Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles


haa. so he is leaving this to the minister of home affairs to handle har?

haa. think her ears must be real itchy. we kept talking abt her. haa.

Finally reach Fri 2day.

Knock,knock,knock......Where r u??????Vy buz...........
Havent pop..
I had contractions the whole wed night, every 10min.. tahan until thurs wen to CTG.. but contractions not strong and close enough, Dr F ask me to either walk somemore or stay in hospital and wait.. so i chose to come home.. then last night, everything stopped!!! So pissed off...Dr F refused to induce anything.. the nurse checked for dilation but i am too posterior and her fingers too short.. she say only 0.5cm dilate!!!
Think my son still very happy to stay inside...and he listened to his father, let him go for a shiok shiok golf game today..
later i am going out with MIL to do more X'mas shopping and walking...
I am also surprised.. tot yesterday is the day.. The labour ward was so so busy.. full house..think my son dont like the crowd.. i am the only MTB to be sent home after CTG.. the rest all promote to the labour ward. 1 lady even dilate fr 2cm to 8cm in 3 hrs!!!
Frankly speaking, was very depressed yesterday after sent home cos another round of disappointment..Frustrated, bad mood, threw temper at hubby cos contractions just stopped...
Think its lack of sleep everynight + the heartburn.. i already finished 7 bottles of Gaviscon for heartburn!!
As the delivery get delayed i also worried that the baby keeps putting on weight.. will be more than 3.5kg...
Jac, I'm back... headache lor...
Always got problem. Almost move out yesterday.. Haiz..
I only ask if the baby clothing machine wash or hand wash. Cos I used to hand wash until she take my job away, then I just let her wash lor. My hubby say the clothing no longer smells good. Then I ask mum and tell her next time leave it to me. I bought glove just to wash clothing mah.. Then my mum just blow! Yet again... Haiz..
Scream and cry with the baby ard. Then my girl scared and cry in her sleep yesterday..
I very shock why she blow over this matter cos in the first place she took my job over. Then I offer to wash it myself. Talk very nicely to her but she still like that.
She say not easy to take care of baby at night. So i say I take care lor. It's okay for me now. She also say the baby getting heavy and her arm aching. I tell her this I cannot help mah. Just leave the baby on her seat lor.. Don't carry so much. But she still cry and scream say we still complaining abt the clothing and her hand pain from the washing.. Kaoz.. She use machine wash lor.. Just wanna find excuse to quarrel.. haiz.

Jadefeet, hee hee.. you reminds me of last time. when baby is slightly over 30 over weeks, I worry abt early labour. When baby is over 37 weeks, I worry why still not yet here.
Don't worry, he will be coming very soon. Just enjoy the days you can bath, wash hair and drink plain water.
Baby won't put on much weight now since not much space for him already. More than 3.5kg also okay lah. It will be much easier to take care if the baby is bigger.

u still haven't pop! when i saw your name, i was so happy. thot u came in to update us on your delivery n baby.

yr son really likes to stay in there. i don't understand. how come contraction with such close interval can just stop? did dr foong say this is not uncommon?

when is your next check up? how come dr doesn't want to induce you?
happy, flat is my parents. I also feel I very poor thing leh. when I think of my mum, I tear lor.. Haiz. Wonder why I have a mum like that. So calculative towards me and so lazy.. Nv heard of anyone with such a mum. Even bully me and my baby. I also feel that it's cos my in-law both not ard already so she dare to bully us. So sad lor.
Although mum is okay now, but I always have this fear that she might just scream and shout out of the blue causing my girl to be scared again... My girl just look at us blankly when my mum cry and scream yesterday lor. When in the afternoon, she cry in her sleep, I also cry with her cos I so heartpain... Haiz... If mum don't like me or wan us to move just tell me straight lor. Don't have to threaten, scream and accuse me and still do it in front of my girl mah.. Baby is innocent one leh.. so sad lor. I think really have to delay the FET already. If wanna move very difficult to plan second one in. Then when we talk abt delaying the plan, my girl smile leh! as if she knows like that.

sometimes some mothers are like that. their frustrations bottle up when they have to rush thru the house work etc. u mentioned your mum is lazy. so, maybe she finds it tiring to have to help look after kate. she might easily explode when she didnt hear something nice or tends to misread your intention. if she is going thru menopause, then she must be suffering from mood swing.

