Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

Wan, Pooh is right you are really a very brave girl to keep your self strong through all that has happend. I also think exercising might help in teh bleeing but don't have much of an idea.
Thanks for the encouragement I'll try not to think too much!!. My hubby keeps telling me I think too much and worry too much!! I think he's right I should just relax and wait.

Vinwee, Hope you also have it naturally and soon.

Girls, the cramps have now gone but I have a pain in my left side. Doc said that there was fluid in my tube on the left side and he drained it during the retrieval so it could be the tube hurting.

Pooh, I'll try not to worry How are you now? Hope you are feeling more yourself now

Babe79, I had severe endo where my intestines were also attached together with the womb and tubes etc. from all the endometriosis. So that is why it affected pregnancy. Normally it's not so bad. Usually it doens't affect too much at all. Did you have severe pain when you get your mensus??? Unbarable I mean!. Like rolling on the floor screaming kind of pain the pain you feel as if osmeone is putting a knife through you everytime you breath kind of pain??? Then it could be endo. I had that when I was younger abour 5 years after I puberty and continued till about 10 years later and gradually reduced. Appraently it reduces because all the surfaces get covered with teh endo and then of course the nerve endings are not touched so much as before but it's more severe than before. So that's what happend to me. Don't worry too much. It doesn't affect pregnancy unless it's very severe ok ? So it most probablly is not your case.
Vinwee, Doc put in three eggs. They had problems wiht egg shell being too hard and hatching was also done before putting it in. I also have adenomyosis that's endo in the womb so I'm scared.....
Hi Girls,
I've started having constipation. Do any of you know what to do abotu it? Read on the internet that it's from all the progestrone that we''ve been taking
<font color="aa00aa">Wan</font>

Sorry to hear what you have been through. Just happen last nite drop by and see how you, Jac and Happy doing. Saw your posts...
You are a strong gal, I really admire you.

Hmm, you want to try my sinseh at Thong Chai? Dr Tan Seow Buoy? (Chen Siew Mei) But this week she is not around, will be back until 10.12 if she din extend her leave. She did mentioned to me can eat TCM which not harm the womb, but can help it flow out. Of course, you must make sure that the feotus is not growing any more. So not sure you want to double confirm with Dr Foong before taking any medicine.

Don't eat cooling stuff, it will hurt your womb and afraid will affect the sucess rate for your next cycle.

I will put you in my prayer, hope everthing is fine and smooth from now on. And all effort will be rewarded. No worries.
<font color="aa00aa">Little flower</font>

Yes, progestrone will cause the constipation. Drink more water. I took 1 apple together with a big glass of water before taking bf every day when I took the jab.
THank you girls.. All of you have been great support to me.

Vinwee, i nv ask dr the possibility of me bleeding.. at that time only thought of faster bleed.

Little flower, so fast it's about one week after your transfer. Blood test in another weeks time. when are you going back?
How abt drinking milk?? I always go to toilet after drinking milk. Or else you can eat more fruits or drink prune juice.

Koala, I just ate some green bean soup hoping to 'force' the blood out. Silly me.. Now i regret.
Thanks for the offer. I feel that TCM has alot of uncertainty. Plus I also lazy to go and wait. hee hee..
how's your boy? long time nv hear from you. he must be very big already. then your MIL okay? Still got face black black? I think she must be very happy with your boy ard the house.

My boy is ok, super naughty and start to show character. Sometimes just feel like slapping him. Me very bad. I just created ablog for him, should have been do this since he was born, but too lazy and have spent a lot of times to do sprees. Stop doing sprees due to my health condition also. Some mummies are really ma fan. Ya, I will send you the blot later, with only with the 4 pictures taken during his 1st birthday. We didn't hold birthday party for him. Just cut the cake and bring him go to Gymboree to attend his first trial class.

I think for the time being, you need to bu after your mensus comes, dun rush for another round of FET first.

Where is happy and Jac huh?
U dun worry too much ok... let nature runs it now.. im sure u will be fine... lets be positive and continue trying ya!

Btw.. do u all find one of Dr F's clinic staff quite rude and bad attitude? the one who usually at the desk... shoulder length hair with specs.. i think in her late thirties or so... Duno her name thou...But I find the rest of the staffs all very friendly and helpful except her... she really irritates me alot!!

