DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

missyoms, can understand... my boss is a Chinese, already find it difficult to bring up the need for me to take leave for fertility treatments... don;t think i will ever discuss personally with him unless it is really really necessary......

Yes, i m gg to paragon tmr... may be guessing if we ever sit together at the waiting area...

Tigi: what time were u there on sat? i was there bet 9-10. Scan show that there are 3 eggs, 2 bigger one and 1 smaller one, abt 7mm or 9mm, which Dr fong say mite not catch up with the other 2. Me gg for my HGS injection on mon and doing my IUI on tue, which is D12. Like v early hor...
Dr Fong even said that i look stress by work and offered me mc to rest n relax at home....but i did not take, too busy with work
missyoms, i was there at about 10+ but waited till 12 pm before seeing dr fong....
i was given 125 mg injection... need to go back next sat for review, then he can tell when the iui will take place.
Your results look good for iui! What is the size of the bigger eggs?
Try take dr fong advice and rest more.... maybe can catch up with work afterwards.... sometimes very difficult to balance work n family i find... plus the difficulty to ttc add another stressor... haiz....
hey do take care.... n take five too!
Tigi: I was on 100mg injection........if i did not remember wrongly, the 2 bigger on are abt 12mm onli..........and i think the ideal size shld be 14mm, therefore i took injection on sat and today(Sun) as well. Tom will be taking HGS injection to stimulate o.
Yes, going to rest well. Intend to take MC on tue(IUI big day) and wed to rest....
Eat more egg white...it is supposed to improve egg quality
missyoms, the injection is easier than i have first thought... so much psychological barrier to overcome initially... this will prepare me better than IVF later!
I went to buy a packet of eggs... going to make egg mayo for breaky tmr.
dr fong says reduced salt intake can help to minimise bloating too....
so fast, tmr iui for you right.... all the best!
Thks Tigi and Faithnhope........i need luck, baby dust and anything that can bless me.........

Tigi: No, u dun need IVF, we pray that we succeed this cycle!! u are so brave, i dun dare to jab myself
missyoms, yes we all pray we make it this cycle!

i realise jabbing can be easier if we pinch our fats well, hold the pen peripendicular, support its weight and push the medicine in.... ytd i poke too hard, can see the poke mark now
Tigi: i did my iui today, on 2 days mc.....u need to be on full bladder for the insetion which is the hardest or most painful part, cannot pee before that and after that must rest 5-10min before u pee....i rest like 7 min and rush to the washroom liao........so sad...i hope for the best now......good luck to u
missyoms, u were able to get down of the bed so soon aft the iui??? good for you.

when i was doing ivf, i was resting in the bed for a while, probably 2 hours before they let me go down the bed. i had to get the nurse to bring me the urine pan.

i still remember the urgency of pee and couldn't pee. the most torturing part of my life. so when finally everything is done, i told dr fong that i really need to pee else i'll leakage everywhere. so he drew out my urine for me... huge relief!!!

ivf is even tougher but i've no regrets cos i got a gal.

first pregnancy and current pregnancy is natural but when i wanted another bb after the 1st one, tried sooooo hard and 2yrs, nothing came by. therefore tried soiui then switch to ivf cos i got lots of folices..

sending babies dust to you! and all those who are trying for a bb... :)

relax and u'll be surprise your turn is here!

p.s. that's what happen to me...when i least expected boom boom boom... mother of 3!!!
Hi ladies,

We've been trying for 1 year, and think it's time to seek some professional help. May I know how much is the fertility checkup (couple's 1st time) at Dr Fong's clinic pls?

Plush, i pay abt 230 for couple consulation and some detail scan. But i have all my BT result and HSG test and SA test result with me

Bbleo: the nurse told me 5-10 miin bed rest, after abt 7min, i told the nurse i must go, if not, i will wet the bed!!
missyoms, thanks! good luck to your 2ww too!

today 5th day of injection, but i don't feel anything... wonder if i am responding ....

bbleo, during your injection prior to detecting many follicles, did you have any symptoms?
Tigi- Do u feel bloated? that is the only sign ....but it mite lead to OHSS.......frm my understanding frm the forum. Not good if there are too many follicles, cannot proceed to IUI. 3 is the ideal one. So dun worry.
Plus u eat egg white n drink h20 right, so maybe it help to ease the bloatedness leh...
THINK Positive
Thanks, missyoms!

can you ladies advise me which day should I go down for our 1st time fertility checkup (so as not to waste any cycle/time)? such as day2 of menses or wait menses finish?

Thank you!
symptoms like wat?? i can't really remember, just know that i'm freaking bloated and had to have lots of egg white + milo, i drank like 8 cups of such mixture a day to help the bloatedness.

by the time i'm 2weeks preg, i look like i'm 5mths preg due to the bloatedness.
bbleo: lucky ger, u got 3 kids. My hubby n me also wann 3. But looking at my age and the rate i am gg, i think have one happy liao...
My KNS bro made a remark that pissed my hubby off yest. He said that i m gg to be 32 liao, high risk preg....
Boring 2ww, i cannot wait for it to be over and result out ........the nurse tell me i can test 2 wk later which is onli d26. My cycle ususally 29-31 days leh. IUI will shotern my cycle?

