DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

Thx but dun want to go JE one.. heard a lot of good n equally bad things abt her leh. Even the one I used to go to at Bt Timah near my office, also a lot of good n bad reviews.

I very sian liao lah...

Jus came back from my pedi.. now I hv bright pink toe nails! Hope looking at it.. wil lift my mood!


Sorry to hear that ur IVF progress is failure.... but u are positive in this.... dun worry abt this, like wat all of us wrote to u... it will be your turn soon de... hope after celebration CNY, u will surprise us rite....

We all here are to support you....
surprise u with two big mandarin orange ah? haha

I hv to keep on thking.. maybe that time they nv pick to correct one... THE ONE... shd be stil frozen down there at Mt E!

Maybe Dr Fong c me also paisay... I doubt he has an answer to my failure. Cannot blame him.. not his fault.

i dont know what is D3 or D5 FET leh.

I have one embroy that did not survive. So my 1st FET actually uses 4, and 3 went into me and 1 become my Rianne now.

i rem I had mensus after I stop BF and my mensus was very irregular ... or rather weird pattern. So i was worried then go see Dr FOng. then we chat and chat and then suddenly decided to do FET ! i was still blur when I came out of his room. ahah think hubby was caught off guard too. anyway we just do what Dr Fong instructed. can't rem wat also.. like wait for mensus to finish or wat ? i simply have no memory abt it. But again, do relax or maybe build up ur body first.

btw, how is ur hubby ? is he ok with it ?
woah... rianne looks a bit diff now... from the last pic of her I rem seeing but she's such a hapi bb...

Oh... cos our embryos r frozen at Day3(D3) mah. So sometimes for FET, they might do D5 transfer cos they want to c whether the embbies wil survive or not. If it's D3, then it's like immediately thaw liao, immediately transfer that day lor, if they survived.

Some dun want to wait.. cos if ur embbies ain't of good quality, might not survive til D5. So might even end up with nothing to transfer then. And some argued that our womb is stil a better 'holding' enviro.

If embbies can survive til D5.. then very strong liao. I duno Mt E encourage which day transfer for FET.. that's why I ask u lor.

Nvm lah.. some ppl ned medication and even jabs for FET too. Depends on one's own body also. I dun ovulate, even though I can get LH +ve. Dr Fong chk b4.. twice also the same. No matured follicles also n no sign of O.

Guess I'll check with him again when I c him in Dec.

My AF stil not here.. feeling a bit weird. Like the 3 embbies r dead inside me but nv come out leh!! I didn't even spot at all... til now.

hehe tks.Rianne is indeed a very cheerful gal and she is very kuai.

from what you described, I think mine is D5 transferred. I remembered Lai Cheng called me to tell me abt the thawing results then i go for ET. Right ?

i din spot during 1st attempt but I did during the FET. so the spotting are those 2 embroys I lost ? I also dunno. I tot I failed the FET when I saw the stains and immediately paged for Dr Fong. ahahha dunno why I page him, i just told him what happen then he asked if I rest during 2ww or not ?

anyway ... just give urself a bit more time. you only get to see Dr Fong in Dec ? so late ?
My AF finally here.. spot last nite.. today come liao. So far.. no clots. So maybe I wasn't even close.

Hmm.. if u didn't do a transfer on the same day that they thawed it, most likely it's a D5 transfer lor. I'm jus afraid mine might not survived til D5, since they r all not of good quality.

Oh.. I want a Sat, so my DH can go with me. And he's full til 1st wk of Dec. But my DH has got his Stand Chart Marathon... so hv to wait til the wk aft lor.

Anyway, thk if I c him too soon... maybe wil cry buckles! So better wait a bit longer... when I'm more emotionally stable! haha
Hvn't got the chance to spoke to him yet mah.. he's only back today. And this wk sure super busy.

I'll note down my questions. But I know his answer already lah.. most likely he'll say, hv to depend on embryo quality n also, on Lai Cheng. Cos only she'll know best.

anyone who took metformin and manage to conceive? took 5 days of clomid and did scanning today with Dr fong. no eggs at all which means i most probably didn't ovulate. now starting on metformin. is there a maximum number of cycles that one can take metformin like clomid?

i think just shoot the qns and see what advise he can give u during ur FET.


it depends. Mine lasted 5 weeks for both birth.

ur babies are so chubby. Look at their cheeks, feel like biting it. Haha.


