Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

I think Koala tat woman having her nap if not she wont said dont log in & chat.
Y only both of us so bad life cannot like them shake shake legs at home.
Jac, wow.. you very rough leh.. hee hee.. But I like! That indian only wan $$ leh.. the grandma told my hubby mah.. Wanna ask my hubby take money to drive indian away. then my hubby just ignore. Crazy meh.. why must we pay for her mistake. Kaoz.
I also scared will form one soccer team leh.. I think at most a basketball team only lah.. If soccer team then I give birth until I 40 years old lor.
my hubby look tired cos he sleep late then wake up early lor.. Whenever got soccer, he will sleep late one.

happy, my hubby shy mah..
I also hope to follow the lunar calendar then pray for a miracle lor. Cannot be all the embryo all girls right.. haiz.. Hopefully not lah..

maybe she went shop shop..


i suppose certain things is fated one. that master already told you 2nd one is a boy, right? so, dun worry lar.

your hubby doesn't have to come wat. he can drop you at jac's place then come back to pick you up
I cannot imagine as Chinese will give birth 2 a dozen or soccer team or basketball team,we r not Malay.(Sori no offend 2 Malay).Then good lor yr whole family will be have free advertise in t papers lor especially u.Wahahahahaha........
Y yr hubby shy,we only have women gathering wat,he not invited mah.hahahahahaha.......
I rember u did mention tat t shi fu told u tat if u wan boy must get preggie in t beginning of t yr,right? If tis is t case,then u must really plan 4 it.
Or u go KK lah famous of carry a bird bird........
Always wan 2 ask u something n always 4gotten abt it.I just wan 2 chk w u yr ger tat blog having her birthday suit in t bath tub t around flower flower 1 is yr bathroom design or u put in yrslf.Yr hubby really vy cute buy those cute cute pyjamas 4 yr ger 2 wear,I think yr ger dont like it fm her expression.

I was not sleeping but computer kee siao and suddenly black out so no chance to tell you gals I need to went out in the afternoon. Then after that, meeting my hb to see SF.

A little update:-

I confirmed need to go for c-section on Monday.

Bb's head is now at my right side tummy, means he won't go back to the centre to be engaged, a chinese say is "tai wei bu chen" and my cervix don't know how to open and no dilation at all. So SF said if I try to try natural I only have 50% chance and bb will be very stress as he has a big head and his lao ma bone is very small.. so very dangerous

So, bo bian lah, I need to cut cut loh...
C-section nver mind lah as long as t bb is safe,even left out scar I think tis bb lao ma also willing 2 do it 4 t sake of t bb.RIGHT.

So must let me know 1st hand news so tat I can free broadcast 4 u.Heeheeheehee..........
U know yestday nver heard fm u I thought tat u suddenly got contractn & thought of if still nver c u log in will sms u 2 chk whether r u in labour room a not.
Tis few days wat u feel like eatg go & eat,if not confinmt tat period wan 2 eat also cannot eat.
Then yr MIL must be vy happy 2 lor cos can c her grandson soon.
Of course we wan bb 4 ourslf n not becos of any other else.But sure she will feel happy 2 c t newborn bb arrival,right?I didn't mean anything else dont think 2 another side.heeheehee......

Where r u? dont tell us u c us talk & dont feel like talkg 2day.
Basically now I see it "open", that why no more complaint abt her, I tell myslef just take it easy as I can't change the facts that I would have to stay with her until her "last" day. May be if we don't stay together then our relationship is different.
Hi Ladies
Just want to let you know Jadefeet has bomb naturally!

She was induced but everything went
on well and bb is 3.44kg. She was so glad that things were smooth sailing. I am really happy for her.

Sorry havent been posting much, this 2 days I will be at mum's house without internet. Am going to mum's house with her soon.

Will post again!

me busy with work


so now you know you can see yr little one next monday. yr hubby will be beside you?


thanks for the update. she gave birth yesterday, right?
Jac, the pattern from the background I add in one lah. Very ugly to see the bathroom mah.. Hee hee.

Jadefeet, Congratulation! Have a good confinement! Take some pictures for us to enjoy okay..
Jac, Aiyo.. If I creative, I would have made something even more nicer right. I lazy so just fill in the blanks. Hee hee..
U yrslf did not realise only wat,tat does not mean u dont have creative mah.
Tell u I so sick of my hubby,tell him we going 2 watch movie tis sat,he just said ok lor & dont bother 2 askd me tis & tat.I know him when he said ok & without any saying anything mean he not willing 2 go.So I also not bother 2 book 4 t movie pass.When tat day come he will put all t blame on me of not booking,can push then push until vy clean like ppl playg tai zi.
Hi Ladies
Today I am back home! Have internet access.

Oh, so you confirm C-section? Yah, just have to listen to SF Loh advice. While natural is good, but most important bb & mummy must be safe & sound, right? So when is your c-section scheduled?

Hope you and your hubby make up already. I guess husband & wife tend to have disagreements and men always keep quiet and think problem can resolve themselves. I suppose men are from mars, woman from venus is really quite true. I tot the book is quite useful.

Cant tahan you! All the while so 'lady like', then suddenly you so direct about 'Indians'. Cant help but to keep laughing!
Yr hubby not in twn is it tat y u need 2 go yr mum place & stay.
I ever read this book also,most of time really cannot tahan men.They r like aliens really hope 1 day men all send to mars.Wahahahaha.......

The C-section is scheduled on 1 p.m. , Monday. Very tense up now, don't know what to do during this period, keep on checking my hospital bag. Later need to go to KK to do blood test.
If he said ok, then you just go ahead to book the tickets lah, then just inform him the timing and he will definately go with you mah.
Jac, i also agree with koala, Just go and book lor. Anyway you suggest one so maybe he thought you booking? Or you tell him straight lah. Ask him to book the tickets or arrange a nice dinner.

book what? holiday?


your 'suffering' will end very soon with a bundle of joy

enjoy these last 3 days of having the bb in u kicking. soon, he will be in your arms

reconfirm with him before u book.

dun be frustrated lar. have a good outing tomorrow.

have you tried the new mr teh terik place in tbp?
Wat tat Mr.Teh Terik at which floor.Aiyo although I stay there now I hardly go TBP already,everynite just pktd fm Blk 18 & go bk straight.

alamak. pack dinner there everynite? i dun find the food there nice...

mr teh is beside kfc, facing the main road. they sell indian food..

wait for the coffee shops at the new blocks to be opened then u'll have more choices.
OIC Fm Blk 18 c right tat like sellg carpet.hahahahaha.......Do I got t choice,no choice I not like u so good life,after works can have home cook food.
I really so envy those have everyday homecook food.

haa..not carpet but food!

u can pack from tbp also wat.

if i'm u, i might even take bus from office, alight at tb market to pack dinner home
U no joke w me.go TB market & pktd bk.After work I vy lazy 1 anyhow pkt some food bk will do & I still need 2 do laundry,irong or sweepg t floor,so I dont wan 2 waste much time outside,faster do finish all t housework n I can rest.U know wat I mean.
