DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

<font color="0077aa">faithnhope,

no choice lor, have to jab if he prescribe it to u. For my case, i was jabbed every alt day for a month and same as u, my progesteron pills is 2pills 3x a day. I have no problem with the pills but backside really have to suffer due to the jabs.. For the sake of the bb, have to tahan lor.</font>

Hi shinchan, so how many weeks/months are you into? Were you administered progesteron pills and jabs because of low Beta HcG level as well? I suppose your baby is doing well with the pills and jabs?
<font color="0077aa">hi faithnhope,
I'm in week 13 now. BB shld be doing fine. I was on progesteron jab and pills bcos of spotting.

Jia you ok. Must follow Dr Fong's instruction and u will be fine. I have a fren who suffered from 3 m/cs, managed to deliever her son safely under the care of Dr Fong too.. so u must have faith, ok. (just like ur nick..
gals, just take good care of yourself and have good rest. bb will be sticky to you

i am in my week 25th le .. so fast. Seeing Dr Fong this coming Mon ... guess after that will be yearly paps smear only since I am going to close shop after 3 gals

Jia you !
Hi ladies, my 3rd blood test result not ideal.. 2nd was at 1145, and 3rd at 1700.. didn't double... so sad.. I'm going for a scan on Mon.. wish I could do it just now and get it over and done with but the clinic is full today... sigh..

have faith ! i remember my first bb scan wasnt good initially too .. and only saw the heartbeat later, compare to other babies. jia you !
Thanks lbt, I really need hope and lots of faith.. it's such a sucky feeling having to wait and wondering if the bb is there or not.. do u rem ur HcG numbers then?
faith ... i remember mine final HcG was in thousands too .. but seriously cannot remember now. It was 4 years ago

just rest well, talk to bb and tell him/her to buck up !
faith, jia you. Just rest well and don think too much.

some beta hcg figure for you reference only. remember, not all people will get the same ya:

d32 (estimated DPO 22)- 1123mIU/mL
d34 (estimated DPO 24)- 2237mIU/mL

the DPO was based on ovulation test kit and it may not be as accurate as IUI process. And, I was only doing 2 blood test because I did not go to see dr Fong as soon as I have double line for my HPT, and plus, I only did HPT after 1 week of overdue...

I only went to see dr Fong after scolded by the nurse coz I called them and still asked to arrange for Saturday appmt and the nurse wanted me to see them immediately.. wahahaaa....

so faith, just relax and rest more...
Hi lbt, yes, have been sleeping a lot ha!
Hi mrsong, thanks! I'm trying not to think too much.. anxiously waiting for scan tomorrow.. but I must admit that the blood test results have been rather nerve-wrecking in the past week! I didn't have the mood to work..
Hi all, I came back from scan liao.. can only see the sac.. and based on the v scan, the size of the sac is 5.1mm, which means I'm only 5w2d (though I should be 6w by date calculation). Can't see anything in the sac yet cos it's still early but thank God that it's not ectopic pregnancy! Will be going back to scan again next week.. hopefully can see the little one... it's gonna be another nerve-wrecking week, especially since my beta hcg hasn't been very ideal.. just hope the little one will grow...
<font color="0077aa">hi faithnhope,

No worries abt the wk thingy. The 1st time i did my scan, the bb size is oso 1 week slower than what it shld be. who knows by the next time, it went back according to timeline again.. bb's growth will change. rest well and not think too much, 1 week will pass without u knowing..</font>
Thanks lbt! I had very light spotting just now.. not the kind of bloody red but just small traces together with clear discharge (on toilet paper). But I have no cramps.. I called the clinic and they told me to monitor since I've just been given jab yesterday and still on progesterone.. praying I'll be fine..

Are you on walk-in yesterday? I was there 11+am and waited till almost 1pm too.. they are always so fully booked.. and walk-in usually have to wait for 2hrs.. somemore there's nothing much to shop at TB plaza haha!!
faithnhope, get mc to have bed rest at home. no walking except toilet visit.

