Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles


this is bad. like wat jac said, did they know bb was sick and that both of u brought her to the hospital?

how's bb now? the fever so bad that she had to be warded?

believe things will improve after u all move out. do check up kim tian and delta ave. in delta ave, there's 4 and 5 rooms. in between delta ave and kim tian (beo crescent etc), there's lots of 3 rooms. some of them are very small and not advisable to buy those.

try to get a place near to good/close friends or relatives. at least help can be rendered when needed...since u can't depend on your family for now.

Happy is right dont ever get those old flat around beo cresent,tat side t place is 20yrs above not worth buying.

Nver lah just feel t flow is coming anytime
come already n t cramp is killing me,buay tahan.

Another 1 sad news tat is my hubby said we tried 1-2 more cycle on our own be4 proceed 2 IVF.

it's finally here! suppose the cramp is so bad coz of the long interval. if bad is too bad, take a panadol to relieve the pain.

dun be sad. tell him just one more cycle of natural so as not to delay any further. either that, ask him if it's better to do it now so as to ensure that bb will be delivered before end of 2008. in case the birth date falls in jan 09 before the cny...then become half rat half ox

re the old flats, don't get those that are up the hill ones... those are very small. my sister stays in blk 20 jln klinik-corner unit. there's a rumor that those blocks there might be en-bloc a few years later..but, dun know how true.

since the reason is you, tell him it's ok and u dun mind going for it. can?

wat he meant by 'suffer'? coz of the delay?
Cos I cried n cried until he buay tahan me.He knows I so sad abt t whole issue,1st diagnosed as pg n next dont have,so I think is t reason he said wanted 2 postpone scared tat if fail t blow is continous 4 me scared I will jump dwn fm t building.Wahahahaha.........
Halo excuse me tis is wat I think might not be wat he think.Wahahahaha......
2 be frank I really vy scared 2 face such topic,1st part of my heart of course hope 2 start soon so tat I can have a chance 2 get pg n carry t bb until give birth but on t other hand scared fail then I dont have even more confident 2 do again plus tis round is my 2nd attempt already,feel tat even more stress than t 1st time I do.
ling tay, congrats!

curl, haha... of cos angeline is good at giving the progesterone jab! i provided her a very good training opportunity. She jabbed me twice a week until i delivered!!!
Hi Curl
I just join this thread, so dun know U are like me, done IUI and IVF...hee..I thought I am the only 1 who had done IUI and IVF and go all the way out in order to have kids. When I 1st told my good friend I am going IVF for my second kid, she kinda have a strange look at my face and wonder why I do such costly and tough proedure since I already have 1 girl liao..somemore not long ago..
Hi Wan
Dun feel sad OK.....Stay cool and happy...please think of the bright side, U still have your bb..cheer up, cheer up cheer up

A place that's cheap, perhaps U may wanna consider Jurong..haha, at least that's where I am staying now, price is affordable, although far...many times, ppl always comments, huh stay so far...can bring passport also, to go Malaysia as well.....
Hi WanBB
Poor you. Hope Kate is ok now. Perhaps the best way though not easy is to have no expectations of your parents, plan taking care of the bb yourself with the help of maid, etc. You may be happier like that. Dont really have to think why they never do this or that. Sometimes just no answer. In their mind, they may also be thinking why you never this or that. If can talk it out, good. But if cant (which is likely cos from what I hear, ur mum seems to be more antagonistic), then just start planning on your own. Save your energy on what to do next than crying at nite. I know easier said than done. As long as hubby supportive can already.

Good that boy boy never meow meow. Hope u dont mind but maybe you have to be more patient with him during this transition period.

I also heard that my niece cry not becos mummy not around but cos she say teacher v fierce and scold them. She used to attend those very 'tender loving care' childcare centre from young where teachers are v supportive and encouraging, so she is quite 'shock' when teacher scold students first few days.

I understand how you feel. Just have to keep going becos if never try, you will never even reach there. Must still try and I can tell you if you preggy through whatever means, you will just be very very paranoid until u hold the baby in your hands. Many friends, colleagues & etc will not u/s and say you gan cheong or what. But they wont understand and last thing you wanna do is to make pple understand you. So it will be a lonely journey, but just have to ride it through ok? Jia You!
Hi Ling Tay
Yes, I am classic case of all. I got pregnant 'naturally' with clomid, then ended ectopic and one tube gone. Then 2nd pregnancy, I went on injections and IUI and strike 1st try. BUt I lost it at 23 weeks due to a rare condition call incompetent cervix. The cervix dilates prematurely and baby was just too premature.

Then after confinement and rest, I did IUI again with all good conditions but didnt conceive after 4 rounds. I was 32 in 07 and didnt wanna wait anymore and I decide to do IVF so that I can freeze all my young eggs for future use. I also put in a stitch to prevent cervix from opening prematurely at week 14 and quit my job to be on real relax mode and modified bedrest. I was working in a high stress job which has a good prospects but too demanding for a high risk pregnant woman. Morever, my company is totally unsupportive of work life balance or pregnancy, so really no pt lor.