Plush: I m not sure when will be a better day to go. I went on D9 for 1st consultation, went back ion d17 then d2 again for blood test....
Thanks missyoms!

in that case, i'll go on D2 then (at least can perform some tests; do something concrete). Hope to be more time efficient, not to mention save consultation $ and leave too!

Thanks again!
missyoms, i don;t feel bloated except thirsty n sleepy.... i went to bed at 10+ every night and sleep like a dead log until the next day morning.....

i thot iui converted to ivf would be good... ivf has a higher chance than iui... somemore, less injection and less costly this way....

feel very demoralised now....... bbleo, pl thrw more baby dust my way.....
tigi: dun be demoralised.........u will have more eggs than me....3-4 is the ideal.....we will succeed thru IUI, we dun need ivf.
BTW, i also feel hopeless, i did my IUI d12 leh......i dun think i o so early.....plus he onli measure my focilie size once, was abt14mm. Read online tt 18-20mm is the ideal size....
2ww seems like 2 yrs wait
missyoms: tell ur bro, high risk is from 35 onwards ok?

I have my #1 at 34 and #2 at 36 ... dun be demoralised.

just to share also ... i did both IUI and SO-IUI and in the end i got preggy thru IUI. SO-IUI didn't really have any "results" on me , end up only 2 viable follicles ...

missyoms, unless ur folliclies like mine, super slow to grow, he will then need to scan more than once. I scan my 3 times before it was determined OK size to try. first time, he say a bit small, second time, still same size (never grow) after 3 days, tot want to give up liao, then scan again after 2 days, finally got grow again and then try, then got my #1.

#2 a much longer journey, but finally got preggy after 3 or 4 IUI (cannot rem) and 1 SO-IUI in between.
Pretty Bunnie: THKS. My bro n mum n relatives tot it is like so easy to give birth....i have been trying since 30. From someone with good system to a heywired system, gained so much weight.....Can i know how big was your folliclies when u scan? mine on d9 was ard 12/14mm, i cannot remember. But my hubby said was 14mm,
U are so brave to go thru so many IUI. i told my hubby if this cycle of SOIUI failed, next cycle i wann try clomid IUI, cheaper and also 'cos i will be v busy wif work, so stress, sure v hard to strike, so no point to do SOIUI.
missyoms, we are same age cos i m turning 32 next year too...
yes, high risk is from 35 year n beyond.... many stars give birth to first child aged 35 years or older..... dun feel hopeless .... ytd super demoralised partly due to unhappiness at work.... feel much better today liao... since you have regular menses, probably things are better for you.... the best i ever have for mense to come on its own is every 2 months..... super long cycle...... also hubby armies also not very good...... dr fong actually recommend ivf straight away.... but i m too scare of the injections and long protocol.... so ask for soiui
tmr i am going for my review, keep my fingers crossed.... :X
Tigi: Thank u. U Do not worry. U can try TCM to regulate your period. As much as my period come regularly, my period is v short, 1 normal day, 1 super light day and done.As for yr hubby armies, i gave my hubby GNC mega men daily and alot of soup

Just relax. hahah, i know easier say than done. Now i m into d5 of my 2ww, i feel so stress.......
i got 4 follicles altogether, the largest one is 14 mm. Not all will catch up according to dr fong... will continue with 2 days of injection on sat and sun. Tmr will go back for scanning and probably Hcg trigger shot and IUI will follow on tues...
missyoms, i took tcm for a few months ... it did help my mense to come but still a very long cycle... ytd, some chinese physicians were featured in a tv program on ch 8, 9.30 pm on infertility.... what they said sounds familiar.... like what my tcm doc said before.....
Tigi: Congrat!!! 4 eggs, so nice...wow, u stil scan tom? i did not even scan, just HCG to trigger.......also iui on klast tue

Yes, ytd i did watch that program for a short while, sound like what my EX tcm said as well. but i stop TCM as it make my body werid. I did not have PCOS before taking their med...so i stop in the end

Looking forward to your good new.
missyoms: thanks.... now hb very stress his army no good..... maybe i hear wrongly, no scan tmr ah... good also,can save some money, scanning very ex $70 each time.... like they said in tv, my tcm doc said there is no pcos in tcm, but manifestation of other problems..... i rem she said improving the lining is also impt for implantation to occur, tcm can help... not sure how... now i realise getting pregnant is a lot of work, first must ovulate, if egg n sperm ever meets, lining must be good then can implant.... when that stage is reach, i consider very good milestone liao...!! in short, in my own words, not easy at all!
tigi: don't worry. Give your hubby more tomatoes n oyster these 2 days, they improve zinc, which increase/improve soldiers. And also the sperm wash supposed to get all the good one out. I did my HSG jab at a GP.
Yes, lining is impt, DR fong will also check on that. He did check in mine.
Rest well for tue, i regretted working so late each day before my iui.... this 2ww is terrible.
gals, don't be stress up. i'm a person who got PCOS and irregular menses, which can come only 4 times a year. but i never expect myself to have 3 kids by the age of 33(next bday). relax... its all abt timing honestly.