My MIL?? getting worst. she just tried to be funny. You know since Aug, I have been changing maid... she goes to tell all my maid must listen to her, if not she will ask my hb to send them back. End up 1 said want to go back to agent, another 1 lagi jialak, run away in the early morning before we woke up !!!
After that found the maid in the Embassy, she told the agent she can't tahan my MIL, always disturb her during mid nite.. Sigh.
So now, this maid I have warned her seriously to ignore the MIL, everything just tell me, I will settle with MIL, I maen I don;t want put the maid in the diff position. She is a witch... old witch. Nobody can handle her, except me.

One day I scolded my boy "key po" cos refuse to drink water, She suddenly came out from the room and scolded me like a mad woman, said I scolded her "key po".. I really has a BIG fight with her. Rediculous and I am not going to tolerate her if she ever bark at me again. I have make this point very clear.
Wan, thanks for the advice. Yesterday night I got more cramps but these were in the stomach!!! Read on the internet that the progestrone slows the digestive system down it must be the reason. Went to the toilet with teh cramps and guess what no consitipation all the stuff just came out
funny really and here I thought constipation!. Anyway, cramps still these in teh right side and left side and also on stomatch I'm trying to ignore them! Drinking a lot of water and milk now. didn't pass any blood with teh cramps.
I think I have to test around 14. But I'm leaving on before that so doc said to come to clinic on 10th to just check.

Koalar thanks for the advice I'll eat more apple too
did you also have your baby through ivf?? I'm new to the thread so don't know much about you.

DOn't eat cold stuff. Not purposely eat a lot ya... not good for your body. Like koala said, must "bu" first....

If you lazy go to TCM. Try to buy some "ba zen" from the shop and drink aft you bleed to clear it.

was reading your posting. Sound like your MIL very terrible. Is she over sensitive? :p
Little Flower,

Yes, I have my boy via IVF in fresh cycle in Mar 2007. I did in KKH with Dr SF Loh. I considered super lucky, got only 8 usable eggs and only 3 fertilised, 1 of them even need to be hatched. The quality of the egg not good. I put in all 3 and conceive with singleton. Dr Loh instructed them to do via ICSI as I have only poor 8 eggs to increase the chance. Got endo problem and other gynae said my tubes might blocked due to endo.

I has brown stain after confirmed positive. I quickly went to Thong Chai and consult Dr tan Seow Bouy to get " an tai" med, resting at home up to 11 weeks and luckily after that everything run smoothly and deliver my boy via C-section on last Nov.

I think TCM really help a lot. She is the only TCM doctor that Dr Loh recomended.

You hang on there, dun walk too much... in my 2WW, I just stay at home, dare not go out... very kia su. Where are you going? overseas trip?

Ha... I am a very bad DIL, right? She is very cranky, selfish and selfcentred old lady. For an example, she eat dinner first, she will take the whole tummy of the steam fish, that is the best part. She won't care the rest, including her son !!! she just want the best.

She became worst since my boy is born, she will only talk to my boy when my hb around, can imagine?? So "jia". When my hb not ard, she just ignore my boy even though my boy crawl to her room!!! I got fet up already. My son is the only grand son (nei shun). Funny, rite?

Sooo many incident that you really can't imagine that she did.
little flower,
i'm recovering well, thanks!
if only u're going to dr f's clinic on tue, 9 dec. cos i'll be there on tue afternoon for review...

hi koala,
u certainly sound like u hv a terrible MIL! and it's really funny, thot she'd dote and spoil yr son like nothing! if u dun mind me asking, r u also trying for a second baby like wan, that's why u're seeing dr f now?
koala, send me his blog.. I wanna see.. Must be very cute.. He is walking already?
Old people very sensitive one. she will find any chance to create trouble lor. Maybe she wants attention. Really hate those people who jia jia. Example my mum also like that. when people come to my place, she will act like I torture her. Ask her to look after my girl. Please lor. I pay her and not make her do for free leh. She still dare to demand 5 day work, 9 to 5. Think i operate office meh.
I thought your MIL will change after having your boy ard. Seems like things only get from bad to worst. Maybe your MIL will be better to your boy when you are not ard. Just like my mum.
The eating the best part is really very mean. I thought old people always will try to save the best for others. Nv expect your MIL to be so selfish.. One of my SIL also like that. She will finish the whole fish and the rest of the family won't have fish. Therefore my relative all hate her...

