So i wonder its not that he is popular.. Its becos this thread is v active.. So those who is looking for gynea will thk he is v popular seeing so many postings... But of cos i like him as my gynea la.. But in terms of exp i thk he has less compared to the other 2.. Cos dr f is the youngest...

Which stage are u at now for fet? U need to go thru supression?have u decide how many em to put in?
Wahh the accup is an hr thingy ah... Hmm.. If hubby go with me he got to wait v long wor.. U got see any improvement after doing accup?

Ya if accup together with ivf is stressful then do without the tcm.. This is also why i did not do tcm for my ivf.. I thk its too stressful for me also.. But now no choice since my ivg fails.. I tot maybe tcm can help me.. So thinking to give it a try... Btw how is the hygience level for dr zou? The needles used got sterilized properly not? Or only use fire to burn the needles only?
Hi Ladies,
Agree with Yve that baby's hubby is good in words
My hubby never tells me such sweet things and is not the romantic kind. I think I can count on one hand the number of times I received flowers from him although we have been married for 13 years! When I receive flowers from him, I feel more suspicious! So, his actions speak more than his words...

Wondering why don't you feel physically ok? Any particular issue? Hope you are ok.
Yes, the add is Blk 233 Yishun Street 21 #01-470. Is called Shanghai Li Shi. Tel : 67561223

I am not sure how good it is. Just a friend intro. He was saying, his wife strike aft 2 cycle aft seeing this sinseh. Also, he intro to friends who got fertilifity problem and they strike as well. try to call and check it out.

I hvn't tell my parents. My family in malaysia. With previous experience, hubby said tell aft 1st tri. But my IL know coz we stay together with them.
Ah!Ah! Ah! yep, may be Dr. F's patients are the most "talkative"! Agree that it does not mean he is better but that his patients are more IT savvy as well! Yep, without this thread, i would not know him. There is so little on Dr. Ng but you are right that he must be more experienced. Hmmm...now, you make me thinking! May be his fees are higher?

Otherwise, one thing that I don't really like about the clinic is the open concept and that the nurses/receptionist talk so loud. It seems like it is a market and everybody knows about why you are coming in for. If the place was only for people who have infertility, it would be fine. But lots of them have no pb and it feels awkward. There is no much "care" in that sense and no warm feeling. But with time, I got used to it and learn to ignore it...
Thanks for the address. I am still tossing about it since even if I improve on my side, my hubby still has the issue..unless I manage to get him to go with him to improve his sides as well...but would really need miracle.

Where are you from in Malaysia? Do you often go back? Otherwise, your parents would wonder why you have not visited them for a long time! My hubby is also Malaysian.
Most important is to choose a good dr and s/he must be the one u must comfortable with. Like Dream, i went to see one gynae b4, I'm so unhappy with her, super long waiting hour. Then I do iui with her as well, that bastard can even wanted me to do iui D5 prio my menses, mad right?

Then another time was end last year, went to seek Peter chew fr 2nd opinion aft knowing no heartbeat. Warrua, a dr with no hygiene. And u hv to wait for hours even with appoitment. The assistant so blur, can take my urine, do pregnancy test (which I don't know) and when I about to leave, she came and asked me, is this my test strip, do I want it. WTF....

I still vomit non stop but copping well. Js my hubby too gan cheong coz i vomit till nothing to vomit but just fluid sometimes. First thing out of bed is report to toilet. Aft meal, sleep wake up and report again then cont that till evening time... then if i eat, will start again b4 midnight. Sometimes sleep oso wake up and vomit. Go out hv to bring along plastic bag, vomit while waiting to see dr. But like what you said, at least I know the little one is growing. And this is how Dr console me as well.

And dr is poor thing. He has to break bad news to patient. I remember my last time, while he do the scan for me fr the 2nd time, he just keep quiet and ask me to sit down and talked aft that. He knew I'm not comfortable with V-scan. He also bo pian and "wu nai".
You are right. It's open concept. And the recept talk out loud.

I'm from Segamat, Johor. I used to go back every mth. And so coincident that now got H1N1, so i take this excuse to not going back at the moment. How about your hubby? Did you go back often then?

Ask your hubby to go together, my friend was brought there by his wife.
How coMe u say peter chew no hygience?
Ya hb no need to go accup since no need his sperms...

