DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

Thank you ladies for the encouragement. gosh....now with the stitches removed from my cervix and 1.5cm dilated I am more afraid to walk. Go shopping so scared waterbag break outside or contractions suddenly more intense or got show. I have contractions now but not regular. Eat? Baby is pretty big already so scared very difficult to deliver.

I am really hopeless everything also scared.

bbrooster: Hey, u actually opt for natural so u already much better than me. I just am so grateful I had the chance to opt for C section cuz I really dun dare to try natural.

If u scared, then I largi worse than you.

You have courage which I don't!
Bbrooster, so excited for you! God bless!

Just saw today's posting. Eh, this morning not you pop then is who? I went check up and asked Eileen if you pop already, she said this morning loh. So it's not you ah?


Me back from Gynae le. I need some hugs now. Now no matter what my MIL does or what, I can't be bothered liao. Cos my baby's life is what matters most now...

Sorry leh, i just need to let off some emotions.

Happily went in to see gynae cos I was expecting myself to pound on more weight but 2kg, still ok.

Gynae said my joints prolly can't support the sudden weight gain over mths. That's why knees and hips pain. Then say I can try cutting down carbo to reduce the weight gain.

LAter during scan, I still excited to video down the process thinking no much chance to see my bb in tummy liao. 1st time take video. Stupid HP, 2 mins recording nia. Sian.

Suddenly gynae stopped at 1 position and turned on colours to see blood flow. He told me the blood flow to baby is slow. And I need to monitor baby's movement very closely these 2 wks. Cos baby's cord is particially round the neck, so affecting the blood flow and baby might lack of oxygen. Plus another concern is he's worried the cord might go round the neck.

My cousin last time her baby's cord also go round the neck and she had to emergency C-sec to take e baby out. I so scare the same thing will happen to baby and me. It's now not the C-sec that scares me. It's the movements I'm more worried le. He said if 1 day less than 10 times, must see him immediately. I'm very scared I'll miscount or misinterpret any movement for baby now.

All these while I dread the day I'll pop. Suddenly now I am worried what if baby nv gets a chance to come to this world. So feel like crying at this thought. I told hubby. He said I should have faith in myself. What will happen will happen... I dunno how to talk to him now. He don't seem to understand the fear I am facing now. I don't want the baby to die inside me... *Sobs* Feeling so lost now.

I even have the urge to tell the gynae to just cut open my tummy and take the baby out now to play safe. Me very scare now...

I keep blaming myself now. Dunno issit becos baby can't feel any love from me that's why she trying to kill herself inside me? Stupid hubby never seem to understand a mummy's mindset. Maybe all these while he's not the one carrying the baby, he'll nv understand the fear of the chance of your own baby facing danger inside your tummy. So feel like scolding him but really no mood for anything now... Think scold liao also uselss...
btw ladies, e above posting I just copy n paste from what i type in May's thread. Sorry leh. Cos me really no mood now. Pardon me for my laziness today...
kelcqi: *hugs* *HUGS* *hugs*

Please don't blame yourself.

Maybe you can consider giving birth early once u hit 37 weeks? Just make sure U spend some quite time with baby, counting the movements. If the movement suddenly v frantic you must also take note of that and immediately go to the hospital.

Yr hubby is also prob very scared, but he's trying to be brave for you. He's telling you not to blame urself for this also.

HOw many weeks are you now?
<font color="0000ff">Kelcqi</font>
*hugs* *hugs* to you too. This is not your fault. And lucky thing Dr Fong realise it fast. So from now on you monitor baby's movement closely. Hopefully, the cord won't go round her neck at all. Are you seeing him weekly or every 2 weeks now? You must stay happy ok.

How many weeks are you now?
Hello bbrooster and Mrs Lai,
i think kelcqi is in her 30-31 weeks only.