I guess depends on how much you want a bb. To me, I am willing to go through anything just to get there. The process and sacrifice is manageable as long as I get there. If all else fail, I will still adopt, i just love children lor.

the same thing crossed my mind. i also thot of jumping into ivf but scare of failure.

my mum so cute. she asked me why don't i just go for ivf. i've a relative who went for it and got a ger n 2 eggs frozen. my grand aunt now pushing her to go for ft. i told her abt the 'torture' and cost involve and more importantly our dear deity discouraged me to go for it... then she frown. then my sis said you'll never know until u try it. better do it then regret later. will see how my cycle go. went to see the sinsei just now. think i'm 'overheated' by the medso head has been heavy for almost a week.

no mind no mind

i've been vvvvvvv patient with him. he just got onto my nerves last saturday that's why i exploded.

have been encouraging him and trying to build up his confidence. just an hr ago, he told me again that he feels like vomiting and dun wanna go school. talked so much to him until he finally ok..sigh..this seems to be my routine now. wonder when then he can let me rest.

wow. yr niece's teacher so fierce... good thing my son's not like that so far. else i sure die from his 'vomiting'. his form teacher is a young and well dressed lady..not like our time. then, the teachers were mostly ah soh one..hee..
Sorry, I 'misunderstood' you

My niece kenna malay teacher and the boys in her class all v naughty, thats why teacher scold and my poor niece kenna as a group.

no problem lar
but i do always have to remind myself to keep cool. hee..

sounds scary...i only spotted one super active boy in his class. that boy very scary. on day 1 in the canteen, he pulled my son's shirt to get his attention. my jaw almost dropped. haa. then on the second time he pulled, a teacher saw and told him not to do so. all parents got to stand behind a barricade to watch the children...like in the zoo like that..haa..
Wow, thats really rough! Must teach your son to self defend and tell the boy NOT to do that very firmly.

Cant believe they can be quite a bully at such a tender age!
Thank 4 yr support.I feel tat right now wat I lack of is 1 more step across 4 tis tough IVF n I really needs yr ger 4 t encouragement.

Yestday told my hubby abt startg tis cycle,1st thing came out fm his mouth is u sure u can take t blow.Aiya his wife already no confident y cant he just said something 2 build up my courage.
Dont worried u r t 1st timer,can claim $6K fm CPF.

Serious I thinking abt such questions vy vy long already,IVF is so ex if those no children like us wanting 2 have & yet cannot affort 2 do IVF then how? S'poren lifestyle is if u poor can die cannot get sick which apply 2 IVF also,think abt it so sad abt it.
So now u alone is it since yr hubby have shifted 2 oversea already.
U better take extra care 4 yrslf,by t way now u temporary stayg at yr mum place or still stay alone.
Tell u yestday my flow damn alot,alot until ganna my bedsheet so much so much batch,2nite must go bk & change t bedsheet.Just wonder when hubby wake up c it will he fainted in t house a not.Wahahahaha........
So how is kate now,is she better?
So how were yr viewg yestday.
I heard tat if u viewing a house must bring along yr child along,if yr child like tat place she will not cried,if she dont like tat place she will start 2 cried.

yah. told son to tell the boy. i was very worried coz i thought the teacher put both of them as buddies. am concern son will learnt all the bad things from him..and he'll really become a monster! good thing they were not together on day 2. thank god!


wow! so much blood! i usually put a towel under during my heavy days.

yah. 6k from cpf...also 6k from savings if go thru ah foong. like u, i'm also afraid to see the negative.

but, since u already planned to go for it, just go it and not drag any further. since yr cycle is not irregular now, you'll go thru the same stress of thinking when it will come. just go for it! u have all our moral support.
i'll supply you with the hk series
Will do in next cycle,hope no more unexpected things happen plus next cycle die die also must do cos my HIV test will expiry soon.If still drag then must waste money 4 t test again.
U not planning 2 do in KK meh.Fm my point of view 1st time better stick to Ah foong cos he will treat his IVF patients extremely caring n good,if anything can pop 2 his office anytime unlike kk.
was reading through the posts.... i must say all the women here are really very brave..

