DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )


are you too nervous ?
I rem I had a very bad cough during IVF and Dr Fong was VERY worried. He says it may affect the eggs not able to stick to the wall. I was practically coughing and spitting out very green phlegm everyday. But heng I got preggie ! ehhhe

anyway drink more water and eat more fruits to keep yourself healthy before you start.

dun worry too much. just relax and take ur vit c. when i was abt to do my ivf, i caught a bad cold. Dr fong was worried that the quality of the egg will not be good, but i've 2 damn good quality of eggs, their fertilization r much advance than the rest. and thus i'm able to get preg at 1st attempt from ivf. :)

the best quality eggs will be chosen and place inside of you. the rest is up to yourself. so u must be good to listen to the dos and don'ts.

u'll be a pregger soon, so dun worry... k...
lbt bbleo
I nervous til LS ah? haha Duno leh...

I thk I'm more worried abt how to tell my immediate boss I'm going for IVF leh.. n wil be away for abt 2 wks at end of Oct! *sigh*

So I now know who u r... don't get overstress over the IVF procedures, if u need to go away for 2 weeks... just go for it, just keep yourself relax and healthy and have a gd meal everyday!

Anyway, think Uncle will give you HL/MC to cover the 2 weeks so no worries so much...

lbt, yah, I'm glad I've caring and gd IL, they don't bark @ us and let's us do what we want, even my MIL asked me to bath daily during confinement with the herbs, 'cos she also did that when she was in confinement. My IL is very educated, so not much of worries and my hubby is their only son mah... Only got 2 children, my hubby and her sister... Being youngest in the family (my hubby) of course, love and adore him a lot... just like me, youngest in my family... ;)
Not often one can find such an understanding ILs leh... thk u'll enj ur pregnancy!

Since u're the skinny type.. can afford to eat more during this time!
Hi ladies,

i taken clomid last mth but failed so today is day 2 of my menses. Tomolo i need to call the clinic to see wat r the next step to do?

May i know wat is the practice of Dr Fong for my case as i think i can't make appt at the last min to see him. Can they let me buy clomid without consulting him?

Pls help.......

Thk u can call clinic to enquire.. maybe u can get an appt since it's a wkday.

Thk clomid can be taken on D5 or D7, rite? So maybe stil not too late...
hopeful, no worries, after u make a call to the clinic, they'll ask u to come by to collect the clomid and need no appt to see Dr Fong, unless u've taken many round of clomids, they'll suggest u to see Dr Fong for consultation.
I sick liao leh.. cannot block off... drink all the 'liang teh' n water n Vit C... stil sick leh.

I call up clinic.. they say not so good to be sick.. but since I'm starting on Lucrin, better go c doc n quickly get myself well b4 puregon jab. Else, might not hv good results.
hi hopeful,

Hope u've gotten your advise well from the clinic...

haze1ine, do take real gd care of yourself during these period, health more impt, go and see a doc, and most impt, rest rest and rest well... don't stress or think too much ok...
is this conicidence or stress + pressure from IVF... i was sickly too when i did mine in may. but i dun care, i wanna go thru still...

haze1ine, u need plenty of rest and yes, u better go see a GP for medicine that is safe to be taken during pregnancy. it's gonna make u feel even weaker but the point is to make u really rest in bed so u can recover fast.

sore throat remedy for me will be to drink lukewarm saltish water, will help to soothe the throat, honey + lemon is good but give phlegm. u'll want to standby the cough med cos usually the last stage is coughing.

my mil said if got flu, dun take egg, blocked nose will worsen. if got cough dun take anything associated with chicken, the throat will be itchy and will cough more in the nite.

hope u recover fast for the ivf. its been a long wait for anyone who wants to try to get preg, so take good care and the wait will be paid off soon.

*****tons of well wishes for you!!!!!!!!*****
I'm feeling much better today.. duno it's cos of the western med or that 'bees' liang teh I've been advise to boil n drink! That really helps! My fever also gone down.. today actually on MC but I stil come to work.. cos I ned to clear something.

I took my 1st Lucrin jab today... no pain.. no blood... chicken feet! haha I was so worried abt the needle size n all b4 that.

Wil try n sleep early these few days n also, dun go out this wkend.

Thanks for all the good wishes!
I jus told my boss I'm going to do an op and wil be on HL for abt 2-3 wks.. at end Oct.

He tell me to go ahead lor, stil ask me if it's anything serious. I said no lah.. wun die one. Jus something i hv to do n get it done.

Male boss.. stil more understanding...

I'm feeling much better already. Thk this wkend rest more.. shd be ok liao.
ladies... my bb very very shy... haiz... i did my detail scan on 4 oct, 9am+, and the baby was in a position where no matter how i turned to my left or right, or took a break oso can't change the position. but the amazing part is we saw the bb yawn and then kept still again...

so dr fong said he'll try his best to find out the gender on the 24th week visit...
bbleo, so cute, your bb playing hide and seek with you.. it's means that he/she wants to keep the gender a suspend to u...

haze1ine... soon soon will be your turn...

