Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

happy, i decided not to have a maid. cos one baby already ruin my life. if have another maid then worst lor. have to bring her everywhere i go.. sianz..

Jac, half day huh.. shiok huh.
no wonder i so long nv receive your sms.

Hi everyone

Happy New Year to everybody!!!
Sorry, not able to post for some time, cos really busy with work.
hi wanbb
I am taking progynova pill prescribe by dr foong

I am so so so tempted to do home testing leh....cannot tahan to wait for Friday liao.

ya, i think if I am sucessful, I will wait till 12 weeks than change.

Hi Ladies
Sorry for not posting for a few days. V busy with hubby's move to London on 2 Jan with all the packing, buying of shoes, clothers & etc.

Went for my check up on Sat and baby is 900g already! So fast. Dr say baby on the bigger side, partly cos we are both tall. I am 26 weeks and hopefully things will be fine. Stitch still holding ok.

Ling Tay
I would advise you to stick with Dr Foong. He is v careful and I think its worth to see him than any other doctors, especially if you kenna twins, then he is very experienced in handling multiple pregnancy.

Sat is ok as long as you take the 8 - 830 am time slot. Though he is more ex, to me, he is worth the additional dollars and he does take alot of care for his IVF patients. If you really wanna change, I suggest you do it after 14 weeks when pg is more stabilised like what the rest advised.

To all the ladies here:

Happy New Year and May all sweet dreams come true !!!!!


Lots of baby dust to all !!!!!!










Hi ladies
just startd to join this thread, wonder what's the sucess rate for IVF here? Really keen to know to build up my confidence level. Although I know got many factor, eg age...etc etc etc....
Hi curl
twin..vry scare leh....cause i already got 1 girl liao and she is 2 years old now, if kana twin...wow....tough life, but its still a blessing...haha...

I dun mind Dr Foong but its just tht I see him like so popular and busy, scare if my delivery, time he is still not here and yet baby come out liao...how...haha

actually my previous gyne is good too, she deliver my gal and I feel comfortable with her so I decided to stick to her.
Hi Ling Tay

V hard to pin point success rate. Like you say, timing, egg & sperm quality, luck & etc all plays a part.

Since you have experience a good gynae, then it should be ok to stick back with her.

Yes, Dr F is busy but so far he still responds q promptly.
hi jac,

was on half day today
went shop shop at takashimaya. thinks i've never spent so much within 1 week before...so far, bought 4 bras, 7 panties, 2 dresses, 1 top, 2 skirts and 1 jeans...think i've gone crazy..haa..

but, partly coz i hardly buy clothes and got kind of sick of my wardrobe...so decided to buy buy buy..hee..


i see. not getting maid also good. yr house is so small how to squeeze the maid in..wait till you get your own place
u can spend the equivalent amount on part time cleaners.
hi curl,

wow. bb is closed to 1kg already. that's great. i'm glad that you are moving towards the 'safe zone' as the weeks pass by.

you bought so many things. suppose the luggages will exceed the weight limit? but, that's not a problem as his company will pay for it..hee.. did he also pack his favorite food?
hi ling tay,

oh. u already have a 2 yr old girl.

did u conceive yr girl naturally the last time? i was quite surprised u went for ivf so soon...actually, i should have been more pro active. son is already going p1 2 days later and my second one still no news. sigh..

anyway, keep your fingers crossed...if u really can't tahan, can always test tomorrow..hee..i know how difficult it is to loon. good luck!
ya lor.. my xmas eve and xmas day burnt due to the food poisoning... missed the xmas eve party... but i more upset that I missed Dr Foong appt and missed this cycle... eskimobaby, u make me feel more at ease with your sharing of your 1st visit with Dr Foong... I guess I should make my appt booking now as Dr Foong is always very full one...maybe I should see him around my CD14 or CD15.. since I usually get +OPK on CD17....im i right gals?
my cycle quite similar to yours... mine around 30-32 day cycle which means my O is on day 16-18.. i saw him on CD13 n dr foong advised me to start trying on cd14... if u can try to make appt on CD12 or 13... CD15 might be abit late.. cos u gotta start trying b4 O

