DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

Tigi: Today is DPO14, tested negative again. The spotting i getting more, more brownish discharge on the toilet paper....not on my liner. I gave up hope for this cyle. Booked my hotel room for my trip next wk....Once my AF report, i hope soon, i m gg to see Dr Fong and start on clomid for these 2 cycles. Cos i will be travelling and stress due to work, no point spending money on SOIUI, mayb just clomid IUI.
I wish u SUCCESS..........rest well, that is v impt
Mrsong- THKS. I hope i be a mummy to be soon, telling gers out there, there are miracles in the world

missyoms, hugs for you, dun give up hope....
i was scanned before hcg trigger in dr fong clinic on mon then followed by iui on tues....
Tigi: Yup. me gg for clomid this cycle. Not sure if i will do IUI anot as the coming 2 mths going to be busy and stressful, not able to take leave after 28 Dec onward. So mite take clomid, use preseed and try natural. See what Dr Fong say tom

I really hope u strike this cycle!! Rest n Relaz is the KEY
missyoms, who knoe mayb you strike when u go natural nx cycle!this 2ww seems forever... thks, hope to bfp but cant be too hopeful worried i cant take the disappointment... 5 more days..
Tigi, just relax.....i was like u......and really i cld not take the disappointment then. But i told myself, GOD nv grant my wish this time, maybe 'cos he know it is not a good timing, i m supposed to travel next wk and my boss resign.....
Just relax and dun read too much. Easier say than done. thinking postive will help
missyoms, where are you gg ? for hols? economy still recovering n boss resign, whoa.... hopefully your nx boss will be an open, understanding n pro-family one ......
hi all

normally wat would be dr fong protocol if fertility prob is at issue?

for eg. first he suggest hsg test, then if clear, follow by clomid with iui, if not clear follow by clomid plus injections plus so-iui follow by ivf?

Thx for all your help

i read in some other threads in motherhood forum that dr fong is one doc whom is always referred to by the tcm doc at JE and he is known to tell patients they got pcos though they didn't have this syndrome and likes to suggest exp procedures.

could ladies give me your truthful opinions?

Tigi: Me gg to Angkor Wat with my hubby. My new boss not tt nice

Jaime: Dr Fong is not like wat those mentioned in the forum. He never encourage me to go for those operation or even remove my cyst. Just tell me to relax and try to have a bb fast to get rid of cyst
usually he will scan and do BT and talk to you, understand what we been through and how to follow up from there
missyoms, i am gone case also..... seeing spotting now... and hpt neg..... sigh, i take a break from now.... and think of next step later.... enjoy urs vacation, and good luck with your hubby during your hols!!
Tigi- Dun worry. Next cycle will be better. "cos 1st time do, not sure what to expect. Do u intend to do SOIUI again? i m on clomid IUI this cycle
missyoms, i doubt so, i wait for review with dr fong which is like 2 week from now.... what a bad mood i hv today... and the cramping.... i never hv cramp like this....
hey tigi & missyoms,

keep in spirit up! Don give up and u are definitely in good hands of dr fong... he has lot of fans here just that now all fans are busy with work and kids and not so active in this forum anymore...
Hi all, I've been reading this thread and also a fan of Dr Fong. I did the SO-IUI this year and got pregnant. However, pregnancy wasn't easy as I get a lot of spotting and was also hospitalised for almost 2 months. Dr Fong see me through my toughest period. He didn't charge me expensively for the doctor's fees and I truly appreciate it. He's a good doctor, and many fans here will attest to it.
Hello ladies,

Belated Merry Xmas and Happy Boxing day to all!

May those who are TTC quickly strike and those whose dreams came true will continue to have their dreams coming true. Cheers
I am so so sad today. Last cycle of SOIUI failed. This cycle on clomid IUI, then today scanned revealed that i only got a follicle of 7.5mm. So IUI aborted......dun even need to try naturally....so sad that i almost cried in front of him.
Faithnhope - U also under Dr Fong. He asked me to start on a higher dose next cycle. But i was thinking, yest was D14, i mite not have 28 days cycle, usually 32 day. I shall just try myself naturally this cycle. But mid nite yest, i was not feeling well, think i kena UTI
missyoms - yes, I'm with Dr Fong, since May this year ;). What was your last clomid dosage? My follicle didn't grow very much when I had 1 tab but when I was on 2 tabs per day, my follicle grew. Don't despair, maybe the increased dosage will work for you. I also missed this month's clomid cycle so will have to wait till next month's AF before I take clomid again.. meaning results, if any, only in Feb ;( CNY again!! Arrgghh!!