Babe79, i know who you talking abt... She very fierce and don't catch joke one. haaa!
She scold you or give you black face?

Little flower, the cramps might be due to implantation. You can watch out for some bleeding but it doesn't happen all the time. I have 3 pregnancy but only one has implantation bleeding.

Vinwee, thanks for the advice. I will go buy and bu. I thought of drinking chicken essence or Yang ming jiu after bleeding. then can keep the womb warm.

No, I am not seeing Dr Foong, though know that he is a great doctor even before I went to KKH to do my IVF. Now, actually not the matter of $$, but since my record is with KKH, me just stick to there first. But nowaday, I find my Dr not as good as before may be becos of the $3,000 subsidies given, KKIVF business increase 68% !!! So I
can't except him same as before loh.


I have p.m. you the blog add liao. He just cruise along, just refuse to learn to walk. very kek sim. Coming 13 months old, I scared later 18 months also don't know how to walk leh, how to go to childcare? Sure die.

I went to Kate's blog last nite, she is so cute and big gal now. So I guess you are more relax now.

I think my MIL is jealous over my mum, actually I really admire my mum, she can just treat all the nonsense as it is, not easy to stay under one roof with my stupid MIL. But bacos of me, she is willing to leave her HB (my dad) from M'sia and just to help me to take care of my boy. Some time I really feel me very suay, take her away from my dad. She is very lonely here also, the worst is need to see the stupid woman's black face. I owe my mum a lot, so sometime if she nag nag nag none stop, I still tahan her and tell myself to ren yi ren.

Ha ha,.,, you know I told 10 ppl on the fish tummy story, 11 ppl will tell me like this, "huh, I thought she will reserve for her son at least".
My colleague said she definately divorce with her HB if she has such MIL. Sometimes I also don't know how to tahan her.. sigh. But now, we order dinner via tingkat delivery, so no more steam fish... hee.

You pls do a mini confinement after the blood clear, boil red dates water with tang sheng everyday, importantly keep warm, eat some fried ginger with chicken, steam fish and do the double boil black chicken if possible. Don't drink too much Yang Ming Jiu at the first week.

Avoid colling stuff, like cucumber and "ching zhao" and also all herbs tea.

So now your mum not helping you any more? I thought she went back to working?
koala, did you pray the ancester during his birthday? my girl suddenly know how to walk on the night we celebrate her birthday. actually nvm one. The later he learn to walk, the easier for you. Now my girl run so fast, i don't dare to bring her out too much. I know of some babies who don't wanna walk until they are 2 years old. It's not they cannot but they just don't want cos they scared of falling down.
Now my girl more dong si so i can relax and let her run ard the house. but still have to keep my eyes on her just in case she climb high or do something silly.
Your mum very wei da.. she must have love your boy alot. but your MIl okay with her or also give your mum black face? maybe your MIL is not mobile therefore will be so bad mood all the time.
I will keep your advice in mind. I also thought of cooking the black chicken at least twice a week after the af. Started to feel very weak now..
My mum is still here lor. how can she find another job which just need to shake leg and find trouble??? But she also old already lah. Of cos I hope can support her as long as possible.
Wat is ancester? No leh..
If my mum is here for long, I don't worry when he wants to walk, but she will be going back some where ard Aug next year cos my dad will retire by then. So nobody can take care of him except send him to child care.

I train him to hold milk bottle, but he just refuse, only yesterday I heck care but just put the milk bottle beside him, he still except ppl feed him like an infant, he wait and wait, hungry then bo bian lah, so takes the bottle up himself and drink, he can hold it so steadily. So you see, attitude problem.

Ya, my mum is very wei da, that y sometimes, I don;t like the way she over pampered my boy, but I just keep quiet.
koala, haa! pai sei.. ancestor? Zhu Xian.. Prepare the red egg, mee sua and give him eat during his birthday.
better don't send your boy to childcare.. very poor thing leh.. ask your dad to come over and stay?
my girl also like that. she still want us to hold the bottle for her even til now. nvm one lah. sooner or later he will hold himself. The older they get, the more problem.. My girl will 'bite' the floor when she is angry! I beat and scold until i no strength already. Now i just let her bite then after her mouth pain from hitting the floo, I will explain to her. She still does that but not as much already.
i wish my mum can be as wei da.. maybe she is but i don't realise it or i'm the one finding trouble with her.. but really hate it when my mum call my girl stupid, ma fun de ren, etc.. Scold her like a dog..

