Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

Jac, I just mean KKh also not cheap. hee hee.. A few item and a few mins cost me $700.. I can buy one Chanel sunglass.
How many months is your AWS? Estimated one. If can ren until take the money then quit of cos good. Pregnancy also need $$ mah. Or delay your IVF by another month. During CNY you can get the good news already. This time round, don't tell your MIL. I also nv tell my in-law until after 3 months. My parents live with me so I have to tell them. Like that you next whole year no need to work already! We can meet for high tea and lunch.. wahaaa.. Can learn a few baby tips from me. Although I also don't know much things.. haa! At most we go shopping, I help you carry things lor. BTW, you still need the cleaning company number?
I not intend 2 chk w HR,if not whole world will know abt it be4 I throw it my resignation.
No u askd me 2 jia you right so I answer u bk jia you de P.(Mean jia you t shit)just causually answer bk.hahahaha.....

Sure will get tips fm u once I preggie.
By tat time hopw u wont feel I vy ma fun.hahahaha.....

Don't worry your 2WW, you will be taking Hosptialisation Leave mah, after your HL in mid Dec, then you tender on 31 Dec, perfect man....

That y I asked you die die also dong until 31 Dec, they have no right not to give you aws by then. HL is "legal", they can't challenge.
Thk 4 t good advise.
1day here seem like t day so long,I dont understd problems not lay on me & every1 give me tat type of face.My tat stickeng boss even more mean,askd every1 here wat 2 eat & help them 2 tabao lunch except me.I also treat her transparent but I still buay tahan,can understd.

You have to learn "bo chap", Frankly, if you mind how ppl looking at you, you will be very "tong ku", may be due to your character, but just have to learn cos life really got a lot of "rediculous" ppl around.

Like my office, got one auntie, working as admin asst, but always think that she has previlage cos working here for 15 years, and love to gossip and she has CRIED to complain to her boss that if she needs to cover others jobs. Can you imagine, a 50+ years old lady cried like a small gal? BUAY TAHAN and everytime, it works woh...

If your boss treat you like that, you lagi need to get the aws, cos if you go without that she will feel more happy... If I were you, I will start to plan my MC and clear my leave when "important" jobs can be anticipated.
Ya must learn abt tis.My office tat woman always use tis method,her gao zhao is when boss give her,she will happily accept without any complain,but behide said my boss until like shit plus her sweet talk,tat y boss like her style so much.I rmber my tat stickeng boss ever said I vy happy 2 give t new job 2 her.

just tahan another 2 mths. time flies. very soon, u can throw the letter at her face


u staying in the new blocks or the older ones near the temple?

it's so convenient if you stay at the newer ones. so near to the market and hawker centre.

suddenly a evil thot crossed my mind...hee..

on your last day, tell your boss to turn on her antena to receive what her favorite staff has been talking behind her back...

gosh! how evil can i be...hee...this is bad! ah mi tuo fu...shang zai shang zai..
4gotten 2 tell u yr evil thought is out already,my tat boss ever said be4,she dont mind any1 talk bad abt her as long as she dont heard it.U know when I just join tat time,I ever heard tat another colleague called M.Tis M n F(boss apple) r gd fnd,go nite class 2gether & also under t same departmt,tis M askd 4 trfr just becos of my boss favourism,so yr pass,tis F still sitting firming at her desk,can imagine how favourism boss treatd her.
Last time I believe,now not tat believe in tat.If 1 person do so many bad things & yet t god still treats her vy good,give her a vy good hubby & 3 girls & still no retributn.
Hi Ladies

I am discharged yesterday afternoon! So happy to back home though I really really liked the Gleneagles Food. He he. But I cannot stand the snoring from other patients, prevented me from sleeping well, so slept like a pig whole day yesterday.

So far I am good. Dr say that the stitch is q well done high up in the cervix. This time I had a little more cramp than the last round but ease off by thursday already. Dr ask me to bedrest as much these 2 weeks to prevent infection, contraction & etc. Getting a bit bored being a couch potato though. And of course I have a suit of medication to take, anto biotics and anti contraction pill.

