Cup cakes for birthday

Jess, yeah sugar syrup or 2-3 tbsp of water. I was taught this method by an instructor
for a workshop I attended last time. Apparently it keeps the cake moist.

Jess, I tink for your swiss cake size is just right, too thick hard to roll.

Mrs Teng, I saw pillars selling at Phoon Huat before but I duno how to use. How do you transport 2 tier cakes? Do you frost the 1st layer and lay the 2nd layer on top or do you lay the 2nd layer first then frost?

Mone, I oso nvr tried playing with fondant before? But the thought of having to turn on aircon all day long for the fondant puts me off....lolx....

Fatmum, yesterday I was 'admiring' my recipe so many but hardly use. Muahahahaha...

I've got a set of pillars at home but never get to use it.. Just but it in the cake box as usual. I'm still waiting for my friend's feedback, so I really do not know how the cake turn out to be after a journey from my house to the chalet.

I layered both cakes before I frost from top to bottom.
Jandew: LOL I don't have aircon at my place. It will drive me nuts to keep the fondant nice and not 'sweaty'
days before the event esp when I may not have the time to do touch up.
ya i was taught of this method too when i attending workshop last time... but for my case i think it's bcoz the baking time tat caused the cake to turn out dry bah, probably overbaked for tat amount of batter...

size juz right ar? but i think thicker better ler... like polar or breadtalk one, i luv it!!

and talking abt turning on the air con whole day to keep the fondant cake dry... not only tat we hav to turn on the air con but also must make sure the air con is cold enough! tat time after i did the CAR cake i placed it in my bedroom but as i cannot take cold so i only turned on 27C and when i woke up the next day i noticed my CAR cake was sweating... so in the end got turn the air con back to full blast!! really 'ex' to make fondant cake...
Jess and our dog sleeps in our room. If I put a fondant cake in the bedroom at nite, it maybe all gone in the morning.Lol...

I do not have the problem of the car 'sweating' even if I leave it in my living room without air-con for one night. The trick is Gum tex, which a lot of the professional always preach of not putting bcos, ppl may eat it. I always tell me friends not to eat the fondant, reason being it's too sweet. Even if they want to eat the cake, it's still soft enuf to eat.

I guess 1/2 a tsp of gum tex for 750g of fondant is not an issue. It won't harden the fondant until you can't eat it, but just prevent it from sweating. Anyway, this method was taught by someone who's also a professional chef well known among many bakers.
Mrs Teng,
Nice shou tao cake. Your friend must be very pleased with your creation.
Agree once the kids are cranky, you almost couldn't get anything done. I only work when they are sleeping. Even if nt sleeping, they will touch everything and it become such a mess.

PG has divisified their focus on children's cake and they are making big bucks. However the $$ are too big for them to give proper customer service. My dealing with them sucks. They did the cake wrongly, still ask me: "wrong already wrong liao, what more you want" and slammed down their phone, tsk tsk horrible...
Hi Fatmum,

Your mickey mouse cookie looks good ley.. how did u do it ar? I mean the white and black part of the eyes the nose and the tongue ?
Did u dig out the parts and replaced them with black and white colour? haha sounds gross... but eager to know haha :D oh ya.. by the way, what did u use to stick the fondant to the cookies ar ? thanks in advance for ur advice hor ;)

same as teddybear, interested to knw how u did the coloring on e cookie.

will b doing Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme for my boy #1.

nt sure can include the cookies in the goodies bag.


I dun have any recipe actually... I just replace the ladyfingers with sponge cake that's all. And instead of soaking the ladyfingers, I brush the espresso syrup onto the sponge layer. The cream is similar to the same mascarpone recipe that you'll use for the traditional tiramisu.
Dear Ladies

I am a silent reader of this thread and you all have inspired me to bake, yeah!

