Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

No need to go GP for injection. Angeline will mix it for you and put the content into injection. Then, just ask hubby to inject.

Yes, you will be sent to ward before ET so you can wash yourself if you need to. Otherwise, Dr. will clean it for you anyway! He will put some warm water on your private side to clean it up.

Good luck

Thanks gals... Shall update u guys tml on my et and embryos..

Dream, dr will clean for u ah.. So embrassing right.. I think my face will blush.. When i did iui no cleaning done.. So dint expect for et he will clean up for us.. But i guess i will go wash up befofe the procedure.. Cos the insert has v oily and waxy discharge.. Sometimes a huge patch on my panty liner.. Duno whether the drug is absorbed nicely not or it all flow out.. But usually i will try not to walk for an hr after the insert..
Transferred 2 grade one embryos.. 8cell each.. Freeze 8 embryos.. But only 1 grade one.. The rest is grade one to two..

Pay additional $700 for embryos freezing..

The et is quite smooth and fast.. But quite uncomfy thou.. Must endure full bladder with the nurse pressing on the tummy for scan.. The worst part is the empty of bladder.. Quite painful.. But its a relief..

Dr foong did assist hatching for my two embryos.. He say he do this on routine.. Make it easier for embryo to hatch out for implantation...

Now is the 2ww torture..

How r u getting along? When u seeing dr f again?
DOn't worry for the rest embbies, get BFP this time

The ET is like doing IUI?

Hacthing for two embroys? Then the rest ler???

Enjoy your 2WW. You are not working right?

I am good... gg to see dr f next week.
Yup really hope it will be a bfp.. Not thinking abt the frozen embryos at this moment..

The et is v much like iui.. Also like pap smear.. Just that in et yr legs are put in stir ups.. Need to be quite wide apart.. Then before procedure dr will clean up the outside of vaginal.. Then aft inserting the speculen.. He needs to clean yr cervix.. Abit uncomfy.. Like being scatched.. The most different is yr bladder is full!! U need to endure yr bladder til the extent im biting my fingers to distract myself.. Somemore the nurse press the translucer on yr tummy.. But if the process is fast enuff its quite bearable.. Aft which dr use a tube to poke yr bladder.. A sharp pain.. But only a short while.. But the pulling out of the tube makes me nearly shout out.. More than half a litre of urine is drained.. The nurse n dr f say i really can hold my bladder well.. Haha..

Update us on yr next visit ok.. Is this yr first visit to see dr f after yr bt?

I notice aft et up to now.. When i urine i feel pain.. Then got abit of blood.. Is that normal? Is it bcos of the tube that poke to drain the urine during the et?
Dont knw why pain le.. I suspect its bcos the tube poke at my bladder to drain urine.. So the "wound" affect my peeing.. But today better liao.. I think its recovering liao.. I wonder why dr will practise this.. If dont want us to get down from bed.. Can use bedpan to let us urine.. Then dont have to endure this uncomfy..

How abt u? Got any ms now? Next visit can see heart beat?
Maybe dr think poke to drain urine is better than used bedpan? Used bedpan hv to move as well maaa..... I think he js want to minimise the movement.

I am ok... MS getting worse

Nxt week dunno what scan,....
No la i dun thk its bcos of movement cos aft the procedure i also has to move myself to another bed.. Then reach ward still got to move another time to the ward bed..

Having ms is a sign that the baby is growing well.. So just endure ok..
and hear ple say got ms maybe its a gal.. So happy for u..

Me still got another 2 wks then knw whether im preggy not.. Really hope so..
Rest well in 2WW. Dun stress too much.

My friend's SIL MS till 5 mths, having boy. Think MS is due to hormone changes, nothing to do with the boy or gal.

How are you so far?
Im ok.. But aft et the bloatedness is the more jia lat since i start ivf.. So i dont know whether i should take my second pregnyl injection tml.. If tml morning still v bloated will call clinic to chk with them..

So far dont feel much except for the bloated and some upper abodmen pain.. I hope all this pain is worthwhile..
tell you more ohss symptoms so you can monitor. Tummy not only will feel bloated. You will have difficulty breathing. The stomach area will be swelling so you can't use your diaphragm to breathe. You will find that you need to use your chest muscles to breathe. So, you will be like panting a lot all the time.