Actually, the safest is still to see the money into your bank account first, so I suggest you tender only the money has been giro into your account.

Assuming you quit 31 Dec and last day is 31 Jan 08, during this notice period, if you have to be on hospitalisation leave, the company still has to honour it. Say for eg, if you tender 31 Dec and your Embryo transfer is early jan and your 2ww is mid Jan, they still have to cover you, so not problem & not to worry. You shld just call the company and say you are on emergency HL cos of appendix which is a v common emergency case. Hope this helps.

I did SO IUI with Dr Foong last yr in April and got pregnant on the 1st try. Unfortunately, I lost the baby at 6 mths due to a rare condition call incompetent cervix. I tried again 3 mths later but could not get preggy after 4 IUIs, so sometimes it a luck/chance thing. Dr actually advised me to do a few more times, but I wanted to take a break & do IVF once & for all cos it means I can freeze my eggs for future use as IUI are lower chance of success. It is just slightly better than natural intercourse. As I hope to have 2 or more kids, I think freezing the eggs is a better way. True enuf, I had 17 good embryos in the freezer. But for you, if you are only hoping to have one more child, perhaps you can try ovulatin induction & natural intercourse before going for IUI. I am currently 15+ weeks pregnant.

Aiyo, your Kate really really really v cute! I visit her blog today and she is getting prettier each day! I still think look like daddy who is also v handsome
. You are really blessed to have a pretty girl. Wow, time flies and you are doing FET soon. Have you stopped your breast feeding? Do share with me your experience as I do plan to do FET next yr end too if things go well.

They are right. Actually 34 weeks is already q mature. Some stronger babies can even be brought home. Think you shld eat a bit more like chicken soup & etc to make the baby stronger meanwhile.

Sorry but if you dont mind me saying, did Dr Foong sounded worried or tired? He seldom sound worried, always very 'cool' one. Cos I think at 34 weeks its already v mature, but good if you can tahan till at least 37 weeks. The longer it is, the stronger the baby will be. Medically speaking, even at 28 weeks with baby at least 1 kg, chance of normal suvival already quite good but need steroid jab to strengthen lungs.

Btw, did dr check your cervix, has it dilated and has the baby engaged?

Meanwhile, relax and dun feel too worried cos i believe your baby is already q strong. Wow, time really flies! Still remember your miracle US trip and v bad morning sickness in the beginning.

How abt you? Any signs of fake contractions yet?

Wow, enjoy your holiday. Of course if you can, log on and tell us how the scenery is, sure make a bedrest patient drool

Aiya, some mystery is nice, thats why online chats are so popular!
Hi Curl,
Still remember me. Chloegal at the incompetent cervix thread. Very happy to know that you are pregnant and congrats to you. Remember tried not to carry loads or squat. Thake Care
hi curl,

good to hear that everything went well for you. enjoy the rest and 'peace' now as after the baby arrives, these will be luxury

u need not drool lar. u've visited so many countries before

as for the 'mystery' part. ok, respect that. actually, the other forum that i'm with is very pro outing/gathering which enable further sharings of tips etc. so was a little surprised when the folks here prefer to stay behind the scene

u take care and rest well ok. no shopping for the time being

Glad to know that everything is run smooth for you..Must rest more then bb will be stronger.

I am having difficulties in moving around now, my back ache really kill me, sit, stand, no matter what posture I took, my back really pain like crazy. Now my tummy is like a watermelon, not the shape but also the outlook, all the streach marks made it look like a water melon, so itchy, dry and painful...

But I still pray my boy is willing to stay in my tummy until 37 weeks although with all the discomfort I have.
Glad u r fine,every1 is so worried abt u.
Must bedrest more & dont 4gotten 2 log in & chat w us yr status.U vy funny miss GlenE food,hospital food is t worst & terrible 2 take.hahahaha....

