Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

Think abt it,other ppl do IVF still can freeze,we pd so much cannot freeze & had 2 start all over again.HAIZ........I think partly becos of age+eggs+sperms problems.


My computer keep on giving me problem, just now "pop" then the whole screen blackout... so angry.

Dun think like that, at least we still have a chnace to try mah, I don't mind if I don't have freezer embroys, as long as I can get pregnant. (Anyway, my Hb also prefer fresh than freeze, although telling him so many times that the quality of freezer embroys is ok).

If you strike with twins, I think you will change your thinking liao.. hee

Chin up. Just remember we are always here to support you. If you have times, may be you can go to IVf support grp to have a glance, so many suceess story recently to boost your morale. If they can, I can't see y you can't. SF is very reliable although sometimes I really can't tahan his "kee siaoness"..

Thinking of going to China Town later, do what? eating fried keow toew.. better eat now if not later during confinement can't eat liao. But really a bit lazy to move now.. so still sitting here and chatting with you. But feel shoik, cos so long din chat with you gal, where is Wan?

I think my weight have stop increasing. Total put on 21 kg in this pregnancy.
If u going 2 do it I sure u same as me up n down feeling.Just cannot help it.Will try 2 control my emotions if not sure will affect my feeling when t treatment starts.

i agree.but, thats when i need the frens here to tell me to stay positive. hee.

yes. hope bb can come out faster that way. hee.

stupid server! dun allow me to use too many full stop and emoticons!

wait till i go home then i post all the different emoticons to you.

i got problem sending photos out as file too big. most photos were taken in disney. one way is after i print out, show you at mrt. smiling face.
I think tat Koala really went Chinatown 2 eat her tat fried keow toew.hahahaha....U know where tat woman stay,if I will her eat nearby neighbourhood t keow toew all do.heeheehee......Maybe I said so early who knows.

think total less than S$5k plus.

yes. we did meet them. brought us for traditional jap cuisine.

dun know where she stays. anyway, she has all the time in the world now. wait till bb comes out, she will really be tied down.

correction. i think its slightly over 6k out of which 2.8k for air fare and 700 on accomodation.

actually quite ok for her. she can take the north east line, right?
I remember Yr04 I went Korea only 2 of us cost abt 4k n u went Japan only 2k more than me consider cheap lor,t standard of living is so much higher.

maybe coz we go f&e and we didnt buy alot of things.

my fren asked me why i never buy burberry blue label handbag. she got one last week while there. spent 300 plus. told her i dont spend like that one.
hee hee

both of you talking behind me huh. I went to NTUC nearby to do my weekly shopping, shoik, buy buy until S$75.00...normally will buy only up to S$30.00. I also wanted to go China town, is (Hong Lim hawker centre)but just now raining, so dare not go out and hb called to spot check me.. ha ha.. anyway, I just have it on Tuesday, very nice. nx round mus order S$3.00, big packet... yummy. but not tomorrow cos hb at home... must secretly go out.


the fried keow teow is different from those in the food court, no fight.

Mee stay in Sengkang lah, not punggol. but I know to you still consider far...
I think u did bring along yr tat maid 2 help u carry right!
2nite askd yr hubby bring u 2 Chinatwn & eat lor if not yr boy pop up 1 soild mth u cannot any how eat must only eat confinmt food.

Sengkang or punggol is still tat area wat,right!
Wuack,wuack......u know me 2 well,yep I feel vy vy far away stayg in yr area.
Since now u so free must well start 2 prepare a blog 4 yr boy,so tat we can c him growing like our Kate.Give me more morale mah.

I don't like maid follow me when I do shopping, when I finish shopping i will call her up and she will come down to carry the stuff for me.

Do blog? don't know whether got time after that, I see ppl blog, including Wan, very nice, but me always do thing half way....

next time you come to my house to be the 1 day bb sitter , then sure will motivate you. looking photos not good enuf, ha ha..

Aiya, my hubby never like me to eat fried keow teow, prata and all the heaty stuff... esp this period he very scared me eat all this junk food will affect his son... and the stall is only open up to 3:30 p.m.
U pd 4 yr maid n yet cannot askd her 2 follow 2 take things,wat t world is tat.........
I saluate u last stage n yr ball so big & still carry such grocessories.
Really u will invite me 2 yr place.
Dont lie 2 me hor.Wahahahaha.......

of course I can ask her to follow me, but what for, very ma fan.. I put everyting in the trolly mah, and after making payment just asked her to pick the whole trolly back home lah.. Me tummy so big how to carry all the heavy stuff?