Ya lah.. The two assistants for the other two drs talk extremely loud lor.. So embrassing... Lucky angeline is not... Btw she told me she not v happy working there cos of the people there not coporative... She say she might resign... But i like her le... Hmm..

Ya lor sometimes i wonder whether how is dr r skills n experience... Cos i feel alot went to him bcos of this thread... But of cos alot of success cases from him also la..

That time when he do v scan for u.. He must hv look v stern right.. He always look v serious when he do the scan.. Sometimes v scary like dont know what problem like tat.. He ask u to sit down n broke the news to u is it? Is he v caring? Cos i knw some drs v cold one.. Abit inhumane type..

For IVF that i did, its frozen cycle. THen for IVM, it's fresh cycle....

Do you have the number that i can call up to Dr Foong's clnic?? Maybe I will give them a call to find out first....
Dr ng price is not exp la.. That time he do scan for me.. Consult at $60.. $10 more exp than dr f.. The rest the same.. But i got hear before when he do ivf.. The scans day he dun charge consult fee.. But duno how true.. But dr f charge le.. But change to dr ng like not v nice leh.. Its the same clinic..
tel is 6479 7267. Clinic located in the annex building on 3rd floor. Fix appt now as it is hard to get a Saturday. Then you will have 2-3 weeks to decide whether you really want to see him

my hubby is from kelantan so we hardly go there. Too far! But his parents often come here as they enjoy shopping.

Thanks for info. Actually I feel his fees are ok but the hospital fees are really too high.
Ya lor.. Dr d told me glen is one of the most exp in their ward and lab and ot charge... Which is why our ivf so exp.. U know kkh cost is almost half of glen... Some gals only pay $300 in cash after medi and govt sub.. Can u imagine the diff...
Can't imagine that there is so much difference. I think quite a lot of patients from Dr. F switched to KK due to costs. I thought the difference between KK and Private was only the subsidy but it is actually much more than that bcoz the medicine is subsidised and no "admission" for ET. Of course, service is really different! Can't compare..

But I think that after the price I paid, my expectations was high. I guess that's yje reason why I was so disappointed after my failure. I thought it it was ok to spend so much because I was being taken care by the "best" Dr and believed that he could achieve miracle for all his patients!

Otherwise, I think the costs of IVF is definitely one of the reason that my hubby is not supportive. But after reading the other thread on KK, I don't think I could go there either. So, it will either be one more with Dr F or nothing at all...

As for Angeline, it will be sad if she leaves. I think she s been working there for 3 years and she is nice. I can tell the other nurses are not very friendly. Can't imagine so much politics in such a small place! I wonder how the Drs get along!
Ya last time i also tot the only diff is govt sub of $3k... But in fact govt sub aside.. The cost is already much lower in kkh... The lab and med fee is all much lower with the sub... Usually in kkh the whole cost is abt $9k plus before the $3k govt sub... So after $6k medi.. Only need to pay a few hundreds in cash... I thk once u did it in pte hosp.. Its hard to switch to kkh... Its really quite different in treatment.. Imagine with a failed cycle.. $14k is all down to drain... Its really alot $$... Btw yr dau is conceived naturally or by ivf also?

I thk angeline is unhappy of the cols and not dr f.. Cos i always see dr f v courteous to angeline.. And they always talked with laughter.. And u know jenny.. She and the other two dr assistants treat the new comers quite hasty one.. This jenny sometimes gd mood sometimes bad mood one... But she improve her attitude compare to last time..
I'm sorry for your loss. *hugz*
...take good care...
I've briefly scrolled thru the back dated thread, n read about wat happened to some of the ladies. If you see RuRu and Hazeline, tell them I say 'hi'...thks...

you jiayou again ok...
uhmm sorry, I didn't realise govt subsidy's only for govt hospital. My previous dr was from Mt.E, but when I had OHSS, she asked me to admit to SGH where she's the visiting consult.doc.

u ask y I change to Dr.F? Actually nothing's wrong with my previous dr, just that I didn't seem to have luck with her, OHSS n 2 failed FETs, that's why I decided to switch.

I've to say my previous Dr and Dr.F 's really very different. Dr.F 's polite and gentle, the typical nature of a doctor. My previous Dr is very different, she has got a temper and is very direct, she doesn't look like a typical doc..oh, and she looks like she rides motorbikes, hahaha. If the patient's soft soft weak weak type, may not be able to take it if she blows up, kekeke. But she's hell of a doc lah, took really great care of me when I had OHSS, came down everyday/night.