No, we din cook for my boy.. nobody mention, so din do. My MIL is that bo chap type. She never show any concern for my boy. Her job is to eat good stuff, sleep and watch tv. Never advise us. I think positively also good loh, if not sure got arguement cos she got so many funny ideas, remember I told you she asked HB to give my son to drink his own urine when he got ulcer. Too scary.

I think your mum doesn't mean it, but may be she is a bit fan when your gal getting naughty so just scold without thinking much. You don't take it seriously, i believe she is sayang your gal, but sometime just use the wrong words to scold.
Haha u knw which lady im refering to ah.. U also kena her bad attitude is it? She din scold me but i find her nt helpful at all and wont smile.. Talk with attitude.. V buey tahan sometimes.. She is such a contrast with rest lor.. Hate it when she pick up my call when i call to book appt.. I tot im the only one who find her no good cos no one comment on it.. Hee.. Lucky u knw who im talkin abt..

yr mil really too much sia.. Cant believe it.. Cant even see this in dram lor and its actually happenin to u.. Poor thing.. Yr hb knw abt all this not?

I forgot to mention she kena stroke bafore, although now can walk and do everything herself but every day say here pain there pain infront of my HB to get him to sayang her. She is a widow, my FIL has passed away abt 20 years, the worst thing is my hb is the only son..

HB will only know how to side her. I also don't believe myself got marry to such a "yu shiao" man. He can't/won't do much when I complianed to him, so now give up but I will complian to my SIL, I heck care now even they will say I am a bad DIL, just want to let them how cranky is the MIL. Last time will only keep queit and pretend nothing happen.

So if my 2nd 1 is a gal, I will not let her marry to a man need to stay with her MIL. Really torturing. Mentally Abuse.
Your MIL super? I guess all the parents will leave the best to their children??? Nvm, let her eat, the best part of the fish is not there :p Nxt time when u steam fish, cut half fr her and steam it first, the rest wait for your hubby back then steam again lor

Your boy not walking yet? My newphen can walk at 14.5 mths. So don't worry too much. My hubby worse, only walk when he was 20 mths.

You are Malaysian as well?? Which part are you from?

Ya... the TCM sinseh was saying better to eat the kampung Chicken and black chicken essence soup. And like wat koala mentioned red dates, dry longan, " gou ji zi" add with a bit of ginger?

Btw, what happen to your mum??? Your own mum also like that??? Are you working or?

The lady u mentioned sometimes quite sotong as well ler.

Btw, the worse part of IL is your hubby dunno the truth. Then his mum poison the story. Sure in unhappy situation.
hi Wan How are you doing? My carmps are still there on an off but no bleeding.

Koala thanks for all the advice. You give me a lot of hope. I think you and I have gone through teh same problems with the ivf. I had 13 eggs only 5 fertilized that also after ICSI and from that 3 were chosen for transfer and they too had granulation and one had fragmentation. All of them had to have assisted hatching.

You give me so much of hope since you succeeded with your cycle that means there is a chance for me. One of my tubes is also severly damaged and keeps fillng up with fluid and painful when I get my period. I've gone through 2 laps to clear the endo it keeps returning.

Please let me know what you did during the 2 weeks. I've been getting up from bed and sitting in teh living room etc. and also getting up many times to go to the toilet etc. is that ok? I've also streched and taken things from cupboards overhead to make tea etc. Now I'm scared that I did too much
did you spend the whole time in the bed ??? which side did you lay on? is it ok to lay side ways of on your back? I've PM'd you some details of me in answer to your question about flying.
koala, the drink own urine part i also heard before leh... very scary hor.. I did practise the kiss stone lion so that will grow teeth and use table cloth to wipe her rashes.. both also work! My girl got her 2 lower teeth after kissing the stone lion at 13th month. then the rashes recover after we secretly use table cloth from other people's house to wipe the rashes.. Just try out cos i use many cream and see many dr also no use.. I even use steroid cream to apply. Very weird hor.. but drink urine is too much already..
BTW, u considering number 2? when starting your cycle? i'm planning to do mine in april. so hopefully transfer abt June.

babe79, she abit ya ya and talk very arrogant.. always face black one. sometimes she will smile at me lah but i find it very weird also. haa!