couldnt post my message earlier so got to cut it short.

poor kate. how i wish i can carry her and sayang her. u also very poor thing. do u tell yr hubby all that have happened everyday? think it will be good to try to keep some to avoid hubby having too much negative feelings towards your mum. u get what i mean?
I agree w Happy cos yr mum all t long dont do so much housework now bao ke la sure will explore lah.
My flat still got 1 room lah wanted 2 rent fm me a not.hahahaha.....Then we can look after each other mah,I can help u look after Kate & u can help me do cookg.When I having my 2ww u can look after me & when yr turn do FET,I can help u look after Kate.

then i can go to your house to play with kate. hee.

but, even she wants also not advisable. unless she gets her own place, better not move out in order not to sour the relationship. renting a place now is like telling her mum that we can no longer tahan to stay with u. they have all the reason to buy their own buy as place is getting too cramp.
Hi Jadefeet
You are still here! Oh my god! Understand yoru frustration. Must be thinking how come bb take so long? Ya, your contractions gone? How come so funny? I only hear it gets more serious.

But I heard first timer always like that, cos body not 'seasoned' yet, so take a while to get into delivery mode. Ya, just do more shopping and squatting exercise. May help. If really cannot, get Dr Foong to induce you. If you really uncomfy, tell him, think he will help.

Oh dear, seems like you & your mum issues every other day will 'explode'. Maybe you shld really move and be on your own. You may be happier. Your mum temperament also a bit weird I think. Just blow her top like that & make Kate scared scared.
i have a gf, her mum also like yr mum drama mama... abit buay song will threaten suicide.. then all the daughters ignore her... she after a while ok liao. But now she come out with many new patterns.. just to get her daughters to give her more $$ as she take care of their children.. reason = to go gambling..
so their solution is to ignore her now.. all start to plan to get maids to take care of their children instead of letting her take care...
sometimes we just have to be more inoovative loh.. no choice, some mums just dont like to be tied down with all these chores.. as u say loh, she is happier in the temple then just let her go..
Rent a place and move out 1st.. lesser stress, tension between all of u.. in case your hubby blow up at her.. then by then everyone also very awkward..
then u wont be rushed to buy a property u may regret later.. also u can do your FET as planned.. with a maid's help, instead of your mum's. I am sure with a "freer" time table, your mum will feel better..

Happy and Curl..
Dr F pro naturale, he will only induce when i go pass my EDD or if the baby is distress.. other than that so long as baby is happy inside, he is happy too..
I also tot the contractions will get worse didnt know it will completely stop..
Today i went out fr 2pm till now..walked so much and carried shopping bags too.. also no sound no picture of the baby... the more he delay, the higher the likelihood i will spend X'mas in confinement!!! Cannot bring him to Orchard Rd to take pictures leh...So xian..
Sorry for late reply. Wat I can remember:-

1) Call KKIVF once your af is here to collect lucrin. The nurse will tell you roughtly your jabbing schedule. Why 12 days? The lucrin should start from 21 days from your CD1 and no BD for this cycle.

2) The jabbing of lucrin usually take 14 days and you have to go back to clinic to do the 1st scan in 15 days. But if you are not surpressed enough, you still need to continue for another 1 week of lucrin.

3) If you have enough surpression, then you will be instructed to start with puregon and contume with lucrin. The 1st scan of egg is on 6th or 7th day after you took puregon. Then if you eggs mature enough, the doctor on duty will schedule you for an ER date. If not, then you will have to continue with the jabbing.

4) Although you might not be able to see SF during the whole jabbing process until ER day, but don't worry, your file will be reviewed by him as he is the head of KKIVF.

5) Yes, after ET, we normally rest for half and hour and can go back liao. I remember I still went to eat bak ku teh with my HB before going back home to rest. (Then after that, everybody told me, can't eat ba kuteh, cos of the herbs really made me regret like siao za bo and couldn't sleep in my whole 2WW, but please don't follow me as a bad example, cos now think back I really too gung ho). After going back, I just took a 2 hours nap and I didn't practise bed rest for that whole day as KK not like other private hospital, they don't believe in laying down after ET will help implantation. So I have no clue if you ask me abt what position should we have after ET.

