DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

<font color="0000ff">lbt</font>
*sob sob* have not decide on a name yet. It's so difficult to find a boy name. Always expected a girl and actually already plan for girl name even before I was pregnant.

Cerclage was done at Mt A just a one day surgery. I was put on GA.

Lbt, bbrooster,

I opting to stay in a single bedded room cos I want hubby to stay with me. Plus a few of my friends said they'll come over to the hospital when I pop, I scare too noisy and disturb other mummies. Last time I ever stayed in hospital for 4 bedder, what I don't like is sometimes if suay, kanna those rowdy families, they just take your chair away without asking. My friends also kanna similar situations and they said esp those malay families, if same room as them, is the most suay one. That's why she also said next time if give birth, she'll also go one bedder.

bbrooster, go to http://www.babynames.com

They should have a list of names you'll like. I wanna name my gal Erica. Keke...

i also randomly search for gal's name that start with R and i got "Rianne"

slowly .. u sstill got .. A FEW DAYS !! ahhah musst jia you.

u want to start with what Letter ?
<font color="0000ff">lbt</font>
Start with letter 'J' or 'A' but if I am desperate any letter also can. And meaning of the name must be good.

<font color="0000ff">Kelcqi</font> and you have chosen a nice name.
Kelcqi: let me dig out the list for the hospital I made out (ignore my comments)

Hospital Notes - none (probably won't be doing one)
Birth Plan - in progress!
Nightgowns (Preferably the type you can unbutton in front of easy breastfeeding) - checked!
Maternity bras - checked!
Bra pads - checked!
Maternity sanitary pads - checked!
Small plastic bags for soiled stuff (personal hygiene) - to note
Bedroom Slippers - er I only have one side, the other side is still MIA :p
Nipple Cream - checked!
Dark coloured towel - checked!
Comfortable briefs or disposable underwear -checked!
Clothes for when leaving the hospital - to note
Favourite toiletries - checked! (except for toothbrush and toothpaste though ...)
Kelcqi: This was my birthplan before I decided that I want LA.

You may want to discuss this with Dr Fong - it is good to have, incase ur hubby cannot rem if he too excited and u are "knocked out".


I wish to be able to move around and change position at will throughout labor.
I will be bringing my own music to play during labor.
I would like the lights in the room to be kept low during my labor.
I would prefer to keep the number of vaginal exams to a minimum.
I would like to be given ice chips and milo drink during the first stage of labour


I do not want an internal monitor unless My baby has shown some sign of distress.
I wish to have continuous fetal monitoring

Labour Augmentation/Induction

If labour needs to be induced, we prefer to opt for C-section (LA)

Anesthesia/Pain Medication

I may wish to consider to have a standard epidural


If a Cesarean delivery is indicated, I would like to be fully informed and to participate in the decision-making process.
I would like My husband present at all times if My baby requires a Cesarean delivery.
I wish to have an epidural for anesthesia
If My baby is not in distress, My baby should be given to me immediately after birth.


I would prefer not to have an episiotomy unless absolutely required for the baby's safety.
I would appreciate guidance in when to push and when to stop pushing so the perineum can stretch.
I would prefer an episiotomy rather than a tear.
I would like a local anesthetic to repair a tear or an episiotomy.


I would like My husband and/or nurses to support me and my legs as necessary during the pushing stage.
Even if I am fully dilated, and assuming My baby is not in distress, I would like to try to wait until I feel the urge to push before beginning the pushing phase.
I would appreciate having the room lights turned low for the actual delivery.
I would like to have My baby placed on my stomach/chest immediately after delivery.

Immediately After Delivery

I would like to have My husband cut the cord.
I do not want a routine injection of pitocin after the delivery to aid in expelling the placenta.
I would like to donate the umbilical cord blood if possible.


Unless required for health reasons, I do not wish to be separated from My baby.
I would like to have My baby 'room in' after I have had some time to recover.
I would like My baby with me during the day but in the nursery at night.


I plan to breastfeed My baby and would like to begin nursing very shortly after birth.
Unless medically necessary, I do not wish to have any bottles given to My baby (including glucose water or plain water).
I do not want My baby to be given a pacifier.
If I am unable to breastfeed after delivery for whatever reason and my baby is hungry, please feed my baby formula milk with a cup
Kelcqi: Other items to bring to the hospital

1. Phone and Camera Charger
2. Coins for vending machine
3. Books/ Reading materials for hubby / urself
4. Favourite Pillow (in case u cannot sleep without ur comfort or usual pillow).
Wow Mrs Lai,
ur birth plan very interesting. So Dr Fong agreed to all? If i am pregnant can copyright or not? Hehee.
Joy: actually it's from birthplan.org. You can go and choose the options.