Fatmum, your butter cake looks so scrumptious. I tried baking from a recipe in the blogs but it was abit crumbly and the cake had cracks. Hope you can share your recipe with me....
teddy & bbp
yap got to dig out the eyes & nose then replace with the colour u want. And for fondant to stick to biscuit got to use corn syrup.

the butter cake recipe is shared by Mrs Teng. This was extracted from the previous thread. Happy trying. You will love it!

360 g Butter (room temp)
270 g caster sugar
12 medium eggs, separated
330 g self raising flour, sifted **
60 ml milk***
1/2 tsp Cream of tartar
2 tsp Vanilla essense (optional if you want pure butter taste)

** If using plain flour, add 1 1/2 teaspoon double action baking powder

***use orange juice instead of milk for a citrus flavored cake

1) Pre-heat oven at 160 to 170 C.

2) Whisk egg whites with 90 g sugar and 1/2 tsp cream of tartar until soft peaks or stiff peaks if you like a softer cake. (I'm using two bowls, so I whisked the egg whites after I have creamed and mixed the butter mixture in step 4.)

3) In another bowl, beat butter and remaining sugar by machine until light and fluffy, do scraped down the sides for butter that are not creamed. Make sure that the sugar has dissolved before moving to the next step.

4) Add the yolks one by one (or whole eggs if a heavier
cake is preferred, den you dun have to whisk the egg whites seperatly), beating well after each addition and then add the milk and vanilla essense.

5) Fold in the flour in 2 or 3 batches

6) Fold the stiff egg whites into the butter mixture until well-blended but don't over-do it or the whites will deflate. (Skip this step if you are using the whole egg method)

7) Pour batter into a lightly grease or lined bottom of a 10"/25 cm square or round cake tin and bake 1 hr 10-15 minutes until wooden skewer plunged into middle of cake comes out clean. (I lined the tin cause it's easier to remove the cake.

Tips : Try to use aluminum tin, cos dark tin will give a darken the base and sides of the cake. In fact, most cake that I made I'll use light color tins
Peng in case u r keen. This recipe is obtained frm Alex Goh Baking code. Using cream cheese to make tiramisu. Happy caking!

Prepare a 23cm round coffee sponge & set aside

Ingredient A
1 egg
1 egg yolk
20gm sugar

Ingredient B
1 1/2 T gelatine
50g water

Ingredient C
250g cream cheese
50gm sugar

Igredient D
1 T instant coffee powder
2T water

Ingredient E
100g whipped topping cream
200gm whipped whipping cream

adequate cocoa powder

1)Slice the coffee sponge into 2 layers
2 Whip (A) over simmering water until thicken
3) Premix (B) and melt over double boiler. Add into (A) mix until well blended
4 Beat (C) until light. Add in (D) mix till well combine. Add in the above mixture, mix until well blended
5 Add in (E) mix till well incorporated
6 moist the sponge cake layers with coffee syrup. Place 1 layer of the cake onto the ring mould, pour half of the above cheese filling on it
7 Top with 2nd layer of cake. Pour remaining cheese filling on it and make it level. Keep refrigerated for 5hrs
8 remove the cake from fridge and dust with cocoa powder

Coffee syrup
80g water
40g sugar
2T instant coffee powder
2T Kahlua (optional)

Cook ater and sugar til boil. Add instant coffee, mix & well blended. Set aside to cool. Add in kahlua, mix till well blended.
Mrs Teng, Mone
think my oven is conventional type ba?? got grill, bake function de leh... consider??

but good new, my last try finally turn up not too bad. cake not lumpy, moist n soft. actually very much like chiffon except not that airy.... =) but only issue is that it expand a little over... think i added too much of baking powder ba.. cos scare like last time.. lumpy n heavy.... =p

encourage by last result... hopefully, my final bake on sat will turn up ideal....

but got another prb... too caught up with cake making.... also forgot to experiment with fondant.... any one have recipe to share?

i do not have air con in the huse leh.. stil can use or not?? will sweat mah??

anyone have idea for mickey mouse theme?? =)
Poky : If you oven has bake function, then it is a microwave convection oven.

