Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

Ondine, At least your MIL love her grandchildren and hope they will stay with her. Mine is the other way round. My mum will threaten to ask me take the baby away. Haiz.. Ask me go where.. So i have to run to my hubby's office the other time. So sad lor.. Kick me and baby out.
I think after 4 months then start on rice cereal and some harmless things still fine. But not ice-cream for sure. the Baby will develop allergy to cow's milk if you give them too early.

Chloe, The dr also tell me not to give anything but milk before 6 months. But my girl is very interested in our food. She even grab what we are eating and put in her mouth!! So scary. So I started her on some rice cereal lor. Other things will have to wait til she is 6 months. Of cos have to read the instruction on cereal box. Unless it's for 4 months and above, I won't feed.
Biscuit is really too much for me.

I already offer u 2 my place t other time yr mum kick u out of t house,remember.Wahahahaha......Who said u dont have anyway 2 go at least tat 1.
Hey u ger vy chubby now,carry her got problems a not.Sure cannot carry her 4 long hr lah so heavy........hahahahaha.......

poor you. yes..it's good to get your own place soon...but the prices are still sky high now....

just hope yr house will be feng pin lang jin...
Finally can c u postd.Where have u been?
Vy xian tis sat must come bk & work.I shall c tis fri can cover 1/2 of my closing a not,if can then sat die die also dont wan 2 come in.
My deadline recently crazy,u know our deadline is 5th Dec,so tat mean 4th must hand in already,wkday only 1 1/2days to do,how 2 do it meh.

me busy at work.

now waiting for the dot to come. falling asleep aredi...

yah. yr schedule for dec very tight. jia you!! hopefully u need not go back on sat.
hee..me packing up to leave already.

check your email
Jac, i got a very bad dream today. I dream of my hubby having another marriage and have 5 children outside. then the first person I wanted to call is you. Maybe I always tell you my complains so naturally the first person I wanna call will be you.
Hahahaha.........Dont worried just a dream only.I heard tat wat u dream is yr opposite,so it wont come true & it just a dream.Maybe is u yrslf who change fm head to toes & help yr hubby give birth a dozen of children.Remember we ever talk abt give birth 2 dozen or basketball team & even a soccer team.I think u 2 stress tat y let yr dream run wild.
I also wanted 2 complain 2 u is tat I having a sweet dream who knows my tat hubby tat sickening snore can come into my dream & wake me up.U can imagine tat.Sickening right.
jac, recently i keep having bad dreams. al the dreams is no good one leh... like me dead, injured, etc.. abit worried.
you got sweet dreams.. so nice. I always like sweet dreams but mostly I get is stupid ones or bad ones. My hubby used to snore when he is fat. Now he slim down already then seldom snore. your hubby so slim still will snore?
I was thinking what if my hubby got a soccer team but not from me.. haiz.. In the dream I also put off the idea of doing my FET cos anyway he already got half a dozen children.
heeheehee....Yes lor.Wahahahaha........
I really nver imagine such thing can happen,break into my dreams w tat sickening snore.I believe u can imagine can break into my dreams maybe his snore already shaking t whole blk.Wahahahahaha........
Sometimes becos recently u keep on having argumt n quarrel w yr mum,so is vy normal 4 u 2 have bad dreams.
Pls lah my hubby where got slim,he also consider tall n big size.
Tat time got 1 shi fu ever teach me 1 way 2 get rid of t bad things,sms will let u know.
Jac, Maybe hor.. I think you are right.. Maybe it's the quarrel that makes me think too much..
Your hubby is not the fat type mah. My hubby if nv control his diet will explode very soon. hee hee.
Wear red underwear? ha ha ha ha ahaa!
U rec'd my sms.U tis woman recently sms u no reply,so sad.....
At least u hubby got exercise,my hubby now hardly exercise,cos after he injury his back be4 now all t sports also cannot play except swimming.
Said until swimming,buay tahan my hubby,keep nagging at me 2 go swimming w him.I told him I dont wan 2 go cos I scare of dark & suntan.So bo bian even thg I dont swim I also must follow him go swimming,at if my hubby like so handsome like tat,all t strangers women will fall in luv w him or he scare he will fall in fall 2 other women like tat.U know how pity my life is like accompany my little children go swimming & look after them like at.

dun be affected by the dreams. believe it's due to the stress from your mum and the frustration bottled up in you.

maybe, you'll feel more at ease by going to the temple to pray and make some donations.


both of u can always go in the evening when it's not hot. it's good to go do some exercise. i would like to swim too but my hubby doesn't swim. this is a healthy hobby and it's a good time for you 2 to do something together
I vy buzy lah & also lazy 2.I prefer to idle at home.
U know sun if I dont go bk 2 my mum place,my whole day sun will pass vy fast,I will wait 4 my hubby 2 wake up then go lunch 2gether,reach home watch tv & take a nap,dinner time askd my hubby 2 tabao bk & eat,after tat do some laundry & watch tv again & sleep.U c so many things 2 do where got time 2 do other things.Wahahahahaha.........
When u stand beside yr hubby u shorter than him more than a head is it,I same as u,stand beside my hubby also shorter than him a head 2.We look like so tiny.hahahahaha.........
Me like 2 do laundry at nite,so next day nitetime can do irong mah.

