Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

U mean we got to source this insurance ourslvs like aia? Or it is provided by the gleaneagles when we doing admission for er?

Yup im still on 200iu.. Tml then will knw whether we need to adjust the dose or nt. I thk er should be either mid next wk or end.. So anxious.. I thk its the 2ww tat is killing..

How r u feeling now? Go see dr liao? Will u continue to see dr f?
Angeline will give u the insurance form so there is no need for u to go source for an insurance company. For 2 embryos, it's $100plus. For 3 embryos, the insurance is $700 over. The insurance is to cover the bb's medical fees if bb needs NICU care etc.. You will need to send ur form and cheque within 7 days of the ET.

fyi, dr is not in S'pore.
Nope, think those fertility center will have such insurance. Maybe dr f assistant will pass the pamphlet of the insurance to you when you going to do your ER OR ET.

I'm feeling ok. Just appetite not so good, sometimes feel vomitting but don't really vomit it out. Been slimming down every week. I still eat every meal.

Ya.. will still see dr f. Don't want to change. I thnk most important is we feel comfortable with the dr. Also his waiting is not so long. I experience waiting if another clinic for like 2 hours, and my 1st and last there...:p
thanks for letting me know dr not in spore... how come u know? u ask dr is it? cos this afternoon he call me after i call up clinic to ask for my bt results.... its a hp no.. not overseas call...probably he hvt leave spore yet at that time...

he ask me to go for scan tml..say dr ng will scan for me.. then will see how from then.. i ask him whether dr ng will let me know the dosage or wat...he say maybe...or he will call... so i dont know yet...

its good to have this symptons... u will be fine...dun worry... ya dr f is a good dr.. he really make u feel comfortable... and i also find him quite man also...hahaha.... esp when he look so serious during the scan... i have nothing to do except to look at him....hee... and thanks for yr baby dust!! catch catch!!

shall update u again after my scan tml
Some updates..

Just came bk from my d8 puregon scan.. Left only got 4 but big ones.. Right have abt 10 but small ones.. So big diff.. Funny..

Dr ng scan for me as dr f not in.. He got this fatherly look.. More soft spoken than dr f.. Slow in his consultation.. He explain slowly to us.. Dr f more fast.. I wonder is dr ng dont practice putting lubricant on the probe.. Its quite painful.. Cos dr f always put when he do scan for me..

Dr ng reduce my dose frm 200 to 150iu after seeing the no of eggs.. He dont wish to get too many eggs.. Hmm.. I tot the more the merrier.. Mayb he scare i will get ohss.. Scare..

Next scan will be on mon.. Seeing dr f..
u won't want to be struck with ohss. Trust me. I actually told my dh I would rather die when I had ohss. So, Prof Ng has good reason to lower the dosage.

I know dr is not in S'pore cos he told me. He took a day off sometime last week to go do his passport and he just happened to reveal it to me.

Don't gan cheong ok. Sometimes it's better to blur blur do and blur blur strike.
Hhahah,.... Prof ng got fatherly look. And in fact, he can be your father oledi (with his age).

Bird watching man is slower... must have patient maa..... :p

Do you have more eggs? Dr. f aim for 18 right?

Ya... like what Yve mentioned, you will not want to get OHSS. I remember wanbb mentioned before, OHSS is killing and she rather give birth more times than have one time OHSS.

And yes, it's better know less... blur blur start, blur blur do, blur blur strike. Then u know so much initially, get stress bcoz think too much.
hi, how does the eggs grade aft retrieve? In other thread, they claim grade 4 and Dr said very good.... so is from 1 to 4 or 4 to 1?
So wats yr progress with dr f? Doing any treatment with him now?

Is dr f a local? Cos i saw his med certs all from abroad and he seems popular with foreigners.. So i guess he is not a sporean right?

I thk the embryo grading 4 being the best.. I being the worst.. If im nt wrong..

Ya i really do nt wish to have ohss.. This is the main concern i hv before startin on ivf.. I told dr f that i do nt wish tat to happen.. So i rather not to have many eggs.. Dr f assure me he wont want me to have many eggs for my age.. Anythin ard 10plus is good enuff..