But I just try not to walk too much and squat down in my 2WW.

haa..now you are doing all you can to get bb out.

did u try what all have been talking abt...BD? i can't imagine actually how the hubby will feel doing that with a heavily pregnant woman. maybe, yr bb will try to 'catch' 'that' and will come out immediately..haa..
When read yr mail I cannot stop laughing at u.U really still teach Jadefeet 2 BD at tis stage,u must be joking.hahahaha......
When t bb is time 2 come out he will come out no need 2 let t bb try to 'catch tat'.Scarely t bb will said wat is tat thing spill all over my face & smelly smelly 1.Wahahahahaha.........

Thank.Will try 2 askd u more when I recall wat I need.Wuack,wuack,wuack......

How 2day yr boy willing 2 come out already a not?

Hee hee, my friend, I know sure you will have to ask me again...


My due date is 27 this month. Keep on asking my baby when he want to come out.. no clue at all.
Hello everyone...
I am still here..EDD is 24 nov according to Dr F'scan. Getting very impatient liao..
Walked alot liao still no sound no picture..think when i see Dr F this wed, i will ask him to induce me.. 22-11 quite a nice date to rememeber..
Maybe Koala will be earlier than me..Koala, when is your next appt with SF? By then you will know if you can go natural..
Hi Jadefeet
Alamak, you still around
? Never mind la, think baby really too happy and comfy in your tummy liao. Or maybe he enjoys the shopping so much that he prefers to 'shop' till enough then come out.

Ha ha, yes, get Dr Foong to induce you. Otherwise, I think you will be v really have to do confinement during Christmas!
Sori 1 more question as u mention called KKIVF once my AF comes & collect t lucrin.Is it a must 2 collect on my 1st day of my menses can go & collect on D21.

Induction is very painful leh and hoh I heard might not be sucessful especially for 1st timer if cervis failed to open, then end up will still have to go through c-section.

Your bb engaged liao? How is your dilation? I don't fulfill none of the conditions, no engagement, no dilation and cervix not open....

I dont feel any difference since my last check-up on Wed, so very unlikely I will be earlier than you. But SF told me he won't let me past my edd,so no matter how I will deliver on or before 27. How is Dr Foong's stand? I understand some gynaes don't mind if overdue for 1 few days.

But like you said, I am also getting more and more impatient..

Oh ya, my next appt also on Wed, but is at nite time, so would only be able to update you all on Thursday.

Are you going to get Wan's "si fu" for your boy's name?

No problem lah, as long as you have question, I can answer you mah.

Not necessary on your 1st day of mensus, but is good to go down earlier to collect the med and the nurse will have to brief you on your schedule, so that you can plan before hand and know when is your first scan.

I will suggest you better choose a timing less crowded and if possible get nurse Sara to explain to you (as she is more detail) so that you can ask questions immediately if you are doubt.
So when is consider lesser crowded.Afternoon...BTW did t clinic KIVF open until nite time.
Y SF dont allow ppl 2 past their EDD just 1-2days different wat?
I think after 10.30 a.m, should be ok. During my 2ww, I always go there to jab during this timing and chat with Sara longer. But if you go there like 3 + p.m, also ok, the nurses are quite "eng"

They open until 5 or 5.30 p.m.? can't remember. but you also can But the pharmarcy open until 7 p.m.

Overdue will have problem, like plancenta ageing, bb will get stress inside and etc....
My baby engaged liao. But during the last false alarm, the nurse cant feel any dilation when she checked cos she say too far back..Dr F also didnt check. he didnt do any VE so far. SUper cool loh.. He is ok to let me go overdue for a few days cos he say EDD is an estimate, 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after is still consider fine..so long as baby heartbeat is ok, the water level is good and placenta still functioning well, he wont do much..

but i really buay tahan already.. hope that this appointment i can persuade him to induce me...

I dont think i will use Wan's si fu cos its an online service. If were to meet him, its very exp. I will ask another contact from my friend. She just did the cal for her son born this month.. quite gd service.. did the stroke calculations and ba zi and he also went through the life of the bb. all for $68 only...

no VE check, then how to know whether you have dilated leh? At least yours engaged liao, if like me not engaged, then is another challange during induction. I really don't want after induction for 20 hours, still have to go for c-section, then I will cry and cry..

