DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

faith, pretty bunnie

congrats to both for the good news !!! it is indeed heartwarming to recv such wonderful news at this time of the year ! HOORAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY !

Pretty Bunnie
Congrats! Woah.. striking with IUI chances not high leh actually. U're really lucky to strike with both attempts in that protocol.

I'm sure u'll hv a very good year ahead! Take good care of urself...
Congrats Pretty Bunnie! feels happy got someone abt same time as me here hee

can anyone share what food to eat for lunch and dinner that will cause less heartburn or tackle the MS? Am really scared of MS...

Happy New Year everyone! and may 2009 be the yr full of more babies for all of us trying!
Faith: eat lighter stuff like soupy stuff, aviod fried or oily stuff. yesterday i had dry mee siam for lunch I burp out only at 7pm. usually dinner i no appetite but will be hungry at 12 midnite so i survive on milo :p

i crave for spicy stuff though cuz everything else taste so weird to me now.

hazelin: ya, dr fong was quite surprised also ... he was like wah ... so metformin really works for you ... and he only gave me metformin cuz I bug him to. I wanted everything to be exactly the same when I had my gal, the same medicine and to do IUI in Paragon. I told him feng shui matters for fun kekeke (cuz he believe in it one mah)
Faith: sorry forgot, can't help u with MS. Usually i notice my MS gets worse when I am hungry, so just ensure u are not hungry? have light snacks or nibbles easily available.

Soup plums and plain crackers all never work for me. When i had my #1, i can vomit for 48 hours with no food intake. just liquid. so if u vomit too much and no liquid intake. please let Dr Fong know. You may be required to be warded for drips ok.

i know having small freq meals helps. But I can't help u much also cos my MS for #1 was not frequent and i had no MS for #2 !! heeh lucky me hor ? see i have different symptoms but both are gals
Pretty Bunnie
huh? Dr Fong into feng shui mah? I saw a few crystals n also that water feature thing at the entrance... I alwys wonder if it's cos of that. hehe

Happy New Year to all.. may all mummies to be hv a smooth delivery in 2009... all mummies and their little darlings be of good health... and I hope to join u ladies very soon!
hazeline: his cactus at the tiong bahru clinic is a dead giveaway :p

wishing all a great 2009, may all your wishes come true.

for me, just hope to have a healthy baby, my #1 not jealous and that my giddy spells wil go away.

now i realise why those show pregnant women always giddy or faint ... cuz it's so true :p last nite i was so giddy I can't even walk to the tiolet ... haiz
neither can i really remember how to cope with the MS thingy... my # 1 was kinda bad during the 1st trimester, lotsa food i can't take, chicken rice, indian rice and anything that is too much garlic in it. but i love meat and fish and poka green tea n fresh milk. Can't take tea nor kopi. i think by trying to nap most of the time help me to pull thru plus i got vomit pills for standby.

As for current pregnancy, i've no MS at all... so i basically eat watever i want. wat the # 1 dun like, # 2 can take and has been really good to me but i dun like milk only milk tea or kopi... funny right? total opposite.

as for jealousy issue... i feel like crying... my #1 is like superglue to me all of the sudden and its sometimes so bad that no one can help me and i'm quite big now. he's sense of insecurity very bad + he started childcare in dec 08.

sometimes i can't wait to delivery my # 2 so i feel less stress in attending to # 1's needs. my edd is 18 feb... it's a miss moo...

old folks said it's due to pang-dang so after child is born, the older kid will be ok again. now we try not to beat him or punish him too much cos it maybe true its due to pangdang and not wat he want things to be, like being a superglue or being naughty and stubborn and etc...

but hor at this tender age, almost 26mths old, trying to talk sense to him, really make us wanna vomit blood.

ya go soft on ur #1. dun let him feel left out else when #2 is out, i wonder what will his reaction be ?

wahh finally u r back home !! Rachel started Child care in Oct 08 and has since settled down. So r u back at work ?
Uncle v nice ... we paged for him on 1st cuz I was having very bad giddiness, and was vomitting from it. then he said go GP for jab, which we did, so I came home and just slept till next morning.

today he called and checked on me, then *sigh* cuz I just had cramps that morning again, he told me to start on the white pills again... now I am nursing a headache again ... just hope it doesn't get into another giddiness fit.