I had the same problem in 1st tri and I was advised to have as much as bed rest as possible; just lying down and do nothing until everything stablised.

take care.
Thanks mrsong. Will rest as much as I can.. even at work.. I don't really move much except lunch and toilet visits. Thank God I'm not dead busy these few weeks.. but I have a meeting tomorrow.. maybe I'll see if I can get an MC on Thu (since I need to go get jab again) hehe..
i had my 1st menses after 2 mths after i have my fetus removed. so does this mean i can try again for another bb?

i can't help to think abt my # 3... and that if all went well, i'll be in my last trimester now and i'll be experiencing his kicks and turns. sigh.

my hubby is not very keen in having one but i felt empty somehow. not that i'm not busy with my son of almost 4yo and my gal of 1yo, and started to walk.

ppl asked why give birth to so many kids? i guess ppl don't understand my feeling. I gave birth to my # 3, but only too receive a dead fetus. perhaps i'm still emotional or perhaps i'm hoping a replacement.

sometimes i'm firm abt closing shop but sometimes i yearn for just ONE more.

we may not understand how you feel, but I have a friend who has the same thoughts as you. She has a few healthy children, and one of them left her 7 weeks after he was born. He has some heart defects. She went on to have another girl, but she still felt empty, until she gave birth to another healthy boy.

I think it is of some regret that only as a mother will understand. You have afterall carry your baby for a few weeks.

Try to convince your hubby with your thoughts. Maybe he is afraid or ....

good luck to you
Hi bbleo, sorry to hear about the loss.. Go ahead and have more kids. 3 is not alot what.. look at our parents' times.. they have 10! That's A LOT! Maybe give yourself some time to rest.. at the same time, give your hubby some time to get over the incident. He's probably worried about you..

Hi lbt.. I think I should be doing fine bah... was so scared when I had spotting from Tue-yesterday.. started with a bit of red with mucus discharge, then light brown, then dark brown, then a bit pinkish red.. change colour everyday. I've been taking jabs twice a week already and on progesterone 2pills x 3times a day.. so was really stressed when this happened, especially when my bHcG levels didn't double as it should..

Thank God the spotting has stopped yesterday afternoon.. then today woke up with no soreness in breast, gave me another scare hahaha!! But I'm still burping a lot, and had mild MS.. I also don't know how's the bb doing... praying very hard it's growing well..

Waiting for Mon's scan loh.. I'll be beginning 6w by Mon.. hope can see something..
Aiyah... bad news. I just saw gynae and had a scan. Apparently the fetus hasn't grown much since last week. As we suspect same thing might have happened in Dec, I'll be going for a washing tomorrow to extract the tissues for examinations on the chromosomes. Thereafter, we will discuss with gynae on the next course of action.

Frankly, I am upset but not that devastated. I guess I have mentally preparing myself since the unideal blood tests and spotting from last week. I'm fine..
hi faith

hey hope you are alright, though you sound very strong in your post. no matter what, i am sure you are very sad.

rest well, and be positive ok ? I am sure you will have your own bb one day.
faith, jia you!

I experienced the same 3 times and crazily searching around for remedies for years then strike. You may want to try TCM to condition your body before trying again. it helps, for me and my husband...
Thanks lbt and mrsong. Will see what Dr Fong says after the results of the karyotyping is out. Or maybe I'll take a break first..

BTW, correction from my entry above.. it wasn't the fetus that wasn't growing, it was the sac that didn't grow cos it's an empty sac hah!
faithnhope- Hope u are feeling better. Been awhile since i log on to Fong Yang forum. Take care. Try TCM to build up your health
Hi all,
May I know any ladies there that have tilted uterus, pcos, endo that is under treatment with Fong Yang?

Please provide and feedback on the result of treatment, medicine and cost. I understand he operates from his clinic and have limited equipment.Where is the blood test and scan done etc?
jean, the consultation fee for subsequent visit is $50.

cat_quek, are u refering to introverted uterus?
I am having introverted uterus and PCOS. Doing treatment with dr fong coz I wanna get pregnant. So went straight to do IUI and IVF.

Blood test is sent to lab for testing but the nurse in fong's clinic will help in drawing the blood. As for ultrasound scanning, it is done by dr fong at his clinic.

As for limited equipment, he is able to perform iui in his clinic. But doing ivf at mt e hospital as the procedures require OT.
Hi wonderland
Tx 4 the info

I'm curently married for 5 month already and
have been tried to conceive since that.

Already make appointment with dr.Fong on 3rd April
(Find out it's difficult to make appointment on saturday. hahaha. need to wait for 3 weeks). This is my first experience, a little bit scare >.<

Wonderland, may i know, if diagnosed PCOS, is the solution only by doing IUI / IVF?

oh, 5mths... relax relax.. i tried for 5 years and only strike recently. You may want to relax and do more 'homework' aka BD...

ya, appt on saturday is difficult.

