Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

Jac, I also need to induce menses, etc... When you starting? Abt when is your 2 ww?

Curl, she is very healthy eater. She is a good cook also. Yummy!!! Even til now, me and hubby still miss her cooking. she don't really talk alot. Unless you talk to her lor. She is very clean person and very supportive towards breastfeeding.
You have to call her early leh.. her booking very full one.
Just wanna get it over and done with. Then can close shop early also.

Hi Wan
Thanks. Will call her soon.

Errr.. I dont think you will close shop soon until you get a bird bird ya?

Just a suggestion, let Dr Foong know your desire for bird bird. Though not legal in Singapore to do a test to determine sex before you transfer, the embryologist would more or less be able to deduce if its a boy or gal. So by letting him know your 'desires', it may help to choose the right ones to defroze.

Good luck!
Just went to Kate's blog. Cannot tahan your 'Like Father, Like daughter' picture. Really so nice & cute. You really did a great job at the blog.
I still feel vy scared 2 start t treatment all over again plus scared of t failure,I really dont know lah if I start in beginning of dec07,scared when need 2wk time ganna my yr end closing,if I do in Jan08 will it be ganna CNY a not,scared my ER & ET hit t CNY.Vy fun lah......Either dec07 or feb08 tis period.
Email me at [email protected]
My SIL was from Austin and I love it there..
She will be back in mid Dec for 3 weeks holidays maybe then you can chat with her? Isit too late by then? If not i ask her if I can pass her email to you then you can chit chat with her. She is very very friendly type... dont worry abt it...
BTW, my MIL love US more than Singapore.. she spent 6 mths there every time...
As of Monday, i put on 21kg liao...

You must take things easy liao esp the next critical few weeks..
I am having regular contractions and abit of pain liao, should be tonight or tomorrow... but later going to Orc for jalan abit with hubby before entertaining his clients for dinner.La Senza havig 50% sale.. very tempted to buy the pyjamas.. heheheh...

Paddy.. i am trying to hasten things up, drinking coconut water as recommended by Dr F...walking more now...
Hi Jadefeet
No, it wont be too late. If any move, I will only do it in June. Hubby have to travel more frequently from Jan onwards. But it will be good if she is ok to share her email, then I can start emailing her.

If I 'normal' pregnancy, then I would go and deliver in US cos got US citizenship. But cos my condition, better be good girl.

ok, will email you shortly. Wow, you certainly dont look like putting on 21 kg cos you are tall.

Are you getting excited? Must be careful hor. If waterbag bursts, then better dun wait and rush to hospital. Wow, time flies. Baby in your own hands soon! I believe your MIL is back in Spore to help u with confinement. Such a lucky woman!

As for La Senza pyjamas, wait till you recover first la. Otherwise, your hubby will nose bleed and you cant BD at least 6 weeks afetr delivery

Just send you a pm. thanks

you might just see blood at 1.30am tonight when you go toilet. that was what happened to me 6.5 yrs ago on a thursday morning. let's see!
great! my post went thru!!


good that you are feeling ok already. shall keep my postings short to avoid the error message.
I dun mind leh.. getting very heavy liao.. DH also excited and hope baby will come soon cos Fri mornig he has an important golf game..
by the way when u see blood at 130am, how long did the baby take to come out?? I very xian to go hospital and wait.. hate to strap down and lie there.. i sure get migraine..

Now 50% must buy and keep 1st... if not no chance to go shopping..
Dr F says can BD more to try to get things moving hehhehe...
She is back to help me loh... very lucky she is the modern type.
She told me she remembers you as you smiled at her...
So its confirmed its going to be a girl...so nice..

after seeing blood, i took my time to shower and pack my bag. the contraction was pretty closed aredi. reached hospital 5 plus. aredi dilated 3cm. gave birth at abt 10am. could have been earlier if dr came sooner.

if u going to the hospital before 6am, better ask hubby to drop you at the drive way before he goes park the car.