Haha ya i thk dr ng may be old enuff to be my father.. His office is quite diff from dr f.. His one have many many books and files.. Photos and certs all pin up on the wall beside the bed.. And he sit down to do the scan for u unlike dr f.. And dr ng uses additonal light to shine on yr there when he insert the probe.. Abit shy la.. Hee.. Btw anyone knw hw old is dr f? He looks young to me.. Should be in his early 40s?

Wanbb long time nvr come in here liao.. Miss talking to her.. Wonder how is she now.. I rem she gng to review with dr f in july..
vinwee / baby:
For KK's grading, grade 4 is the best and followed by 3,2,1. However, for our dr's lab, it is the other way round. That means, grade 1 is the best. Vinwee, the grading is done by the embryologist. Going by the speed of growth, no. of cells, appearance etc..

dr f is not particularly in detail with such matters. He will only tell u if u ask him.

baby, on the day of ur ET, he will give u a sheet of paper with the photos of all ur fertilized embbies. In it, the embryologist will write all the info. Like, if ICSI or assisted hatching was done and how many cells are the embbies on that day. He will let u know which are the ones he is trsfring. Maybe at that time, you can ask dr what are the gradings for the embbies.
So u mean the paper did not show the grade of the embryo? We have to ask dr to knw?

Aft er.. We wont see dr f again until et is it?

After er, will dr f come visit us at the ward to let us know how many eggs retrieved? Then when can we know how well is the fertilisation and the quality of the embryo?
don't panic. Everything will fall into place when it happens.

The grading is not written on the paper. The paper will state how many cells the embbies are on that day of ET.

After ER, dr will just discharge u once u're ready to go home. U can ask dr then how many eggs have been retrieved. Or, u can ask the nurse who is assisting the dr. She will wake u up and send u back to the ward.

The fertilization rate and quality, u will only know on the day of ET. U will need a HCG jab before ET so u will be back at the clinic. The dr will then pass u the paper and let u know.
after er...will still need hsg jap before et?

so usually after er...dr will come see u before u are discharge right?
it's the pregnyl jab that everyone is talking about. dr f gives 3 doses. 1 before ET and 2 u will take home and give urself every 3 or 4 days, I can't really remember.

dr will discharge u. 'Cos got GA. After ET, dr will not go discharge u. He will just tell the nurses what time to let u come down from the bed and go home.
Oh its the pregnyl injection.. I inject this before iui also.. Its to final mature the eggs.. Is the sop for dr f to give this injection for his ivf patients? Hw about the inserts some ladies are talking abt? Does dr f give inserts also? If yes, can change to injection instead?
Did u experience discharge during puregon stage? Today is d9 of puregon and i have lots of discharge.. Like those i have prior to ovulation.. Is this normal.. Cos im worried the eggs are big enuff to ovulate.. Cos usually i will hv this discharge abt 2 days before O...
the pregnyl injections, I think he will give to all patients. Unless of 'cos u are at risk for OHSS. After my 2nd shot of pregnyl, I was hit by OHSS so I never got to jab the 3rd jab.

Dr f gives the inserts after ET. We cannot change into injections. Dr doesn't do the daily jabs that KK does.

I'm not sure about the discharge thing. Can't remember. Sorry!
So the pregynl injections wil increase the risk of getting ohss? If tats the case why need to inject this? Is this to stablised the embryo?

The inserts are for what purpose? Is it easy to insert? After inserting can feel the tablet inside? Must feel uncomfortable..
the pregynl injections are HCG. HCG is needed for pregnancy. Of 'cos everything given during the course of the IVF is for a good reason. And maybe u don't know what cause OHSS. U can google on it.

The inserts are progesterone. I don't know what u mean by easy or not easy to insert. I guess when u know what u are doing are all for the sake of having that child that u want so much, I guess, uncomfortable or not, we will do it.
dr f say most likely er wil be on this fri morning... but if tml bt results show my hormones level too high then maybe need to do er on thur instead... if er on fri...then et will be on mon...

tml will be my last dose of puregon 150iu... then trigger injections on wed night... im approaching the agonizing 2ww....
ER confirmed on friday morning... will need to reach hosp at 6am... ER at 8am i think...

ET likely on the following monday...

so exciting... and scare too... hopefully everything went well... hope to spread baby dust too...
you will be fine.

Very soon u will be in 2ww and spread baby dust to the rest. Jia you. I wrote u an e-mail. Remember don't stress yourself suring 2ww.