I've been following this thread for quite some time... the impression i get from you is that you take everything is your stride.. u dun mourn and groan.. kept yourself positive.. to tell u the truth.. i dunno if i can go thru wat u have gone thru... every time i read ur post i just wanna tell u.. hang on! jia you! hehe

i think our hubbies have insecurities also... maybe ur hubby thinks that he not only have to deal with his own stress, he would also have to deal with urs.. becos he knows that u would be depending on him for support as well.. like for my hubby... he always tell me not to be stressed out over ttc... i dunno if i tell him i wanna go IUI or IVF, what will he say.. at this moment i'm not thinking so much... hopefully my polyps are my only problem.

sometimes when i see toddlers or preggy women, i have that ache in my heart and wonder wat it feels like to be preggy or i'll be the most blissful woman in the entire world if i'm preggy. it's the past 1 yr.. i'm sure all of u felt that too when ttc-ing...

i'm not getting any younger... going to be 32 this yr... i sort of regretted not trying for a bb earlier.. but i can't turn back to clock so i try to look forward..

sorry ah... i think it's the weather.. dark n gloomy... making me feel a little melancholic.. :p

yah. i also prefer ah foong.

when will yr hiv test expire?


like u, curl also gave me the same impression

one thing abt ppl who have been ttc and failing for years, even if the weather is sunny outside, it might be dark and gloomy inside us. so we can understand how you feel.

especially know how you feel when looking at others' babies...i've been looking with envy too. leave it to dr foong to plan for you. if need to do ivf, just go for it. can depend on the gals here for the support needed
can also get advise from curl as she is very well read
Hi Eskimobaby,
I totally understd wat u said,be 2 frank w u in fact I vy independent in alot of things but talk abt IVF I just 2 weak 2 walk alone n depends alot of support fm hubby in tis area cos I lost my bb in wk8 n which were my 1st attempt in IVF.

So wat is yr next step? will u be going 4 t op 2 replace polyps?

Yap Curl give us alot of moral support in tis area.

U still so young dont worried.
yup i will stay with dr foong... i feel more comfortable with dr foong than my previous gynae.. even tho i've been with my previous gynae for the past 2 yrs..

i think we're more emotional when it comes to having babies.. like u i can be independent in other things as well.. but when it comes to ttc-ing.. it's a different story..

if this cycle fails... i'll be going to remove my polyps next cycle (growths on the uterus lining but they are not cysts)..
Jac/happy, my mum is better today. lucky lor. Cos i still having flu. Then baby still haven't recover also but no fever already.
I more sad yesterday when my sister tell me my mum say she thinks I faking sick and don't wanna let her go out. Kaoz.. if really don't wanna let her go out, I will ask her don't go and stay at home since i'm sick.. Why bother to ask her wait for me see doc first.. stupid lor. Xiao ren zi xing...
kate is okay when we go view the house at sim ming. But i find the house a little weird leh.. Maybe the owner is moving out so the house very blank already. Then weird weird feeling.

Jac, go ahead with IVF. You'll have my support! The two months of IVF very fast past one. We chat chit everyday then very soon over. Rat babies is very clever. So wish you have a little rat this year and pass me some baby dust.. hee hee..
I agree w Happy if u feel weird abt t house better dont buy cos u will be in t house whole day,if now u dont feel good abt t house dont talk abt stayg there.
U choose sin ming there vy haunted 1 lah.U dont scared wondering hao xiong di will visit u mah.Wahahahaha......
happt, ya lor.. I think will view other houses first before i decide. My hubby looking at bishan but so far no more viewing leh..

Jac, My hubby refer that sim ming house as the haunted house.. hee hee.. The most I like abt the house is that it's peaceful and quiet environment and the ai tong primary sch. hee hee.. So fast already thinking of primary sch.

hee..in a way yes.


yes. do buy a place near a good school since u are planning to move. come to our area lar. hee..

what is your budget?
Then u can have alot alot of hao xiong di.Wahahahaha......
Tell yr hubby is u who at t house most of t time & not yr hubby,if anything happen 2 u n bb then how?heeheehee....
2 be frank if really wanted 2 get a house,in feng shui believe tat dont get a house which had alot of pointed area,in feng shui believe tat pointed area can invited alot of "dirty things" 2 yr place.

i wanna take leave one of these days to go for hair cut and coloring (hee, i know u r going to advise me against it..hee). can't help it lar, i'm going to be bai fai cang cang aredi.
I also feel like going 2 do rebond n colour my hair.I so long nver colour my hair already really look like huang lian po.so sad.......But think abt it next mth I do IVF scared t chemical will go into my body.I more fan than u.Since u havn't settled when 2 do IVF u still can affort 2 do colouring n perming hair.

i think it shouldn't be a problem for you to do now. dun think the chemical will stay for so long lar.

i've a colleague who went for rebond during her pregnancy..but i won't do that.
I dare not 2 take tis risk.Just imagine now already so hard 2 conceive plus I dont wan 2 blame myslf 4 letting t chemical go direct 2 my skin while going 4 IVF.If I want 2 do tat I already go 4 IPL already.
Women r vy contradictn 1 lah.
My heart feel itchy 2,I also vy tempted of going 2 do rebond 4 tis coming NY.

U can c alot of places wat like west area like bt batok n yew tee etc.
Pls dont buy bukit panjang tat area heard tat housing over tat vy hard 2 sell off.