But haiya, no luck with her. N after the v bad OHSS and 2 failed FETs, I feel like having a change, find a doc who makes me have the 'feel good factor', sweet and gentle type.

Dr F's...like i say, typical doc's characteristics, patient and friendly. But I dun feel close to him, unlike with my previous doctor. With my previous doc, there's this 'closeness' feeling whereas doc F really feels like a doctor...maybe it's cos i have only been seeing him for a relatively short period. I really miss my previous clinic's recep, v sweet and gentle lady. Somehow, Dr F's clinic recep r like very ah soh, very loud and a tab rude. :p Like that say like not very nice, but I was really quite taken aback when I first visited the clinic...
Agree that Jenny has improved. Before I really felt angry talking to her and actually wanted to complain to Dr. but never had the chance. Yes, I agree she is quite moody but if she can't be nice to us, she should not be in front line! I can really feel that they bully the new comer. I guess it is not easy for new people to adjust in this new environment. Always can hear Jenny shouting at the new comer (which don't stay for long).

I have not received the refund from my medisave yet! I guess need to wait a few more months. I feel the same as you. Once start on private, difficult to move to public. I am wondering why gvot puts a limit on Medisave and the number of times. It is our money after all! Hope they will review this...then, at least cash drain more manageable...
Possible to share who is yr gynea at mt e? She is nice enuff to tell u to admit to sgh so that yr costs will be much lower... I wonder will dr f do that.. Is dr f a visiting consultant at nuh? If yes, would he ask us to admit to nuh if got ohss? Else stay at glen super exp wor...

Ya lor jenny always scold the new comer.. Somemore the front desk people keep on changing.. I think not a good working environment there with so many bullies... I once saw before jenny talk to dr f quite attitude one.. Last time at the old clinic this jenny is worst.. Wana slap her lor.. But now she is much better.. Since this clinic treats inferlitity.. People working should be more sensitive towards patients..
uhmm haha, unless u wana change doc, i'll pm you her name.

ahhh, yup, she not the $$ face doctor, will think of ur pocket. Actually if OHSS, i think u can hv the choice of choosing whichever hospital u wana go to, just that ur doc may not be there. Anyway, OHSS till needed to be hospitalised is still not v common, dun worry. For FET, you won't get OHSS.
Hi Ladies,
Good to hear that a few of us think the same way. I was wondering whether I was too sensitive! and even thought of looking for new Dr after my first visit because I felt it would be difficult to deal with IVF with all these rude people. In the previous place I went to, the nurses and staffs were really warm and nice. They knew our names and really made us feel comfortable. But then, Dr was always very busy and not much time given.
No lah not thinking abt changing dr.. Just kpo only.. Hee..
Cos dr f is my first and only gynea so have not met any fierce dr so far.. Im always v interested in knowing other gyneas cos i dont have any besides dr f to compare...

Dr f is indeed polite and nice.. With great bedside manners too.. He always insert the probe gently and pull out gently too... I thk they are alot of gyneas out there who dont care one.. I have been seeing dr f for a year plus liao.. Have grown close to him.. Dont thk i can get used to a new gynea unless he or she is as nice as dr f... But i do sometimes wonder to myseld whether dr f is only nice but no as experienced.. Cos usually experienced dr tend to be quite fierce one... Hmm... But prof ng also v experienced but he is just as nice.. I thk im starting to doubt dr f liao.. Oops.. Guess got too much failures with him.. From 4 iuis to this ivf.. Haha.. Dont know its my problem or his problem..
Why i said P Chew no hygience? Can you imgaine he do v-scan fr me, nv wear glove and used his hand to rub the jelly along the probe b4 insert? I nearly shout at him, i nv see him wash hand before doing this as well. Siao right?

Ya... dr f is serious when he do the scan for me that time. All the while, he will try to joke with me... This is his job to break good news and bad news. But my 1st pregnancy BT was called by angeline to go down and see him. Coz my HCG quie low that time and they ask me to go down, then dr explain to me and ask me do twice injection a week till 1st scan.

This round he called himself. I do my 1s BT b4 my menses due coz feel uncomfy.

Every visit he will joke with me. And since I am with him since last year and everytime once I look at him, he knew what I was thinking about and my concern.
Hi Ladies,
I think Mt Elizabeth should be more expensive than GlenE right?

