Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles


i see..i didn't have a baby room last time...was staying in a 3 room flat then. anyway, even if i have a 2nd one, the cot will be in my room..so, won't see myself having a baby room then..

we will be moving son to sleep in his own room soon. we should have done that earlier but can't bear to do so...also, he will be sleeping with the maid which i dun fancy. can't help it lor. he is a big boy aredi so can't continue to let him sleep with us.

i'll have to make sure his room is well ventilated when he sleeps there. maid closed the windows till only a small gap as she found it cold. it was so stuffy when i went in last night...i told her this morning abt the plan to move son over and that windows must be opened. i'll 'missed' my son...

hi hi. wow! you've got so many guest! yr son must have received lots of gifts and ang pow
too bad can't get to see how cute he is...

Julie 96448409 the massage lady
Mr Ong 97464900 the cleaning
I think he also will help you send the laundry all that. But for mattress I'm not too sure. You can ask him.

Jac, tomorrow Isetan sale again!!!
I think I might go down at night to buy the baby things.
So how's your christmas present?
Jac, my hubby say until thai embassy lor. and it's madness! hee hee..
Later I also going down leh. I scared still alot of people leh. I think I will go abt 4pm then can go there for dinner also. Long time nv visit their crystal jade already. Yummy!!!
most likely will be my MIL to look after the bb loh. I need a job also but need to lose weight to fit into my suits before i can go interview.
Even Angeline also say very hard to lost weight back to my pre pregnancy size

I prefer ang pow or vouchers. Now i got alot of clothes sets which bb cant wear anymore cos he is wearing 3 mth old clothes liao. But of cos i am very appreciative of all the gifts..

wow! yr bb so big??

how many more kgs to go? dun be despair. if you have the determination, you'll sure be able to shed the extra.

suppose you'll have to exercise, watch diet and pay spend some money to go slimming centre to do wrapping. believe after all these effect, you'll be closed to pre pregnancy size. jia you!

enjoy the time with you little one now. start work after cny lar.
happy, it's freaking packed lor! Can't even walk well. Have to push here and there.. But I nv push lah.. I kanna push only. Wanna buy things also must quene like mad lor. leg ache but nv manage to see much things cos most of the time i'm standing or trying to make my way through. haiz..
Only manage to buy baby's things. Nv buy anything for myself. Went Zara also very bad. fitting room is jam with people and wanna pay $$ also need to quene for at least half an hour!

wow. i went robinson last night. also alot of ppl...but not as bad as what u describe. queue for fitting rooms and cashiers were very long too.

i went back during lunch just now..hee..got 4 bras
Hello I finally can log in & chat,I so xian cos cannot even log in.

I think yestday is grand anniversay sale tat y so many ppl.
I told u I didn't rec'd t newsletter so I miss it plus yestday went 2 work then know is pte sale n plus yestday we having company x'mas lunch at royal hotel so miss alot of things.

Finally can log in & chat.
Wow in fact u r t 1 who have happy shopping.Like just now went Isetan & c whether can grab anythg,most of t clothing is on 20% n I still got no time 2 try.
happy, Ya, robinson also having sale.But isetan one is more crazy lor. Got alot of pregnant women also squeeze with us. So sad for them.
I also wanna buy bra but too many people in the fitting room already so I rather wait until after the close door sales.

Jac, lucky you nv went yesterday lor. it was so pack! guess today it won't be so much people already. I went during 4pm so no quene. But I came down at 6pm, start to have many people again. terrible lor.

welcome back.

wan & jac,

somehow i don't seem to be able to get clothes in isetan...maybe course of my super figure..hee..

but, i'll still go soon as i got vouchers that will expire next mth. will go buy cny clothes
Hello gals... just wanna update u gals abt my 1st appt with Dr Foong.... unfortunately I was unable to go cos I fall sick... gana food poisoning...thus cancel the appt.... sianz... wasted this cycle again... waited for so long for the appt... but still no fate to see Dr Foong... I guess I will try another time naturally for next cycle... then go see him after CNY.. cos will be quite busy in jan... will update u gals again ya...
hi babe,

oh no. what a waste.

poor you. so u didn't have a good christmas. it's ok. enjoy your new year

you going for count down?
hi gals,
i finally got to see dr foong today.. it's my 1st appt with him... we've been trying for abt 9 months but still no news... i was with a previous female gynae.. she's ok but she's the quick quick chop chop type.. n doesn't do much explanations..

i also did a v-scan.. i do agree with all of u here that dr foong is really gentle as compared to my previous gynae.. i didn't have to open my legs that wide n i dun feel that exposed as i was with my previous gynae even tho my previous gynae was female.. i thot i would be quite embarassed during the 1st appt as i've not been examined by a male gynae down below.. but he was very professional n joking with me along the way and made me relax n i was quite surprised that i didn't feel awkward or embarassed at all.

anyway my problem is polyps n i may have more than 1... sigh... it might affect implantation.. i went to see him on CD13.. n dr foong says that i'm ovulating normally... i will try this cycle n if still dun strike i'll have to go back to him n plan to remove the polyps.. sigh... then hubby gotta do a SA concurrently..

i asked hubby how he feels about dr foong... he also said he is better than my previous gynae.. even tho he is slightly more ex than my previous gynae.. i think we'll stay with him... so hopefully he'll bring me n of cos all of us here lots of babydust...

i also made an appt to see dr foong in oct but also couldn't go as i was sick n had a terrible throat until i couldn't even speak... but finally i just went to see him today...
I did IVF last friday(21st Dec) and the D day is this coming Friday, (04th Jan)...Very nervous.

BTW, I was given hormes pills to take for 2 weeks but I saw the instruction if preganant should stop taking. Any idea the hormes pill got side effect to bb?
hi eskimobaby,

welcome to this thread.

glad to hear of your pleasant experience with dr foong. thanks and really hope all of us here will have good news in the new year.

good luck to you in this cycle

hi ling tay,

welcome to this thread

how have you been feeling so far? feeling bloated?

i'm not too sure abt the pills. got to wait for other gals to advise. but, you can always call angeline to check if you have doubt.

best of luck to you too
Hi happy

ya feeling a bit floated and slight tummy discomfort, but things are bearable.

Also to check if any of gals know if sucessful conceive, should I stick to Dr Foong? or can i change another gyne for my preganacy? Cause Dr foong dun operate at nite and I prefer to have the gyne that I can go for checkup during evening, his sat time is always very pack. any idea?
hi ling tay,

i believe it should be alright for you to change gynae once stablized. but, will the next gynae be as nice and detailed as dr foong?

suppose u can book early for sat appt if you wanna stick to him. u can't take time off to go see him in the late afternoon?
Ling tay, what hormones pills are you taking? if Dr foong give one, i think not a problem. I remember having the HCG jab only...
Ling tay, can change dr.. but I would advice you to stay with dr foong for the first 12 weeks lor. Wait until stable already. anyway other dr's package also start after 12 weeks mah. for Dr foong, his package start at 22 weeks.