Aiya, can come to my house lah, if you are willing to come to the "far" area.. ha ha

I think Happy teng zhu liao
I also waitg 2 teng zhu.I now make sure 6pm sharp I left t office dont care so much already.
U invite me sure I will go even go JB I also will go.hahahaha.......
Hi All

No lah, today busy day for me, cos mummy came to my house. Went to nearby market with her and feel so 'sua ku'. Even market, I can shop until dun feel like coming home, can see how deprived I am lor.

My hubby like boys fo different reason. He say boys no need to worry kenna cheated by man next time. Then I ask him what were his thoughts when he 'cheated' me
? I told him if he has not cheated any woman, then should have no retribution unless he guilty. He just snug away from me

I hope your cervix dilate in time and can go natural. Do more walking and if you have the mood, BD and drink coconut juice lor.

Wow, you really enjoy life now, eat char kway teow and happy happy yah?

I have a feeling Jadefeet like what Happy say bomb yesterday midnite when she wake up to pee, thats why never post. But I am very happy for her.

Time flies. I know its hard but dun feel too worried or despair. You have to be v positive in the whole treatment. Who knows you may end up with twins?
U are welcome lah, but must be the baby sister, then I can go to eat my fried kway teow lah.. ha ha

Your hb very cute. Can think so far away liao, can imagine your future son-in-law will have a lot of hard time with your hb hoh..

Where got mood to BD leh, tummy so big and bb having kung fu training inside leh.. I am scared his head will be "nian nian" when he come out then the whole world know we were BD, ha ha.. Anyway, HB very kia si will hurt bb lah, and I don't think he got 'mood" when he see my big moving tummy with all the red stracth marks..

But you are rite, although can't sleep at nite, I really happy now, enjoy life like nobody business and can play with bb in my tummy, he really good in responding to me.. (My hb so envy.. hee hee.)

Even if I need to go for c-section is ok, good also, at least I can bf my 1st 1 for 1 year can spend more time with him and I think is fair for him too.

At first I really plan for my 2nd 1 after 6 months from now. May be he know what I think so refuse to be engaged and want more time from me. now I have started to read c-section mummy experience in other thread to prepare myself and find that not so scary as what I think initially.

Ya, I also think Jadefeet is about to give bith, she is at 38 weeks +, let wait for her good news. So excited for her.
hi curl,

haa..u so funny. as if you have never gone to a wet market.

haa. yr hubby is cute and u really dun give chance.haa..he must have asked himself why he talked so much..haa..

yah. maybe jadefeet really got promoted to parenthood aredi. so nice. if it's natural, she will be able to discharge on sat...just like me the last time. wonder if it's room 639...oh..so envy. when can i go thru that again...


no problem! i'll be more than happy to baby sit yr baby. just leave her here and you go for your fried kway teow. i'm staying in tiong bahru area so pretty near for you to swing over
Congrats that you can use your emoticons now! Maybe its really your office pc ya?

I really really think Jadefeet already bomb. Just wonder how she is. So tempted to called Dr Foong clinic and asked abt her.

haa..yes. it's only the office pc.

i believe so too. too bad she might not have checked her email yesterday. i gave her my mobile. then, we didn't have to guess here..hee..

but, u don't know her real name, right? how to check?
I know her real name cos I 'bump' into her at Dr Foong's office. And I heard the nurses calling for her name as her appt is before mine

But to respect her privacy, I also paisei call Dr Foong's office
finally u can posted tis cutie icons.

Need 2 chk w u dont know whether u still rember a not.After t menses come & called 4 appointmt in D12,roughly t whole process take how many days be4 ER cos need 2 plan my things.I remember u did mention tat KK after ET half an hr can go home,during t journey home how u ensure tat u sitting t right position of relaxing & after reach home u rest in bed for how long,BTW if restg in bed body dont move can t legs move also.cos I realise I cannot sleep at 1 position 4 so long will have backacke.XIA XIA NI.THANK YOU.
my dear curl,

u can't sleep har? at that hour still in the net.

haa.. if only yr appt with ah foong is today. then, u can 'conveniently' ask angeline..haa
let's hope jadefeet will update us soon. how big is the baby.. how long was the labour.. did she pose to take picture when cutting cord.. haa.

Hi Happy
Ya lor. Kenna stress by hubby on his terms, so got to look through for him in great details la.

Ya man, now I am even more convinced that Jadefeet has bombed. She can be dissappearing for 2 days!
