DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )


great that you are able to book a slot soon for your counselling and soon u'll join the preggy group soon...

So u'll walk in on next Sat, 27 Sept... My appt is 1045am... but I expect to c him only maybe 1 and 1/2 hrs later... sat appt is always horrible... but no choice, I don't want to take weekday's appt as I'm trying to clear and do handover to my staff...So will be seeing u waiting in the clinic.. wow, walk in can takes up to 2 to 3 hrs...I did that once, made me wait for 2 hrs+...

Ok...stay relax, enjoy your process... am sure u'll success...

halo dmbb...ya... i am also traumatised by her crying for unknown reason... which explains the blues that we are both having.. Have been crying for a no. of days liaoz... continue like that. i will definately look like the panda ancestor.. zombie panda... haha..

lets jiayou together ya...

Halo Haze1ine,
Dun worry.. i am sure you will be able to complain/ maybe even praise your own bb in another 11 months.. dun give up.. jiayou ya...
I manage to get an appt at 1005am leh. The nurse told me it's appt... so I hope I dun hv to wait too long, I'll be seeing u around then.

I know walk-in has to wait for abt 2 hrs, i did that for most of my IUI sessions.. no choice then also.

My DH can only accompany me on a wkend. Wkdays, I'll go appt myself unless, he's needed lor.

hehe.. thx. I hope so too. Cos thk most in this forum r already mothers leh.. only me.

REMEMBER to ask ur hubby to go to the IVF counseling with you. Pls dont go alone else he wont know how much you have to go through. Although he is not required physically during the session, but it's very impt that he knows each process and the procedures and also the cost.

hazel, dmbb

congrats to both you. i guess it must be your first bb ya ? I too had post natal blue when I had #1. For #2, it was a breeze. nothing can makes me cry ahhah cos experienced already.

Just look on the bright side. You must understand your bb stays inside you for 9 mths and they are adjusting to the world now. It's not easy for the lil ones so be a bit patient.

Do u know if you feel bad or angry, your bb will feel it and it may influence them ? So if u want them to stop crying, you have to stop first. ok ?
cheer up !
Thanks lbt for the information... This is indeed my first baby... so anxious... plus my house no baby yet.. and i am the youngest.. so quite stressed.. haha...

Btw... my baby dun suckle well at home.. she doesnt like to be fed when we are at home.. i am very worried.. i have to keep pumping my milk.. should I go back to MT A to see if I have done my latching correctly??
I thk they dun look so alike now leh... but so chubby! Actually, who is older ah?

Bbs really grow up very fast.. nv c for a while, looks diff liao hor...

if u want to latch, then better to see a LC. you can look for sister kang or jenny at Mt A.

dmbb, you're welcome.


eh u use flash when taking pic of your twins ? can see the red eye leh. better dun use it now, bad for their eyes.

Before we go home, the Sister Kang has visited us and said that I have very good supply of milk and tat my latching is correct. Dunno why suddenly like that... hmmm... you have any idea how much is the consultation?


You must jia you also ya.. let us overcome all these difficulties and be the support of our dearies...

ya, i forget to change the setting lol.....


after delivery my period come almost 1 mth, when i need to go Dr fong clinic to check 4 pap smear, i have to postpone to another week, so i think is normal de, if u still have ligh spotting just to call the staff n let them know, they will make another appt 4 u....


the right is my boy Wei Sheng, he is older, my gal is youngest, time different is only 1 min. He is very good boy, my gal a little bit pamper lol...
Im wondering abt multiple births.. since it's via C section, so the time diff betwn them, can be 'arranged' one, rite? Usually it's abt 1 min or so hor...

Anyone ever heard of multiple births via natural? Thk nowadays seldom, rite?

Today I call up clinic again. Thk I a bit siao.. worried abt this n that. I ask them if I nv take those rubella lah, HIV lah.. wotever tests, I can start my Lucrin mah? I tot they hv forgotten to ask me to go take those tests 1st. But they assure me, can take those aft I start my jabs. No problem one. The clinic jus ned to submit my tests n jab results b4 I do the actually IVF, which is ER I thk.

hehe actually u can ask all these qns during the counselling session. Just relax ok ... dont make urself so kan cheong.

my SIL's sister delivered her twin gals naturally. Sud right ?
Woah.. ur SIL's sis ready steady!

Yahlor.. I shd prepare another list of questions again to ask them come Mon. Now I know why they insist we go for counselling 1st.. Then most of the questions wil be answered by the Fertility Clinic liao then save the clinic a lot of trouble from blur blur ppl like me! haha
<font color="0000ff">pettygal</font>
Your twins are sososoooooo........cute and handsome. So chubby really feel like pinching them.

My MIL delivered my hubby n his sister natural...

Mine why is under c-section cos my boy head is down, but my gal head is 45 degree, so dr fong say i cant go 4 natural, need to op, if i can i also wan to try natural birth.
Oh.. ur hubby is a 'long fong tai' himself ah? Then I guess he mus be really happy that his kids r too!
Hi Ladies,
Went for my counselling at Mt E on mon. Got a better idea of whole IVF process, wot is involved, the risks n wot is excluded.