I actually went through this with Dr Fong. For eg, I don't know wat was pitocin (didn't manage to google it before i rushed for my appt), he will explain.

we also discuss this point: Labour Augmentation/Induction

If labour needs to be induced, we prefer to opt for C-section (LA)

I was quite sure I didn't want to be induce for natural birth. That time my BP wasn't so soaring high yet, and Dr Fong also agreed. So in the end, I really had to give birth early, so we stuck to my choice of C section with LA.

Then in case I really knock out, I left the isntructions for my hubby what type of formula milk to give in case I cannot breastfeed. It is good to think through it, so that won't be unhappy if hubby makes a decision that I do not want.

There were some changes to this also. In the end we didn't donate the cord blood but we banked it. Then Dr Fong forgot to let my hubby cut the cord =(
Mrs Lai,

Your birth plan super interesting leh. I was laughing away while reading. Hubby said I siao... :p

Dr Fong will want to discuss our birth plan issit? I thought all Gynae will ask the daddy if they wanna cut. If Dr Fong nv ask my hubby to cut, I think my hubby more happy wor. I was telling him today that he can cut the baby's cord, he said it's so disgusting. I told him such a significant act, he thinks it's disgusting. Mei You Fu Ai one...

When we need to start discussing our birth plan? Me due for my wk 32 check up on Thurs.


Haha, tell u wat. U shortlist a few lah, then write on paper, ask your hubby to draw lots. LOL...

U know how my friend choose her baby name? She prayed, den flip the baby names book. The page she open, she'll choose one from that pg. In the end ended up Rachel, Nathan and Cheryl. Her 3 kids names. Keke...

By the way me opposite as u. I prepared a name for boy. Never think for gals. Erica is named after my fav kid in my class last time. :p

If I have a boy, I'd name him either Levin or Scott. Or Levin Scott Foong. Keke...
hi kelcqi

i m nt sure whether TMC will provide breast pump. Alternatively, U can call ParentCraft to chk whether they charge for the pump during hospital stay. I was in single bed too and reali enjoy the privacy. If you are donating the cord blood, nt sure whether Fong will ask yr hubby to cut cos he didnt ask my hubby to do it leh. I stored the baby's cord blood. Getting excited hor, gonna deliver soon?
hi kelcqi

there is a hot drink machine outside the labour room. Did U go for the hospital tour? They will orientate you around the hospital. Before U are wheel into the Labour room, there is this room with many other MTB waiting to be deliver. This room can be quite noisy and i remember there was this lady who was screaming so loud and i reali got frigten by her. If you r goin for natural delivery, The nurse will shave U and ask U to clear yr bowel by inserting something into U and very soon U will hv the urge to go toilet. If u can tahan the urge a bit, hold it cos i rush to the toilet very soon after the insertion and didnt clean the system very well the 1st time. When i was push into the labour rm, the urge came again and i hv to tell the nurse to push me back to clear the bowel. So pai say

jayden, jared, joash, joshua ....?

ashton, ashley, aiden ?

wah mrs lai, ur birth plan v detailed. for me die die natural birth can liao
Hi Star,
I haven go for hospital tour wor. Even Dr Fong's nurse nv ask me wanna book which hospital also. Me 8 mths le. Hopefully Thurs they'll ask me.

I'm not storing my baby's cord blood leh. Cos hubby said too ex le. He said it's like paying money to store the blood hoping that something will happen to baby to use it. He said leave it to fate. What will happen will happen. *Pengz* and he dun want to donate the blood also, cos he said since no priority given to us even we donate, why help them to earn money from our baby... I had other thinking but well, his child also, I dun wanna argue wif him over all these.

Me not excited wor, weird mummy. In fact I dread it cos I know it's when I lose my eternal peace n freedom. Haha, I know my thinking very self-centered, but dunno leh, no much feeling for my baby still...

BBrooster, I vote for Joshua, or Joseph! I like the name Joseph and Gabriel.
u can save the money to buy health insurance for ur baby. By the way, if i am not wrong, if u donate the cord blood, u have have priorty to use the cord blood if there is a need. Maybe can double check on these but there is also a hassle to donate blood as they will need to interview u and asked tons of question.
feeling a little down after my consultation with Dr Fong today. he saw about 3 cysts in my ovary..he says I have PCO (and he said he doesn't consider me to have PCOS). does anyone know what's the difference? actually, what does it mean to have cysts in the ovaries? are they unripened eggs from previous cycles? I'm confused because from my BBT charts and OPK, I thought I've always been ovulating...

he asked me to arrange for HSG if my period comes this month. anyone faced this situation before? he didn't say if I still have chances of conceiving
kelcqi: We also talk to Dr Fong about CordBlood Banking - he says it's like buy insurance for yourself. If you hubby's argument is that, then v cham - no life and health insurance, cuz like waiting to die or to fall sick. We also dun wan anything to happen to our kids, but the chinese saying "bu pai yi wan, zhi pai wan yi" so hence we went ahead. I am a believer in insurance, my hubby no, so he got his first life insurance before we got married. I think it's very much a guy's thing ;P

The birthplan, it's good to think about it ... cuz in case something happens, then what are your alternatives? I rather think thru it early early than to make a decision on the spot.
Hi BM, perhaps he can only comment after the HSG?