Just try naturally on your own few days later.. I've heard of many who also conceived on their own without any medical assistance.

Is Dr Fong aware about your UTI condition?

i lost my bb of almost 14wks old and had it removed on 19 dec... i was extremely sad when doc pronouced it with no heartbeat on the 10 dec. i was hopeful that the heart will start to beat again and thus scheduled for another scan with my hubby's pressence on the 12 dec. but it's gone, permanently.

doc said 5% of pregnant women will lost the fetus on the 2nd trimester. reason due could be infection or genetic disorder on the fetus.

i've not really come to term with it but trying hard to conceal my emotion in front of my family members.

i managed to see the little one's face before the nurse sent it for disposal. i was induced for labour and delivered the fetus in Mt A.

it was fully formed with facial features and limbs. and it was so tiny...

though it's only almost 14wks old. Doc was able to tell the gender... i cried my heart out when i confirmed my guess of the gender with doc. It was a boy.

I wanna try again for another bb, to replace the lost but who can gurantee it will be another boy??? i'm full of uncertainity...

for now, i've to be strong for my son and daughter. they're young and still need a mother. i can't go crazy over the lost.

greatest joke played on me in 2009 but it was a blissful 13weeks+ journey with the little one.

hugs.. move on to TTC when u are emotionally ready.. your hubby and two kids are with you.. think on the positive side of your life.
bbleo - sorry to hear of your loss. I had m/c but that was very early (7weeks) in my pregnancy too for reasons I do not know (and I wasn't even in Singapore then), so I can understand your hurt, and more so especially when your baby was 14 weeks. Take this time to nourish your body well and prepare for next one!

feel sad when i read about your loss. kids are precious, hope you be strong mum for your son n daughter.
hi i m new to this forum and would really appreciate some advice from you gals here.

I have just started trying to tcc (not successful this round). i have been suspecting that i might have some fertility issues. Since young, my period was irregular. It varies in the number of days and can range from 33 days to 47 days! Average is about 40 days. I think I only have about 8-9 periods per year. sigh...

I think this might be a problem, especially now when reading up on PCOS and endo. Dr Fong seems to be an expert in this, so am keen to go to him for a scan and consultation. I will be 31 in 2010 so not v young liaoz.

Do you all know when is a good time to visit Dr Fong? Before or after menstruation if we are doing a scan? Reading alot on the internet these days am really worried i have PCOS. Can anyone advise me if I do have the symptoms? Also anyone with my situation still manage to conceive? really feeling quite stressed... thanks in advance if any of you kind ladies can advice.
Hi jj, I think you can visit Dr Fong anytime for a start. His list of appointments is very long so you better call and book a slot first. When I first went to see Dr Fong, I also didn't worry about when was the best time. In fact, I didn't even know I had PCOS/endo problems. If you do have these problems, depending on how serious it is, Dr Fong will treat you accordingly. For me, I took 2 jabs, 1 per month. Then menses will resume on the 4th mth before one could TTC. I was then put on clomid and HcG jab to induce ovulation. Technically, I did conceive but lost it at 7 weeks. I'm going to be 34 soon.. worse ahah ;p
Hi jj,

For my 1st consultation, I went on D3 with my hubby. Dr Fong proceeded to ask our medical history, length of my cycle etc, and proceeded to do a v-scan on me. Then he arranged for me and my hubby to do hsg scan and sperm test respectively on my D7 (once my menses cleared). Then followed up with 2nd consultation on D14 to explain the test results and decide on the next step forward.
Hi Faithnhope and Plush,

Thanks for your help! i actually called for an appointment just this morning and appears that his appointment is all full next sat. He's so popular!! Unable to go on D3 liaoz...cos now I am already at D1 and D3 is public holiday and sunday...so guess i missed it. I will most likely go down and walk in on Saturday bah.