Vinwee, i not working so i take care of my girl together with my mum. Even like this she also find it difficult.. I can't imagine other mums can take care of 2 or more grandchildren but my mum only one kid plus with me ard she also cry hardship.. kaoz!

Little flower, i'm waiting for menses to come. hopefully it's not too bad..
maybe she bcos she is a widow so she might act strangely... or she has somehow got some emotion imbalance and seek attention by doing these... probably she tot by doing these.. she will get your attention and draw closer to u guys but she din know by doing all these will push u even further...

ya sometimes she got smile but like not very sincere that kind...haha... she talk arrogant i totally agree lor... like we got to beg her that kind.. act she is the boss... we all got to listen to her like tat...lucky she is not dr f assistant... else jia lat... lucky angeline not like that...haha...
So sori to heard abt it,so now how already u still wan 2 let t bleeding come naturally,my advise to u is better do a D&amp;C so tat next pg will be fine.As wat Koala said pls lah do some confinemt OK? Even thought now hardly log in &amp; chat but we can always chat on sms rite.

We also so long nver chat already.find 1 day shall u me &amp; wan go hi-tea n chat.
<font color="aa00aa">vinwee</font>

You Malaysian too? Hee hee.. Me from Perak. You leh?

Now no more steam fish, don't even bother to do, very ma fan, if I want to eat good stuff, we will go out. Actually sometimes I also feel very guilty, but sometimes her attitude make me feel crazy. Like yesterday, she asked the maid to get the rice, then end up she went to "change" the rice, means pour back the rice and get the rice from the rice cooker again !!! She scolded the maid for getting her the "old" rice, "ge ye fan".. OH GOSH !!! Really siao.

You don't scare me, I won't want my boy wait until 20 months leh.. joking lah, but sometimes really can not force one.

<font color="aa00aa">Little Flower</font>

I have just replied your pm. I think I have no secret of sucess, except for rest and relax in my 2WW. I leave everthing to my maid and just watching tv, reading book and rest. I forgot which side I lay on, I think should be alrite if you feel comfortable.

If possible don't climb up and down, ask your hb to help. And also don't drink tea, is "cooling", pls drink hot milo and warm water to keep your womb warm.

And I know 1 gal under Dr SF Loh is also having high dosage of the stimulation drug, abt 700 !!! so Dr Loh decided to do via "natural" way, mean only 1 egg extracted and it fertilised and she sucessfully conceived. Now her boy is abt 1 year old, I think. Her nick is "miracle", so see miracle is happen every where and just believe it, ok?

Don't try to guess if you have symptoms of pregnancy, I don't have any symptoms except going to toilet to pee during midnite very frequent at the end of my 2WW. Don't compare with other, it will add up your stress.

IVF is not an easy journey, but at least we tried our best, then we have no regret.

Sorry being writting so long, like a grand mother.
<font color="aa00aa">baby</font>

Of course she knows how to irritate me,
, she feel very happy when I fight with my hb... not only attract attention. Can you believe it, she keep on moving this and that when I pregnant, purposely one. Even after me and HB warned her. She still do that!!!

<font color="aa00aa">Wan</font>

Really work meh?? Frankly I went to si ma lu shop house opposite the kuang yin temple, got 1 shop there sit a lots of aunties and do "bai bai" for ppl, when my boy cried non-stop at nite after his full month, the auntie make prayer for my boy, asked us to bring him to go to public toilet and pick the stones from road side to put beside his pillow, but not really work leh..frankly my mum has make it very clear she will not be helping me to take care of the 2nd 1, so sometimes I can't imagine how to handle 2 monsters if she is not ard, I am very pampered, if she is here, I will request her to bath, to change and to feed my boy. Me very suay. When she goes back to M'sia for 1 week, I feel like dying to take care of my boy. Some more my HB is that type of Daady will help to feed milk, to pat him sleep when he is back. I still feel exhausted.

<font color="aa00aa">Jac</font>

Finally you are back,
of course can have high tea, but must wait after Wan recovered. Cos she cant take outside food and need to rest at home.

Where is Happy?
HI Koala,

I am from Johor. But about 3.5 to 4 hours away from Singapore by train or car.

Why your ask your mum to Singapore since you have your MIL? I wonder if how your mum tolerate with nasty people? I mean under a roof everyday ler.. not easy.