during my time, we went park car together. my contraction was like 5 mins interval then. walked all the way to the exit and door was locked. me was so poor thing. got to hold stomach and walked slowly to another exit.
Ok Ok, i will bear that in mind... will ask him to drop me at the lobby 1st..
If i dont log in tomorrow then most likely i go pop liao...
final shopping before the big day!!!
Jac, do before the CNY lah. then can have a very happy CNY. Hee hee.. I also intend to do before CNY mah.
I nv ask him leh. He tell me one. Cos dr foong is late so he talk to me lor. He explain say it looks like a boy. Kaoz... make me happy for 5 months then realise it's a girl. NVM lah... Still happy now but have to work harder for next one lor.
U confirm greedy mummy.hahahaha.......Hey t more I c yr ger really look like boy boy lah.heeheehee....Dont angry!!!! U dont worried if 2nd 1 u strike sure is a boy boy,cos yr ger look exactly like a boy boy,maybe she run out fast if not sure is a boy boy.Wahahahaha........
I think I will do in beginning of Jan08.I myslf also dont know lah dont know Dec07 is t best time or Jan08 is t best time........
Bu shi ba get preggie in CNY.Then how u going 2 wear nice nice clothing,u so hard then shed all t fats & now so slim.PLS THINK ABOUT IT.Hahahaha.......
Happy/ Jadefeet

No leh. The bb still very shy, cover the legs and cross it even more secretly' than any other times. Dr tried all sorts of angle but cant see the sex. I just suspected its a girl since baby is shy but still cant confirm yet. I v anxious. I like girls, but hubby wants boy, so any sex will do.

Is it? Tummy so big can still BD? Sign... my life is so different. I cannot BD since 2 ww till any time in my pregnancy cos got stitch there. While I am not BD craze, I sometimes pity hubby lah.

Yes, I have 'yuen' with your MIL and I liked her instantly. Cos I somehow think you are Jadefeet & thus my friend, so I naturally smiled to her & great her as 'aunty' deep inside. And she really looked like teh ci xiang type and not the bossy MIL. I told my hubby today abt you. He went to park the car and dropped me first. He say he cant recalled, aiya man all so blur one!
don't understand why! why my message always can't go thru.

curl, me also hoping for a girl but i don't mind anymore so long as i get pregnant again.
funny. message seems to be able to go thru if i dont use semi colon or too many full stops.

jadefeet is lucky to have a ci xiang mil. since both u n curl have met, how nice if all can go high tea together. but, i know its not quite possible.

pls pardon me if my posting seems funny or sound unfriendly. i cant use emoticons as message will not be able to go thru.
No worries. Maybe your company IT dept not happy that you go on leave and come back still talk to us, so make your posting difficult.

Ha ha, you so funny ('Use Hand'). I will be v shy when I see you next time

hee.. i should be the one to be shy, right?

there's no underage here so it's ok to do 'adults talk'.

for me last time, i deprived my hubby from bd since the time i confirmed positive. i dare not take the risk. think if i'm pregnant again, i will not dare to bd too. i'll go crazy if i lose the bb due to bd.


r u still going to resign?

wonder if you will check the forum after your shopping.

set alarm clock to wake up at 1.30am to go niao niao n see if there's blood..hee.. i sent u a personal mail too. can't post much abt my 'experience' before delivery here so i talked a little more via email.

hopefully, my server don't continue to make life difficult for me tomorrow.
Yes I have exactly the same thoughts. Just wanna avoid any possible infection, trauma to the baby. Last round I also 100% abstinence.

Good that our hubbies are understanding.

By the way, havent seen your Japan pics yet leh. And you are right. Everytime I go holiday, its like pack so tight until even lagi tired. Last yr when I went to Perth when I was 5 mths, I had the trip so relax cos I was preggy. We pack our schedule loosely and often got to 'waste' around. In the end, I realised it can be so enjoyable. For some places of interest, my hubby will bring my parents there and drop me at a near shopping mall and I sit at mcdonalds to enjoy a cup of hot drink and read, its just so nice. I think its a Asian thing. We like to fully utilise our holiday itinerary to make it worthwhile.
hi curl,

haa...they got no choice...haa..

i actually tried to send before i left the office just now but got rejected by yr mail box as file too big. will try to split tomorrow.

yah. this kind of holiday very tiring. i was telling hubby just now that hk$ very weak now. S$100 to HK$533!!! used to be HK$49? only. then, he said let's go - just the 2 of us. i was looking at him and said "har"? he said fly by budget air for a short trip. i dun remember he prints money lei.. but, it will be nice if just the 2 of us go for a short trip

fyi, my near aunty reported when we were in japan..hee..
Wow vy good u can have shiok shiok life cos hubby print $$.hahahaha.....
After cool dwn I feel tat go every company & work also t same,as long as can tanan just loon until I cannot tanan anymore then said.
Anyway I confirm going 4 IVF either in Dec07 or Jan08,if strike I will then throw my letters in if not strike then maybe have 2 guai guai stay or resign,c t situations then settle.
Hey since yr hubby print notes,faster go 4 IVF lah,then maybe both of us can cycling 2gether w Wan.

no lar. hubby doesnt print notes. if he does, i can be a full time mum aredi.

thats good. just loon for the time being. start in dec lar. cant wait to hear another good news here.

i dun know abt mine. my deity gave me a negative reply to proceed with ivf.

tell u, tis morning hubby went to get car and found a deep scratch on the car. wonder which idiot did it!
I am here..