Ya.. GlenE ward and OT are expensive, I stay fr few hour aft D & C cost me 1.3k excluding Dr charges.

And read thru O & G website, it state down that Dr f can deliver and any private hospital but not sure if OHSS he will be able to warded the patient in other hospital.
Your experience with P Chew really freaks me out when I read it...can't imagine how you felt. Did not even imagine that this could happen...

I think Dr is now only delivering at Glen. I guess his business is now more established and it will be hard to go from one hospital to another one. So, I think you will have no choice but to deliver at Gleneages.
Hi all
I am a also patient of dr f. Hav been seeing him since 4yr ago. did 2rounds of IVF with him n was successful on my 2nd round and would be due soon. I agree with the rest of u that jenny was rude sometimes but guess she's overworked. I have seen many drs before dr f, and have done IVF n IUI elsewhere and feel that dr f is as experience if not better than many other drs. and his team of embryologists is really very experienced.
I was admitted for OHSS before in Gleneagle, and the charges is claimable if u have hospitalisation n surgical policy. only payed abt $600 cash in the end after claim. I suggeat buying the policy at least half a year before starting on the cycle.
Hi ladies i m new here. Helo dream and vinwee...
Juz a short intro abt myself, juz had a cancellation of ivf cycle at kk due to poor respond to puregon, will be considering dr f for my next fresh cycle..
I also realised how come the recept all auntie type & talk very loud. Quite irritating while waiting for turn to see doc. Always see new faces.
yes jenny is the one with specs. only her n 1more filipino lady are recept. the other 2 auntie are dr ng n dr kumar nurses
Tassa, oic. Always call her sure no appt coz she dun like to wat u r coming for when spoke to angeline she will try to fit u in. Their turnover rate for receptionist quite high. I started seeing dr f 3 years ago already changed abt 4 or 5 recep.
Dr chew is gross.. I tot dr should be v focus on hygience.. How can he use his bare hand to rub on the probe when it has to go into our sensitive part.. And in the first place no need to rub what.. Dr f also just put the jelly on the probe without the need to spread the jelly... And btw that time prof ng do scan for me he nvr put jelly lor.. So painful.. And he use a spot light to shine here and use his hand to pull my part apart before inserting.. So uncomfy.. Only after this, i realise how discreet dr f is.. He sometimes dint even need to look at my part he can put it in liao..

I did two ivfs with dr f? How long did u rest before embarking on the 2nd ivf? The first ivf did u have frozen em to do fet? Did dr f explain to u why the first ivf fails and did he do anything different on the 2nd ivf to help boast the chance? Cos i just failed my first ivf with him.. Will try fet soon.. If fails need to try 2nd fresh cycle.. So need to understand more...
Since you are under Dr f... think they will fix appt for u asap rite? That day heard Jenny teach the phillipino gal if no reason given (as in normal) means no so urgent, guess if tell, perhaps she will fix up or check with dr?

She is rude but oledi improve since last year. Think a lady here complain b4...
I am pregnant fr almost 10 weeks.

I went fr other female gynae and try IUI b4. and that idiot ask me to do IUI on D5 or D6 prior to my menses, is that mad? I never study bio also know is impossible laaa.... but she said sometimes ppl under clomid will hv earlier ovulation.

And I dun like her, oledi told her in front of her face I am not happy with her :p coz got appt i still hv to wait fr hours. and her assistant can still tell me, other patient more urgent. So I exploit and raise my voice lor. If not my hubby there to stop me, I guess I will scold her out loud...:p

Then I change to Dr f, he is the one who told me too much clomid no good. The female gynae ask me to take 3 each day then 4 each day. We already checked with her if any side effect, the stupid tell me all medicine got side effect, no one can guarantee. WTF!!! Who dunno about that, at least she has to tell me the womb lining will bcome thinner etc maa.....

Then Dr f ask me to do BT, and notice I might not Ovulate on D14. So he give me 1/2 tablet of clomid and ask me to try naturally. I manage to conceive under him but sad to say, got m/c at 7 weeks plus and I did my D & C end last yr. And try again in April and May.

Heard from Dr. he has patient who ready to go for IVF treatment but then conceice naturally.
Baby / Dream,
Ya... it's terrible experience with P chew. Aft seeing 3 gynae, still find dr f better in scanning as well. Ya... he dun even need to look at it and he can insert the probe in.
Angel and Tassa,
It is great to have more people in this thread!