Remember don't be late fr your trigger jab.

yup... will try not to stress myself too much..

u too also ya...
Wrote to you on the other thread. please activate your PM.

otherwise, remember no food after midnight as you will be under GA. Have you finalised the logistics with your hubby?
Its quite useless to enable my pm cos i seldom chk my email.. So i thk still better for u to drop messages here cos come here often!

Yup i knw no food n drink frm midnite today.. Hubby will send me to hosp then will go hm aft i settle down.. Then he will send in his semen and then look for me at the ward.. By then i should hv finish the procedure..

When u finish er.. U say there is no bleeding right? How do u feel? Can go out the next day? The insert will start right aft er right?
Just pm you. You will start antibiotics tomorrow. Pessaries after et only. Good luck. Happy to read your hubby can take leave. It is best to rest on Saturday. You will feel quite tired after er so better rest at home.
It's should be only half day stay in the hospital, right? U will be home by 2pm.

How's your ER? Did you check how many follicles do you have?
u leaving to shnghai tmr? Must take care yaaa....

Have you check do you hv to self quarantine? There's certain country need to, right?
How are you? How many follicles/eggs retrieved?

Going China this Sunday. Yes, worried about going there. As Singapore is an "affected" country, it seems china has the right to put me on quarantine. hope this does not happen!
Hi vinwee n dream

Had my er done this morning.. Total 20 eggs.. Quality dont knw yet.. Dr will update me tml.. Et likely on mon.. Cos dr f say d3 give him the best success..

The inserts dr ask me to insert right aft i reach hm today.. I ask my hbby to do it for me.. Hee.. Cos i really dont knw how..

Now tummy bloated n crampy.. Got some bleeding.. Saw alot of blood on the ot bed.. So scary..

Dr say not much fluid inside.. So i should be spare from ohss.. Hope so too... He told me abt having 5000iu for trigger insteaf of 10k iu.. He say 5k is enuff.. Overshoot can lead to ohss.. He say some drs abit kaisu to give 10k..

Btw i ask jenny abt the ivf insurance.. She say will give us aft et.. I tot must buy before et is done?dreAm did u buy this insu?from which insurer?
good to hear that you are ok. I guess I woke up from ga after they had cleaned up so did not see any blood on the ot. About insurance, it depends on number of embryos you put in. That s why can only buy after ET. I bought insurance and mine was expensive at 700 as I put 3 embryos. I think it is only 100+ if you put 2. So worth to buy if you are considering to put 2. Insurance is from great eastern. Not given any other choice of insurer. Kkivf is also using great eastern. Need to buy insurance within 7 days of er if I am not wrong. Just mail and enclose cheque. Dr should call you tomorrow to let you know about the eggs and fertilization.
Good to hear everything is fine.

Aiyoh... not worry so much, definitely there will a bit of blood stain, you have to take out all the eggs ler...

Did you take pain killer aft that?
Ya lor, read from newspaper, there's a few singaporean was quarantine in xiamen. Don't allow them to go in.

Did you prepare mask?
When i woke up frm ga.. Im stil lying on the ot bed.. I was transfer to another bed.. So saw the blood on the ot bed.. Quite scary.. The ot nurse told me its due to the probe dr use.. So got blood..

But dream u told me u hv no bleed at all aft er.. So maybe yr procedure got no blood..

Now still have some bleeding.. Hopefully it will clear by today.. Else by et duno clear liao not.. Dr still hvt call me by now le.. Today sat clinic half day.. If dr never call.. Dont how to contact him..
The procedure should be the same. I think also depends on the No. follicles you retrieve?

Do you still have bleeding now?

Have Dr call you?
Dream had more follicles retrieved than me i think..

Yup dr called liao.. He say out of 20 eggs.. 15 fertilised.. All by icis.. He say my egg shell is thick.. So he decide to do all by icis to avoid eggs not being fertilised at all.. Im quite surprise that ny egg shell is thick.. Dont knw does tat means my egg is not normal.. Didnt ask dr on this.. Hopefully the embryos will develop nicely by transfer..

Et will be on mon at 145pm.. Needs to be at clinic at 1130am for injection.. Dream, wat injection is this? U had this also before et?

I wonder how much more will it cost for icis..

