Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles


My hb is a "house man", he loves to do house work including checking the items that my maid put in the fridge.. no joking, is true...

U better take umbrella, don't kena rain, bye, see you tomorrow.

You're asking about his clothes or the toy? The toy is a door bouncer. Both kids love it.

I got so much to blog about and so many photos, but no time to do so. Sigh.
Latest update: tomorrow I am going to be induced!!!
Dr F did a VE just now, still not dilated only cervix shorten despite bb being very very low liao. So he did a membrane sweep to see if can get things going. Then did CTG, confirmed contraction every 3 min but still not moving fast enough. So both hubby and myself request to him if 2night no action then pls pls induce me tomorrow.. he is ok with it and pity me for being in so much pain and stress..so confirm, i should be able to see my little naughty prince charming tomorrow night...
I won't be able to log in for quite a few days.. so all the best to everyone.
JiaYou... C section is not that scary after all... i am mentally prepared for it should i have difficulty. After all this while, baby's safety and our safety are the most important...

have a smooth delivery. hopefully bb can guai guai come out not long after induce.

tomorrow is my sister's birthday
i'll never forget yr son's big day.

do update us once u r back home. take care. unless u want to use the hospital's pump, else it's good to bring yours along. u might need it especially when nipples get too sore for the bb to suckle direct.

enjoy the process!!

Congrats! Wow, tonight is your last nite with bb in your tummy!

You must be really really excited. Good that dr decide to induce you. Jia you, push harder and you will be fine!

Cant wait to see your baby pic. JIA YOU!
So coincideental... i asked my shi-fu, he say 2molo is a good day for me if bb pop cos he will "wang" me hehhehe..
I will use the hospital pump to get things going.. not bringing mine, too troublesome.. told DH want to brin my DVD player to watch TVB series.. he say dont come up with too many patterns, just stay focus or if too bored, just sleep..

I am very excited liao and also bu she de cos cant feel his strong kicks inside me anymore.. he will be out liao.. but then its better.. felt more at ease to see him physically...
Finally...after 40 weeks and of cos 2 years of TTC!!!
Can't sleep.. clearing my bills, last min packing.. waiting for DH to come home now to have a nice chit chat... last night of 2 person world..
At least with induction, there wont be any surprise.. i know exactly its tomorrow.. and the best they already save a delivery room for me at 730am.. dun need to Q anymore...
Hope that DH wont faint and he will be able to take a nice pict of baby...

haa..u both so funny. yes, dun come up with too many patterns.

u wouldn't have time to watch dvd!! when free, u'll have to express milk or u might just go peep at yr little prince. i believe u will be going on full breast feeding. u wouldn't hv time to get bored.

oh. i'm feeling excited for you too. yes, enjoy the last night of er ren shi jie. from tomorrow onwards, it wouldn't be so 'peaceful'..haa..

you jia you!! so wonderful. u r going to meet the little precious one tomorrow!! remind your hubby not to ask you silly questions (e.g. very painful etc) to prevent getting scolded. haa.

but, u going to be on epidural, right?
EPIDURAL!!! of cos..
Dr F already plan for me.. will give me epidural b4 he starts me on the drip. Doesnt want me to go through anymore pain cos this pregnancy he already see me had enough..
Very thankful for such a thoughtful doct.. with great empathy..
Hubby well trained, can read CTG chart very well liao.. so wont ask if its contraction, painful or not cos he kana scolding weeks b4..

haa. yes. once the induce drip kicks in, the pain will be ooooouuucchhhhhh!!

sometimes the hubby also kan cheong and dun know what to say seeing the wife suffers...so, they tend to ask the 'wrong' questions..

with epidural, i believe u'll be more relaxed.

i'm going to bed. you take care and JIA YOU!!!

welcome to motherhood in advance. can't wait to see the photos...
Hope that you are ok with your hubby already..
As you say loh, dont leave overnight hatred.. if not very siong for the relationship..
both of u are acting what u think its the best for your son mah..
all the best...

He also "Da Nan Ren", just that he will do the house works if maid is not around and he loves cooking.

Sometimes I also feel very stress cos bascially he is very tidy compare to me!!
I opposite w u. Me like tidy until like sai my hubby like u bo chap until like sai,tat y we can have coldwar so often.heeheehee....... I tell myslf must close 1 eye in order 2 have so much conflict but I cant lah.Life so difficult cos I feel tat I t only 1 who contribute n he dont contribute at all.

How r u 2day?
my 39 weeks appt is tonite.

My hb is monority. Don't envy, your HB is "normal" man. My mum asked me how could I find such a tidy" man when she first saw his room cos she was so shocked.. ha ha..

Don't stress your Hb lah, I undestand the feeling of being stressing by the partner. Sometimes, I know my Hb also close one eye, otherwise I think he will getting mad looking the way I put my stuff. Although I don't like to have a maid, but sometimes, I think with a maid really reduce a lots of conflicts bet us loh. Cos if I do house work sure "bo standard" one..

U know he can go to the extend to fold all his shirts and underwares all in ONE size !! I always tease him, he can work in shooping centre to sell colthings..

i'm ok. thanks.

yr comment..."tidy until like sai"...har..sai very tidy har..so yours is the constipation sai and hubby the diarrhoea sai..hee..


my hubby also the tidy type..but not until like your hubby must fold clothes in one size..haa..

Is depends on how long you have to take the lucrin, anyways, they can adjust timing by extending it but not shortern it. Like me, I also extended my lucrin injection for 1 more week cos of CNY this year and crash with my HB master exam. But you better talk to Sara before hand to ease your mind, otherwise, will be very confuse by then.

Nobody went thorough your schedule with you so far? If you have made up your mind, better call them up and go down personally to go through the schedule with them.