How r u? Have u delivered? Coz kelcqi told me yesterday that u given birth?
<font color="0000ff">Joy07</font>
No it was not me. Dr Fong came in yesterday morning and check on me. Still cannot, it's not dilating even though I insert tablet to soften cervix. So he discharged me ask me go and walk more.
hi kelcqi

Be strong N think positive. At least dr fong discovered the current situation early, there is still hope. Now U just nid to monitor there is movement inside. Last time fong also ask me to count the moments and when i reach 10 counts, it was always in the late afternoon. I feedback to clinic and fong asked to see me. I went down for the monitoring (forgotten wat to called that) - where U can see the fluctuations from the little screen. Thanks God everything was OK. Fong then commented, no matter how big or small the movement is, still consider as 1 count. U may hv noticed by now, Ur baby may be sensitive to certain noise, for example when i attend the -antal natal class at TMC when mrs wong speaks, the baby will get very excited cos it's very LOUD and with diff tones. This is how i found out how baby react to diff noise.

Do not worry now.... just keep monitoring the situation and do not hestitate to call the clinic once U are unease

Yesterday 13 hrs only 10 moves.

Then this morning till now only 2. It's getting scary...

Went to Kiddy palace to get the baby monitor, sold out. How lucky... Later gotta go out n find...
<font color="0000ff">Kelcqi</font>
Are you 34 weeks now? How is baby's movement now? If it's so little movement you better go to A &amp; E Mount Alvernia. They will page for Dr Fong to see you in the hospital. Or call his emergency no.

how r u ? ur ah boy still dont want to make his grand entrance ?

i just sms-ed Kelcqi. She says her bb move a lot yest .. so that's good news.
<font color="0000ff">lbt</font>
I am still around. Tomorrow going to see Dr Fong.

Glad to hear that Kelcqi is ok because didn't hear from her since Sat.

oh ok .. ur boy really feels comfy inside u !! hehe ok lah go eat whatever food u want to eat now.

oh ! tmr I see Dr Fong too !!!!

1115am .. u ????
So ur little boy is still resting comfortably inside u...

bbrooster, me too, tmr going 2 c Dr Fong... my appt is @ 1045am...what time is yours?

So lbt, ur appt is after me... so I can roughly know you look like...
puppy !

eheh so qiao .. ok i will bring my Rachel there .. so u can spot me, my gal and my hubby

call me .. I may forget one ahah

ok lah means ur appt is confirmed ....

think tmr dr fong will chk ur cervix. tell us how much have u dilated. ur bb not engaged hor ?
<font color="0000ff">lbt</font>
aiyooo.....please don't dig into my cervix anymore. They check my cervix too many times till so sore that day in the hospital.
<font color="0000ff">lbt</font>
Actually, he check me previously it's not painful and very pro. But because after removing the cerclage already sore. Before that he had a hard time reaching my cervix to have my stitches removed. I was groaning in pain and no choice I had to use the laughing gas. He said my cervix was too high up and baby head also still high.

Haven log in here for few days leh.

Bbrooster, now still haven pop yet ah? Your baby loves being inside you so much. Haha... When is your EDD? Don't need to induce rite? Btw, I added u inside my MSN leh, but nv see u online before...

My baby's movement,
Sat: Less than 10 moves
Sun: 10 moves at 4pm, still moving alot after that but nv count liao.
Today: Just hit my 9th move only. Need 1 more to go...

Super sian leh. Mentally stressing cos now always need to be very alert to spot every move. Feel so tired mentally...

Things I need to do by this weekend.
1. Clean my own room
2. Pack hospital bag
3. Buy PJs
4. Haven baby's clothes ready.
<font color="0000ff">Kelcqi</font>
I am glad that you are alright. I didn't hear from you so got abit worried for you. Don't be stressed. I think your baby will be fine. How many weeks are you now?

I haven't pop yet. Still waiting. My actual EDD is 20 April. Probably, Dr Fong will ask me to induce if overdue. Like my daughter she was overdue and Dr Fong ask me to induce. Once overdue the risk is higher. No point keeping and get worried.
hi kelcqi

glad U r fine... For baby's clothes, wash them first using the baby detergent. If u cant do any housework, ask HB or some1 else to help lor. DOnt squat ok?