You won't be able to sleep 'cos you can't find a comfortable position. No matter how you twist and turn in bed. You will find that you are slowly losing your appetite. You can't eat nor drink 'cos you feel so bloated. And, you will feel like puking all the time. Nothing comes out. You will feel TERRIBLE and you will feel you are better off DEAD. Really, I told my dh I wanted to die.

If you feel all this, go to A&E immediately. Ask the dr on duty to call dr f. Don't underestimate OHSS. It can be dangerous. For me, I was lucky 'cos the water retention was only around my tummy area. It will be a lot worse if the water gets retained in other parts of the body. More dangerous.

But if OHSS continues then congratulations, 'cos that means you have bfp-ed. If the bloating subsides, it is not a good sign.

~ Take care!!
Thanks so much for the info.. Will monitor..

Today is d3 aft et.. Other than bloatedness don feel much.. It well be another 10 days or so to knw whether its bfp or not.. So if the bloatedness gets better means the chance is low right? Since i nvr took my 2nd injection.. Wont it get better before the embryo implant to secret hormones to make the bloatedness worst?

I think these few days will be the implantation time liao.. Afterwhich if really successful implanted i should feel worst right? If not then i can start crying liao..
Did you call dr f today to report your condition? He ask you dun take the jab?

Will you be able to drink and eat? remember to take small meal like what other suggest in other thread.

Like certain ppl got OHSS through out. Certain ppl not. Dun let this puzzle you too much. Just rest well.

I read thru the earlier thread under archieve, there's lady here dun get OHSS, no bloatedness they still got pregnant.
I'm not exactly sure of all the scientific terms. But I know that OHSS is due to the stimulation drugs that we took. Bloating doesn't mean that you strike OHSS. Once reach OHSS, it is like the point of no return. My stomach bloated up to 98.5cm overnight.

And if you bfp, your body will produce the hormones on its own. The HCG they call it. So the more pregnant u become, the higher the HCG and the bloating should not subside. The bloating shouldn't subside like overnight. You may not feel worse even if successfully implanted.

Yes, like vinwee say, don't start to fret now. 'Cos really, everyone's threshold is different. Everyone's body is different.
Ya i called dr f today cos he told me to call him if i have bloatedness.. So he ask me not to inject.. Ask me to continue on the inserts and hormone pills..

Ya lor im asking myself not to think so much liao.. There is nothing much i can do at this moment.. Its up to fate now..

I can eat.. Get hungy easily.. Once feel hungry must immediately eat else will feel uncomfy.. But if eat too much the bloatedness feel worst.. Haha.. So extreme.. So now i dun dare eat too much at a time.. I now cook porridge for bfast.. Noodle soup for lunch.. Then dnr ask hubby to tabao.. I find rice quite diff to digest now.. Soupy food easier for me now..

How abt u? When u seeing dr f? How wks now?
this thread is getting v quiet.. Only have me and vinwee here often.. Sometimes yve and dream.. Where is rest?

Now left so little patients under dr f ah.. Last time this threAd v active one.. Hmm..
I think there's still quite a lot of patient with dr f just maybe silent reader or nv check up this forum?

I heard from TCM, implantation will take place ard D5 after transfer. Latest will be by D9 but which is unlikely. So D5 to D7 or latest by D9 is important to rest well. And Dr f js try to avoid OHSS in you. Like Yve said, it's no kidding. And aft all the initial jabs, your body hormone change, sure got a bit bloated as and when.

Ya... just take more liquid food like porridge. The bloatness is due to hormone changes. Initially some ppl already got wind inside their tummy so it make it worse. Like yve mentioned, it might due to water and some ppl is wind.

Read thru the thread, the bloatedness will cont if you get preggie, if not, it will gone aft your AF report. In fact, some preggie also got bloatedness aft meal or heavy meal even they r not on IVF. When u google, our HCG will change drastically during the 1st 3 or 4 mth during pregnancy, e.g it's double every 2 days. There's explain the diff, we can't treat ourselve as normal. My friends w/o ivf also encounter the breatheless things especially lying down.

U feel easily hungry maybe due to you are always in soup base meal. Maybe u can try to eat oats in the fr BF if you are bored with porridge everyday? Then porride and soup noodle fr dinner.

I am seeing Dr f next thur then will know exact how many weeks. Still in 1st tri till almost end this mth i guess.
the bloatedness, if u bfp, will continue for at least another 2 weeks after your scheduled blood test. That is to say, u did not get admitted for ohss and u managed to "ren" until your scheduled BT.