Wat if as wat u said if I tender 31Dec & last notice will be 31 Jan08,u mean Jan08 I still have t benefit tat company give is it?

U nver apply any stretchmark crm already is it tat y yr tummy so dry & got stretchmark.I only heard got ugly woman dont have lazy woman.hahaha........

Yr sound like tis thread r full of old folks,u die lor offener us.Wahahaha.......Chat later wan 2 watch t 7pm show now.
glad that the procedure went well for you.. i was actually at GlenE on Fri for 5 hrs strapped to CTG machine. Had contractions, so Dr Foong wanted to admit me and drip which i dread... so i asked for oral ventolin instead and go home to rest instead.. he says its early for baby to arrive so wants to keep it inside as long as possible so long as the movements are still good... didnt check for dilation but had urine test for UTI which mayb the reason for the contractions..
btw, somehow the labour ward "froze" me.. i really felt scared when i was there....
Dr Foong is going away to Shanghai fr 8-12 nov!!!! i really hope bb wont arrive then if not i will kana "that" one..
Hi Jadefeet
Nice to hear from you! Oh dear, i understand, I was in the labour ward for 3 days the last pregnancy. I hated that feeling cos I was already dilated to 8 cm. Oh dear, you have UTI? Have the infection results come out?

Just to share personal experience with you. If you really really want to delay labour, then if any signs of contractions, ventolin drip is the BEST though some side effects like heart palpitation, but v v effective. So suay suay if you really kenna contraction again during the 8 Nov period, then ask for drip to wait for Dr Foong. I totally understand how you feel, i would also dread to kenna 'that' one. Kept laughing when I saw your posting. But I have also checked around, except being a little rough, 'that' one seems to be more skilled. I also scared this will happen to me, thats why I tot of having a backup gynae once it is more stabilised, in case Dr Foong not around, I rather have my backup gynae.

I suggest you start talking to baby now and ask him if he wants to be delivered by handsome and gentleman doctor, then hang in mummy's tummy just a few days more.
Meanwhile, just have to bedrest more to delay timing. I understand what you mean, of course the longer it is, the better the baby's health, but dun worry too much. 34 is really ok. Dr Foong is q nice in the sense that he wants you & baby to be as safe as possible and if the baby arrives now, need to be in NICU which can be costly, so he will always advocate keeping the baby in the tummy as long as the mummy can.

I know what you mean. I got v weird taste bud. Sorry to say that but I think Gleneagles Food is really good! I really enjoy it! All my frens also say I dun know how to appreciate good food one. Thats why me & hubby both like that and v rarely go restaurant cos we cant appreciate, so we are those v 'wan ton mee' couple

Yes, you are right, if you tender on 31 Dec, your official last day is 31 Jan 08 for eg (if your company is 1 mth notice), then they have to cover you with all benefits, eg medical, insurance, leave & etc till end 31 Jan 08. So technically speaking, if anything happen to you from 31 Dec - 31 Jan, they are still liable. But of course some company can be v nasty. Instead of asking you serve notice, they can say when you tender 31 Dec, they pay you 1 month in lieu of notice and ask you go that day. Then they are no longer liable for you from 1 Jan onwards, but they would have already compensate you the one mth notice. Most of the time companies do this when staff has behaviour issues, say eg, aggressive employee, so keeping then another day cause some risk, must well pay off and let the person go. But if you keep mum abt your treatment & resign nicely, give reason like hubby posted overseas, then 'suddenly' you got crisis (using say appendix) as excuse, there is no right to refuse you as long as you produce medical certificate. Hope this is useful to you.

Poor thing. The way you describe like tummy v big. It must be hard but you are right. As long as baby is healthy, its worth it. You are 36 weeks now right, just a couple more and you can see your baby. Who knows, you may deliver same time as Jadefeet! Another 2 'graduates'! I am really envious.