I told my hubby so weird to page for him when he stays so near :p

wah u sud sud .. can be stay at home mum for so long !! so how are ur boys ? how is Angel ?

pretty bunny

wah Dr Fong so nice, still call back and chk on u. maybe u try to rest more when possible...take care
no choice leh u know my wei's condition right??
they are so naughty now fight like westling matches cry so cham (dun noe who to scold) then after awhile tears not dried yet they hug and sayang each other , like best of friends hahaa
hi faith,

I am not lawyer nor teacher.. He encourage me to change job because of long working hours and also because I have an offer.. But he was also worry that I could not continue ttc-ing with assisted method soon due to the probation..

Then I said I must earn $$ then only can see him.. hahaaa...

Btw, you changed job half way during ttc-ing? how do you talk to you boss when you need 2 week HL after iui/ivf?

I don know if I sld continue even during my probation leh.. sien..

yes so is wei better now ? so both of them attending same school ?

hehe boys fight all the time so they are normal !!! and i can't imagine u have 2 terrible stage toddlers ! I sometimes cant even handle my rachel ! kudos to u lah !

My ears are itching, then came and see.. was surprised to see DMY appeared here.

Me super busy .. stress over big jun P1 in 2 yrs' time. Me just finished the parents volunteering work at one school for him. REally big sacrifice.


It is a norm !! My small jun is wacking his elder bro, basically almost everyday. He has gone to full day child care since 17 mths. Now very independent. Still the same, he is still not eating any meat stuff, bad ecezema. On Soy milk and all the bean stuff for his food intake.

Both boys are growing well...
Lbt / Dmy,

Me also almost due to see Dr fong for my P smear.Think after CNY.


Coping well with 2 ?? really not easy !!
wah angel !! all fall in here already ehehhe

I am coping fine with 2 .... the headache is always on Rachel .. terrible 2 stage. She started child care 2mths ago, and has settled down already. is ur small jun still so chubby ? post their photos here ! DMY, post ur boys photos also !
tks all for the MS tips...i notice i enjoy eating fries during this time, not good coz oily. I took medicine from Dr Fong for nausea just in case...i think it gets worse at night, feel something right up to the throat ready to come out sigh. but as long as baby is fine, i shall not complain 2 much...i am super tired whole day everyday...dizzy also but the MS seems to be stronger now...i also fainted during my HL...

Wonderland, i quit soon after my dnc...it felt like the best decision since that time...till now...i can't imagine the no. of hours i was putting in on both weekdays and weekends...taking mc was also such a big hassle and caused more work piling up..

started my new job soon after quitting and continued ttc...but also din dare taking mc when new...somehow i overreacted to a 2nd cycle of SO-iui though the dosage was low...had to make a decision, stop or convert to ivf. can pm u later on this...
Wonderland, u're doing so-iui for now ya? then wun need the 2 wks HL? maybe if need be, offer to work from home if poss? u're in ur new job already btw? if ur boss is nice, it'll make things easier...Jiayou! I really hope it works out for u soon, jiayou!!
Hey faith,

I have yet to join the new comp.. signed the employment agreement today and tendered today as the same time as well.

Current boss tried very hard to keep me but I have made up my mind..

I was trying to PM you but was not able to. You can email me at [email protected]

We shall share our experience.. heheee..
i keep missing my appointment with fong for pap smear. cos still irregular period

yes both going to school today 1st day my brave wei didnt cry at all, heng cry a bit on/off
wow, since the last login and glad to hear 2 good news from this forum, Congrats to Pretty Bunnie and Faith... You are sure under the good hand of Dr Fong. All the best and smooth 9 mths journey and deliver a healthy bb.

Wonderland, wow, embark on a new journey with new job too... Hopefully this new job will be better and get you pregnant soon... so u started a new, new cycle and not onto FET using the previous batch... Good luck and take good care of yourself

I'm back to office since Monday and misses my dear mousey... Today she has crossed the 12 weeks mark and wonders what I've really done in the past 12 weeks beside milking, milking and milking...
Anyway, all I wishes for my mousey to grow healthy and cheerful. She's been a cheeky fellow as she grows.. You can see all the pics in my facebook or multiply.

Hope it's not too late to wish the preggy mtbs a smooth 9mth journey and have a healthy bb, those trying to conceive will strike soon and real soon and those mummies and bbs in good health and enjoy the motherhood.

Wow .. grown up now. So fast. Sometimes I read our past posting in the archived folders, they are so funny. How we KPO Dr Fong's age.

Ok tomorrow when i am in the office, I will edit some pic to upload here.


Small one little smaller than my big Jun. Now his weight is about 16kg standing at 94-95cm tall.

Elder one is in K1 now, weighing near 22kg and 114cm tall. Shooting up fast.

wah ur boys looks matured and they resembled u !


aiyo ur boys are soooooooooo big !! my Rachel still very petite.
Hello mummies and mtb,

i am back. so long didnt post on the thread. finally this thread hit 10000 posts. haha.