But like what I said before, if you cannot "ren" don't stay at home and put yourself thru' all the suffering. Go to the A&E at anytime. I went there in the middle of the night and the dr on duty still called dr f. dr f gave the go ahead and then the dr gave me an injection 'cos my nausea was very bad. Anyway, make sure dr f knows what the dr is giving you. Who knows, you might already be pregnant now so you may not be able to take certain medication.

If this still doesn't work then you will have to be admitted and put on drip. Albumin drip. 1 course of Albumin drip is about $800 over. I had to drip twice. Quite costly.

On the side, do protect yourself against the H1N1 virus. Vinwee too yah. 'Cos pregnant ladies cannot take Tamiflu. Put on a mask if you need to go hospital to see dr f.
Ya i also v scare of h1n1.. If im not doin ivf or tcc i wont be scare.. But nw really quite scare.. I nvr go out since et.. But i scare my hubby will bring th virus bk cos he go wk everyday.. Be might catch the virus.. Scare will affect the foteus if kana.. Sigh..
hi ladies

hi Yve,
how r u? I went to the other thread but the ladies r not coming in anymore.

i'm also under dr f now. Did my fresh cycle n injected 100iu, half the amt of dosage as compared to previously 200iu, but still had OHSS. I need not be hospitalised though, this time. My ET was cancelled (hai, again, dun seem to have luck with fresh cycle transfer), and i'm now waiting for my FET.
U mean u got ohss before et? I tot usually people get ohss aft et... Dr f say u got ohss tats why cancel et? 100iu is low.. U got pcos? How many eggs collected?

I just did et on mon.. Today d5 aft et.. Feel nothing.. But felt abit like pre af suan suan feeling.. Like i used to hv a wk before af.. Feel kinda of down.. I knw i shd not feel negative... Just cant help it.. Bloatedness seems better.. Not a good sign.. Got two grade 1 embryos transferred.. If still can bfp.. I duno wat can i do..
hi baby,
yea, I had ohss for my 1st ivf, straight after ER instead of ET, it was very bad, I was admitted to high dependency ward initially, and was hospitalised for a week. Only eggs on 1 side of ovaries were retrieved as the other side was blocked by veins n my dr had difficulty retrieving them.

This is currently my 2nd ivf fresh cycle, I changed my doc to dr f. I was prescribed 100iu (previously my doc gave me 200iu throughout), but yet I still had OHSS. I was not hospitalised this time round as it was not as unbearable as last time. However, I was so bloated that i knew it would be terrible consequences if I went ahead with the ET/got pregnant. Dr f also wanted to cancel the ET as he had the same sentiments as me.

yup, I have PCOS n seems highly sensitive to puregon. I had 30 eggs, freeze 18, mostly good grades. Unlike previously, Dr f managed to retrieve eggs on both side of my ovaries.

actually, I would have prefered a fresh cycle transfer as I dun seem to have luck with frozen eggs. I dun have egg quality issue, but i just dun have the luck with my previous dr. Dr f assured me his frozen egg transfer success rate is same if not higher than fresh cycle, and that I'm not compromising or missing out anything. But still...hai.

Baby, u dun think too much, have good rest during this 2ww. Signs and symptoms vary for diff ple. Good luck. For me, I waited for bfp until neck long long, 1 yr of non-stop medication and 2 frozen egg transfer and 2 ohss and hospitalisation and hundreds of jabs. Those in my previous thread mostly got pregnant le, and I am still fighting the war.
Dun think too much about symptoms, remember a lot of ladies dun hv symptoms as well. Just rest well during 2ww is more important. I know it's a bit hard, but at least try to. Just don't think too much and it might surprised you. If care too much about it what symptoms u are having, u will be stress thhroughout which is not good ya... Remember there's ladies in other thread mentioned, the bloatedness is on and off. Sometimes u will feel better sometimes worse.

Bloatedness might not be OHSS. And all dr will try not to let their patient have it as it's not easy and good.

Remember relax relax relax...
Im sure u are in good hands of dr f.. He is a nice and caring dr.. V assuring as well.. Since he told u his fet is just as good as fresh cycle.. U dun have to worry..

I hv confidence in dr f.. I always do wat he told me to.. I always trust his judgement..

Glad yr frozen embyos are all good grades.. I have 8 frozen.. Only one grade 1 8cell... The rest are grade 1-2.. With 5 to 7 cells.. Dr f told me i will have one chance of fet with these frozen embryos if i choose to have fet in future.. But im happy i have transferred two grade 1 8cell embryos...