FYI, is a practise they always close the lab for spring cleaning during CNY, you ask them this question too.
U right my is constipatn type.hahahahaha.......
C when u come over 2 my place lah then u will realise how tidy I am,maybe u come 1 time u scared of coming 2 my place again.Like 1 of my hubby buddy's wife,she said vy scared of coming 2 our place cos 2 tidy already,she came few times also saw my garfield hanging there.heeheehee....
Wat schedule u r talkg abt? I thought they told me 2 calld once my menses is here & book 4 D21 tat it.
Tis is wat I worried also scared SF is on leave n all t chinese nurses all go 4 CNY celebrate etc.

then u dun come to my place.hee. my house not as tidy...especially my study room. my hubby has a few boxes of doc at one corner. then, there's a shelf fall of toys...if you come to my house, u just stay in the living and dining room..haa..

what garfield hanging there?

u organize a christmas party lar..then we go and mess up your house. haa
heeheehee.....No lah I got 1 garfield 2 cover my face 1 lah,so sometimes must wash mah.So happen everytime I wash tat my tat friend will drop by 2 my place,so she commentd tat even tat garfield also go & wash lor then she said her daughter keep bringg tat piggy around also nver bother 2 wash.

For me, Sara has given me a very detailed schedule when I start lucrin injection, like roughly when I can start puregon, when I can have Er and ET, so I can plan everything before hand.

Is a long list with the price quoted for IVF/ICSI, I thought it should be standard 1 to everybody, do check with them.

I think SF should be there, and KKIVF only closed on 1st 2 days of CNY only. But if the lab closed, you also can't perform your ER, better check with Sara again.
Now I also cannot rang them wat cos I waitg 4 my menses 2 come maybe in Dec07 then called up & chk more detail abt it.
Y when I signed t consent form all such things is not highlightd 2 me at all.
Scarly my ER ganna on 1-2days CNY la,who knows?Wahahahahaha.........

I wan 2 add 1 more things,if who buy over my flat sure no need 2 worried all t fitting cos I vy particate in cleaniness.
How 2 get rid of tis type of illness.I really feel t more I do I become vy vy unhappiness if dont do I like feeling not right abt myslf.

So yestday u give in 1st or yr hubby give in 1st.

theres no reason why you should 'get rid' of this habit. it's a good thing to be clean and tidy. maybe, u just have to close one eye with your hubbys less tidy lifestyle.

actually, the unhappiness happened over the weekend. there's no who gave in first. we just put all on the table to talk. basically, both will have to change/improve.

I suggest you better to wait for the lab closed to do their spring cleaning then do the ER, is better for the embroys to grow after the cleaning.
I dont know wat happen towards yr problems w hubby.4 me I wont give him a chance 2 shouted at me due 2 his work stress,if he ever scolded/shouted at me becos of his work stress I will even louder than him.Wahahahaha.......
Hey I just get 2 know tat if u feel cold tat mean yr hormone is low if u feel yr body is warm tat mean yr hormone level is high,like tat MP sinseh last sun told us y some women can have hair all over t body due 2 her male hormone is high & have vy bad temper & like 2 control tis & tat like man.I immediately told tat sinseh yah I like tat 1.hahahahaha..........

my hubby is just the opposite. he keeps quiet instead of raising his voice.

haa..so the sinseh became a fortune teller also
No lah he been in tis line 4 so many yrs sure know lah if not how he can become famous overnite.hahahaha......
Sori hor my hubby also those type keep quiet type will only explore when t heat is 2 high.Tis type of ppl vy dangerous cos it explore at 1 go & tis is wat ppl called "seow dog".
I got another good point tat is I can make until tat ppl no temper until go temper,consider good point right.Wahahahahaha........

haaa.. u so funny. like that also called good point. haa.

yes. go with your hubby then after that quicky go home to...
No just startd in Oct if I not wrong.btw heard tat tis show got N16 n R21.
Yr ger so big already,now look exactly like t daddy.
Jac, ha ha ha!! I waiting for the video to download into kate's blog leh... So long lor.
I also think she looks like daddy lor. Not a single bit like me leh.. I worry she might be quite big size in future. Next month going to see dr foong for the FET already! so excited.
I confirm will start in Jan08 dont care is thunder/snowing anymore.hahahaha........
Dont worried lah u n yr hubby not big size 1 so yr children wont be big size lah just abit plumb only.Wahahahaha......
Hey my friend yr ger starts 2 recognise people already n u still havnt decided when 2 bring yr ger 4 us 2 play.
Now u can starts 2 teach her gong xi fa cai already,by next yr can take more angbao fm relatives.
Hey so long nver heard fm u mention abt yr SIL,so far she hardly come over is it.
Jac, I will only start the real thing on Jan or Feb mah. I must do during lunar 12 or first of next year. Ensure a baby boy. hee hee.. i crazy over bird. So we will be cycling together.
hee hee.. you say my hubby plump izzit? wahaaa..
when you free. but I scared my hubby might not like it leh. we arrange after our treatment lah. Then more relax mah.
how to teach gong xi fa cai.. I think abit too difficult leh.
my SIL trying to divorce her indian hubby recently. but change her mind again. Sian lah... always like that one. so we don't bother abt her already lor. Hopefully they don't come disturb us will do.
So our timing is abt there.

Pls lah remember wat I told u,u must lie 2 yrslf tat u wan ger ger & end out will give u a bird bird........Wat is yr FET come out 2 be a ger how.Wahahahaha.......Then u can form a soccer team lah.Wahahahahahaha..........
Yr SIL married an indian guy,all t long I thought she married chinese.Y she like indian guy is it his penis thick & shiok.Wehahahahaha........

think u no longer need to refer to those lunar month chart as yours are already frozen and will be done in the lab. u get what i mean?

why yr hubby might not like it?