As for me, already in my 37 weeks, anytime and bb still actively kicking me, she's giving a great pain in my pelvic now...especially when I'm walking.. haiz...

Now is the waiting game...
Hmm... maybe the timing wrong lah.. ur bb sleeping, dun want u all to disturb! hehe

Get a lot of rest.. u stil working? Take things easy lor...

I will go back for a blood test this Fri.. thk it's to check my LH level n c if Lucrin is doing it's job. I jus wonder when my AF wil come leh.. shd be around this wkend. Puregon wil start on D2 of AF rite? Hmm.. maybe Lucrin wil delay it by a few days..

hahha u must be very PEK CHEK now right ? ur bb need a spank on his/her backside lor ! hehehe


how r u feeling now ?
got feel bloated ?
So fast feel bloated mah? I tot aft puregon jab then wil start to feel bloated.

I feel the same leh..

My tummy is bigger lah.. but I thk that's cos I put on weight.. can feel my bottoms all a bit tight liao.. since my last IUI! Dun thk it's the jab. haha

U start work already? I thk soon, rite?

i cant rem which jab makes me bloated. but i rem after a few days, my pants are v tight.

i starting work this THurs

today brought my rachel to childcare centre. Cry lor ... but still want to go back tmr
hi how's the charges for Dr. Fong? Anyone seeing him with regards to cysts? and is the charges different in both clinic? and what are his operating hours? Thanks all!
Shd be puregon, that expensive jab!

hahha... Rachel so funny... cry but stil want to go back.

Hi Elina
I thk the nurses ever told me, the only diff betwn the two clinic is that, Paragon charges GST, TB doesn't.


Check out his website.. u shd find the info u want. Abt charges, best u call up n ask.
Hihi Ladies,

MIA for awhile le. Busy with Erica as usual. Haiyo, Erica very bad temper leh. Screaming baby. Think I own her one.

Dr Fong discovered I had cyst when I saw him for pregnancy n had alot of cramps. He is gd and assuring. When I was all worried, he assured me things will be fine and it really did. He'll do close monitoring of ur cyst and advise on steps to be taken. Overall, I had very gd experience with him. I'm sure most mummies here also. Haha, there's even a gal saying this thread consist of Dr Fong's fans...
Hi Kelcqi,

Long time no see your input on the thread liaoz.. Mine also a screaming baby.. currently staying at my mother's place coz my baby cannot recognise her own home when we try to bring her home to sleep last night.. so now back at my mummy place... gotta try to bring her back more often till she recognise...
Kelcqi Hazel
Dr Fong Fan Club (DrFFC)! hehe

I'm on my D9 of Lucrin... went for my E2 test ytday. Heard Dr Fong wil be away from 12-16 Nov.

Thk my AF akan datang... cos boobs hurts n tummy feels funny. 1st time very happy my AF coming.. cos can start puregon liao n means I'm closer to hving screaming bbs like u all! haha

How's work? Missing ur cuties when u're working already? I hv colleagues who r really sticky to their child... wonder if I'd feel the same nex time!

congrats on your progress !

yeah back to work and as a cow at the same time.

Maybe as a 2nd time mother, the separation anxiety is not as strong though I still miss Rianne's smile and chuckle.

But I am more worried for my Rachel cos I just started her in childcare last week. She is still crying in school. Hai ... dunno when she will stop.
Rachel stil crying ah... guess she neds more time to get over it.

The nurse jus call me leh.. say my E2 level is very high.. 944. They ned to get it down to abt 50.

So I ned to go back for another blood test nex Wed.

They told me usually when AF is here, E2 wil go down... so I hope it wil then lor.. so I can proceed to stage 2.
For those who were on Lucrin then, did u all go for E2 test? If so, how many times?

I'm a bit confused here... I'm suppose to go back to test for E2 again on Wed if my menses stil not here.

Does it mean if my E2 level went down, but my menses stil not here, I can start puregon?

Or hv to wait til menses here then start puregon? If so, why keep on hving to test for E2 since only menses come then can start puregon..?

Cos my IVF protocol is D21 Lucrin.. a bit diff from others. Anyone did the D21 protocol?

err I seriously dont remember the protocol for my IVF. and I can't rem if I take any blood test in between !! oh no, my memory is failing me.

Maybe puppy2006, pettywoman and bbleo can answer you better.
Hihi Ladies,

Yaloh, so busy taking care of my gal alone. And she doesn't sleep long in the day. Goes like 15-30 mins nap and her energy level can last her for another 3-4 hrs and she naps another 12 mins n she's up. I'm so tired loh. I wonder why my baby sleeps so little.

I'll be moving house in a few mths time. I very scare Erica will have this problem also. How ah?

Hazeline, Lbt,
I dunno wat u two toking abt. I think should be IVF related thingy bah. But Good Luck to u Hazeline. Baby dust for ya~~

It's normal for Rachel to react this way cos she's still very young. Even 4 yrs old can have seperation anxiety and cries in the morning. So not to worry ya~
Then I guess nvm.. thx. My AF stil no news leh.