S$68? good price leh and have good service. Can you give me the si fu's contact as well? Thanks. My HB just got "jin zi long" contact, but don't know how is their service.
I did research on breast pumps and I bought the Avent electric DUO cos its the "smartest" in the market.
Power wise its stronger than Ameda and Medela. and you can manually pump 1st, let the machine know your strength then it will follow through electrically.
Though its the most exp in the market.. i rather 1 shot heartache get it. My gf used to have Ameda but she says it cant empty her breast and end up engorged. So she switch to Avent and no regrets.

I have a gf who wan to sell her Avent 2nd hand cos she gave up after trying once. If u dun mind, can get it from her. cheaper than buying brand new.

But my friend told me Amenda is functioning better than Avent leh, sometimes, I think is really up to individual and is heng suay if you can get a suitable pump.

How much is your gal friend selling her pump? I am ok with it, not necessary must get the new one. I have a old avent manual pump pasing down from my friend and one Avent electirc UNO but is borrowed from my another gal friend.

How much you bought your new pump?

Now me super "eng", just went to bulk purchase thread to buy the baby hanky, although have a lot stock liao..but I think all will change when the little 1 come out.

Yeah u r right, different people swear by different brands.
Think she wants to sell for 600 but can bargain lah.
I bought mine from US, cheaper than here loh.

I am also vey eng.. later must try to go out, shall go for MOS burger... but the rain just start to pour... aiyo... so xian..stuck at home now..

I will pass u the contact when i get it. Still waiting for her sms cos she is very busy with the new born..

I am also like u, worry that induction will lead to C section.. but DH keeps saying let Dr F worry abt it since he is the doctor and with the experience, he will advise the best solution loh..but i think this wed appt i will make him do the VE though its going to be uncomfortable... but i hope wont be so painful like the nurse who did it during my CTG tracing.. she is kind of inexperience and i think her fingers are too short...
The shi fu's contact:
Hong Tai Ge
Golden Landmark Shopping Complex
Master Ong Tel: 62956824

Call to make appointment and also ask him what information he needs for the calculation. SHould be $68 as mentioned by my gf. But she is a regular lah.

Thanks for the contact. I will call for details. Ha ha, same here, I also thinking of going out, at least some where nearby will made me feel good, but too bad becos of the rain..we are stuck here.

Actually I don't know how much is the brand new Avent DUO in market, $800?

Talking abt the VE, my gal friend got bleed after the VE, so I was very scared and have asked SF "gentle" a bit, he was a bit shocked when I used this word... pai seh.. don't know what was in his mind...

But is really uncomfortable loh, although not as painful as I thought, need to go through again this Wed, yuck. And my gal friend told me if the nurse use the instrument to check, more jialak, she feel like crying... Gosh.

What happen to others?? today only you and me here.

Monday blues.. hhahahha.. only me and you super free now.
Avent DUO is selling 799 here, i think.
Medela is 699. Ameda i cant remember.
I feel like going to buy toys for bb loh.. for his x'mas present. Hahah...must walk more to try to induce labour..

As for VE, i remembered Dr F checked the last time during 20++ weeks, it was nothing at all, just like pap smear only. But duno why this time the nurse hurt me so much. Think her fingers and hand too short, end up her knuckle hitting me.. and somemore i have retroverted uterus so duno if it will be more difficult to check as its too posterior..but i didnt bleed or anything after the check by the nurse.. nothing abnormal.. not even a pink discharge..

I know i m very kiasu.. but am thinking if i can pop on 22 nov, then i can have the full month buffet on 20 and 22 dec.. got to spilt into 2 days for relatives and friends.. Anything too near X'mas will be more exp.
Even Wan's massage lady also calling me to find out if i pop.. everyone is calling non stop, until my MIL fed up and tell them stop calling to stress me up...if pop sure will inform them..

By the way, do u know if i want to give cakes, do i give on 28th day or 30th day of confinement?

Jadefeet, baby boy must celebrate later then baby girl early. But not more than 5 days lah.. Should be 30 days as per lunar calendar. For confinement, 40 days for mum. Better to do the full 40 days.