Plush - you can still do v scan on D3? wont be messy har, since still having menses..also is the hsg scan painful?

faithnhope - your menses b4 treatment was regular hence you dint notice you did not ovulate? Sorry to hear about your loss at 7 weeks...but i hope you get good news soon. actually i think 35 y/o benchmark is just an estimate lah...not like turn 35 then immediately fertility decrease. know a few ppl who married late and conceived in late 30s...zoe tay is a fine example.
For me, D3 quite alright leh. It's not as if flowing non-stop mah. haha.

I was told by a lady (under Dr Foong from Gleneagles) that certain tests have to be performed during menstrual cycle, so I tried to time my appt on D2-D3 of my cycle. Was hoping not to waste time waiting for another cycle, take less leave and less consultation visits ($fees). :p However, Dr Fong just did v-scan for me; no blood tests during the 1st visit wor. So maybe different doctors have different styles bah. -_-"

So maybe you can heed faithnhope's advise, see Dr Fong and do other tests 1st (such as the X-ray thingy) then maybe on D21, check whether got ovulation occurs. My 2 cents lah.

As for the HSG x-ray, not painful. Just uncomfortable. Felt abit crampy when injected the dye. The nurse kept on reminding me to relax thighs and butt. May ve abit spotting and discharge (cos the dye flows out), so have to put on a panty liner after the x-ray. I went shopping afterwards.
Hi Plush

Thanks for the advice. thats true, perhaps will give the clinic a call again, D21 sounds like a good day to go. actually i m quite sure that i would not have ovulated by D21 based on my normal cycle as they are usually very long cycles. Sigh...

Anyway, Happy new year to all. Hope we will have bb news in 2010 soon!! cheers to all!!
Hi jj - my menses before treatment was not regular but I didn't suspect I had any problems cos I did a check-up at NUH and the doctor I saw said I was ok (that was 2 years ago). Then I decided to seek a 2nd opinion and found Dr Fong. The rest is history and I regretted not seeking 2nd opinion earlier. So damn angry with the NUH doctor.

I think when I first saw Dr Fong, it was D4 of my menses which he said was alright for him to do the scan, so long as it wasn't heavy.
Hi faithnhope, just curious. how often did your menses come before treatment? what was causing the irregular menses?

I actually also had a pelvic scan , PAP smear like 2 yrs ago for a medical checkup and I had got the all clear despite complaining of irregular periods back then. I did it at Raffles hospital and they did not discover anything wrong leh. sigh...think only fertility experts will know bah...those hospital doctors might not be experts in this field. i should also have seeked a second opinion.
jj - before treatment, I did have menses every month, but the duration to the next month was irregular.. like it could be 28 days for one month, 30/32 days for the next. I think the longest was 40 days if I'm not wrong.
faithnhope - actually from what you telling me, your cycles sound fine leh. maybe your case is not so serious ,just mild case of pcos n endo and all you need is alittle more time and you will succeed!!

my appointment is on saturday and i cant wait.

actually am quite curious...can a scan detect endo? i know pcos possible, but i thought cant see endo one? only a lap test can tell..
Hi Plush,

He say i got PCOS lor. he do the vscan and say i got it...and pointed out to me on screen. then he gave me one pack of clomid to eat from d2 onwards to encourage ovulation n must go back n scan for eggs on D11 or 12.

Then he say got one small polyp on my uterus, but will wash out itself by next menses so shld be no major issue. other than that looks normal bah...he dint do the hsg scan leh....i ask him to double check for endo, he say most likely no endo....

i only started ttc last month, so still in its early days. i actually do ovulate on my own, just that its erratic and long (33 days to 40 over days) so am hoping the the medication can help push things along and help me pinpoint good days.

i asked him if mine is a serious case of PCOS, he say it still doesnt look too bad (but i interpret it as, its bad enough to prescribe medication). He thinks that meds should work, or otherwise shld respond to Superovulation. thats what he said la...hope the clomids can work la...i hope i dont have to inject myself as i see needles already feel like fainting.

but this month i got to try naturally on my own cos i missed the clomid cycle as i went on D10.

you leh Plush, how are things coming along?
Dr Fong noted nothing abnormal after performing v-scan during my 1st visit. HSG x-ray also showed my tubes are ok.

