Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles


i should be going to a neighbourhood salon in serangoon...its those $10 hair cut ones. i've been to her before and find her cutting ok. my sis goes there for coloring.

as for rebonding, think u better go to those 'real' salons
Go until serangoon & have a haircut,must well just go our neighbourhood those $10 cut will do,anyway nowsday I always go $10 just trim my hair,save alot.heeheehee

coz this lady's skill quite ok.

15 mins more...
Hi Eskimobaby
Wah, today I log in and fly so high up my seat that I have problem coming down back on land

So many praises today, so paisei. Haha...

Actually, I am really not that great la. I always believe that woman are strong breed so when faced with problems, we will just manage it. Moaning and groaning cannot solve the problems, neither can it help one to achieve what we want in life, so it is more effective to analyse the issues objectively and deduce a workable solution. But at times I also let myself break down and be a weak, helpless and fearful woman. After each session, I will find strength to go on.

Also, the ladies here are all very strong in their own areas and all perservere to make our baby dreams come true. Without them, I may not be able to be where I am, so if you need understanding and support, you should come in here often and share. It helps one to go on!

Actually polyps are consider problems that can be more 'easily solved'. If your polyps are not growing at the sides, then it should not interfere with implantation as much and can be easily 'twig' away with a simple procedure. However, if they grow at the back and top part of the uterus where implantation normally is, then chance of affective contraception is higher. If you have been trying for a while with decent ovulation and sperm, think you should just quickly get those polyps removed. In any case, even if you try IUI, IVF assisted techniques, you would also have to ensure womb is in a 'perfect' smooth condition, so its a sooner or later thing.

You always praise me, is it you want free meal??

Good that the teacher never put ur son with that naughty boy, otherwise sure learn v fast one. My good fren's son also in Primary 1 same school as yours, I wonder if its same class. I will check with her and let u know.

If you recall, I stay in Bishan, 5 mins walk from MRT. If you cannot find any house to view but would like to have a look at the flat shape & etc, please feel free to pop by my place, I can pm or sms you my home address. Bishan is q ex now. I bought my flat in 2002 at 430+K and my neighbour is selling at 560K recently. So may be worth it to get a smaller unit until the propery bubble burst again then go for bigger unit, then the loss not so painful. Also, if you SAHM, you can consider buying a brand new one in Seng Kang. New, nice and more value for money than resale flat.

What I did when I bought this resale flat is that after I shortlist and like the flat. On 2nd viewing, I then bring my fengshui master along. After that he will tell me whether the house suit me and hubby a not and how many pts (over 100%) is the match. Some small errors can be corrected with minimal placement of simple ornaments and directions while some have to major construct. I actually saw both I like (both in bishan). The first one is a lot cheaper cos near MRT but not as strategic as my current flat, so only 10K abv valuation and well renovated. But my fengshui master say that unit is prob 70%. This unit is $20K above and super original condition (but I actually dun mind since I intend to tear down the whole house to redo) and score 80%. Even b4 my fengshui master give the pts, I also felt better here than the first unit, but cos first unit cheaper and less cash & needed less renovation, so I was hesitant. In the end, we got the 2nd unit. Location is really good. 5 mins walk to Junction 8 / MRT and 2 mins to coffeeshop/ntuc.

I also want to go IPL to get rid of the ugly hair but I also agree that shouldnt in case the laser go in and kill our eggs. Better finish the baby making project than go kill all the hair

Just realise I have some typos, I will retype the para to be more specific:

Actually polyps are consider problems that can be more 'easily solved'. If your polyps are growing at the outsides, then it should not interfere with implantation as much and can be easily 'twig' away with a simple procedure. However, if they grow at the back and top part of the uterus where implantation normally is, then chance of effective contraception is not as good. If you have been trying for a while with decent ovulation and sperm, think you should just quickly get those polyps removed. In any case, even if you try IUI, IVF assisted techniques, you would also have to ensure womb is in a 'perfect' smooth condition, so its a sooner or later thing.
i got my polyps removed once two yrs back and it came back.. that's why i decided to seek a 2nd opinion after ttc-ing for abt a yr and still no news... previous gynae dun think it's a problem yet... but dr foong is afraid that there might be more than 1... but only a detailed scope will be able to confirm whether there are any more.. he was telling me there was a lady with 18 polyps upon doing a scope! after removal she got pregnant easily.. dr foong also advised me to get it removed next cycle if nothing happens this cycle.. cos when i went to see him it was nearing my O period... so he asked me to try one more time... so next time i go, he'll be doing a scan for me again and then we'll decide on a date for the removal and at the same time, hubby will do a SA.