Rianne look so diff. She look diff from Rachel. Btw, hows ur Rachel doing in her childcare?


Hope you strike soon. Press on and good luck to u for ur upcoming try.


I was on metformin and clomid for abt 4 cycles. I didnt manage to conceive even though i had 3 eggs. Usually for clomid we can take for abt 6 cycles. Maybe u would like to check with Dr Fong. Not to scare you, when i took metformin, i have some side effect. I lost abt 4-5kg but its depend on each individual body. Any problem, consult Dr Fong. I told him abt the side effect and was glad coz i was trying to loose some weight. Haha. I think if u r not reacting with clomid, Dr Fong might ask you to try other method. Good luck and keep trying.

just to add on, if u wan to see TCM, can look for Dr Tan Kian Seng at clementi. He is very good in helping couples in fertility issues. Let me noe if u need his addy. I saw him for 3 cycles and stop due to the journey. I manage to regulate my menses which is good for me as i had PCOS. Let me know if u r interested.
hi joy07, for clomid, i din react well to it. i started with only 50mg and i felt super sick. i got no appetite, feeling super bloated and nausous, forever burping almost every 5 mins except sleeping. so Dr fong asked me to try metformin coz he worry if continue with clomid with increased dosage, i will feel much worse. just wondering if anyone manage to conceive with the help of metformin. hope metformin do help me to ovulate.

metformin is for ppl with diabetic. It control the blood sugar in our body. It is known that it helps ppl with PCOS to ovulate if took together with clomid. That is the reason why i slim down. Maybe u can try to do some research on the internet. B4 i took it, i do some research and realise that some ppl who had PCOS took clomid and metformin to help them conceive and is successful. U mean u had side effect taking clomid? I had side effect taking metformin and for my clomid, i took 150mg. Hope it helps. Just relax, sometimes too tense and stress will affect ovulation too. If u have any doubts with ur medication, do tell Dr Fong to explain further. Don worry of being lor sor, Dr Fong is very nice and patient. I am sure he will be more than happy to clear ur worries. Every medication reacts differently for individual body so try it if it is no harm. I tried and realise it doesnt work for me. Maybe ur body can react well. Good luck.
Woah.. ur cuties so big liao also! But I thk I can tell the diff now.. last time when they r younger, they seems so alike!

Right... wil ask Dr Fong then.

I heard of Dr Tan too.. but also knew he very crowded one. I'll c how lah.. thx.

I was on metformin for abt 2 mths but not under Dr Fong, under my previous gynae. I was also doing TCM then n was taking TCM to counter the side effects for metformin. But I stil LS.. and yes.. I lost weight too. I'm a skinny person so imagine me losing abt 4-5 kgs then within 2-3 mths!

I took a blood test b4 I start.. and another blood test abt 2 mths later. The TCM sinseh told me I'm not responding to metformin.. and as I stil keep on LS.. I was told to stop.

Like wot Joy07 said, metformin is good for ppl who r diabetic n with PCOS. Some take it til when they r pregnant cos they said it helps to prevent MC in PCOS women too.

If u're worried, check with Dr Fong. Some ppl do response well.. and fertlity drugs is the 1st step b4 u move on to ART like IUI & IVF. So most gynaes wil stil.. encourage u to do that as IUI & IVF can be very trying emotionally n also financially.

Good luck to u.. maybe u're that lucky one!
thanks for the advices haze1ine and joy07. actually, i never LS for the past 2 days i was on metformin. stools still 'solid'.. just went to see GP and she said my stomach churning very badly. told me the side effects will subside after 1-2 weeks. but i'm not overweight or diabetic. anyway, will try and see how. i hope i can tolerate the side effects.
hi dolphy

i din respond to first cycle clomid 50mg either.... maybe some bloating.. but then it is normal for me even w/o med...

i tried metformin be4, but i stopped because i told previous gynae i felt extremely tired... can't work at all...

maybe you have better luck!
Ok lah.. hehe

I might decide to try TCM eventually. They told me this lady at AMK quite good, she does accu too. And she knows a lot abt IVF... so thking I might go c her.