In fact, I am getting v bored. Today bored until depression and headache. Then dinner time ask hubby to drive me to mum's house & east coast park for a ride. Feel so much better after that. Yah, I think after the tons of medication that Dr has prescribed, I will start drinking cordycep to strengthen baby. I really just want to have a healthy baby.

yah, but bcos of baby project & work, I have not been travelling around much... so sad.. I really really like Japan and hope to be able to go there again F&E.

I guess with a young baby, its even tougher. Guess all plans have to be shelved!

I really cant believe this! I have been thinking of you today and sharing with my hubby your IC story and your twin sister's IC story! Of course I remember you and that your sis delivered just a while back!

Thanks for dropping by! I really really hope to pull thru this round. Everyday is a miracle for me.

If you can just share with me again, how many weeks of MC were you on after surgery? Were you on full bedrest after the cerclage during your MC? Did you bleed a lot? My doctor gave me 2.5 weeks of HL and need to see him after that. What other precautions you took to check on yourself?

Also, I remembered you went back to work and you had to stand most of the time and it went well for you. I was hoping to go back to work but just wanted another datapoint to give me some confidence.

Looking forward to hear from you!
My sister was given 2 wks and me 3wks caused i cannot tahan the anti-contraction pill and have to stop taking it. Think will have 2 to 3 days spotting after the cerclage. I didn really go on full bedrest leh. I still walk around abit but tried to rest as much as possible lor.

I always tried to look out for any abnormal discharged or clamps and will email my conditions to my gynae if i am really worried.
Sometime abnormal discharge is a warning sign of infection, so have to be extra caution.

Try not to put so much pressure on youself. Take it easy and enjoyed your pregency. Take Care
Hi gals,
My tender my hubby said I 2 impulsive already,I thought during t wkend maybe yes lor,but 2day reach office c email then realise tat my boss give our hk IT man 2 give me access on tat idiot all t right 2 enter 2 her data,I buay tahan again,now I know I not doing impulsive just cannot tahan tat idiot spoke 2 my boss abt t right,y I so sure cos when helpdg her key indo data abt 15 centre,I ever asked tat idiot 2 give me t right 2 access t indo data,she said if give me alot of right I dont have continue 2 use her right.Tat mean watever my hard work all credit will be giving 2 her.
Hi Curl
I am now in my 33 weeks + only, Jadefeet should be faster than mine. I still enjoy the pregnancy although now really no joke for me to pass everyday. Water retention problem becoming quite serious and I have to bath myself for at least 3 times a day, cos is too hotK. I just cant imagine during my confinement, I sure will sweat like a cow !!

Ya, I feel myself > clumsy and put on again after the weekend, the waist line is getting bigger and bigger. But I sure will miss all these days that with my bbs kickingK I really love itK

Although I look forward to chat with you, dont post too frequent, you should be having more bed rest. Ok?

Ya, start to talk to bb, may be it can help, tell him how nice is mummys tummy, he can enjoy more foods mah, but once he comes out, he just can drink milk only, ha haKYou are coming to 35 weeks, will be quite fastK

Aiya, I dare not put anything liao lah, other than the mild moisturizer that confirmed no impact on my tummy, I got the phobia already, still remember I have my rashes, I can cry the whole niteK so now is not the question of pretty or notK

As for your resignation, you must listen to Curl, she is an expert.
Hi Curl
I am now in my 33 weeks + only, Jadefeet should be faster than mine. I still enjoy the pregnancy although now really no joke for me to pass everyday. Water retention problem becoming quite serious and I have to bath myself for at least 3 times a day, cos is too hot. I just can't imagine during my confinement, I sure will sweat like a cow !!

Ya, I feel myself > clumsy and put on again after the weekend, the waist line is getting bigger and bigger. But I sure will miss all these days that with my bbs kickingK I really love it

Although I look forward to chat with you, don't post too frequent, you should be having more bed rest. Ok?

Ya, start to talk to bb, may be it can help, tell him how nice is mummy's tummy, he can enjoy more foods mah, but once he comes out, he just can drink milk only, ha ha...You are coming to 35 weeks, will be quite fast.. dun worry.

