Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

Hi everyone,

just back from a visit to dr foong. Did my blood test and if everything goes well, i will start on my puregoen shot tom. wah, this trip to dr set me back by $2k. he is starting me on 300IU, quite alot rite? still hv 10 days of shots not paid.. gog to burnt my pocket liao.

Jac, I also don't believe she only strike $3 at first. But she show me the ticket leh. She bought $5 for other number. I think maybe this number strike before already so she nv bet much on it. Who will imagine 7 weeks open same number twice. So lucky lor. take care of her 7 weeks, strike 6 weeks... Haiz.. I better don't think abt it.. Or else I go waste my money again.

The confinement nanny say her head is flat. I think me and my mother don't know how to take care of her. Now too late to round it back already. Haiz.. she finally have some feature like me.., Flat head!
I also feel she looks like boy.. No choice leh.. I told my mum don't buy anymore blue clothing for her.. Only make her look more and more boyish.. Haiz.
happy, I thought I give.. I think the number I give is birthday huh? pai sei..

Curl, you better rest more.. Don't online and chat chat chat until forgot to rest okay.
Or else beat your backside.

Yin, 300iu really alot! I only have 125iu. The injection alone will set back alot of $$$ for you. Plus more drugs also mean more painful jabs.. Good luck!
hahaha......tis is t price we pd 4,dont worried t bruises will gone away 1-2 days.Must train yr hubby lah if not yu will be t 1 who suffer all t bruises & continue w all t injectns.
Me think abt it got phobias 2,anyway my turn will arrive vy soon t injectn.

Hahahaha.......Yr ger vy stingy lah give grandmother $3 allowance 4 her 2wk trip.hahahahaha........
Oh last round u were talkg abt KK,y u need 2 go KK & pd abt $700 4 wat.
I so hope tat I can start end of tis mth but will clash w SF schedules.Xian lah...............Must wait until end nov still risky but really hope can start soon.
hi jac,

i hv not involved my hubby yet.. when he saw the bruises, he can still comment tat it is ok wat.. not tat big! urgh! can really hit him then.

somemore complain that i put on weight.. sigh, din even consider all the hormones inside me now
Hi All

Oh dear
I posted such a long posting to Jac, Yin, Wan, Happy and I saw it just now and its gone!

Will wait and see, if not I will repost

too bad. u got to retype..hee..


yah. i only knew yr gal's birthday, not bc no.


give yr hubby a kick for making that comment. my hubby so far dare not make such comments...hee..

gosh. i better shed some weight before i start my ivf next year. very much want to go to dr foong but he's too expensive. will see how jac's is then consider if to go kk...


i got the dvd here. let me know when to pass to you...but not today

i'm finishing the "wu3 dong4 cuan2 chen2" online. actually, i watched half way and skipped to last episode as didn't have time...hee.. quite a ok show...

all the best to your ivf journey.

like what wan suggested, do go thru the previous postings. u can also check up the june july '07 postings as curl also shared some useful information....including diet.

happy reading...and skipping the unrelated postings..hee..
I confirm going 2 KK 2 do IVF wat there 2 consider.
Updated u,I buay tahan anymore tml will throw in my resignatn letter.

ANY1 CAN HELP!!!!!I work 5days & I still got 7 1/2 leave left.If tml 17/10/07 I throw in my letter,my last days will be 7/11/07 after deduct my leave is it?
I confirm going 2 KK 2 do IVF wat there 2 consider.
Updated u,I buay tahan anymore tml will throw in my resignatn letter.

ANY1 CAN HELP!!!!!I work 5days & I still got 7 1/2 leave left.If tml 17/10/07 I throw in my letter,my last days will be 7/11/07 after deduct my leave is it?
Jac, That $3 winning is only for my mum to eat sweets. haa! who ask her bao lesser and lesser money to my girl. So of cos my girl let her strike lesser and lesser. heehee..
My girl go KKH for injection mah. I think it will be better if the only children hospital have her record. Just in case lah. The waiting time is short to my surprise. Only the take medication not very ideal.
Next month got one day holiday leh. Then dec also alot of holiday. very wasted if you quit.
Jac, they delibrately wanna drive you away. Cos they don't wanna let you take your bonus mah. So you must try to ren. Act as u cannot see them lor. Like that make them more angry.
I thinkg if I tender end of Dec I must serve until end of Jan.Beginning of Jan close half yr acct,must do alot of schedules & calculate deferred income.If I wan 2 leave y I need 2 do until nice nice then pass over,anyway my schedules every mth I also updd 1,so tat person who take over also wont headaches.

no. i was telling yin i'll decide whether to consider kk after hearing your experience with dr loh.

yes. your left day should be 6th afternoon as 8th is a holiday.

really cannot tahan anymore? tahan a bit longer and not only can u get your bonus, u can take mc at their cost too
I thinkg if I tender end of Dec I must serve until end of Jan.Beginning of Jan close half yr acct,must do alot of schedules & calculate deferred income.If I wan 2 leave y I need 2 do until nice nice then pass over,anyway my schedules every mth I also updd 1,so tat person who take over also wont headaches.
System hagwired.........Sori is not I postd twice everytime,is t system keep showing 2 me POSTG ERROR, so I repost,who knows become double.hahahahaha..................
Yes Dr will give u some tablets 4 lining problems,if I not wrong is blue in colour.