No longer feelin so 'angry' n 'hopeless'..

Ytday.. stil got headache whole day n even got fever at nite! Guess really 'sick' jus thking abt going back to work! haha

u shall be glad that u still have a job for you to work towards your bb goal! don't feel too angry or hopeless over things, be cheerful and forgiving...

Good luck to your trying naturally... u visited uncle fong liao... so what's his say?

Me currently doing fine with a 6 weeks old demure, yet devil mouse...under her command now... ha ha ha, that's why hardly have any breathing space to come it... except now, where she's the attention to her grandparents and maid...
Hi Ladies,
I've decided to go try TCM n accu... make my appt for nex wk already.

Oh.. my appt with Dr Fong is mid Dec leh.. stil long way to go lah. I already hv another long list of questions for him! But I doubt he has answers to most of them..

Do update us with a pic of ur 'devil mouse'! haha Mus be very cute now..

eheh glad you smile

yeah rianne is a very cheerful gal !

and you know, she turns 5 mths old today ! time really flies hor !
I guess when u look at ur kids.. however tired or sad u feel that day.. it'd all jus disappears!

I went for my TCM ytday.. had acu done also. It's my 1st time doing acu.. ok lah. She did her acu with voltage.. n also shine a heater lamp on ur tummy.. feels kinda stange but I thk once u get used to it.. it'll be ok.

I'll hv to go twice per wk. Suppose to improve blood circulation to ur womb so as to improved implantation rate.

But she told me, I wun O this time lor. Cos she said usually aft IVF, cos of too much Lucrin jab.. our follicles might stil be suppressed. Hmm..

I'll c if it works for me. Didn't take the TCM med this time.. cos I'm stil feeling a bit sick n very 'heaty'. She told me she'll giv me the TCM med aft I've recovered.

your treatment sounds chim to me. anyway hope it works for you !!

ya I feel happy when they are both asleep ahahah cos that's when I finally have a peace of mind.

My rachel is super sticky to me now. I guess she is getting jealous but she still dotes on her little sister.
I tot I'd do something for my body to prep for FET.. rather than jus sit there n wait lor.

Hmm.. I thk it's usually the case with the elder child when a 2nd one comes along, rite? Can imagine them gossiping abt bfs when they grow older! haha
Hi hazeline,

I used to be very active in the forum but lot of things happened during ttc and I disapper for some times..

I am ttc-ing..and I see him at 10.30am too..

hmm ya think have .... seriously i cannot rememeber !

hazeline, maybe u ask the nurses when u go for appt.
lbt wonderland
We can choose to use medisave, but usually amt is less than deductable.. so a bit 'bohua'. Most wil use cash for FET & save it for fresh cycle shd we ned it.

But thk private stil wil be abt 5K lor.. I've already use my 1st time for my fresh cycle.. so this time, can only deduct 5K if I want to use it.

I'll c how.. thx!
Hi Hi,

How's everyone doing? Yesterday went for my post-natal checkup and dr fong asked me when am I deciding to have my second one. I was like har but was thinking why not suffered all at one times and then no need to suffer all the waking up and milking again... Hubby is also thinking too...

I heard Eileen gave birth on 08 Dec and Mindy is back in the clinic again... Guess Dr Fong still need her old-timer to help him with his clinic...

happi, dr fong's package as mentioned by lbt is $650 and only 8 visits excluding medicines, un-scheduled visits, CTG.
hi ladies,
I duno who is mindy... but eileen I know.

I'm now thking if I shd do a fresh cycle instead of FET leh.. cos I know someone who has higher grade embbies than mine, aft thawing, LC told her chances not high, might not get to do FET.

I look at my own, mine is only grade 2.. n 5/6/7 cells, not fantastic. I dun want to spend the $ then end up, cannot do ET.

I'm quite drain liao aft my IVF... now thking if I shd go public hospital instead to do a fresh cycle.. as much as I would like to stay with Dr Fong. *sigh*
ooh mindy is back ?? i thought she resigned ...

hazeline, i think no one can ans ur question. cos we won't know which embroy will eventually stick to our womb. like for me, i have different grades of embroy put in during FET. i rem one of them as a v good grade (gr 8 is it ?) so i wonder if Rianne comes from that cell ?