Aiya, I dare not put anything liao lah, other than the mild moisturizer that confirmed no "impact" on my tummy, I got the phobia already, still remember I have my rashes, I can cry the whole nite.. so now is not the question of pretty or not..

As for your resignation, you must listen to Curl, she is an expert.
Hi Chloegal

Thanks for your reply! I had spotting and light bleeding only on the day of operation, it kind of stop the next day until I pass motion, a bit come out. But stop totally after that.

What do you mean you cannot tahan the anti contraction pill? Dunno if you feel the same, this round I also get v sensitive with the medication. I feel a little nauseous, and have light diarrhoea and mouth like no taste when eating. So q hate the pills.

Me too, v hard to go on full bedrest, but dr say I cannot go shopping and marketing, so I guai guai stay at home. But walk around apartment. Otherwise I develop headache from boredom and lying on the bed.

Sorry but can I ask if your sister go back to work too? Was her work stressful?

Dun worry, I am fine. I can still chat with you often. Need to sit up sometimes, otherwise feel like a crippled.

Of course I remember your rashes thingy, glad that it went away for you. Ok, I always thought you are ahead of Jadefeet. Whats the actuall EDD date? You must be really kan cheong, all baby stuff prepared?

Actually weather has been v hot these few week, i also bath myself a few times a day to eliminate the heat and always on air con... buay tahan and sweaty and smelly hair feeling. Yes, the last round after I delivered, i felt so so so so so warm and the worst thing is that with all the traditional confinement rules, you feel like dying of heat, cant even drink plain water. I didnt care, i on the fan and drink ribena. Otherwise, I will die of heat exhaustion.

In my opinion, there is no need to tell ur bosses / colleagues that u are doing IVF. Just tell them that u need to take 2 weeks MC due to some woman problems. Some pple do not really understand wat IVF is all about, and there's no point trying to get them understand.

jac, since u will be quiting anyway, how about submitting the letter after ur 2ww? During the 2ww, u can go on MC, and will still be paid. Once 2ww is up, u can tender, save urself 2 weeks' salary.
haha curl, oh yes, gleneagles food nice hor? i like their pi2 dan4 porridge. Told dr about it once, and he asked me whether i am sure i liked hospital food.
Well, one milestone met! Now just stay at home, relax and rest well. Good luck!
Thk 4 yr advise,I think I will still stick bk 2 tender on 31Dec07,now I already sheng bu ru shi in t office just hope dec07 faster arrive.If not becos of aws I will tender on 1Nov.

Sorry, wrote wrongly. wat i meant was, why not submit BEFORE ur 2ww? During the one month notice, u go for 2ww, ur company should still be paying u salary. So, for one month, u only go back to office for 2 weeks. Not a bad deal yar?

34 weeks is quite mature liao. Still will need steriod injections to mature the lungs though, but survival rate is definitely close to 100%. Dun worry, i delivered my babies at week 31, and they did fine.

Just a word of caution on delaying delivery. If there's any live threatening reasons (eg, baby in distress, dropping heart beat, water bag leakage), please DO NOT WAIT for Dr Foong to return from his trip for delivery. When the baby needs to be delivered, he needs to be delivered. Dun challenge fate by delaying it.
The anti contraction pill make my heart beat very fast till i cannot sleep leh. I even have problem taking water to drink as i will spill it caused my hands keep shaking... i called my gynae and told him about it and he told me to stopped taking it.

Yap, my sister went back to work too. Our boss understand our situation and give us alot of support.

For the first fews week dun move around too much until everything is more stable then slowly resum your normal activities. But dun overdo it hor... everything in minimum OK.


Dun worry too much... 34wks should be quite safe already. My ger also born at 34+2 gestation, 2kg. Only need to stay at KKH SCN for 5 days to meet their discharged requirement.

I also need to take two steriod jabs as my gynae is afraid that the BB lung is not mutured enough.
Hi Chloegal

Thanks for your note. I see, I had that heartbeat problem and trembling feeling too but only on the drip. The oral pills I dun have much effect except having some diarhhoea.