If you want airy, don't use mixer. Its always best to beat by hand for airy cakes you want to bake.
Thanks for the recipe.
Do you mean the corn syruo we used for cooking? Alternative, can we replace with edible glue?
Morning Mummies,

It has been a L-O-N-G while since I last posted anything here. As usual, busy with my 2 kids but I've been a silent reader since

Got to get back to my baking & cooking momentum soon hence I need some help here. I've a litre of Dairy Whipping Cream that'll expired this Thursday. Can anyone share with me tried & tested recipe(s) to help me utilised the entire packet before it turns bad?

Thanks in advance.
mrs teng,
GUMTEX? is it sth similar to Tylose poweder? i got a bottle of tylose at home but always forget to use when doing my fondant... but i tot it is juz to make the fondant dry faster? can prevent fondant from 'sweating' as well?

actually i also always tell ppl not to eat the fondant layer as it's very sweet, but tell u... kids juz luv to eat the super sweet fondant, when i sent the CAR cake to my elder boy's school for bday celebration, i told them try not to eat the fondant but they hack care & juz whack all the fondant to eat... @_@!

i also did mickey mouse theme party for my younger's boy 1st b'day last dec, i did a 2 tier fondant cake (1st time), but a bit simple coz too stress up with other party stuff also & too little time to do the cake so in the end juz chop chop do a simple one... haiz!

It was me, it's Fatmum.


Gumtex and typlose are the same.. Both does make the fondant dry faster which in effect, will prevent it from sweating so much.
Dear Fatmum

Thanks for sharing the recipe.

I added the whole egg so maybe that resulted in a heavier cake. I will try your method after I burn off this week's cake first, haha!

I was at Kitchen Capers on Sunday and Gina commented that baking and fondant making is quite costly. I agree becos have to keep investing in new stuff, bah!
looking at all the cakes here really make me hungry....LOL...nice nice
again, bake chocolate chip chiffon cake and vanilla cupcake yesterday. success....
BUT, fail on my 2nd attempt of buttercream. so sad and waste my $. dont know why its sooooo watery.. beat too long (i beat abt 10 to 15min)??? or the weather too hot?? can anyone advice...
now my cupcake lying on the table. both my gals not even want to touch...
Anyone got a Pandan Kaya Cake to recipe to recommend? My mum din want a tiramisu cake, wants a pandan cake for mother's day instead... Now I cracking my head. Where got time to make a good one for her?
no problem.
Happy trying

snnowy instructor told me use corn syrup don;t know abt edible glue. what kind of edible glue? corn starch? Corn syrup can get from PH too think it came in quite big bottle.

Recipe frm Mrs Teng

Didn;t do much jst retrieve from my file and paste. Bet u will love this recipe cos it yield soft soft cake

How abt whipping a mango mousse cake cos mango is in season now. This recipe use abt 250gm of the fresh cream. I always have problem with the topping so I omit it. What i did is cut the mango into cubes and add into the mousse. Recipe from Richard Goh

prepare a 9' sponge cake, cut into 3 layers set aside

Mousse filling
3T water
15g / 1 T gelatine
100gm mango @ 1 mango
250g fresh cream (Whipped)

1) Dissolve gelatine using double boil method.
Leave to cool
2) Whisk fresh cream at medium speed till stiff
3) Add mango pureen into fresh cream (used hand whisk now) add in cool gelatine & mix well
4) Place a layer of cake on a cake board and place a cake ring over
5) Spread 1/3 of (3) on top of cake
6) repeat the process till all the mousse used up. Take care not to leave any gap at the sides, to prevent jelly from flowing down
7) Leave in freezer to set abt 1/2 hr
8) line mango slice on top and pour lukewarm instant jely on top. Leave to set

400g water
1/2 T instant jelly
80g sugar
1 T mango puree, optional
1) boil water sugar and instant jelly together.
2) set aside until almost cool and pour over top of cake.
baked swiss roll again... this time i tried aunty yochana's recipe, but my cake still dry ler, why ar? but better than the previous choc cake, the previous not only dry but also hard... hmm, can't be always apply sugar syrup everytime bake sponge cake rite?