i also dwell on it for quite some time b4 i decided to see dr foong.. cos i already have a gynae n i dunno if i'm just being too ganchiong or thinking too much... but i'm glad i finally went to see him.. cos if not, i wouldn't know that i might have more than 1 polyp which affect implantation from taking place if they grow too big or at the wrong places... my previous gynae just said that my polyp which she removed for me 2 yrs back came back... but she didn't request that i do anything else n just ask me to keep trying.
Happy New Year Gals!!!
May all of your wishes come true in 2008...

Both hubby and me are down with flu so there goes any candlelight dinner...lucky got MIL to help me with baby.. dare not go near bb..
I will definitely go back to work if I can get a job. As for bb, MIL will be taking care and I will get a maid to help with the housework.
Hope that you can get a job when you settle down in US..even part time is good for sanity...

I am hoping to start work in March loh. I put on 24kg leh so far lost 15kg liao, another 9kg to go..the problems is the hips and waist.. all my bottoms cant fit.. and i die die also refuse to buy bigger size even though there are alot of sales so that I will work harder to lose weight...
my BMI is over weght now.. jialut!!!
after i clear my appointment this Fri with Dr Foong, i will start to exercise liao..
Baby also like me fat fat now.. think about 5.5kg at least liao...easier to carry now than newly born time..
thanks gal for your info... it really helps... ya.. my cycle is around 32 days... I think I will call Dr Foong clinic tml to book an appt on my CD12... u trying naturally for this cycle u see Dr Foong? are u considering IUI? I believe Dr Foong wont allow me to do IUI for the very cycle we see him rite? the earliest should be on the next cycle.... your 1st visit is on your CD15? can the v scan show when u will O? when will u see him again? is your HB doing SA test also?
Hi Happy
I married in 2005 and try 5 years for my girl (thru SO-IUI). do not want to wait for another 5 years for the 2nd one, since age catching up. Have been trying for IUI with Dr Foong for 3 cycles and no news, so Dr Foong suggested IVF, to increase the possibilites since I not young anymore. We done all the test both me and hb are relatively OK, so not sure why its taking us so long to conceieve. So we decided to be more pro-active, rather than waiting for a year or 2 later and start to regret, why no start earlier.
this cycle i'm trying naturally again since he did detect that i'll be ovulating in 2-3 days time... i saw dr foong on CD13... but becos of my polyps, the condition might affect implantation.. so hopefully, i'll get them removed n then strike naturally... not considering IUI yet... i dun think dr foong will ask u to consider IUI or IVF so easily unless we have tried all means...
Hi ladies
this morning really cannot tahan anymore so tested, and after about 5min, a very very very thin line appear, I am not sure if I am sucessful or not, dun want to think about it, in case fail again. Tomorrow morning (04th Jan) is the D day, if AF still dun report by tonite, I will call clinic 1st thing in the moring for the blood test. Finger cross
hmmm... u mentioned that u usually on CD16/17... u saw Dr on CD13..he says u likely to O around CD15/16.. did u use OPK for your previous cycles? if yes, which day u usually get +VE? i wonder is it becos we BD late thus miss the actual O? cos i usually start to BD when i get +OPK... prob i already O...hmmm... I called DR Foong clinic yesterday... i book on my CD12... but cant really tell yet cos my AF not due yet.. so duno whether the appt day is my CD12 not.... can only confirm when my AF is here... i guess... Dr Foong is right.. we should start BD on CD14 even if i get +OPK on CD17... but start BD so early very shiong ahh.. hehe
i used to use OPK but then i got frustrated with it cos i keep getting negative.. maybe i test too early or didn't test later n it's adding to my stress so i decided to stop using it... just concentrate on my EWCM... yes.. if u O on day 16-17 then u should start trying on CD 14... preferably everyday from then till ovulation.. i know it can be very tiring to do consecutive days.. just like this cycle.. my hubby n i strive to do it everyday from day14 for 3 days.. ended up did the first 2 days on CD14 n CD15 only then stop 1 day then did on CD17.. haha... n this was when my hubby n i are both on vacation u know... n we still felt tired :p
Ling Tay, congrate!
It's positive as long as there is a line no matter how thin it is...
Me also tested a very very light thin line a day before my blood test. So you can start to plan a celebration already! What a happy new year for you...
hi gals!