I got the following info from the web:

Not all women with PCOS have polycystic ovaries (PCO), nor do all women with ovarian cysts have PCOS.

Polycystic Ovaries develop when the ovaries are stimulated to produce excessive amounts of male hormones (androgens), particularly testosterone, either through the release of excessive luteinizing hormone (LH) by the anterior pituitary gland or through high levels of insulin in the blood (hyperinsulinaemia) in women whose ovaries are sensitive to this stimulus.

This syndrome acquired its most widely used name because a common sign is multiple (poly) ovarian cysts. These form where egg follicles matured but were never released from the ovary because of abnormal hormone levels. These generally take on a 'string of pearls' appearance. The condition was first described in 1935 by Dr. Stein and Dr. Leventhal, hence its original name of Stein-Leventhal syndrome.

As of now, please don't worry about you can concieve or not. Do the HSG first and then Dr Fong will be able to further advise you from there *hugs*
Cheer up bm, am sure u'll be able to conceive soon. There are many of us here with PCO. am a bit confused when you mentioned he said he doesn't consider you to have PCOS...but I think the cysts found are water cysts and not blood cysts which are scary I heard. I guess he wants you to go for HSG just to ensure the tubes are fine before going for any further treatment? That's what my prev gynae also asked me to do, they do not want us to spend money unecessarily on treatment that won't work for us if our tubes are not ok.
If you're still feeling in doubt, you can always call their clinic and the nurse will assist you kindly in your query...

Aoys, I haven't been checking this forum lately, but last Wed, although I saw people sitting at the waiting area, I didn't go in to see who lah
so didn't see you
next time maybe hehe

My Hcg level is increasing, now it is 500+...thank God. Nxt one is on Tuesday...

Joy, I also like Ashley haha. Also like Sarah hehe...hmm we were thinking of Joshua for boy, but heard all Joshuas are naughty boys haha, so I dare not:pP
Faith, no leh, I know one joshua last time very mummy's boy one. Very guai...

Btw Joy, Ashley is a unisex name. So if you have a boy or gal, both can name Ashley. Keke...

bm, I also had a 6 cm cyst that time. As long as Dr Fong nv say it's dangerous, it's ok. Don't worry so much ok?

Mrs Lai, Think mayb I go ask Dr Fong one the birth plan and cord blood banking. Maybe after he give his professional view, my hubby will change his mind. Haha...

We will be buying insurance for baby. Already did the research and will be getting from my colleague likely...
<font color="0000ff">Names</font>
Thanks for sharing. Most of the names that you mention like Joshua, Jayden, Ashton I like them all. Joshua and Jayden is very common among our friends so that's out. Aiden the meaning is little fire so that's out too. Another friend suggested Ashton and I like it but have not decided.

<font color="0000ff">Cord Blood Banking</font>
I have sign up for my daughter and also this baby. Yes this is like an insurance. of course we don't wish anything to happen. Hb and I believe that insurance is necessary.

Actually, donating it is good if you don't intend to store them. Afterall, it's doing a good deed.

U shld go for the hospital tour to see see look look first. U can call TMC and i thk they a schedule for free hospital tour. WOW, u 8mth liao. very soon U gonna pop. Perhaps when U see yr little princess, U will start having some feeling for her. So U see fong every wk now? Fong nurse will arrange the hospital administration for U. On yr nxt visit, U can tell them abt yr hospital plan. Enjoy every moment now cos 9 mths of pregnancy doesnt come easy, U may missed these days nxt time. When ur baby is out, is another life style.
I do agreed that cord blood banking is an insurance. we sure hope we will not activate it. Today, medical field are very advance, perhaps in future, we can use the cord blood for other purpose N not just the current useage.
Faith, see you next time la. Good to know that you are well now. Very happy for you

Joy, U preggie liao? Think of name already ah.. hahaa....
Mrs Ong i am not preggie yet. Btw, i did a test this morning. It is Negative. Waiting for AF to report.

i will not name my boy Ashley. I am thinking of naming him Emmanuel(God is with us).
hello, sorry but would like to check with you ladies what are the opening hours for Dr Fong's 2 clinics and the numbers to call? Also, is it true for 1st consultation it must be on a weekday? thank you!
<font color="0000ff">adele001</font>
Dr Fong's Clinic in Paragon.