Since U gonna try BF in hospital, if u nid help on feeding, just ask the nurse. Mrs wong and her team is very helpful. There r some senior staff nurse there oso can help in BF. When u bring baby home, remember to swaddle baby well cos baby feel very insecure when they r not swaddle well and it's a new environment for baby. She nids time to adjust it.

oh ya... i thk u can ask for red-date longan tea. that time i forgotten and drank mostly milo for my meals

Update us on yr progress, ok? take care
hi mummies,
how often is the paps smear done with Dr fong? yearly? does fong clinic has the practice of calling their clients/send letter when the next paps smear test is due? or do we personally have to make the appointment ourselves? thanks.
hi lbt,

Never see u in the clinic juz now... I waited till 11:15am when my name was called and left the clinic around 11:40am... Today the wait was quite ok... Not crowded..

So how's your checkup? Too bad no chance 2 c bbrooster... Next time lah... My next appt is 17 May, 945am...

Catch up with u gals later... gonna go n take a nice nap... Sleepless nite yesterday...
msworri: It's once a year i think. Not sure if they will call to remind or you have to make appointment.

kelcqi: *hugs* at this stage, you would tire easily, what's more now u have to worry about your little one. Remember don't do "chu huo" and rest as much as possible.

bbrooster: I had checked once at TMC (false alarm) and my goodness, SO PAINFUL but at least I got a feel of what contractions feel like (I tot I needed to poop!). Don't think I want to go through that again :p
I came back from the the clinic already. When Dr Fong said he want to check my cervix I was really frightened. But luckily it was not painful. He is so pro in checking cervix that I never felt pain except that day when my cerclage was removed and the sore was there. Plus the constant checking by the nurse during my one day stay.

He is going to break my waterbag and bb head is lower now. And I am still deciding on 18th (Fri) or 19th (Sat) to be admitted. He's afraid baby will put on even more weight because baby is already 3.6kg.
hi hi !

bbrooster ur bb is big ah !!! aiyo cannot wait liao .. wait cannot delivery naturally.

heeh see I told u .. it is painless right ? that's why I like Dr Fong so much ... paps smear or cervix chk is always so easy ...

today he saw me and the first thing he goes "WAH !"

he commented my tummy is big lah !!! ahahha

anyway bb is 1.2+kg at 28 weeks ... so far so good. but hor the bb turned leh .. now head is up leh. anyway Dr Fong says will turn again. so keep my fingers crossed !


eheheh so we met lah .. just that we cant recognise each other
<font color="0000ff">lbt</font>
Your baby head already in down position and turn up again? First time I heard of it.

This morning's queue is quite fast I heard from the nurse. The nurse called me at 1145 to ask me if I can reach earlier but end up I still have to wait about 45 mins for my turn.

I heard baby's head turned down but not engage will have chances of baby's head being up again.

Your baby so big now. Keke... Go on Sat bah. One more day to indulge yourself in good food before confinement. I thought U said is next Monday, how come now earlier?

Lbt, my baby also 1.2kg at 28 wks, but dunno why she so disappointing, now only 1.7kg at 32 wks... 33 wks now, wondering she got put on weight or not.

Star, can ask for Longan Tea one ah?
<font color="0000ff">Kelcqi</font>
Your baby's weight is very normal. Don't worry. Below is my baby's weight throughout for your reference.

27 wks - 1.1kg
31 wks - 1.8kg
34 wks - 2.2kg
35 wks - 2.7kg
37 wks - 3.2kg
39 wks - 3.6kg

Weight only start to shoot up after 34 wks.

Red dates tea can be requested but I think have to pay for it.
bbrooster, so the day to see your bb is coming soon... so have u decided a date liao, muz let us know...

