Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

Baby / Dream,
I'm gg fr BHCG.

U are already half way to the MTB journey. Did u tell Dr. f your side effect after puregon?

Ya,, heard ET in glenE they let u rest for few hours but not in KKIVF.

Or u want to go to "check in to the hotel" yourself early in the morning then your hubby can go by himself after that, just tell him your room number lor.? Else he might feel stress to be running around from home to hospital and back home and hospital again.

Not sure will be good news. will update.

What is this BHCG? you mean HCG level? beta level? Hope everything ok for you. If HCG, you did HPT?

For ER, I don't think your hubby is allowed in as you will be under GA. He can wait in the room though...
I shall ask dr f on this.. I scare to and fro will be too rush and tedious for hubby liao.. Also scare it will affect his sperms quality.. Check in at 630am.. Wat time is the procedure? How cum need to chk in so early? The sperms are required latest by 830am?? When i did iui.. I only pass them the sperms at 10am..

Vinwee, i only seeing dr f this thurs so hvt got the chance to tell him.. But so far so gd except for some occasional headache and slight bloatedness..
I think 8:30 am to 9:00 am. Can't recall time of procedure...may be 7:45 am..or 8 am...so, that's why need sperm early so that they are ready for your eggs...somehow, it takes time to do the paperwork and then for the nurse to check you. then, you need to rest a while before they send you to the OT room. So, may be your hubby can leave when you go to OT. Should be ok then.

I need your advice here..
How is Dr. Foong in delivery? Is he good? Seems that from the thread he is more specialized in fertility than delivering the babies.

Thank you for your help..
Ya... dun stress your hubby. If too rush, just go yourself laaa... too stress and rush might affected the quality of the sperm.

Did you hubby take Vit E? Must sleep earlier as well.
Crossing fingers and toes for you! hope you have good news for us soon.

Welcome to the thread. Sorry, can't answer your questions but read quite good reviews on dr.
U are in yr 2ww now? Going naturally this cycle?
Good luck! Hope to hear gd news fm u!
Any symptons to share with us?
Since u are in yr 2ww how come u gng for bt this thur?
natural. Based on my last first day of menses. I already pass my menses day.

I got the symptom during so called the "2nd week".

Lost appetite, survive with ribena aft 1st meal of the day. Sometimes no choice, I even sip a bit of coke. Then sometimes before sleep. I still can eat but lesser quantity. I also get tired. I work near my house, so will go home and sleep during afternoon. lost weight. Feel vomitting but don't really vomit out.

A bit bz these two day that's why going down on Thursday.
Wow.. Hearing yr symptons yr bfp chance is high!
Thur bt is to test for pregnancy?
Did u try using hpt? Feel so excited for u!
U try natural this cycle using ovulation test strip to predict yr ovulation? Did dr f tell u wat is the underlying problem of yr fertility?

For me, dr say nothing wrong with us.. I can ovulate on my own every mth.. But sometimes abit late o.. Hubby sperms sometimes below avg.. But sometimes so excellent.. I guess we fall into the unexplained category..

Im now thking how many embryos to transfer.. One or two.. Will dr tell us how many to put or we have to decide on our own? Cos i will prefer to have singleton.. Twins may be too tough for us to handle.. But i scare putting in one may reduce our chance.. So really headache..
Yep, excited for you! You are so patient! If I were you, I would have already gone for BT and HPT! The lab opens very early at 8:30 am, so you can rush to work after that. or you can go at lunch time. My advice to you is to check asap so that Dr. can give you support (in case it is needed) for the pregnancy. So, go today during lunch time and you will have the results by this afternoon. And you could see Dr. on thursday before he goes on leave! or at least he could prescribe you with some injections before he goes on leave.

I guess it will depend on the quality of your embryo. But I would really suggest that you put 2. It is not a 100% chance and you really minimize your chance if you only put one. Anyway, the best is to hear Dr.'s advice before you decide. For my case (age and quality embryo), when I asked him whether I should put three, he said "yes, definitely". I guess he knew that my chances were very slim based on quality embryo. So, don't worry. Step by step. First, see number of follicles, then number of embryo, then numbers of fertilised embryos, then quality of embryos...then you can decide.
Ya i guess we will see how it goes.. Hvt see dr yet aft puregon so dont knw whether how is the stimulation.. Dint feel much till now.. Dont knw whether is the drug working for me not.. I will ask dr f abt how many embryo to put in on thur when i see him..