missed alot of postings...too tired to go thru all now.

ling tay,

looking forward to your confirmation tomorrow

chat with u gals tomorrow....
ya lor...cant agree with u more.... BD for continuouos days are very very the shiong... thats y we usually never BD the rest of the days...only BD during fertile days... I always get +veOPK every mth... u should try to test earlier and longer.. im sure u will get +.... me just bout Megaman from GNC for my hubby to eat... I heard it helps to improve spermies...thou he have not done his SA test yet... duno whether his spermies normal not... but no harm taking...
so now u are in your 2ww? me waiting for my AF to due next week... then can start a new cycle...this cycle failed cos never try at all ....hehe..
Hi Gals
AF had not report yet, early morning I did the test and again thin line appear after ard 5min. I went to the clinic to do blood test and now waiting for the clinic to call me for the result...wow mian...heart beating very fast, in the office the whole morning but cannot concentrate to work, Keep looking at my Handphone. Should I call the clinic...or may I too kan cheong, usually how long will the result out.
Hi Gals

Dr Foong call me just now yes!!!! I make it..the result looks like its single not twin...phew!!!!

but I need to take jab twice a week, till 10 - 12 weeks....

Thanks gals for all the encouragement U had given me....Thank You
hi ling tay,

congratulations!!!!!! you are so lucky! u do take care from now


sms u my reply earlier. i'm glad he was ok when he board the bus just now. kind of missed him now..hee..


how are you?

Congrats...so happy for you. Take great care in the meantime...
Enjoy the pregnancy!!!

Happy.. a big milestone for your son..hope that he is enjoying his time in school...
Congrat! Take good care of yourself and do not miss any jabs, they are v important in early pg.
Whats your HCG result?

Yes, I saw ur sms.. so 'ke lian' hor, so young, school bag so big and have to adapt to new environment. I see my innocent niece go to school also v cham like that. heart pain.

sorry. my memory has been real bad! after seeing your posting then i remember you told me abt your weight gain thingy..

losing 15kg in a month plus is considered quite good already. believe some exercise and watching carbo intake will help u shed the extras. go for wrapping to tone up the tummy. jia you!

yes. a big milestone for son...actually for me too! i'm typing this reply with eyes half closed..zzzz..


yah..so ke lian but wat to do

but, school bag is no longer that heavy like before. now most of the books are kept in the school...only bring back the english, chinese and maths test books. then, i just wonder when will they bring the books back and how am i only to go thru like that... i checked with my colleague. his son also have almost all books kept in the school. we will only see the activity books when they need parent's signature.

yr niece also p1 this year?
Hi Curl
I have not gotten my result yet, have not got a chance to see Dr Foong, he suggest I did a scan 2 weeks later, I believe then he will provide me the report by then. Yestersday went for the jab....wow mian.....super painful leh....till now I still feel the pain at my backside....hmmm...2 times a week till 12 weeks....
ling tay

wow. you wake up so early on a saturday morning

this goes to show how 'wei da' the mummies are. we'll go thru any pain for the sake of the baby.
Hi Ling Tay,

Me super bad mood cos hormones turn hagwired,my menses still havn't come yet now already going 2 pass D60.

Last wk go da mai said I might be preggie but tis wk go da mai again said my preggie sign gone.

1 thing I really dont understd is if nver preggie & pass t forming period by right menses should will report wat then y still havn't come yet lah?
Yes, my elder niece Pr 1 this yr too. She still like baby have to go to school, like v cham like that. She is the first baby in the family so everyone dots on her lor.