Congrats Mrs Lai and faith. so happy for the 2 of you.

Mrs Ong,

u changed job already? which company r u joining? the one that u mention to me b4?
Tks Joy...I hope it goes fine...How are you doing? Are you still seeing the chinese sinseh and ttcing?

Anyone knows any brand of shower gel that is odourless or that will not make us freak out during ms? Mine is lavender smell...ayoh can't take it anymore

i had stopped seeing the sinsey becoz the journey is too far for me, i am staying in the East. I am still ttcing but naturally. See how it goes. My hubby actually asked me to consider IVF but like what i had told Lbt and Mrs Ong, i don have the GUTS and thinking of the pain and suffering i had to go thru stop me for further treatment. U are very lucky and don worried so much. Enjoy your pregnancy. U will be fine.
ya lots say they look like me, hubby so jealous kekeke

tot mine so tall (90cm) urs taller keke. now so cham nobody believe they only 2yrs3mths old. Guess urs have this problem too

wah ur 2 boys are quite different ! but I still rem ur small jun looks, he didnt change a lot since he is a baby. Oi, what did u feed them ? how come they r so big? teach me ... eheh

Kids are very energetic so they burn alot calories when they play, jump, run. So you need to supplement them with in between meals. But give selective snacks.

Read labels. As these days, there are alot trans fats in biscuits, cookies.

I am still baking home bread for family. So my kids will have a slice each with their kids cheese. Or sometime with jam. Normally early morning, elder one will have bread for breakfast and small one take porridge b4 goes to school. He does not drink milk in the morning.

Elder one will have one small bottle milk abt 6 oz. Then sit with us and have his breakfast one one slice of bread with either, jam, kaya, cheese or pork/fish floss, At times I also give nutella. Then he will finish a cup of organic soya milk before head to school.

I focus to give my boy food high in protein in the morning. This will enable his body to take longer to digest it so that there wont be any surge in sugar level. This keep him wide awake and not feeling legathic.

Back home for lunch. he will have his noodles with vege, fish slices or his fish porridge. Sometime he will ask for pork floss if he wants.

Before his nap, he will have a milk feed abt 8 oz. After nap, abt 2 hrs, he will have his afternoon snacks of some biscuits with milo.

Then by evening, he will have dinner with at abt 6 plus.

So if you see the pattern of his meal, it is basically abt 5 to 6 meal daily.

Kids needs all this to supplement their energy lost. If they burn more and intake remain same, naturally they will stagnant in growth. Or sometime, look skinnier.

tks ! actually my Rachel also take frequent meals like ur big jun but still very petite. I recalled that my hubby was also very small size when he was a toddler but now so fat ahhaah so I thought I dun worry unnecessarily cos she maybe growing big when the time comes ?
u really good man, know so much

my boys still feed 2 hourly, big one 6oz small one 5oz. lunch 12 plus take mee soup, or porridge. dinner 6 plus eat dinner with us. but still on the slim side maybe like my genes

now still adjusting for school their meal time all messed up again
Hi Ladies,

Been so busy with my new house lately, shopping and shopping non stop but all for e house. Hehe... Guess this yr is a poor yr for us cos we really burst our budget for our house liao.

Initial budget was total get it done within 20K since we planning to move back to AMK in 5 yrs time but now Reno itself is 25K. Furniture everything total we almost hit 40K liao. Sigh. Thanks to the ID cos alot of things he nv tell us and ended up alot of last min add in etc. Haiz...

Anyway, very nice to see all the mummies here again. Congrates to faith and mrs lai. So happy to hear good news from u.

so when u moving in? Ur place very near to me. Btw, the upgrading is going on rite? I stil saw them upgrading the lift. Interior design alot of hidden cost. you should know ur consumer's rights. Haha. Next time be more careful.
Mei Ling

Dr Fong charges $650 for antenatal package from 5th mth onwards. Waiting time varies .. sometimes can be as long as 2 hrs on a "hot" day


i did not inform my boss during my 2ww. Only told her i am on hospitalisation leave.

did your boss ask why hospitalisation leave? & yes, can you tell me how you answer ?

I don't want office to know i am going ivf but find it difficult to answer for hospitalisation leave.
Hi Tigi,

Can you just said that you have some woman problem. Just say briefly, you need to for 2 weeks leave as the dr need you to rest after the procedure.

It is very common for woman to go for laproscopy to remove fibroid or cyst.

Think no need to elaborate in details.


i totally agree with Angel. Just say woman's problem, period. I guess if ur boss is sensitive enough, he wont ask.