Yup i will try not to think too much.. Shall just rest at hm.. Watch tv.. These past 5 days after et.. I stayed at hm.. Watch tv.. Laze on the sofa.. Only do light cooking and washing.. Nvr touch any hsewk.. Abit bored.. Later will go my mum place for dnr.. Tml probably will go out for a short while to breathe some fresh air.. I believe should be ok right?

How r u? Feeling better with ms?
Y Dr f said you have one chance of FET with your froen embbies? You have 8 frozen one right??

Ya... it's ok to go out fr a while. Actually IVF is js same as IUI or natural conception. It's just IVF involve in jab, BT etc. So ppl js try to be more xtra careful. As long as you dun exert yourself, light walk is okie. Just dun carry heavy things.

my MS worse... but I guess is normal coz i read it will get worse from 8 or 9 weeks till end of 1st tri normally. Last time js think of vomitting, now not think but really throw out.

You js "ren" a while and dun think much. Remember relax. Your BT is nxt fri right?
Probably bcos other than 1grade one embryo the rest is not so gd so dr feels only got one chance.. Somemore not all will survive the thaw process.. So only one chance ba..

I feel quite crampy the whole day today.. Like wat i have when my af about to come.. Im not sure when will be my bt.. Dr f says 2 wks aft et.. So should be next next mon.. I dont knw clinic will call or i just go down for bt..

I'm new to this thread.... Cos I know that there is prof ng and dr foong.....

What is the difference between them? And whether is there any difference in rate?

how is dr foong like? and the style like?

Can advise me ??????
hi dreambaby
Welcome here!
Im with dr foong .. Visited dr ng once cos dr foong was away so dr ng scan for me during the stimming stage..

Personally i prefer dr f.. Probably bcos im used to his style.. He has greay bedside manners.. He is not pushy.. He always give u options and let u decide.. Done a minor op with him before too.. In fact he is my first and only gynea.. So cant really compare with others.. Dr ng has a fatherly feel.. Approachable and take his time to explain things to u... I thk he is the pioneer batch of drs who did ivf.. If im nt wrong dr ng is the father of ivf.. He heads the ivf at nuh last time..

So its up to u.. Both drs are good.. One is younger and more modernized in his handling.. The other is v experienced and traditional dr i thk..

U are with kkh right? U wana change dr?
i'm not with kkh....

I was with thomson last time with dr cheng....
now I'm tinking whether to go back to dr cheng or wanna change to gleneagles lor...

really in dilema.... cos spend quite alot at thomson liao.. but din work out lor ... although i'm v much comfy with dr cheng.... as what u are comfy with dr foong as well lor...

so now tinking whether maybe it's not my fate with dr cheng or what leh .. or whether should i go for dr foong/dr ng in glen e lor ... and on the costs too ... cos i have used up 2 medisave at thomson liao.. now only left with the 3rd medisave which is $4k ... so u know lah.. the $$ that i have to come up for the treatment which i know is not cheap also lor ...

haiz,.. really dunno how to go ahead leh.....
if u are me.... how would u deal with it ah?
Saw your posting in other thread at almost 3a.m...you should be bed then ler... pls do rest more yaaa....

Remember i told you before, u must ignore the symptoms and just fully rest. Not all ppl have symtoms. Relax.....
Thanks. will try to wear mask when go to hospital. Yesterday newspaper was saying the new spread group in NUH... scary

i have been with dr cheng for quite some time already.... .

have been through 4 times of clomid, 1 IUI and 1 SO-iui... as well as 1 ivf and 1 ivm.... with so many tries, I have not sure whether izzit ultimately becos i have no fate with the doc or wat leh ....

Cos ultimately the dr will say i'm still young and can continue trying lor .... as from the last ivm was already like 8 months liao... and was advised that i should continue to try naturally... or if wanna go for another ivf, will have to get prepared again lor .. .

Imagine i have tried so many times with dr cheng liao . .although some of them actually succeeded with 1st try with him.. and he's quite a good fertility doc which alot of praises about him.... Of cos as a person like him, i am very comfy with his style ... but nothing has come out of it lor ... which i am startng to lose my confidence in him liao... or dunno izzit lose confidence in myself...

heard from some of my frenz actually say maybe it really no fate with the doc or wat leh .... and advise me to switch doc and see lor ... so i'm really not sure how leh ....

if you were me in this kind of situation, how would u feel and whether u would want to switch doc and see if maybe other things may just happen?
Hi Vinwee, Baby and Yve,
I am back from my business trip and everything was fine! Exhausted, though!