i know polyp is not a major problem but i do not know whether there are any other potential problems or not... previously i was put on clomid by gynae but then i developed piles after 2nd cycle so i stopped.. i also dun feel comfortable that i wasn't diagnosed with weak ovulation or need assistance with ovulation when i was prescribed with clomid.. that's why i decided to see dr foong... actually i have another gynae in mind.. but when i went to his website and saw his pic.. i dunno i just decided to go see him.. keke.. i believe quite abit in affinity :p
wow, super impress, leh.U are really very strong. Today went for my jab...hmmm....although its still painful, its not as painful as the 1st time I went..perhaps, my heart keep telling me, little rat little rat....kinda ease a bit of my pain...haha...I keep looking at my girl bb photo and keep reminding myself...all these are worth it...hope the 12 week past quickly....
im going to see Dr Foong for the 1st time on the 18th... my AF just came today....so the visit will be on my CD11... should be ok rite? hopefully i will succeed this cycle!!! jia you gals!!

Since you are call Happy, then buy you Happy Meal at Mcdonalds

Ling Tay
I think our body gets tuned in, so it just gets less painful each time. For me, I feel less pain when lying side ways vs sitting down.
Actually my appt is on the 21st... but i changed it to the 18th... cos eskimobaby says dr will ask u to start trying on CD14.. 21st is my CD14... thats y i put it earlier to my CD11... i also realise hor. my AF came two days earlier this cycle.. my LP is 16 days... so if i count backwards.. my O should be on the 23rd dec.. but i tested -veOPK on that day wor... hmm.. so prob i use the wrong method all the while.. i may have already O when i start to BD every cycle.. cos i rely on OPK too much... I always start to BD when I see +veOPK...

yr cycle came on 8 jan so u should be ovulated christmas day +/-. ovulation takes place abt 14 days before next cycle.

do u have the same understanding?
LP is abt 14 to 16 days... varies person to person. mine is abt 16 days... eg, if today I tested +OPK, count tml as DPO 1.. my af will come on DPO 16... its more or less constant every mth.. unless I O few days later after my +Opk meaning I stop BD too early But i usually see EWCM on the day of +OPK.. so I presume i O on that day or the next day... or am i wrong?
heeheehee......Only happy understand me.
No lah 2day no topic 2 talk meh so hide n c yr gals posting lor,c dont posted is a offend.Wahahahahaha........

i got it mid last mth mar.

we get it in june n dec. total abt 3mths including aws.

yah. gave a portion to parents..
LP is luteal phase. It is also known as DPO (days past ovulation).

It is the part of the cycle that starts at ovulation and ends the day before your next period. It usually lasts about 14 days and does not vary by more than a day in each person. The luteal phase is named after the corpus luteum, a structure that grows on the surface of the ovary where a mature egg was released at ovulation. The corpus luteum produces progesterone in preparing the body for pregnancy. Your luteal phase must be at least 10 days long to support pregnancy.

Wow, got bonus already, then I must ask you to treat instead
U vy bad 1 lah always think I hiding.

I typing 1 han yu ping ying half way dont know how 2 ping t 2nd words.
So listener can have free meal right? (ting xx you feng).
Thank Curl if not u I dont have free meal 2.hahahahaha
When is yr EDD? yr impression 2 me like u carry yr bb like vy fast can give birth already.