Wil go c Dr Fong this Sat... he'll brief me on my jabs. If things goes smoothly, I shd be able to do my ER by end of Oct.

Hmm.. recently a lot of products not deem safe lor. I thk we swollow plain rice can liao!

haha u funny lah ... swallow white rice only ? rice also very ex now !

i think it's good they banned all these products, now I dont dare to buy ice cream .. though I am v v v tempted.

ok so i believe you are mentally prepared for IVF ? Who briefed you ? the last time I did IVF, Ida was the one who was with me throughout the IVF journey. Very nice lady.
A lady called Pinky! Malaysian.. but she also quite nice lah.

I keep looking around, wondering who is Lai Cheng leh. But thk nv c her...

yah.. rice also ex. I almost nv cook so recently, I jus bought another 2.5kg pkt n realised.. woah.. increase by abt $1+ liao.
haze1ine, wow u r soon to embark on the process... Congrats and gd luck...

So i shall be able to catch u ard the clinic on this Sat... mine is 1035am... Haiz... wait wait n wait...

Oh.. u'll c Lai Cheng before the ET... She's a nice lady... The lady who stayed thru' out with me is Jacqueline... Not sure she's still around anot... plump and cute girl, think only 20+ years old... She works closely with Pinky...but more bubbly..

Now me on the counting down days... 5 more weeks or less to go... and my girl is "happily kicking" me everyday... hopefully she'll be guai guai and come out exactly on EDD...hahaha.. 'cos seems like time is running short...still got lots of handovers to my staff and still have to do my staffs' half yearly appraisal before I go... Yeeeeeeeyucccccck...
At least u hv ppl to handover to when u go on ur maternity... 'wash hand' liao jus go! haha

I'm stil wondering how to tell my new supervisor leh. I'm stil at work.. trying to clear up my stuff for the previous supervisor. *sigh* Nv ending story lah.. transfer liao stil want me to clean up sh*t for her!

Ok.. u look out for me, ok? C if u can guess which one is me.. hehe
during may this yr when i'm doing my transfer, i saw lai cheng, she's a pregger herself.

pinky is a nice lady, really took care of me during the transfer, tellg me to relax so dr fong can do his job. but i can't for a while till dr fong stood up and said i reali have to relax...

i almost gave up cos i'm very urgent!!! i need to pee!!! u're suppose to have a full bladder when doing transfer. :-(

i only took purgeon for x no. of days (dun remember liao @ 150iu) then before the transfer, another jab, must be done by doc to mature the eggs... something like this.

dun think so much, gong gong do it, and gong gong get preg... at least u won't feel so stress.

remember to take plenty of rest after the transfer and can't have sex for first 3 mths.
next wk i'll be doing my detail scan, turn 20wks!!!! time flies!!!! hope i get to know the gender soon so i can go online for a shoping spree if it's a girl.
U were only on puregon? Not even Lucrin b4 that? Hmm... urs seems to be like IUI leh. Maybe u hv too many follicles so convert to IVF instead.

May I ask how many embryos u retrieved? U hv PCOS?

U want galgal ah.. galgal good hor.. can dress up. hehe

Hmm.. if LaiCheng is pregnant.. maybe she wun be my embryologist IC liao. I heard she's good leh..
initially was to do SO-IUI so self jab puregon @150iu, ya... my body over stimulated and thus too many follicles. so convert to IVF to increase chance + shorten trying time.

i've pcos, so menses very irregular, according to dr fong, sometime i produce empty follicles, so diff to get preg.

dr managed to retrieve 14 follicles, 9 fertilised, 5 have some problems. transferred 2 embryos. thus 7 freezed.

i got bleeding during 1st few weeks, i suspect it's the other embryo which din make it, cos dr fong scanned and saw 2 sacs and he said the bleeding came from womb. after 2 wks, i got dark brown discharge, this time he saw only one sac.

but according to eileen, the pregger, she said our body will absorbed the not sucessful one but not for my case. mine came out.

i was terrified cos my progestrone v weak, wasn't enuf to support my first preg, so have to jab progestrone and oral pills for 1st trimester.

doing IVF, oso my insert crimone gel, progestrone for 1st trimester. i dunno u, but i got infection and very funny discharge that will drop out when i pee or shower. eileen said it's norm after using crimone gel. and will go away after i stop inserting it.

I hope you get a gal ! update us of your progress ok !


i agree with bbleo. gong gong do and gong gong get preggie, just like me. I did not know abt this forum when i do IVF so all I do is listen to Dr Fong only. And I never think of anything else. then get pregnant liao...
No wonder! But starting off at 150IU is quite a lot.. esp for PCOS women.

That's wot the nurses told me, 1st 3 mths, very critical. But I thk u mus be very happy that it's very stable now n looking forward to ur scan.