I'm going down 2molo instead... 'donate' blood n test E2 again.
mine was conversion from SO-IUI to IVF too. sorry, can't advise much. brieftly, i think i started the puregon on D2 of my menses for 10days. then 2 days later i went to retrieval of the eggs, 3 days later transfer back to me, and 2wks later i'm preg... super fast process.

dun worry too much. u'll have to do wat u're told but remember, at this time, being gong gong is a blessing. lesser stress
hmm.. so actually non of u here, except lbt, has gone thru a selected IVF from the start lor.

nvm lah.. I'll jus go along with the flow. Jus a bit diff hving to go down to 'donate blood' again. Even though I told my immediate boss I'll be going for an op, he's stil concern n ask me if I'm ok today aft I told him I hv to go c doc again later in the day.
- ytday I finally hv spotting... stil go ahead to test for E2 cos Dr Fong insist. He wants to make sure E2 level is down b4 I'm given puregon.
- today full flow AF... reading of E2 has gone down to 110
- I wil go clinic again 2molo to collect my puregon.. finally can go stage 2!

A bit paisay to tell my boss, I hv to go down n c doc again 2molo am! Aiyoh..

if u pai say to take leave, why not ask Dr Fong to see u early in the morning, so that u r just late for work ? ehehhe
I usually take timeoff.. wil ask for timechit lor. But it's stil absent from work.. and when I come in, can c ppl all looking at me! Maybe I thk too much lah...
Hi all,
Been missing for a while, I had delivered BB Caitlyn on 14 Oct. Here's my birth story:

(a) Contraction started at an interval of 10 mins @ 0300hr... So decided to monitor for another hr. Then woke hubby up and said, today shall be the day

(b) Took a shower and arrived @ Mt A @ 0530hr. Down the delivery ward, there's a screaming lady, very loud...

(c) Nurse strapped me to CTG, checked cervic and said only 2cm dilated. Cleared my bowel.

(d) Nurse came again, strapped me to CTG and Dr Fong ordered them to break my water to see how it was.

(e) Dr Fong came at 0800hr, checked my cervic and said only 3cm dilated. Put me on drip to expedite the process and said shall be able to deliver around afternoon.

(f) Contraction getting stronger and more frequent. Decided not to be hero, 'cos the screaming down the ward really scared almost everyone off. Heard from the nurse that the lady was too late for epidural... So I thought since might will be delivered in the afternoon, why make myself suffered. So signed the consent form. Dr Fong even told my hubby to advise me not to be hero to fight against pain...

(g)Guess what, the nurse saw me in distress, and decided to check my cervic, the next moment, she said, called Dr Fong and prepared me for deliver... I was like har... was this a joke.

(h)All I can rely on was the gas. Dr Fong walked in around 0920hr and said he just reached the Paragon carpark and ganna called back. Luckily haven't stepped into the clinic yet. I was like har, I wanted to push liao, still joke with me.

(i) After 6 pushes, I delivered BB Caitlyn @ 0946hr, weighing 2.96kg, length= 50cm and head= 30cm. I was shocked and surprised too. I never thought I can make it naturally without any injection.

(j) BB Caitlyn came out crying loudly and a while later, playing with her saliva. Dr Fong commented she's extreme alert.

(k) I glad BB Caitlyn latch on very immediately after I was pushed to the ward. She's a real sucker and I glad I enjoyed the breastfeeding process, though tired but felt extreme satified.

Now me still in hospital, supposed to discharge today, but she spotted jaundice by PD and advised to stay for another day. I shall be back home tomorrow...
Congrats on the birth of Caitlyn!

Woah... such a smooth delivery! Do rest well and post us a pic of Caitlyn soon.

Update n correction:
- today go clinic.. tot can start puregon. Who knows.. Dr Fong say stil a bit high.. want me to do another E2 test!
- results out, my E2 level drop to 29, and from LH & FHS test, he conclude and decide to put me on 300IU!

So 2molo am.. I wil start to hear the clicking of the puregon pen liao.

CONGRATS !!! so envy of your smooth delivery ! Post her pic here ok !


congrats to u too ! i seriously cannot remember these jabs, their names and what levels etc etc ... ahhaha mother of 2 can be VERY forgetful.
Hi, just to check with mummies out there... When was your post-natal checkup with Dr Fong? And what'll he be checking? Your advise please...


once ur mensus has finished, then u book an appt to see Dr Fong. He will do a paps smear for u.

How r u coping ? Latching bb caitlyn ?
hi puppy.. yep, i oso waited for my menses to end. initially my appt was 4 wks aft delivery but still bleeding so postponed to 6 wks. one of the nurses told me tt if breast feeding, usu will b 6 wks.

Ok, thanks for the info,... Ok, so will make my appt first..

Caitlyn is a real "sucker"... She asking for milk every 2 hours...My supply still not fantastic 'cos only day 6... so I supplement my night feed with FM while the day with BM...But glad she's an easy BB to look after, eat already.. and can sleep...