Hhaha... my hubby said, don't have to walk so early.. can talk and point can already, so the person who carry will just bring you there...:p Ya... he can't walk so early.. but he can talk and sing at 13 mths.

Warrua...I count myself super lucky .. at least my MIL easy going.. partly maybe bcoz she is still working?

When you all go out, nvm ask her to go along??? Does yr hubby know his mum so "cao kuan??? :p

All ladies,
I have to go back and do blood test again. 2 weeks already and I am not bleed yet.

Little Flower,
DOn't think too much ya... just rest... althought I don't have success pregnancy.. I don't have any implantation symptom at all.. DOn't stress yourself with all this.

Why ask your mum to look aft your gal together with you since she cry hard for it? Can stand ?
<font color="aa00aa">vinwee</font>

She kena stroke before, so can't take care of bb. Actually she wants, she told hb she can be instructor and get the maid to do everything, but I insisted no due to her health condition.

Heng huh, if not, my son sure kena drink urine so many times without my knowledge.

Ha, your hb so cute, ya loh, my boy now like "shao ye" point here and there, every body like his servant. I still think that hs is lazy and not becos he can't, but he refuse to walk.

Hey, wish you tons of luck, hope everything run smoothly for your blood test.

Do you gv your boy solid food like fish, meat etc? I guess is important ler... my SIL didn't let her son take cereal and mash food like potato etc till 7.5 mths. Then only allow the boy to take a bit fish and porridge ard 10 mths when she notice her boy cannot even stand by himself.

Maybe get a ball for your boy, if he likes it, he might want to run aft this? Keep asking him to stand up... maybe then he will start to walk?

Wow... your MIL will so siao treat your son urine?? Can't be so bad right??
Hi Koala,
I'm really worried. I got up so many times and went to toilet and sat up watching TV etc. I mean sitting not laying down. I also got up many times to get things etc. I had cramping earlier but now it's gone. When I have motion to go to toilet I get heavy cramps but that's only for toilet. But I'm still worried from now on I'll stay in bed and read a book. I'm staying with friends while doing the treatment so I feel bad laying down all the time without helping with the kids of my friend etc. My friend insists that I should rest and didnt'allow me to cook since the transfer now I'm glad she did that at least I know I didn't do too much heavy work. I always walk slowly and carefully get up when I get up. But still worried. Can't help it I guess.

I'm sorry to hear abotu your MIL it is difficult to manage.

Vinwee, Hope eveyrthign goes well for you and you are able to try for another baby soon.
Hi Wan, it is really difficult taking care of babies from what I read from you all
I don't have first hand experience but have helped take care of little children for a few hours at a time. it is good that you have your mother with you.
<font color="aa00aa">vinwee</font>

He started semi solid foods since 4 months +, porraige abt 6 months, eat a lot, can say eat all meats except for beef. Every time can finish a bowl of porriage and now eating bread, milk and basically he is eating what we are taking. That why I said must be becos his laziness. Never mind lah, just wait and see.

My MIL? huh, she won't change lah, you know she always think that she is "chi xi tai hou", but sorry loh, is "out" already.

Ya, how old is your big 1?

<font color="aa00aa">Little Flower</font>

Wat I can say is relax, you go to matter of the heart, under IVF support, there were some mtb also working during their 2WW, but can still strike. So you see, not necessary to lay down all the times. When is your test date?
Hi Wan,
How are you? Sorry to read about your 'current' pregnancy. I heard eatting durian can help improve your baby grow faster, but how true is it i am not sure lei. You are still young, can try again. For me, it all really depend on luck, every month my menses is playing hide and seek with me. Went for check up with Dr Foong mths ago, he said i am not ovulating. So I only have half the chance of getting pregnant. So sad. Oh ya not sure if you gals know, is it possible that from ovulating till new cycle should took about 14 days right. Is it possible to be more than 14 days?
Maybe your boy also know in advance that he has to walk thru out the rest of his life... so he must well take his own sweet time let parents carry him first... :p

How old is your big 1 => is that refer to my child?... No no no, I don't have any now. I manage to conceive at the 3rd trial aft I see Dr. (not under IVF), tried 1st time in April, another one in June then October. But the little don't manage to grow like Wanbb this time. So I already prepared for M/C. But two weeks already, there's no sign of bleeding yet, not even a discharge. So have to go back for blood test again.