Otherwise, met Dr. F last saturday for the review. His advice is to try for another cycle if we are ready 1) emotionally 2) financially and 3) physically! He said he will change to Gonal F and that cycle would then cost more as Gonal F is more expensive than puregon. He said he would check more carefully (!) and will try to pick the best cycle based on my BT. So, if FSh/LH ratio is not great, would need to postpone to next cycle until he is comfortable with the ratio. He also said he may increase the dosage of pregnyl to help the eggs mature but then, this will increase the risks of OHSS..

Hubby and I have not really discussed this..still have to wait for 2 cycles if want to proceed. already used my medisave, so it would be cash..he estimated 18k...I am not sure whether we want to proceed...i am not really sure how I can improve my egg quality...plus, we have male issue which makes it even harder/challenging...

I think I can take the physical and financial strain but I am not sure whether I am ready for another emotional drain...

Really glad to read that you have 2 great embryos. Please stay positive. If your bloatedness is better, may be you could call Dr to ask whether you should resume with the pregnyl jab. It is supposed to support the pregnancy.

I did my BT 13 days after ET (after I asked for it) but mine was a day 2 transfer. I think you can start HPT at home early next week if you have not taken the pregnyl jab.

I think most of us are "dreaming" about MS. So, enjoy them! I guess MS= baby growing well.

It must really have been a tough journey but your health is really more important. You have definitely done what is best for you and now, just look forward to your FET. I also have PCOS but my egg quality is an issue. Were your FSH/LH ratio ok? May I know how old you are? In case you have not read the earlier thread, I failed IVF last May with Dr. F. Most likely due to poor egg quality. Although I had 21 follicles, only 7 were matured eggs, only 6 fertilised and only 3 made it to Day 2...and quality was average..lots of fragmentation.

I think you may want to seek a second opinion from Dr. F. before you proceed with another cycle. After seeing Dr. F, then you can decide on whether you would prefer to stay with TMC or move to Dr F. It would be very useful that you bring along all your reports when you see Dr. F so that he can evaluate you.

I was previously with Dr. Cheng many years ago. I also think he is a nice Dr. I think you would also like Dr. F. Although I did not succeed with Dr. F (yet!), I wish I found him earlier...I am now 37...Another plus is that the waiting time for Dr. F is short. So, have to book him long in advance...

I also did IVM with Dr. Cheng but there were no eggs in the follicles. What about you? That was many years ago..so, I must have been the pioneer and hope you had greater results.

Let me know if you need any other info.

How are you?
hi ladies, thanks for the encouragment.

hi dreamababy,
if after rounds of treatment still no luck, it may be better to switch/seek 2nd opinion. You can consult a few docs before deciding which you r more comfortable and confident with.

hi dream,
hmmm, I'm not sure about FSH/LH ratio, what is it for?? I only remember for the very 1st blood test, dr f told me something about having good egg quality, they have not 'aged'...although I'm not sure how he derived that from blood test.

I m 34 this yr, how abt u? I had 2 FETs (1st FET transfered 2 D5, and 2nd FET transferred 3 D4 embryos) with my 1st dr, I still hve 3 'average' embryos frozen at another hospital from my 1st batch of frozen eggs/1st ivf...I have 18 frozen eggs fr 2nd ivf/dr f). BUT still, good quality doesn't mean they will implant...mine were mostly 'tip-top' condition on day of transfer but they did not implant. I have read abt ladies/cyber frens with less than ideal quality eggs, they still got pregnant. So actually...i feel egg quality doesn't really matter.
Hi gals...

Been feeling kind of down these few days... I have absolute no feeling of preggy at all.. Bloatedness gng away.. Been having pre af cramps these 3 days.. Im sad bcos i aldy transfer two good quality embryos.. If no success.. Wat else can i do... This disappointment is much more than failed iui.. It will be too much for me to take it... I know its not confirm yet but just cant help it to feel negative abt it...

Dream, thks for the reminder.. I just called clinic.. Will chk with angeline whether i should take the injection.. But if take i cant test with hpt liao.. Got to wait for bt results.. Which is on next mon...
The 2ww is the most difficult and antagonizing wait. i guess we all can "control" the physical and financial part of the IVF process but the emotional one is really hard.