Do update us on yr bt ya..

Hope u can share gd news with us soon!
You must be excited and scared at the same time! I think that's how I felt. Did you tell your boss about it? How are you coping with this? That was an added stress for me, at that time! Did not tell my boss anything until ER was confirmed and then just said, it is ladies problems. So, disappeared suddenly for 2.5 weeks...of course, I had cleared quite a lot of my work before that...
U r so right.. Excited n scare at the same time..

Im not working now.. So its still alright for me to cope.. I may be gng to er n et alone.. Cos hubby busy at wk so may nt be able to take leave.. So got to prepared tat i will be alone.. Should be alright right? Will ask him to coMe pick me frm hosp to go hm..
Yes, must be strong. Most important is his moral support. Once you are in OT, there's nothing much he can do. So don't worry about it. You will find the strength. You have gone so far so no worries, ok?
I wonder will dr f be bk on mon.. Cos aft this thur appt.. Im sure the next appt is on mon..

Dream, when u on puregon.. Is yr tummy bloated on d5? Cos today is my d5.. Tummy seems ok.. Not much feeling.. So wondering whether is the drug working for me not..
I can Ovulate myself as well. Maybe just on day 15 or 16 sometimes. No I didn't use ovulation test kit coz it's not working for me. I might tested Ovulation even on D5 from the 1st day of my menses (this is experience when I was with my previous gyne).

I also have a friend do not have regular menses, she kep eating clomid and measure temp and ovulation kit test, then v tiring and exhausted to do it everyday, aft give up and wanted to take a rest, she got pregnant aft that. And aft giving birth to the first child, her menses regular back.

And also, women might diagnose with 2nd stage infertility (dunno if this is the term), which I read from newspaper, aft one kid, they are not able to conceive, reason unknown as well.

Well, life........
Think Dr. will at least do 2 embbies transfer. I remember I asked before, he did mention the most is 3, it's all depends on quality. I think he will not put one unless u insist. But aft going through so many thing, u will want to increase the chance of your pregnancy, so at least 2 ba...
The most go yourself lor. So long he can come after that to pick you up will be okie.

When I do my D & C, i also go there then hubby only come aft that, no point he waiting there gong gon for nothing.

So long he bring the sperm before u fin your ER should be okie. Be strong and jia you...
Ya.. they did tell my the BT center open at 8.30am. I went this morning ler... waiting.

I have been lazy, at home now.
all right! If you went at 8:30 am, i think Dr. should be able to get the result by now if it was put as urgent. But it seems that lab can take more time due to all the cases of H1N1. Anyway, you must be excited and keep us updated! Will be checking this thread in the afternoon for your post.

I remember that it was ok. Uncomfortable but still ok. Pants starting to be tight but may be could be due to all the egg whites! Your follicles are quite small now and that's why don't feel so bloated. I think follicles may be only 8-10 mm at day 6. So, dont worry. Dr. will adjust dosage tomorrow if necessary.
If your hubby can't make it, just remember to bring along your ipod and magazines for both ET and ER. For ET, put the magazines near your bed so that you can take them after ET. As I left everything in the locked cabinet after my ET and did not dare to move, I was bored to death there! After ER, you can move so it is not that bad.

Otherwise, as the sister said in other thread, Dr. will give you antibiotics as well but I can't remember whether it is before ET or ER (most likely after ER). After ET, Dr will give quite a few medicines & injections to support the embryo.
Aiyoh, you said 10* hotel, ask the nurse there help you to take from your locker lor... just give them the number since u will be there thru out then. .. :p

Ya... he called me. I just wake up he called.

I sent you PM.
can't access my email at work. will have to wait till I reach home to read your mail.

About locker, don't know why I did not think of it but nurses were not that helpful on ET day. I guess no GA, so they don't bother much. So they never came until it was late! so 10* hotel (for the price) but not that great service for ET. ER was better...may be depending on who is the nurse.