So EWCM stands 4 wat can I asked.
Dont know how is Wan's now? Dont know is it she serious of gettg sin ming flat a not,really hope she dont get tat flat over so 4 wat I know t flat there n bt panjang flats vy hard 2 sell off.

u can sms her wat

boss not around also must behave mah. anyway, i'm going to shut down already

chat tomorrow. bye!!
happy, I also dunno what budget my hubby is looking at. As long as cash upfront not more than 50k i think we will consider lor.

Jac, I not taking the haunted house. We still looking ard lor. Me flu today so nv log in. Mum nv help much in looking after the baby so no choice lor. I have to look after plus rest as much as I can.

curl, we looking for 3 room only cos now small family so don't need such a big space. I think your place should be quite big to value so much.

ehh.... from wat i know DPO usually is about 14 days... usually even if u have a 30 or 32 day cycle... ur O will be counting 14 days backwards from the day when ur next cycle/mense starts .. meaning will be around CD16 for 30 day cycle or CD18 for 32 day cycle. the way that u're counting seems to be the opposite way... the day u have ur EWCM does not mean that u have ovulated that day.. it may mean a day or 2 earlier b4 ur ovulation too..

pls correct me if wat i'm wrong....

if it's within budget, you should consider at least a 4 room. you are already planning a 2nd one. the house will be too small in a couple of years time. so, should get a bigger place.


that's how i calculate too..
really ahh... hmm.. maybe i got the facts wrong... but i got read from the web that LP range from 14 to 16 days wor.. if one person LP is 16 days.. her predicted O will be 16 days from her next AF day...
if what u say is correct... prob the day i saw EWCM is not my O day.. it may be few days later hor? no wonder i never strike.. cos i usually only BD the day before +OPK and two days later... prob not enuff at all... i think i got to ask Dr Foong on my visit... if i go see him on my CD11.. duno whether he can predict my O day not... is it too early to see him on my CD11??
Sorry la, not dissappear but dunno why these few days like very busy. Today have to drive mum back home and then do some errands and I felt so tired and had a long nap

Also starting to get busy buying baby stuff. Have this weird 'habit' to clean up everything nice and neat before baby arrives.

Aiya, paisei la, how can let you treat? Now Jac also want to join in, scarly we burn your pocket big time

Hi Jac
EWCM means Egg White Cervical Mucus. Its a sign to help you detect ovulation. It doesnt mean when you have EWCM that day, you sure ovulate, but if you can BD 2 days after you detect that, you have already covered the 'critical window period'.

Basically EWCM is produced when you body is 'ready', i.e ovulation. Before that, it is thicker so sperm cannot survive when swimming through the thick discharge to reach your vagina & etc. When it turn EW, it means the gate is 'open' to faciliate sperm from entering your vagina & thus resulting in conception. Cos the EWCM aids the sperms to swim through.

But again, its a personal thing. For me, I have NEVER detect EWCM even though I have ovulation with medication. I am still very dry, reason being my EWCM is all the way in the cervix and wouldnt flow out type, but when Dr Foong checked, there are always lots of it internally.

You have the Zita West book right? Flip through the pages and you will see a photo of how ur cervix and EWCM looks like during your O period. I thought that picture was v clear. Its like the cervix having saliva flowing out.

Mine is a 5 room. 3 room in bishan is quite abundant too. You can search for the actual transacted prices via the HDB website. They can provide information upto last 3 mths. This can help you to gauge if you want to get a 3/4/5 room looking at the transacted prices in different locations, age of flat, floor (high or low), actual size and etc.

Any other options for you now? Seems like ppty mkt may soften 3/4th quarter this year, if you can hang in there, may save you a couple of thousands. Any other places to stay first? In Law's house? Are you open to renting?

Dont worried abt Happy pocket cos she took a good bonus meh,u remember.hahahahaha........
Yep I got tis book suddenly cannot recall wat is short form mean.
Is a good sign tat u clean up t house clean & waitg 4 yr bb 2 arrive.

Just joking.

U better take care.
Wow u r planning 2 upfront so much cash 4 a flat,can c c look look n make sure t location is good then decided like got provision shop,market,cofyshop etc.
Since u r a 1st timer must well get a new brand flat,if I not wrong now open 4 ballot can go HDB web n take a look,if not success then think abt resell.