I was like you. Trying to read all the signals/no signs of pregnancy. I kept googling for stories of pregnancy with average embryo quality. May be you are doing the same? But from what I read, all symptoms are different from person to person. So, please don't loose hope. You have achieved so much already and your chance is pretty good. So, don't despair. Try to remain positive so that the embryos grow well. Your AF symptoms could be the implantation symptom.

Otherwise, you could start HPT at home earlier since no pregnyl jab. But you need to be mentally ready that it may not be accurate. So, try not to test too early...will give you more stress.

I am 37 now. Seems like implantation is a big black hole. I guess it is really hard to understand nature but from what I read, the success rate should be higher with good quality embryos. So, just think positive.

LH:FSH (or FSH:LH?) ratio is usually at 1 but for PCOS ladies, ratio is usually higher, resulting in hormone imbalance/poor egg quality. What was your FSH level? mine was 6+ which Dr. said was Ok for my age but LH:FSH ratio was a bit higher but still ok.
U are right.. Have been searching on internet for all sort of symptoms... Read until headache... Stop all reading liao.. Told myself i have no control now.. Everything is fixed now.. Can only wait the actual news... Discussed with hubby.. Will test hpt before bt.. Fri is the due day calculating from er 14 days... Wil most likely test on thur morning... By then should be quite accurate..

The most sad part if -ve is to see my hubby sad and disappointed.. He is the main reason i went ahead to do ivf.. I really hope to bore him a child.. He deserve it.. He has always been a doting hubby.. These few days he kept checking on my tummy.. Asking me this and that.. Saw his disappointed look when i told him the bloatedness gng away.. Cos i told him before tat if it went away means no good..
Welcome back.

Eat any nice food in Shanghai?

Ya... MS is a dream. I used to feel like vomitting. But now, I am real merlion. Hope everything turn fine.

I got the TCM in yishun. Will PM u ltr. Or can post it here?

Gonal F is more expensive than puregeon. How much did you spend last time?

Btw, I thought u can spend up to 3 times from your medisave for IVF? So you still have another 2 times right? Or can use your hubby one?
What is IVM?

Since you dun hv fate with Dr cheng so far. perhaps you can try to bk appoitment and consult Dr f about your case? He is a nice dr.

Today is your suppose 2nd pregnyl jab? Did you ask dr any reason dun need to jab since your bloatedness is gone?

Relax... dun look for sign of pregnancy. Think the BT is post ET not ER based on you mentioned they said your BT is on 13/7, MOnday.

You might want to check with dr if you can do the BT earlier since you are not on pregnyl jab?
Nvr ask dr how come no need to jap..

Ya 2 weeks from et.. So bt is on mon.. Nvrm la i thk i just wait till mon to do bt.. But i will go test hpt earlier.. Since i nvr took pregynl so i thk hpt will be accurate.. But now will be too early.. Got to wait another few more days.. Most likely test on thur.. Really hope im lucky..
hi dream,
I duno my LH/FSH ratio and FSH level,:p
I will have to go dig the blood test results, they shld hv the figures.

I remember for both my FETs, I kept climbing up and down the bed after transfer, to go toilet while still in the ward. For my first FET, my dr drained off the urine after transfer but unfortunately, the drainage of urine resulted in immediate irritation. I kept having the strongest urge to go urine even though there was none, so I was climbing up n down the bed more than 30 times during the 2-3 hrs rest. For my 2nd FET, my dr decided not to drain the urine to avoid such bad irritation again. Ended up, I still need to climb up and down the bed more than 10-20 times to try to force out the urine bit by bit as the bladder was too full. I did not use bedpan as I couldn't urine with it. Sometimes I wonder is it because of these frequent moving up and down the bed so many times that affected the embyos transferred? But cannot be right, once the embryos are transferrd, they shld not be affected by my movements. I wonder if I shld ask Dr F to give me light sedatives to knock me out during n after the transfer...so that at least for 1st half hr, I dun move around.

hi Baby,
jiayou! Anticipation is really killing.

Technically, gng pee should nt affect.. But v hard to say.. To optimise chances of cos staying in bed will be the best.. But kkh also nvr practise resting and draining of urine and so many success cases.. So i guess its all pure luck ba...

Sometimes its hard to explain y some promising ones did not bfp.. While some even dr say low chance but bfp... We can only leave things to fate..

Im telling myself not to think so much liao.. Feeling negative is not helping.. So got to count down to the bt or hpt.. Hope to give u gals good news...