Are you doing any treatment right now?

Like Baby, I have also failed my IVF with Dr. F and I am still at a dilemna whether I should "force" my hubby to get for one more try. Do you think the 2nd IVF was a better cycle as he could adjust the dose and knew your body/response better? Did you do anything different? What were your issues? For my case, I have PCOS (poor egg quality) and need to do ICSI. Thanks for sharing with us. I am also 37.

Otherwise, congrats on your pregnancy. you must be very excited.

Seems like both of us are quite close in character. Trying to find out as much as possible! Hope we don't scare them away with our tonnes of questions!

It is great to see you here! At one point in time, it was only Vinwee, Baby and myself...Seems like the thread is moving again!

Fireflies just started its service to Kuala Terengganu (about 3 hours drive from his hometown). Not sure whether I will dare to fly Fireflies but it is of course a lot more convenient and cheaper than MAS or Air Asia.
Sorry...one more question. What is the name of the policy? from which insurance company? Thanks. I am quite worried of OHSS since I have PCOS. Although one of my ovaries was lazy during IVF, I still managed to retrieve 23 follicles/21 eggs.
Just read your post. Yep, really gross. Can't even think of it.

I think we have the right Dr! Your description of Dr. Ng's practice makes me uncomfortable too!
Haha i guess we feel the same bcos we in the same boat hee... Guess we too anxious on the 2nd ivf so trying our best to gather more info and hopefully we are lucky the next time.. Ya lor i hope we wont scare them off with our super long qns...

I believe those who see dr f wont get used to other gyneas.. I doubt every gynea will be as discreet at dr f.. And he also v caring.. He will always check whether we are alright not when e do the scan... During the et, i too kan cheong.. He will look at me every now and then to check whether im doing fine not.. So really hope he can help me conceive lor... Else i really v reluntant to change dr lor..
During ET, I just closed my eyes trying not to think of it. It was so umcomfortable with full bladder, nurse pressing on abodomen and Dr. doing ET. I was just trying to stay calm and not to think of it. I also did not dare to move or talk during ET as don't want him to loose concentration! I closed my eyes throughout the ET!

Yep, hope we have not scared them away...otherwise, it is the 3 of us again

I really have a hard time to concentrate at work with all these questions in my head...wondering how you keep yourself occupied.
Haha i even bite my fingers during et to distract myself from the full bladder ah... After the transfer, dr f got show me the embryos inside my uterus on the screen... After which then he drain my urine.. I jerk when he put the tube in and also when the nurse pull out the tube.. I wonder did the em drop out when i jerked... Im thinking asking dr f not to drain my urine for my fet cos really quite painful and after which i got pain and blood when i pee after et for 2 days...

How i get thru? I come this thread to pass my time and ask qns lor.. Haha... I worst till ah.. I just failed only ah.. Havent really digest the reality fully.. Btw tml morning im gng for the bt to confirm.. Then can stop all the med nonsense... Imagine got to insert the gross pessary when u know u are doing it for nothing.. Af will come few days later after stoppin right? I wonder after ivf will af become messy or not cos my af usually v regular one.. Hopefully not, else dont know will affect my fet not..
Answer on behalf of vinwee, she conceive naturally under dr f care.. I thk she got take clomid.. She is one of the lucky ones who can conceive naturally...

So how r u now? Since u are not doing anything for this cycle... U will b trying on yr own right? Need to take pregnyl injection to induce ovulation? Btw when u decide to try a new cycle again with dr f?
Baby, thks for answering on behalf of vinwee. She is so lucky...

Ya dr f wants me to jab one dose of pregnyl 2nite and try naturally.

I m not gtg back to kk. I m considering dr thong at RH and dr f. So confused now.

It was a sharp pain when catherer was put in but did not feel a thing when it was taken out. Just felt a bit embarassed by all the noise of my urine with Dr. still around. Dr. F. did not show me my embryo (may be he thought i was sleeping!) but told me he was happy with the transfer as everything went smoothly...

Service is really different but price as well. After ET, you are able to rest in the day ward for another 3-4 hours and you are not supposed to move. I think read that for KK, you just go home after ET (no rest at hospital). But of course, there are still people who strike at KK with no bed rest...