Also need to c the computer "mood", sometimes can type but most of the times cannot loh.

CNY not important, getting p is most important. I went through my CNY this yr with jabs and tears.. and heng heng u get +ve in CNY, better then strike 10 million toto, rite?

very fast you go for your 2nd 1, if I go for c-section, then have to put up the idea to do anthoer fresh next year liao.. so sad.

Just a little update from me, went for my 38 weeks checkup last nite, no dilation, cervix still no sign of softening.. (my hb said too long never BD... still can joke) and bb head turn a bit down, but still not engaged..so I asked HB must go to choose a date and timing for c-section. But Sf said still have chance for natural see how is my condition next week. I won't want to induce cos with my sitaution chances of success is very very low and don't want my bb suffer inside for long long hour then end up still go for c-section.

think he is taking it well - better than i expected. this car is 2.5yrs old aredi. if it happened earlier, he sure wont be able to sleep.

told his dun go and re spray. waste money.
Glad 2 hear fm u.

Askd yr boy is time 2 come out already.
Can askd u 2 refresh everything 2 me abt KK prodecure.Like during injectn time anything need 2 bear in mind,then during t 2wk,wat if got OHSS or confm +ve & bleedg,can calld up t KK urgently & book my appointmt etc.I feel tat I so lost at least 1st time went thrg such treatment.

Most guy all t same 1,will take his car as he 1st place than another thing at all.

becos no dilation and cervix don't know how to open itself, so must go for induce for natural birth and this will take more than 20 hours (worst case) for the whole process. baby will feel very stress inside, so is better to go for c-section. And my case will be worst if bb don't want to be engaged so more difficulties in natural birth.

sure, no problem, but hoh, u must tell me wen r you going to do yours fresh 1st, if feb 08, then tell u now also no use mah...

actually lucrin stage very senang, just jab jab jab and scan twice and do blood test. Come to puregon, need to go bk to 1st scan after first 8 days, then continue with the jab if eggs not big enuf, i think 10 to 11 days of puregon can schedule for your Er liao. Very easy, just relax, relax lah.. don't stress.

Btw, u still do Acu and take TCm from marine parade sinseh?

oh. hopefully bb will engage soon then u can go natural. good luck to you!


he is less kang jion now aredi. he washes car every week last time. but not now.

I couldn't sleep the whole nite, my bb keep on straching my ribs at my right side at nite. i can't lay down or sit up to sleep, really painful. Of course is not his fault lah, cos no place for him so he must find a place.

Ya, I will start to drink this weekend.
Confirm either in Dec07/Jan08.Scared by then u hardly log in 2 advise me mah.heeheehee.......

Hing u only carry 1 wat if carry twin how,sure fighting inside.Wahahahaha........

Yap still doing acu every wk while 4 TCM only 1mths take 2-3days tat it.
Anyway I still worried my body still not ready 2 do IVF,feel vy dilimma plus my hubby so buz recently scared his troops also not ready 4 it.Dont know y tis round tense 2 worried tis & tat as compare 2 1st time treatmt,no such fear at all.HAIZ........

My hubby also t same 1,1st few mths get t car will wash every wkend & since t car ever bang by me when doing reverse,now he also care less can 1-2mths then wash his car.Hahahaha.........

No wori, i am sure will be there for you even I seldom log in, u can stil sms me mah.

understand how u feel now, but pls relax and "enjoy" the process and don't think abt success or failure, just do it.. ok?

Man soldier, one is enuf to make u p, so don't wori too much your hb side.

Ya, I can't imagine if I have twins, so have to pei fu the IVF mothers carry multiple. But next round, hb sure not allow me to put in 3 cos he is very scared of twins/triplets.

Ur hb like boy? Same as my Hb lah, cos he always said got somebody to play with, esp for my hb, grow up in a lonely environment with all gals around him, so he sure hungry for boy. I am really counting down now can't wait any more to see my boy.

Last time when I know I am having a boy so determine to have 2nd 1 as a gal, but now give up the idea, just hope that I can preggie with 2nd 1, then conider very very heng, and don't dare to choose gender..