If im not wrong, PCOS is harmless unless it affects ur chance of getting pregnant.. coz woman with PCOS slow in conceiving but does not mean no chance... >I strike naturally<

I followed TCM to cure PCOS.

FYI, woman with introverted uterus require deeper penestration to help armies swim to targer! TCM recommend doggy style, FYI...
Wonderland, did u strike naturally with retroverted uterus? How do you know you got retroverted uterus? So what did u do differently this time that let u strike?

Does anyone sees Fong Yang at TB clinic? I read from the thread that his TB clinic is much smaller. SO does he has the compreshensive scan or ultrasound equipment at TB clinic?
He only operates on Monday and Friday at TB? Does he operate his clinic after 6pm?

Many thanks for any ladies who can advise.
cat quek, from u/s, dr fong will be able to tell if you are having retroverted uterus. And, yes, I striked naturally with a retroverted uterus and my hb's armies were not as good too.

I am following TCM accupuncture for more than 1 yr before I strike to regulate my hormone and also to strength my uterus. What I did differently are regular jogging, yoga, eat healthily, no cooling foods e.g., 5 pcs grapes/time, no watermelon, cooling juice, etc., more fish maw, etc.

TB clinic is smaller but has enough equipment to provide service compatible with paragon clinic. TB clinic does not charge GST but some of the medicines, drug will be slightly more expensive, that was what i noticed.

Yes, TB clinic operates on Mon and Fri and if Im not wrong, no appt after 6pm unless there is any delay due to emergencies.

Hope these help.
Hi cat_quek, I see Dr Fong at the TB clinic too. I was also diagnosed with PCOS/endo with retroverted uterus. I think retroverted uterus is not a major medical problem. What Dr Fong administered was jabs to get rid of the cyst. The number of jabs will depend on the seriousness of the condition. I was given 2 jabs, one per month. If I'm not wrong, each jab cost $300+. Only when a follow-up scan showed that the cysts are gone did I then begin TTC (I took clomid)..

The rest of your queries have been answered by mrsong.
Hi cat quek,

I went tru ops to remove endometriosis coz mine was detected tru sudden severe cramp and was admitted immediately. But the ops was not done by dr fong.

Just to share, you will need to take the jab that faithnhope mentioned even after ops coz ops will not be able to clean up endometriosis 100% coz some of them are behind those internal organ.

So if dr fong think that the jab is enof to help to clear ur endometriosis, then sld be alright already.

As for those cysts in the ovaries, not necessarily to ops actually coz those cysts will disappear once our hormone level is stable/back to normal...

hope this helps...
hey faithnhope,

Actually u can visit the tcm at clementi 1 time to get him prescribe tcm medicine for u. I do not encourage take tcm on ur own to 'bu xie' becuase i suspect that my endometriosis was due to too much 'bu xie' tcm and caused it to be severe and ended up went for ops...

This was because my mil gave me daily 'tang gui' boiled water for 2 weeks after my previous mc. Though it really helped me to look more radiant and tighten my viginal but it actually accumulated blood clog inside my uterus (though I ate those black fungus too) and ended up my endometiosis problem get worse...

how i realised this was by the tcm because he told me not to take too much 'tang gui' as my body is more 'liang' type and too much tang gui will cause blood cannot be cleared fully during mensus and having blood clog during mensus tooo...

so to be on a safer side, just talk to the tcm once and get him to help u to get tcm medicine that is safer...

however, if u really do not wish to see him, you cld go for more safer type of tcm, like 'dong chong cao' - powder and take i small tea spoon daily (ur husband can take this too), 'bao seng' - soap 3/4 slices (can repeated adding hotwater after finished) into hotwater and take it when it is cold if u are heaty type, can add abit of salt if it is too heaty for u ; red date (take out seed) and 'ji zi' boiled soup (once a week if the best).

Jia you!
Hi mrsong, thanks for the information! Dr Fong also told me to avoid 'dang gui', 'bai feng wan', primrose oil and royal jelly stuff. Agree that 'pao sen' seems to be the "safest" tcm to consume since it also 'bu qi' and ease tiredness.

Which TCM in Clementi do you visit? What's the consultation fee/medicine costs like ar?

the tcm is tan kian sing at clementi ave 3. u can call him at 6872 3237 for appt.

as I was doing accupuncture and following all procedures advised to get preg - medicine b4 ovulation + medicine after ovulation; I spent abt 200/mth to 'tiao' my body.

Medicine for hubby is more expensive as required 'dong chong chao'...