Eventually, locker was opened as my "neighbour" asked the nurse and I asked her to do the same for me. but it was almost time to go. i guess was too stressed to think of anything. i even asked them for magazine but they said don't have...but on ER day, my hubby found magazines. some nurses really lazy!

So, baby, learn from my mistakes...

yes, beef has lots of protein but don't dare to take as I read that it is dangerous for pregnant ladies to take (can't remember the reasons, though!)
Hhaha.... it's really expensive. I do my D &C. cost almost 2k
. Aiyoh, press the button ask them to come lor... what to do... heard you have to ask them to gv you sth to pass urine as well throughout the 4 hours right? Don't tell me you don't ask for it!!!!

Cook beef should be okie. But don't take the fattening part. Fully cook. TCM even suggest "san rui" soup is good and high and protein.

I also steam eggs with soya bean (unsweeten). Maybe you can try also.
what is sth? Never ask because don't even know what is sth? I guess I should ask for some refund from that 10* hotel!

I just stayed put on the bed for 3-4 hours w/o moving! Don't feel nice to call them! no, never pressed the button! only got some sandwich and milo...
sth = something in short. Paiseh. heard you can get dunno what to pass urine on bed one right? Why paiseh, you pay maa... why tahan your urine there? You shldn't ler, you are not asking extra though.
Hows yr bt results? Wana share with us?

Ya i guess i will have more fish.. But i guess sometimes its really up to individual body.
The other thread jas say with 300 over iu she only have four folicles on her d6 scan.. Dr has to increase her dose to 500 over..
Can't send PM to you. Try to enable your PM.

According to other thread, it seems like not all follicles can be seen during scan.
oh no...forgot to check my pm yesterday as I was so busy packing last night for the trip!

Don't worry so much. You are in good hands with Dr. F. Update us after your scan today, alright. I remember I didn't dare to move or talk to Dr. F as he was concentrating on the size and number. At the end of consultation, just ask him about the number of follicles. If he is busy, just ask Angeline afterwards.
Yes, did not dare to ask for anything! don't know why..anyway, dr. puts a catherer in the OT room to pass urine but even after that, still want to pee.

Just drink the water when you are in the room. No need to drink so early for ET. I think I drank about 3 glasses and once I was in OT, nurse asked me to drink another glass becoz she said bladder not full enough.
U mention dr put a catherer to drain urine aft et.. When is it remove? drain once or it follow u to the ward also? Meaning when u in the ward u got to go pee yrslf or have the catherer?

Yup i shall update u gals aft my visit to the dr later.. Hope i will hv gd news to share..
drain once in the OT. after that, it is removed. so, when you are in the room, need to go pee yourself...which I did not dare to do...
Scan show i have abt 15 follicles.. Dr say im on gd track.. But he hope to aim for 18 eggs.. Went for bt today.. Results will be out tml to see whether i need to adjust the dose or nt.. If nt will just stick to 200iu..

How to check for pm?
Wow... at least good number. Maybe the replacement Dr will inform you? or one of the other 2 partners of Dr f will inform you?

I dunno how to check PM. Maybe is ylur registered e-mail?
Dr foong just called me asking me to go scan tml by dr ng cos he not in..

Say bt is good.. He will see how well is the follicles growing tml them decide how by then..

U ask him he on lve tml n sat.. Did he say he gng overseas or in spore?
Any idea abt the insurance for ivf?
Is it to cover twins premature hosp stay n medical care?
How much is it?
I didn't talk to him about this wor... But I heard he is on leave from the recept tell the patient who call to request to visit dr f.

Maybe he is going off this afternoon? It's school holidays. Remember last time someone here say that he is family man? and will take leave to accompany his kids.

I remember thre's one time I visit, he is going to on leave and going to bring his family to Langkawi or dunno where in Malaysia.

got a friend working in insurance co. Yes, this type of insurance is cover pre-mature medical fees and hosp stay. It's up to S$54K per baby. There's term and conditions, please read thru carefully.

1 and 2 embbies u put in is cheap. think 3 embbies is expensive.