You have a really nice boss. Now that you say, I think I have to be careful, cos I dun feel anything, so tend to walk around more within the apartment now.

I think better be careful.
Just curious,now u offical resign already or still serving yr company.If resign already how come so fast finish yr 1mth notice.

Just chk,I still havn't detect my OPK 2lines yet & also havn't BD yet.But I realise tat tis few cycle be4 my ovulation & after ovulation tis period,I always feel my body vy warm & vy tired & keep wan 2 vomit.Any1 experience like my case be4,is it my body got any problems?
hi curl,

I did know the IUI success rate is low, but its like better than nothing to me. I ttc for more than two years. can't wait too long as my son is growing up and my age also catching up.

Staying at home really can get headache, maybe u can rent some dvd to entertain yrself.

today is day ? of cycle?

how abt go see sinsei and check why u r having these feelings. could it be coz by our work stress?


curl has been watching hk series

i spent my holiday yesterday watching from tudou.com..hee..
U askg me Day wat is it? If yes is D21.Fm wat I realise my ovulation is D24-D26 tis few days,so I think my ovulation is around t corner.
I feel my whole body vy weak,like going 2 faint like tat,just cannot stand such feeling.
Tat show tis coming sat last epsiode,I told my hubby I die die also dont wan 2 go anywhere,wan 2 stay at home & watch tat show & cry,crazy me wat.
I only watch t short,I also wan 2 cry out already,sure tis coming sat will cry.
happy, u got strike on sunday or not? my baby's birthcert came out again. Consolation and actual no leh. I nv bet on 4D lor or else I confirm got strike. My mum strike $3! Just nice for her holiday.

Jac, the girls suggestion very good leh. Take their 2 weeks mc. If you got OHSS, Dr will even give you more days! Or just fake lor. wahahaa.. But KKH is only one week right?
Yr mum strike how much,u mean strike $3 only.impossible.
U know yr ger really look like boy boy,pls lah dont give her wear boy boy style.I think becos of u cos u always wan a bird bird mah tat y yr ger ger look so much like boy boy.hahahahaha........
Now only still in Oct,seem like Dec vy vy far away like tat.Xian lah..............

haa..yesterday was a compensated holiday as sat was a public holiday.

as for the forum name, precisely is becoz i'm not happy that's why i gave myself this name hoping that i'll be happy..hee..

i missed last sun's. yah. certain part very touching right? have they shown the part where ah fen asked ah qiao to abort the baby in the garden? that part also very sad... i'll be recording it if i'm out. will watch again on 'big screen' although i've already watched it online.

oh yah. yr cycle quite closed to mine. how come u can feel so weak...that's not very good. go see the sinsei lar.


no..didn't buy..i dun know yr girl's birthcert no wat
Tat part havnt show yet,I watch t short is tis coming sat.U know tis sat I vy vy buz,my nephew is holding his birthday & my hubby buddy's celebrate their new born 1mth celebratg.
U know in tat show Ken had another attack,I thought u did mention he cure wat,how come t short shows his cancer attack again.
Hi Jac
No, I already told them my intention early sep cos I had bleeding and really didnt want them to 'talk' why I keep taking like 2-3 days off per week.

They offered to pay me till end Oct and let me go off immediately (early Sep), but I stayed thru to help my small boss cos she is v v kind to me. Without her, I wouldnt have reach this stage. If you look at it from surface, they are 'nice', but I think they know its better to get the a pg woman out asap so that there is no risk of long mcs/ HLs.

I know what you mean and can understand the anxiety, all of us here went thru alot. Ya, I feel xian at home but tot of going back to work also xian.. so dunno what I want
Yr company vy nice in a sense,if my company got yr company such treatmt how good is it,but I know fat hope fm my dreams...........

I can understd yr situation now cos now everyday must force myslf 2 work & face such she wei ppl around,I really hope Dec07 come faster & throw my letter in.