I read that some risk in icis embryos.. Slightly higher risk of abmormalities.. Some thick egg shell may nt be able to hatch out for implantation.. May requires assist hatching.. But this may spoil the embryo.. But this usually affect older woman above 40.. Hope i dont have this problem..
I think everybody is diff. You have many follicles retrieve. Somehow it will have bleeding?

How's your bleeding now?

Have Dr call you?
Think from other thread, the injection should be sth call preglyn.

Dr will let you know how many good cell embbies you have. I think aft ICIS, they will still monitor the embbies till your Et date. for those not good cell, they will not put into your womb. Dr will do a good job on it. Not too worry. Now what you have to do is relax and looking fwd to your ET and 2WW, finally. All the best for your monday ET.
Great to hear that you have 15 eggs fertilised. That's pretty good. So, don't worry. I am sure you will have 2 good one from the 15 eggs. Otherwise, the thick egg shell may be the reason why the sperm could not penetrate. So, now just look forward to your embryos. Remember to think positive.

BTW, Have you decided to put one or two? After all your hardwork and 'Pain", I really think you should put 2 to increase your chance.

For my case, they also performed ICSI (due to my hubby) and assisted hatching as well ( I guess due to my egg, thick shell as well)...otherwise, had no bleeding at all after my ER. Not sure whether there was any blood as I must have "woken" up when everything was cleaned up...mystery...can't remember whether I had 21 or 23 follicles but I guess it is about the same than you..

Otherwise, it may be pregnyl jab...as mine was a day 2 transfer, it may be slightly different but I remember I still had 3 more jabs done at home.

Good luck on your ER. Remember not to move around too much after ER. and follow all the dos and don't from the other thread. remember to ask the Dr the grade of your embryos and number of cells. They would give you a report after ET but it does not show the quality of the embryos.

Can't remember how much cost ICSI...but it is a small price to pay (after you have gone so far and paid so much!)

getting ready for China tomorrow...yep, worried...hopefully, everything would be all right.
I just finished reading the other thread and read your concerns about thick egg shell and assisted hatching. From what I recall, Develyn had to do assisted hatching as well and she is now pregnant with twins. So, try not to worry too much. I am sure there will be good embryos and you are in good hands with Dr. Foong and the embryologist.

Keep us updated after your ET.
Dr say he usually will not put in one embryo.. He say he will put in two embryos for me.. He wont want me to risk having triplets so max 2..

My bleeding is wearing off.. Still got abit.. But im sure it will go away by tml.. Hopefully

Dream, u and develyn also did assisted hatching? I tot its not that common.. Did dr tell u beforehand or u only knw in on the day of et? Did develyn also did icis?

Dr f also told me he will let me bring some injections home to injecf aft et.. But dont knw the details as in how many injections and when to inject.. Will ask more on mon when i see him..
btw the gals at the other thread has regular bt to test for progestrone level.. Does dr f practise this? Cos i thk i never take bt to test for pregestrone.. Actually everytime aft inserting the tablet.. I duno whether is it inserted correctly not.. Is it as long as 2 iches in should be fine right?
Angeline will prepare the injections and your hubby will just need to inject. Just keep in the fridge. It is 5000 iu and jab must be done every 3 days, I think. Just follow their instructions.

Dr. F does not practice BT for progesterone. I asked him before. But it seems that he gives his patients quite a lot of medicine to assist in the embryo implantation. If I am not wrong, 2 pessaries a day + the other 2 tablets plus the pregnyl jab...

for the tablet, you can feel whether it went in. Otherwise, it will just come out and you need to reinsert it. the best is to lie down for half an hour after the insert to make sure it does not come out. A lot of discharge from the pessary.

Is it the one where we took 36 hrs before er? The two small tubes where the gp need to mix before injecting? So we can mix ourslvs and inject? No need to go to gp? Cos i went to go for that trigger shot as well as for my past iuis...

Ya dr f gives me two inserts a day(some gals at the other thread need to insert 3 times), two progonova a day, antibotics 3 times a day and gng to have pregynl injection to bring hm aft et..

Ya the insert v messy leh.. Alot of discharge.. Quite gross.. Somemore i need to insert right aft er where there is still bleeding.. Even more messy.. And got to insert the morning before et.. By the time i do et, i scare the discharge will make my below dirty and messy.. Pai seh ah...

Will i be send to a ward before et just like er? If yes, i can go wash up first before heading for et..