Eileen, Fatmum

thanks for the recipes, will see if I got the chance to bake. One of my gals' down with very bad cough. Cough until vomit.. haizzz whole nite din sleep also.. Now like Zombie... and still got bring her see doctor. It's a matter of time the other twin also get the virus from her. Think my Mother's Day celebration blown again.. ya ya last year already blown one time, at least this year pre-am me that it's not gonna be good either.


Nice swiss roll... like the pokka dot effects
mrs teng,
thanks, but think nice to see only... hehee

dunno ler... i beat the egg + sugar till fluffy lor then use spatula to fold in flour & corn oil... hmmm, i feel like trying again using other recipe but my hb has been seeing me doing swiss roll for the pass 2 days, if he sees me doing again sure make noise... hahaa!
ask u ladies one question... since u gals like to bake so much & always bake, how do u control ur weight ah like this? i actually once putting some weight (already quite heavy to start off) after start baking so in the end got to stop baking completely for 3 mths to go on diet plan.... now i'm back in action again i'm so worry.... hahaha... so contradicting!!
Jess : I think its your oven temperature. Different ovens have varying heat temperature. Eg;
if the recipe calls for 170 deg, drop it by 10-20 deg.

haha.. i dun eat much of wat i bake previously.. every recipe, i halved it, then bring back to my dad n sisters to finish... cos me n hubby dun like cake much... but got the satisfaction when if the end pdts turn well,,,

hmmm.... bought wilton gum tex yesterday.... hopin to have time to prepare the fondant today to make the mickey clubhouse.....

can share ur mickey mouse cake pic??

Mone, use hand to whip, i too lazi... haha
yalor very satisfy one when the product turns out well... but i also luv to eat cake laaa, trying very very very hard to control... my hb also not fancy abt cake one but he will still support laa by eating one pc unless i make tiramisu then he will eat n eat... haha

here's the mickey mouse cake tat i made for my boy 1st bday, simple one only, i dare not hand mould so juz use cake topper...

wow.. v nice leh!! but hor i aiming at a layer.. cos afraid cannot handle two tier... first time using gumtex as fondant... duno will suceed or not... last yr, i use marshmallow one, fondant was "sweating' when t time to cut... sigh....

u using wat fondant for the cake??

me too... only planning to create the clubhouse as figurine... mickey n minnie also using ready figurine toys.... kee
thanks ladies!
hahah... nv say not nice laa, juz tat i'm find it too simple liao, like so 'blank' like tat...

im sure if u wan u also can produce same or even much better 'product' than mine...

ya i spent a lot of times on this cake, actually it's not really difficult to do laa juz tat i got no helper at all & i still hav to take care of my younger one at home so always do half way then pause to attend to him... somemore tat time 1st time doing 2 tier cake so a bit slow lor...

i paste the blue colour fondant on it then juz use the black colour edible pen to draw the outline...

mrs teng,
ur cakes are so much better than mine laa, i always 'wahhHhhhh..." when everytime seeing ur creation

i use bakel pettinice's fondant(dunno if spell wrongly or not) bought from store, u make ur own mashmallow fondant ar?
What is edible pen?? Never hear or know it before...

I make own Mashmallow fondant ... a small success I say.. that's what every parent and teachers told me...hehe I first time user too... Very well love and not say very sweet too..

It doesnt sweat as some mummy says, but it wont harden as I dont have aircon ... its still smooth on the outside, soft on the inside...
it's actually colour marker pen that u can draw on fondant & the ink is edible...

i learn to make mashmallow fondant before when i attended workshop last time, but i still prefer to buy ready-use one coz for me i rather to spend more time baking cake & doing deco... hehee

actually Its very easy to make and it took me less then 15 mins to make a batch... total cost abt $1.55 for marshmallow and icing sugar... so its pretty fast... provided u got mirco wave lor..