when i was age 29, i got panic cos i'm afraid i might not get preg due to my irregular menses. went to jurong and did TCM for abt 1/2yr. body got messed up badly by the effect of the chinese med. every mth during the TCM, hormones showed i'm preg, every mth I got blood test from Dr Fong, it's always negative.

in the end dr fong gave me clomid to help me and i stopped TCM. concentrated with dr fong's method. and probably TCM does help, cos shortly, i'm preg and we were very very surprised!

then i got to know i got super low progestrone, have to have jab and oral med to support the 1st trimester pregnancy.

after 1st born, tried almost 2yrs for another bb, can't get pregnant. seeked help from dr fong, was suppose to do SOIUI but body respond too well to the jab and thus switched to IVF. i got pregnant within the 1st attempt.

and who would guess that within such short period, i'm preg for the 3rd time!!!! nobody believe that i've irregular menses. I can't believe either that i hit jackpot! this time it's pure accident, totally taken by surprise!!!!

therefore, don't give up try for a bb but try having a bb in a more relax way... don't get too stress up, cos when u least expected. the stock will bring u good news!

take care of urself and take more nutrient food. cos when u're feeling unwell, eggs quality will drop and thus miss the chance to get fertilsed.

hope this help to perks u gals up!

nothing is impossible. must be hopeful!
HI Bbleo: WOW, thks for your support!!

Anyone out there who is keen to purchase Amore package, pls let me know. leting go at a v good discount.
bbleo, thanks for sharing your story! It is a inspiration to me...

missyoms, i have joined you in the 2ww!!... ytd done the iui, today woke up with some cramping in the lower abdominal, not sure what the cause..... since last few day a bit constipation already...
it would be a long 14 days...i try not to think too much....
Tigi: 1 more wk for me. Hai, i dun think i will strike.......no sign of preggy at all..
Yes, i did have alittle cramp. Just relax and it will go away fast. I wish u all the best!! Rest well, sleep well.....

Mrsong: How've u been? Long time no see u in this forum, hope all are gg well
Anyone know if utrogestan side effect is higher body temp?? my body always feel so warm yet so, my temp range from 36.8 to 37.2. It make me feel that i am gg to fall sick soon
Went for my 1st appt with dr fong, and he had suggested to do HSG. Is that common? me had tried to conceive only for few mths w/o success.

Also i had brown and red spotting these few days with no sight of menses coming, should i call up the clinic or..?
missyoms, in bbt monitoring, our temp is supposed to rise after ovulation, this is to keep our body temp warm which is good for embryo to grow... bbt will continue to be high into pregnancy.... or else it will fall quickly as mense come.
maybe the effect of the utrogestan is the same..... i just started on 2 pill, so far din feel anything yet....
Tigi: thks. Higger temp is one of the side effect. I understand frm the other thread. How are u feeeling? I m feeling super PMS now, like period coming anytime......3 more days for me

Jamie: what test have u done so far? Did he explain why he ask u to for the the test.
Personally i go for the test before. Way before i go to see him.
As for brown/red spotting, when was yr last period?
missyoms: have done my blood test elsewhere and showed him and he mentioned need to test got blocked or not before he put me on some tablets.

as for the spotting, think my menses coming today with slight flow oredi..
missyoms, i am feeling very bloated now... and a lot of gas..... only got these symptoms after IUI..... and yes, i am starting to feel hot especially when i woke up in the morning..........

jamie, my ex-gynae told me before checking of the tubes is sometimes the early step in fertility treatment to ensure tubes are not blocked because if they are blocked, fertilization is hampered when med are given to induce ovulation ..... so no use in the end and may need alternative treatment or clear the blcokage first..... in her words, it is like making sure "the equipment is good before running it".... and whether this is the right time to be active depends on your age, conditions, desire etc.... i guess gynae will recommend this for one who consult them for fertility treatments as part of a check list kind of thing....
jia you for all gals trying to conceive! there is always hope!

I tried for almost 5 yrs then I strike with miracle & blessings..

So, the key in don't be too stressed and don't give up!

misssyoms, i felt the symptoms are due to the hormones injection leading to ovulation... they are happening too early for any thing to happen.... Dun give up hope, may be too early to test, wish you bfp bfp bfp!!

mrsong, thks for your encouragement.... 2ww is like a emotional roller coaster ride.....