#15-09 The Paragon
Tel 6333 6636

Blk 18 Jalan Membina #02-02
(opp Tiong Bahru Plaza)
Tel 6276 7727

You can call and check with them the timing.

<font color="0000ff">Mummies</font>
Can anyone advise whether MT A has broadband internet connections in the maternity ward? And how are their charges?

I am not sure abt the internet access at MT A. maybe U can call and ask.

not sure if u know abt the Aviva MediShield plans. For bb born after Dec 2007, we have to purchase the plan for them using our CPF. However if both parents are covered under the Aviva plans, ur dependents are covered FOC.

me and hubby bgt the plans for outselves so my Rachel is covered under a lower plan. The lower plan covers her if she is admitted to a restructured hospital such as KKH.
kelcqi: ya hospitalisation/ mdeical plan is important. I bought for my gal when she was 3 months old? That was in July. In Nov she was admitted cuz she was running high fever with no other symptoms, and given her history with UTI, so we stayed for 2 nights. We bought the excess rider as well, so everything was covered lor. Heng. Otherwise, we would have paid about 1.7K
Lbt, Mrs Lai,

I'm thinking of Prudential wor. Support my friends loh. Bu TMC FBI card covers the hospitalization plan for 6 mths, do I still need to buy in this case?

I haven go hospital tour. Hmm, I'll call up tml to check. Tml me going Hi-tea with 2 May mummies. Last indulgence before one of them start popping.
<font color="0000ff">lbt</font>
We are also covered under Aviva MediShield plans and my daughter is covered FOC till a certain age if I didn't remember wrongly.
thanks Mrs Lai &amp; Faith for your advice and assuring words, it's good to be able to share in this forum
I guess I'll just try to relax and not worry too much as this won't help matters...

btw bbrooster, not sure if this helps. My friend was at Mt A to visit her mum who just did a minor surgey. She was using her laptop to msn me, so there's actually free wifi access there, just not sure if it applies to the maternity ward
kelcqi: is it? i also FBI holder but i didn't know about the hospitalzation plan. I got the premium plan with the excess rider for my gal, so it means she can go to any hospital lor - better as it means I can follow my PD whichever hospital he goes to! Last time my gal was warded in Mt A cuz the PD cannot be contacted (notti call center) and so they advised us to bring to A &amp; E and we did, in the end, my PD's colleague covered him to check on my gal the next day. I am not sure about the various hospitalisation plan, but we got NTUC cuz at one time, I think NTUC has one of the better plans around. I really cannot rem the details now. And er, I dun rem got any internet access or not cuz tt time i was a zombie.

talking about insurance, I also bought a life one for my gal. not that i hope something to happen to her, but when she is old enuff to afford her own, it will be very expensive. So buy now, and when she's old enuff, she can take over the policy herself.

BM: You are in good hands with Dr Fong, so just do the tests recommended and take one step at a time. In time to come, I'm sure you will be a mummy =)

i use to buy one from Prudential also. I dunno now if they have any hospitalisation plan but 2 yrs ago, they dont have. So they were selling MISG one at $500 per person ! very ex .. so I switch to the Aviva one .. cheaper and FOC for our children.
Mrs Lai,

U see from thomson medical website. They said upon signing up wif FBI card, they'll cover the baby from AXA insurance for 6 mths. Think it's not any hospital, but is applicable for TMC leh.

Prudential hospitalization plan if I'm not wrong is a riders plan. Meaning to say you get Prusave or Prucash, they'll have hospitalization plan as rider to top up. I check for u...
Kelcqi: Hmm, anyway it wouldn't have helped, cuz my gal was hospitalised when she was 8 months old! Thanks for the information though!
Just to let you all know Mt. A has Wi-Fi. So can bring your laptop and surf anywhere. I am still waiting to deliver in the delivery suite.
Sigh......pang kang liao. Can go home already. After cerclage was removed at noon yesterday I was put to stay in hospital to monitor. Contractions 13mins apart still long way. BB head and cervix still high. In the evening, Dr Fong suggested inserting a tablet to soften cervix. Contractions closer at 9pm. 2 mins apart and very regular at 12midnite but cervix still at 1.5cm and by 6am contractions almost zero.

Dr Fong came to see me this morning and suggest I go home and walk and wait. What an ordeal!
Kelcqi: I bought for her the NTUC preferred plan (the most exp one) with the excess rider.

BBrooster: :p the reason why i cannot opt for natural - but I admire mummies who opt for natural for their courage! (i am a scardy cat)!

Jia you!

aiyo .. u have a stubborn cervix ! eheh .. nvm go shopping ?? still can bath and go and eat GOOD FOOD ok !!!


U going to deliver so soonnnnnnnnnnnnn. Listen to Lbt go and walk and eat good food. Yeah u r the first mummy in this thread delivering in 2008. Good Luck to u. May God blessed u with a smooth delivery.