Yah, the crowd yesterday was ok... and the wait is ok too...

lbt, next time we shall see if we got a chance 2 meet again...

hehe no prob !


dont worry, some bb catch up very fast during the last few weeks. Probably u r stressed lah ..

bbrooster ..
ya i was quite shock the bb turn ... so Dr Fong says this bb v notti compare to my first one ... my first one turned v early and stay there until labour.
The 2nd one kick me v hard also !!
Joy, am doing ok but freaking out. The blood tests showed good signs but we couldn't see anything but water sac during the scan this week 6. I was so quiet and blanked out after that, all the qs i wanted to ask, nothing came out...
Can mummies share at which week u saw the sac and heartbeat?

Yest, I heard someone was in labour, thought it was you bbrooster, until I read the past few days' posts

Joy, how about you, u seemed to say ur AF reported? btw AF stands for what?
aoys, how abt you?
Hi Faith,

I saw my sac when it was in wk 3, at another gynae. At wk 7 heard the first heartbeat.

Bbrooster, Lbt,

I also hope baby will have at least 2.7-2.9kg at birth. Not too big. I dun care what my MIL say liao. Most important is baby healthy.
<font color="0000ff">Faith78</font>
1st pregnancy saw the sac and heartbeat at 6wks.

2nd pregnancy saw only sac no heartbeat at 5wks.

Dr Fong reschedule me to see him at wk 6 or 7 (can't remember) then we saw the heartbeat.

Think on the positive side. Don't worry too much.

AF = Aunt Flow

dont worry. during my 1st preg, i did not hear the heartbeat at week 6. was also v worried. then one week later... we saw it ! so be positive !
Hi mummies, anyone here have PCOs and conceive naturally or with medi but not IVF? i had 2 miscarriages last year, have PCOs, endometriosis and adenomyosis.. super stress out when i heard i got PCOs last week and advise to go for IVF. But i heard the cost is very high. but i'm worried if i go for natural &amp; fertile the unhealthy small egg (bcos i got PCOs) , i end with with another disaster... having gone thru it twice, i'm really skeptical...

How much does dr fong yang charge for 1st consultation? is he gynae or also fertility field? i'm now with Dr Christopher chen from gleneagles, my friend ask me go Dr Suresh Mt E. i heard Dr fong is very patient, thinking where to get myself settled.

anyone have IVF recently, can you share with me what's the cost like? sorry to ask so many question haha
Halo... I am first time mummy and first time to post on this forum... Thanks to you gals that i finally went Dr Fong.. He is really very nice..

I am experiencing abdominal pain lately... quite bad also.. coz will lead to backache... I am going back to him today and see what's happening..

Btw.. when did you gals start feeling the movement? coz till now I still cannot feel (dunno isit becoz i dunno how to feel) the baby moving. My friend almost same weeks as me say she can already feel the bb moving.. Make me more worried.

Can anyone advise me on this???

Sorry for such a long-winded one for my first post..
Hi CreateJoy

Have you considered TCM? Dr Fong diagnosed my friend with PCO &amp; Endo &amp; her DH with low sperm count. But with TCM (the Jurong East one) &amp; clomid she conceived twice. For me, Dr Fong diagnosed me with PCO, Endo &amp; a blocked fallopian, but with TCM (Eu Yang Sang), I conceived naturally too. He did not even suggest to any of us to do any surgery to treat endo or unblock the tube. So you may want to consider seeing him &amp; also try TCM before embarking on IVF.

I conceived twice under IVF by Dr Fong. Both pregnancies from 1st attempt of IVF.

The cost is abt 10K+ in 2005. Not sure about now.

The eggs that are retrieved from u and fertilised will be the healthy ones, so dont worry.


how many weeks are now ? as first time mother, you wont feel the bb movements so early. I rem I felt mine at week 18, and friend got hers at week 22 .. so u see, it's diff for individual.

if u encounter any pain or cramps, u shld see Dr Fong very soon. He may prescribed medication to ease ur pain. Dont delay ok .. the 1st tri is very critical.

good luck gals !