Little flower,
Please don't think too much. I know is eary to say than do it... but your 2WW almost due by next week, right? Just relax a bit laa... Do you have any frozen eggs?

Not all MTB will have sign of implantation during the 2WW. Ya.. like Koala was telling you, a lot of them still walking around, working, carrying their toddler around like WanBB. It's fate and luck. You already try your best and do whatever you can to try to conceive. Don't stress yourself anymore.

I even climb over the gate (coz I forgot to bring along my house key), walk around, go to office (not everyday) etc. Try not to think which side to lie down is better, am I pregnant etc. Relax relax....
It helps a lot to know that walking around was ok. Anyway my cramps have stopped so i'm thinking positiviely now, and no bleeding even when i had the cramps.I don't have any forzen eggs. 14 eggs were recovered 13 were mature and only 5 fertilized. From that also only three were ok. They also had the hard egg shell problem so nothing was left to freeze.

My test date is on the 14th I think or so I think.

Wan, you know I have dogs at home(not small dogs also they are each more then 2 feet tall and they don't smell at all. We bathe them often and they run around the house but no smell comes from them. I think your neighbour is not bathing and cleaning the dog. And also removing the poo. That must be why they are smelly.
Bluegal, Don't worry my eggs always mature past day 16 it's a sort of norm for me! Even with the ivf cycle the same happend even after a increase in dosage etc. so I don't think it's that much of a problem as long as your womb lining is ok.

Pooh, How are you?
Hi Little Flower,
But every month after ovulation right, do you immediately experience sore breast, bloated stomach and movement in the stomach till your next cycle. The feeling is awful. My cycle range between 28 - 52 days so actually most of the time I have that feeling.
hi little flower.
i'm ok, going to see dr f on tue to remove my plasters. hope he will spare me fm the "razor treatment" that wan talked about!

re yr earlier query - fm wat i understand, the 1st half of the cycle (fm AF to ovulation) may vary mth to mth, but the 2nd half (fm ovulation to next AF) is pretty much fixed, ard 14 days. dr f told me that after one odd mth for me, when ovulation was late by one wk and hence my entire cycle extended by a wk (and i was still hoping that i had "striked" when my AF din come on D27 like usual, sigh...)
hope the blood test goes well for u, and that u'll bleed naturally soon.

hope u manage to bleed naturally too - and asap too, to shorten the wait which must be agonising.

yr MIL sure sounds like one fm hell! and it's most unusual, most MILs will tend to treat their own sons like "gods" (more so for grandsons!), and save the best for these impt men in their lives.

Sorry to know that, hope everything is ok for your blood test.

Me use to it already and also has accept has such nonsense MIL.
Bluegal, Have you had a lap done? I also had cycles which went up to 44 to 50 days and it was due to endometriosis When that was cleared my cycles returned to normal to around 30 to 32 days. So better get tested it was the reason I was infertile also.
Hi Little Flower,
I have not had any lap done yet, Dr Foong wanna us to try to conceive naturally for a few months first.

Hi Pooh,
Ya I read that from ovulation to next cycle should always be 14 days. Problem is, base on my basal temperature and Dr Foong confirmation on my ovulation date, it seems that my ovulation to next cycle is much longer than 14 days. Thus i always though i might be pregnant but every month is greeted by the disappionted result. Worried that my problem lies between this period, guess i better ask Dr Foong on my next visit.
<font color="aa00aa">Bluegal</font>

Not necessary 14 days rule apply to everybody. I heard from My sinseh there is a strong hormone support in the body, then will be longer than 14 days. But basically, this may be a good sign as indicating that you can be easily pregnant.

One alternative way is to take tempreture every morning. The tempreture will tell you if you are ovaluting. But need a lot of determination cos everyday you must wake up at the same time, if not will affect the accuracy.

You consider ACU? accupunture? Also help in natural cycle.

Hi Koala,
Thanks for your advise,
hmm we actually tried for a year thus approach Dr Foong for check up. So don't think I can get pregnant easily, Dr Foong also comment that I only have half the chance of getting pregnant.
I am currently seeing TCM and taking medicine too. Did consider accupunture too, but the popular one at Clementi quite far lor, and i also scare of pain. Honestly accupunture will be my next option, heard many went to the clementi one get pregnant quite fast.