Ling Tay
Yes, v painful initially, but after the first few jabs, actually feel ok. Towards mid pt, I was not feeling anymore pain actually. Angeline is quite good at doing this, so I am v comfy with her.
Hi Gals

wow mian, dun know why at night couldn't sleep well and wake up super early in the morning, (5am), but day time very tired....sign, sometimes couldn't get back to sleep yet hubby sleeping beside snore like nobody business.....gosh...why like that
I start to feel super super super backache....cannot recall I feel the same during my 1st pregancy...but this ache is super super painful till cannot stand straight up or walk....how huh...is this common sign???
Jac, did u do a pregnancy kit?
I also very super moody leh.. I very disappointed with my parents. it's a long story... update you soon on that.
today i going to see flat.. confirm moving out without them then most likely won't be coming back. Maybe just visit them once a year.. Sianz...

Ling Tay, did you take epidural the last time? Pregnancy also will have backache.. so don't worry abt that. it's the growing sac weight that press on your back mah.. Different pregnancy, different problems.. Just rest well and don't carry heavy things.. if you still worried, then can email dr foong and ask him.
Ling Tay
I did not experience backache for both my IUI and IVF pregnancies, so not sure why you are feeling the pain. But sometimes it could be due to hormonal change. If it comes with abdominal pain, then must contact doctor.

Ever thot of getting the AMK / Boon Keng Pte develop HDB flat? Looks nice and location good.
hi jac,

me not any better. just when i thot my med works in helping me ovulate, it failed this time.

actually, why don't u fix an appt to see dr foong for a scan? if confirm there's no positive, get some med to induce the cycle instead of going on waiting like that. it's delaying your ivf cycle.

poor you. how come things can become so bad...

best of luck to you in your hunt. will be nice to stay near us (jac and myself) then you'll have frens to help u when needed


thankfully, son did not meow meow meow this morning. but, not sure how's things at my mum's now. suppose he'll look forward to tomorrow as there will be 1hr of PE
Curl, the price is not worth it leh.. half a mil for 4 room... too ex. I rather buy resell.

Jac, I was sick the other day and Mum going to hospital to visit my uncle. So when my hubby come back home early, I ask mum to look after baby for a while so I can go to the doctor. Mum give me a very freaky nasty face cos my hubby is nearby and she not willing to say no in front of him. I was so sad when I saw her face.. I'm so sick already but she can't even go later abit and let me see doc first. In the end, me and hubby took baby out in the heavy rain to see doc. I cried the whole night thinking of my own mum's nasty face. M I so insignificant that she rather visit my uncle first than let me see doc??
Then sat night, baby got high fever. I think cos we bring her to clinic and in the rain. I was crying all the way from the house to hospital. My parent went out that night but nv came to see baby at the hospital. I was hoping they come and give us support. I keep looking at the door but they nv came.. Then when we reach home, they are already asleep. they nv even ask how's baby or offer to help us take care since me and hubby nv sleep that night. The next morning, they are long gone before we wake up. Then they came home very late at night, as if trying to avoid us. I'm so sad lor.. why they behave like this.. They don't even care for the baby at all. Then I have flu as well today. In the morning, my mum let the baby cry at my door until i open the door and carry baby. I'm very sad cos she give me the face, 'why sleep so late'. I rarely sleep for 2 days already and at night still have to watch out for baby's fever but she still let baby cry at my door for 15 mins! I damn depress...
So now we looking for 3 room. Just move out then say lor.. I rather look after baby on my own, with a maid and at least we don't have to see her face.

happy, your area too ex leh.. or else i don't mind staying there too.

In t 1st place did yr mum realise tat u sick n t bb sick 2,if she knows really 2 much 4 tat.
Sometime is we take it as granted tat they should know I not well tis & tat & should help out tis & tat.
Dont upset becos of yr mum lah maybe she got some difficulties n yet nver speak out 2 u all.
If u looking 4 3room,try 2 look around my & Happy area so tat we can help each other when it needs help.