Then, my hubby sperm analysis results came back not as good. So Dr Fong prescribed some medication for my hubby.

Meanwhile, he advised us to continue trying naturally. He said it's up to me whether to take clomid or not for this coming cycle (i.e. D2). Follow by another v-scan on D10/D11 to check got ovulation or not.
oh thats good if he noted nothing wrong with you, means that u r on your way! if u got no period problems, then its purely just husband side lor. i think my case was clearcut PCOS. i told him my periods r long la...one year maybe 9 or 10 periods only...and quite hard to predict so he say eat something to boost the ovulation.

he quite surprised i only tried ttc for 1 month and came to him, but as i want to close shop by 35(already 30 this year) so dont want to waste time la! he dint do anything for my husband though..maybe he think all the problem came from me.

the funny thing is , quite strange i PCOS leh..i m tall and slim BMI 18, not hairy except on my head, definitely no balding, complexion quite clear...only this period thing not regular la...sigh, liddat also can pcos. i dont actually have any physical symptoms of PCOS....how frustrating..

when your next appointment? i also quite hesitant to take the clomid cos i feel that i got ovulate one lor...so abit scared with screw up internal mechanism and also feel i dint give myself enough chance to try...my frens mense come only 2 -3 months once n she still manage to have a few kids...
Hi, sorry for MIA. Have been busy ;)

jj - Yah, I think my PCOS/endo not serious cos the blood clots were gone after 2 jabs. Think such conditions may be independent of a person's general well-being, and they could even vary within family members (my siblings don't have such problems at all).

If you feel you do know when you ovulate, then maybe you can try on your own.. but like you also said, you didn't want to waste time, so depends on what's your priority loh ;)

Personally, I'd get to the root of and resolve the problem first before trying.
hi hi gals

MIA from this forum for v long ...

i've also got good news to share. my case is similar to bbleo. my first 2 gals were conceived from my 1st attempt in IVF in 2006, and I am now almost 5 mths pregnant with 3rd gal, conceived naturally

this bb really caught me by surprise since I have difficult conceiving last time.

so gals, dun give up, just keep trying
Exactly, JJ! I'm afraid that my cycle maybe originally swee swee one, skaly clomid create havoc with my cycle. Then really can bang wall. -_-"

Mmm as for my next appt, Dr asked me to go scan on my D10, around 2nd last week.
hi faithnhope,

ya i knw..i also want to get to the root of the problem leh, but how har, other than eating the clomid pills to stimulate the ovulation.. he dint say any other thing that i need to do leh. the next visit, i will ask him about the jab to clear the cysts ..wat is the name of your jab to clear the cysts, may i ask?

i was reasearching on the PCOS...wa the more i read the more freak out i get, apparantly we are more prone to cancer, heart disease , diabetes wor!! We must really take care sia...

do u think i shld go for a blood test for insulin levels or something? was not asked to do any blood test leh...sigh...

i think Dr fong is a nice guy...very gentle. if i graduate from PCOS and move onto mummy hood i will def ask him to be my gynae. hehee...
Hi jj, don't worry too much and trust Dr Fong. I'm sure he'll like to help you to realise your wish to be a parent ;)

I can't remember the name of the jab. As for blood test, do you suspect anything? I didn't do any blood test too. My company offers the usual annual health checks where I'd do simple blood test loh..

Hi labbit,

So glad to hear of success cases here!! gives everyone a boost and we hope we can make it too!! Care to share your ttc story?

Hi Plush

Ya agree lor...puzzled why u need clomid since if already swee swee and not an ovulation problem...for my case, its already messy to begin with, so prob not as much to lose...haha...somehow i have a feeling that your cycles r fine, no pcos or endo , so probaly your husband just eat some vitamins to strengthen armies then bingo liaoz...!!

well let me know how your clomid cycle turns out. by the way u eaten it already ? any side effects?