U not napping,u so guai working.
So envy u,me also lookg 4ward but my still got 1 more hr to go.

U know I feel tat nowsday take MP medicine,take until I wan 2 throw out,tat time I dont face any problems takg chinese medicine but recently dont understd y my body system change,change until so terrible.
I only take MP medicine only wat while EYS is only doing accupuncture.
I walk pass t Poh Kim at TB got 1 show act by chen feng called as bu zi dont know wat dont know wat,t show like talkg abt feng shui 1,look like not bad but abit vy exp lah 4 whole show cost abt $100plus.
Jac, that time I tender already, I nv have much things to do for the last 2 weeks. I walk ard the office, say my goodbyes everyday. hee hee.. Of cos I make my leave during month end so no need to do closing.. wahahaaa.. leave on June so also no need to do GST. My Last day dated on a sunday. So I eat their sat and sunday. But my HR manager say cannot one lah. She close one eye give me. hee hee... Early year alot of job opp. Cos many people take bonus and quit. But if you pregnant then how to look for jobs.. if you don't quit, also cannot quit after your 2WW or else waste the maternity benefit.. don't know what I talking already. I confuse myself and you again.. pai sei..
BTW, how come you know I sleeping.. wahaaaa
Glad, Clomid will thin our lining almost for sure.. Dr give me the blue tablet that Jac mention abt. I think the name start with P.. But forgot the whole spelling. I took 3 pills a day after day6 which also means end of clomid til my ovulation then stop.
Wahahaha.........Cos u good life mah,no need 2 look after yr ger mah,got some1 there 2 help u look after.
So t bottomline is u encourage me 2 tender by tml a not?I cannot make up my mind no point askg my hubby.

u very naughty hor! trying to make us cry coz we can't enjoy life like you, right?


bu zi? don't know what show that is..

how many episodes are there? u can either rent or watch from tudou.
Dont worried sure tis blue tablets can help 2 thicken t lining.Dr.will know how many tablets 4 u 2 take,if u manage 2 get preggie,take tis blue tablets is 2 support t lining.

why don't you write down on a piece of paper the pros and cons of resigning now and later. maybe, that can help you decide?
t negative is no income scared will affect my coming IVF beside tat cannot think of any at all.
If I still stay until Dec,sure all t gossip will ask abt my 2ww.
Jac, I don't know leh. I understand the feeling of dragging yourself to work every morning. So if for me, I confirm quit immediately although I say 'ren' to you. Or you wait until after this weekend then decide lor. Anyway last day near month end also nothing to do one. At most go more toilet trips, go shopping for a while more before heading back to office... hee hee. Or I sacrify lor. I go and find you during your last few days at work. hee hee..

Happy, I nv take nap for a long long long time. When my mum ard, i busy like a cow. Now the aunty (confinement lady) is back so I can finally take a rest. wahahahaa.. SO happy lor. Afternoon got people serve food, at night also no need to worry abt dinner. Unlike my mum, nv do housework, nv cook and always make me run here and there.

Glad, of cos it helps to thicken. then end of cycle, you will see alot of menses. Hopefully you don't see menses lah. Only for my case cos I fail for all clomid attempt. The pill will only thicken the lining and won't do anything to the follicles. It just grow the same.

so the positive thing is you are going to get paid till end jan plus aws. you'll need this money for sure.

no matter what the result of your ivf will be, you are unlikely to start work in jan or even feb. if you tender now, you are going to have no income for many months.

also, why bother abt what those aunties gossip abt? you are going to leave anyway. who cares what they say? like what curl suggested, tell that it's appendix ops and u need not explain further.
Cannot imagine 1 ger u also cannot look after still have t courage 2 have 2nd 1 sooooo fast.BTW Dr. nver said u got abit 2 fast 2 have yr 2nd 1 mah or after seeing feng shui said tat u wan boy boy must get preggie by next yr if not.........
My boss know I went thrg t 1st IVF,if 2nd round I took 2ww,sure she wont believe wat.Anyway tis round I going 2 tell them is going 4 appendix.
Hahahaha.......Any1 can share w me more abt appendix,where t pain,after op etc.Scared after 2ww,I dont know how 2 answer at all.hahahahahaha.....THQ U.........
Jac, dr nv say anything leh. I think he expect me to go back to him very soon already.

happy, I engage the confinement lady for her service this 2 weeks when my mum is not ard mah. She will help me look after baby, cook and do some housework. Shiok lor. Unlike when my mum is ard.. kill me with chore she created.
Then tis round how much u payg tat auntie.Confirm u r t richest here.Wahahahaha.........
Me already save 1 sump some already if dont work until bb is born,sure no problems.But I worried tat time no money 2 give my mum allowance,then how?


wow! u really good life.


that's good. no wonder u all ready to tender. but, my advise is still tahan if can...