So u know after works my time is so tight,must do tis & tat.I can said my free time is sat afternoon.After do finish t housework,take a nap & wait 4 dinner again.

for me, i'll do laundry in the morning so that it can dry faster/better in the hot sun.

wow. u nap alot yah. me not so lucky like you. hardly got a chance to nap in the weekend.
2 be frank yr hubby look vy stern.Aiya our hubby stand 2gether,our Wan's hubby t most young & handsome 1 same as if we stand 2gether,our Wan's t most pretty 2.
We differnt mah,I alone & u need 2 look after yr son meh couch him in study.hahahahaha.......
I hardly will hang outside cos upper unit all like no washing machine at home,will drip & drip their clothing,so even my clothing is going 2 dry soon will also drip until wet,so I dont bother.

we usually go out in the weekends. even when home, most of the time son will be doing/playing on his own. i just have got my things to do and hardly nap.

we don't hang out clothes out too. the more i need the sun/heat to help dry our clothes.
Jac, I also wish can reply your sms asap. But life has change for me.. Sobz. I'm a 24/7 maid, care taker, diaper changer, washing machine, Yao lan and milking cow to that monster at home. Haiz..
Swim at night lor. then won't get dark mah. I always swim at night one. even got evening sun I also will become very tan so no swimming for me in the slightest sunlight.

happy, i think need to go pray for family harmony leh.. Must go the 4 ma ru to pray for my FET as well.
Since now change yr lifestyle so much & yet u still havn't adapt well yet,must well postpone yr FET,until when u more stable can do FET.Anyway yr FET is always there & wont run away.Wahahahaha..........
Jac, but the bird bird will run away leh.. I wan a mouse bird leh.. So i only have the lunar last and first month to conceive. Don't wanna end up a wasteful journey again.
Cannot adapt also must chiong another one out.. haiz..
Jac, but i haven't stop breastfeeding leh. Very difficult to start and even harder to stop. I think must ask dr abt it.
very fast once again it's month end. Next month will be last month of the year already. I think we known each other for abt 2 years soon. time really flies..
U right,we r old old friend,I think we r more close than normal friend.right?

If u really wan 2 start soon,my advise is u better faster stop breastfeeding.I bought 1 book fm NTUC fm havn't preggie until confinmt,inside got 1 soup is 2 stop breastfeeding,if u interested,I can scan tat page 4 u for reference.
In fact my hubby askd me 2 start next mth but I seem like still not ready plus I need 2 do half yr closing,so I drag until Jan08 then start.By then hopefully everything went well.

yr hubby asked you to start next month? suppose he is also looking forward to it. that's good.

what do u mean by you still not ready? u mean mentally? if you start jan, that means yr er will be in feb, is it?
Jac, wow.. your hubby has change.. It's good that he wanna start early. actually better to start this month leh. Cos feb will have CNY. If your treatment clash with CNY then very mai fun. Me confirm will do near CNY so maybe two weeks wait will be during that time. Hopefully can stop the milk from flowing by then lah.
I think no need the recipe lah.. Anyway I seldom cook already. Thank thanks!
I think normal friend I also won't dream of them.


u and wan are such good friends but u two never met!!

are you on full breastfeeding now? suppose you'll have to go thru some 'suffering' to put a fast stop to breast feeding?
Tis is wat I worried also,start in Jan08 scared will clash w CNY.Scared t SF/Chinese kk nurse all go 4 CNY,then I fainted 1st.
But I scared if I start next mth,my ER will be in Jan08.Jan08 I got half yr acct 2 do,alot alot of schedules 2 prepare,so I also dont wan 2 stress myslf plus t vy tight deadline.
If I start in Jan08,ER in Feb08,I dont bother is closing a not at least I did do my part wat.

So did u still have bad dreams yestday?
Some1 is jealous of our friendship.heeheehee.....

Some friendship no need 2 meet also can be so close,like wan & me,we always give each other alot alot of moral & physical support will do.

when do u have to do your half year closing? which part of jan?

the ivf cycle will start when the menses finish, is it? when is your next cycle?
On 5th day of every 1st wk of the mth.

When yr menses is here t 1st day must call t clinic 2 book 4 D21.D21 start lucin 4 abt 2wks follow by puregon+lucin abt 1wk plus then ER starts,if I not wrong.1yr ago some of t thing 4gotten already,need 2 refresh once I start t jab.

no lar. not jealous. friends whom you can do heart to heart talk is hard to find. so, treasure them when u found them.

for me, i always feel that something is missing when 2 'talked so much' friends have not met each other before. i feel that meeting up can foster even closer friendship. just like my suppliers and i, we worked even better after we met up. when we talked on the phone, i know 'who' i am talking to.

anyway, that's just my thots.