Yeah.. gong gong do... gong gong strike! haha
i guess i wasn't responding to oral medication n thus dr fong order to have 150iu.

yes, am glad that the bb is doing fine and approaching 20wks. pretty unbelievable. this will be the last pregnancy so i'm going to be enjoy the preg experience one last time. in fact this one has been really good to me.

no m/s and able to take any kinda food. and i din feel that i'm growing too fat, so i think this a girl, tummy oso look rather small at almost 20wks. my mum even said i look thinner... but i eat leh... din really eat for 2, cos i'm not that hungry for this preg.

anyway, i felt kinda sad cos in 2yrs time, i'll probably not renew storage contract for the freezing of the other 7 embryos... though no heartbeat or watsoever but they're all my hubby and mine product lor. we opted to discard... :-(

Were u there today? I duno which one is u... I saw many there with DH n their kids too. There's also a pair of 'long fong tai'! Thk abt 2yrs old liao.. wonder if they r conceived from IVF too.

Dr Fong told me to start my Lucrin jab on 3 Oct instead. Cos I told him I tested +ve for LH today. He said better wait another wk then jab. Wil go back on 10 Oct for bloodtest to c my response.

If all goes well, I shd be doing my ET on last wk of Oct.

He told me.. most likely he'll put me on 250IU for puregon! Sounds like a lot to me leh.. he said no point jabbing too little, then get only 2-3 eggs, since I'm doing IVF. He ask me not to worry as he wil monitor my reactions.

wah sounds like an exciting journey for u !
hmmm i vaguely recall that I dun jab so much puregon too .... but then everyone is different, so just follow Dr Fong's instruction ok ?

I remembered Lai Cheng told me they harvested about 20 eggs. Out of the 20 eggs, think abt 9 were selected for storage. So first attempt in 2006, Dr Fong put 2, then I left with 9. In end 2007, Lai Cheng defrosted 3 which one din survive. Then she defrosted one more, so Dr Fong can put in 3.
Yes.. I can't wait to start. Jus hv to wait a liiiiitttle bit longer.

Oh... u had quite a good harvest of eggs then! I'd be happy to have a healthy child.. or two! haha
haze1ine, yes I was there... me was in baby blue top with my hubby. We sat @ the chairs there. After which, a couple sat beside us (my ex-colleague). R u the lady with hubby, sitting opposite us in brown top and pant? Wear spectacle? I was actually rather early in the clinic, before 10am, but left for my breakfast after that.

So excited for you to start your journey soon... don't worry too much, you sure under the good hand of Dr Fong... And he'll take really good care of you...

250UI is really a lot, I think mine was 100UI only.. but that's SO-IUI, but I responded extreme too well to it, that's why had to convert to IVF after that...

Well progress of my Minnie... My bb has put on a kg within 3 weeks... now weighing 3kg... and Dr Fong asked me 2 shop more 'cos I told him, I don't do housework, my hubby is the one who does it...

My next visit will be 11 Oct, another Sat again and I heard will be gonna a long wait 'cos there'll be 3 new cases on that Sat...

ya healthy baby is what we need now. Dont bother about the gender.


wah ur minnie ate a lot ya ? be careful else v diff to go natural birth. if I din remember wrongly, you are quite slim and tall right ?

what do u mean by 3 new cases ?
yah... my minnie gets hungry easily now... I tried to eat small meals nowsaday... fruits in between... but somehow minnie gets very hungry and will kicks me... Yah, am tall and slim..Well also thanks to my IL too while staying with them the last 2 weeks, fed me too well... if I come home late, they will leave me lots of meats and rice and vegs. Scared my minnie not enuff... :p

Oh.. the nurse was telling me there are 3 new cases = 3 new customers lor.. so the waiting time definitely be longer, 'cos sure exceed the normal consultation time per patient... Haiz...

wah ur in laws is good. And also bb tends to do nothing inside and only put on weight. Good life sia ! ehehhe

oh 3 new customers .. ic ic .. ya better go early to avoid long waiting Q. And yes, do shop more while you can. Once bb is out, sometimes difficult to get someone to look after for u.

can i ask if there is any specific days that is advisable to do fertility check up with gynae? been using ovulation test kits for the past few months but always get negative. Sighz.. Think i probably not ovulating. going to call to make appointment with Dr Fong. must the check up be x days after AF or something? can anyone advise? thanks.

I thk I vaguely rem u leh.. but I can't recall wot u look like! haha Yes.. I'm the one u tot I'm.

Ytday I LS leh.. on MC. Sian.. want to start IVF liao then sick. I find the more u want to stay healthy, the more u'd get sick! I also duno wot I eat.. stil the same food mah.. also nothing diff.

I thk as long as ur AF has cleared, u can go c Dr Fong lah. Most likely u'll hv to do a scan n talk abt ur 'history'. Bring all the necessary info lor... so he'll hv a better idea of ur situation. He might ask ur DH to do a SA if he has not done one recently.

U can call up the clinic to enquire..
