Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles


i mean i dun mind going tb market etc to pack food home

ivf..dun know since deity gave me a no go ahead

my problem is i don't ovulate well... think the eys medicine works but got to continue to monitor.

I thought tat u did say next yr can go 4 tis IVF.
Dont ovulate well is normal lah,yr case no major problems at all.

U dont have cold ovary,block tube & endomet....right?
U mean after takg EYS medicine every mth u can detect t 2lines.

the recent 'consultation', he told me 'no go'.

i dun know if i have blocked tubes or endo. told sinsei i have slight cramp after ovulation till menses comes. she said might be due to endo.

so far, i didn't test for ovulation as i didn't get the sore nipple feeling during ovulation (after taking her med). but, my temp did go up high in the last cycle. will monitor this cycle to see.
Wow.......u can base on yr sore nipple 2 tell whether u ovulate a not.Even thought also try on OPK mah 2 double chk on it.
U know sometime I also feel like going 2 asked but scared it will give me negative answer or said no then how.
Y dont u base on yr instinct 2 tell u instd of puttg all hope in tat.
Y dont u go & chk whether u got block tube a not.If have then can totally ignore doing naturally,if dont have at least u know by natually can get preggie is just a matter of time & no need 2 waste tis huge money on IVF.Tis treatment vy exp & 2 stressful & I can said until now not so many ppl still accept tis treatmt.

yah. that was last time. but since the last cycle, nipples were not sore. i feedback to sinsei yesterday. she said this is better as dun know what hormones too high that cause nipples to be sore. med helped to balance it.

hey! i saw theresa's posting in another thread. she has got long feng tai!! so happy for her. told her to come in to chat with us.
If have then good lah but I dare not 2 think so far away.Scare give myslf so high hope & fall fm 42 story even worst.hahahahaha.....
Hi gals,
I am back home liao....
Thanks for all best wishes..
Induction and delivery is very smooth. Dr F is super nice, he is super assuring and overall the experience is very pleasant.. very relaxed...
Hubby didnt faint.. in fact he saw Dr F cut the cord.
Finally baby is out, felt more at ease.. now is another set of challenges..

Jia You..WHen u see the baby, you will feel everything is worth it...though i can still remember the 1st trimester pain..
Try to have c-section with epi.. as u can breast feed quite soon.. but then..listen to SF for his views.. leave the job to the professional..
hi jadefeet,

great to hear from you!!

glad that everything went on well for you. how long was your labour? yes. with epidural, it will be pretty relaxing. i always remember when i was being pushed out of delivery room to ward, i thot it's not painful/difficult at all and i've got no problem to go thru it again.

how's baby? is he tall? who he resembles more?

i do wish i will have a chance to feel how super nice and super assuring dr foong is.

the 'first' visit to the toilet was ooouuuccchhh, right?

i had to cling on tightly to the sink. and...with the nurse watching me.

do share more and not forgetting yr baby's photo when you have the time.

rest well and enjoy!!

Kong Xi Kong Xi. Now is really another set of challenge huh..

I will jia yu and take this as a GREAT experience in me and my Hb life. Start to look forward to Monday already and just now packing the bag and feel like going for holiday..
but of course with a bit ken cheong lah..


Hee hee I went to eat my chay keow teow yesterday, really nice.
Jia You!I also wish u have a smooth delivery tis coming Mon.

I think u shd change yr name 2 snow white instd of happy.hahahahaha......U so fair & gentle look,when u mention tat yr role is bad ppl 2 teach yr son,how I c u cannot fit into tat role.hahahahaha.....
Yr son so quiet & vy good boy not like u said vy naughty.

U nver give him sleep is it always force him study tat y his eye bag or darkcircle so oddfear.Wahahahahahaha......
All the best! It'll be ok.
It'll be over before you know it.
Did you manage to ring the massage lady? I told her to expect your call.

never judge a book by it's cover. hee.. i can be a very fierce mummy.

he is shy when he meet ppl he's not close to or strangers. when at home, he really chao si ren!

i alway have to nag at him to go to bed. think his eye bag and dark circle are cause by the nose problem..
Jac, I almost kill my mum last weekend! She give my girl baby biscuit!!! So angry lor. She no brain at all. My girl so small only how can give biscuit????!!!
Cool dwn.How can yr mum give yr ger biscults 2 take,she only 4mth plus how 2 take solid food.Luckily u saw it.
I advise u is better take care yr ger yrslf instd of helpg yr mum 2 help.

haa..yes. guai guai wait for her reply. since hers is c-section, we know that bb should be out aredi. just wonder how big bb is
happy, my mum give the baby biscuit with salt and sugar one lor! So angry when I go NTUC and find out abt the biscuit's ingredient lor! How can give my baby such biscuit! it's meant for 6 months and above. haiz!

Jac, I think I prefer a MIL. hee hee.
U will regret of sayg tat.When u really have MIL u will know MIL is not easy 2 handle,some even can make u & hubby quarrel or divorce becos of her.Like my u remember my tat MIL photo look like tat last dowage empress look.
I thought tat baby biscult w/o any salt or sugar is plain 1.
Now yr ger can eat cereal right,I think shdn't have any problems is it.

dun be angry. did yr mum know it's for 6mths and above? maybe, she thot it's "baby biscuit" so will be ok for babies.


maybe she didn't have her phone with her. maybe, she is also coping with the pain from the c-section...
Jac, I check the brand of the biscuit then I go NTUC and find out that there is salt and sugar lor. Stupid damn ass.. Wonder why they feed those things to their own baby. The people who give my girl the biscuit nv study one lor! So angry...
My girl haven't start to eat cereal then.. After she take the baby biscuit, she got problem poo poo and also reject milk lor.. Make alot of noise too. So troublesome..
Hopefully don't want your MIL to me mine lah.. She really very fierce. From her face, it's either I die or she die.

happy, My mum is like a kid lor. she will do silly things so to entertain herself and others. Even at the risk of killing my baby. Haiz.. What to do. Tell her cannot, then she threaten me say ask me to look after the baby myself.. sianz.. always like that.

Koala, Baby is so big! Good. easy to look after.. So happy that both you and jadefeet has pop.. I hope to have mine next year... Give me a little baby dust... hee hee.
Hi All

Koala mms me her son's picture. Really cute. He looks really chubby and healthy. I am so happy for her, near to tears when I see the bb. Afterall, we all went through so much.

Both mother & son are fine, just that she is very tired and needs more rest.
Wan, I totally understand your frustration. My MIL wanted to give my babies ice cream because she said that and milk were pretty much the same. And papaya too. All this was before 4 months! I was ready to scream at her.

My husband basically sat her down and told her in no uncertain terms that the only thing that was to go into their mouths had to be okay-ed by me. The implied threat was 'if you don't do it, we will take the grand children away'. It's worked so far. She hasn't tried anything else.

hi gals

Seems like there are lots and lots of babydusts floating around lately.
Good job gals, and of cos job well done to dr foong.

i read somewhere that it is better not to give any other foods except milk (breast milk is the best, fm as alternative) during first 6 months. Wat happens is that some babies may develop allergies to the other foods that were given becos their digestive system has yet to be fully developed. These allergies can be lifelong. So better to watch out, dun be too adventurous. Honey is a NO-NO, can cos food poisoning and life threatening as well for infants.
