Cup cakes for birthday

Jess....fold in 1/3 whites into cake batter and mix well first, then pour the batter into the balance whites and fold. This is to ensure the batter is lighter so that it will not weigh down the whites when folding in the balance. able to get stiff egg whites, make sure ur mixing bowl and whisk are extremely clean, no water no oiliness. The whites must also be in room temperature. Separate the eggs in a separate bowl, after bringing to rm temp then transfer to mixing bowl and beat, add sugar gradually, u can succeed one!!
i did tat too... fold in 1/3 of the egg white first but then later i fold in the balance egg white into the batter, instead of pour the batter into balance egg white... can boh?
Here's today's bakes.

First attempt at doing matcha-tiramisu.Pretty messy with the sponge fingers though. Just a question to those who've made
tiramisu before, do you line the base with the sponge fingers first before lining the sides with the sponge fingers? Or is it the
other way round? Because its really messy arranging the fingers in a heart shape.

Outcome still unknown as its sitting in the fridge at the moment to set - needs to set for a few hours.

Will update again later on the taste


Mrs Teng: I bought that white packet of whip cream-extra, it works. I managed to whip the cream. Thank you!
Mummies, good afternoon! I'm Angel, was so busy over the labour day weekend that I didn't log in. Will find time to type out my Tiramisu recipe and post here (it's from a thick recipe book la).

Just started a BP this morning on 100% Waterproof and affordable Underwater Camera Casing. Very useful when you bring your kids to the pool or the waterplay area in the zoo. Do check it out here -
Look forward to your support!
Peng: the matcha tiramisu is from this site.

In fact I was wondering during the arrangement of the sponge fingers , whether it is better to line the base first with the fingers before lining the sides of the tin
Hi mommies,
have been following this thread though no contributions from me.

>> always pour batter into whites leh not the other way round :p

Peng/Jandew, are you saying,
mix 1/3 whites into the batter, then
pour the mixed batter into the remaining 2/3 whites?

PENG, jandew, aa,
oh i see i see, will try to follow ur way when i bake chiffon again next time...

i also normally lay the sponge fingers at the side first then bottom...
btw, ask u... those sponge fingers that u bought one are those coated with sugar one, or no sugar coating at all?? i wan to buy no sugar coating one but can't seem to find it anywhere here ler...
where'd u stay? This Sunday need to go my mum's plc @ Bt Batok leh..

tidbitQueen, Jess,
actually think there was 1x my chiffon taste quite like the one from Bengawan leh.. hahaha.. problem is hor, usu the cake rises very high in oven, then when cooled will shrink like nobody's biz. and then, i don't know where i got it wrong so can't amend... *sad*

wonder if it's over-fold or under-beat or under bake..

at least ur chiffon looks "airy" inside.. mine like haven't "huat" inside.

like what Peng mentioned, fold some whites into cake batter and mix well first.. to bring the 2 types of batter to become similar "charateristics", then will be easier to blend when mix tog. juz learnt from some site, too.. lol

hahaha.. ya, ya. any baker mummy in YT can teach us?

not the choco cake, the choco deco on the mango cake. done by urself? use mould?

i think i hv not problem with getting stiff whites... maybe it's the folding/baking.. hiaz.. later i go dig n post the pix to show.

but hor, i also pour the whites into cake batter leh. lol. maybe next try do it ur way.

nice heart-shaped cake. for ur mummy?
mrs teng,
muz apologise to u.. i did a great disservice to ur Traditional Butter Cake

i tried it just now, and it failed *so sad*
i must be the only person who didn't get it rite.. *sob sob*

wrt the traditional butter cake:
1) halved the recipe
2) manually cream butter & sugar
---> creamed for almost an hr and still hv little bit undissolved sugar
3) hand whisked egg whites
---> maybe didn't whisked enough?
4) baked in 8" round disposable pan
5) baked for 50 mins; satay stick came out clean

maybe i didn't fold well.

YewTee...cream for an hr!! overcream liao leh!!, u did not use electric whisk? creaming is to create 'air', as long the butter & sugar is fluffy and creamy and double in volume can stop liao, undissolved sugar is ok one. I want to try out Mrs Teng's butter cake also, later going to buy butter
Yewteemum could it be that when u mix the egg whites and mixture din mix well?

Does anybody know whether a hand held mixer, heavy duty mixer, or blender is better for beating dairy cream? These 2 days, I was using my new heavy duty cake mixer to beat the cream. Switched on to med speed for 20mins still not done. End up used a blender blend for 1-2 mins done. But cream ended up like melted ice cream texture.

Duno izzit weather too hot coz this is the 1st time this happened with my dairy whipped cream.
hello all, finally made my boy's second birthday cake.

sorry about the piping, definitely not as good as many of you here. need more practice but no time. lol

Thomas Cake and cupcakes

Cake: Dark Chocolate cake with raspberry ganache as filling
Decorations: Mousseline Buttercream
All using thomas toppers cos no time to make anything more personal.

Thomas Agar Agar: very tedious so didn't manage separate the colours. but luckily didn't turn out that bad.
Like the cake deco, simple & nice.

Paiseh, I seldom post my bakes because they are usually for home consumption & simple; but still want to kaypoh a bit with the following and hope it would help:

It happens when you overbeat the egg whites. I kena before and ended with white spots all over the cake

This happens when the butter is and/or over-soften before creaming, butter+sugar over-creamed. I started baking using wooden spoon to cream butter+sugar.....hahaha

Glad you finally found the rite whipped cream that you liked


Aiyo, no worries lah. Just got to try and try over again. Considering the humid and hot weather.. an hour is far too long for creaming. Use castor sugar if you can. Dun have to be totally dissolved leh.. Butter also can't be too soft when you wants to cream. It's better to invest to handheld mixer if you do not want to have a stand mixer. You can also work wonders with it.

Having eggs whisked manually and failing the bake can sometimes kills your interest for baking. Dun let that happen.
I'm sometimes put off by those recipes with lots of work but if the result by other mummies who've baked it will also spurs me on the try and try until I perfect it.
Yet tee mum i just pm u... me not feeling good. kena lots of mosquito bites and a parrot bite so now a bit head in head... went to Jurong bird park with my son pap schl kids... heng got go... the teachers didnt even tell the kids to walk in 2's...headache
Mrs Teng, any idea what went wrong?

Does anybody know whether a hand held mixer, heavy duty mixer, or blender is better for beating dairy cream? These 2 days, I was using my new heavy duty cake mixer to beat the cream. Switched on to med speed for 20mins still not done. End up used a blender blend for 1-2 mins done. But cream ended up like melted ice cream texture.

Duno izzit weather too hot coz this is the 1st time this happened with my dairy whipped cream. Maybe I shld switch back to non dairy whipped cream for time being?

End up I had to cream the cake in the study room with aircon switched on at 18 degrees. At least the cream was not dripping off the cake sides. So stressed when it happened.
your bakes look great! Practice more and your piping skill will improve in no time.

Agar agar no joke esp colours to bring out the feature. You did a gd job!

Thomas on the cuppies are chocolate?

Dairy cream not easy to whip up think temp must control well and also not to overbeat else it will turn curdy
same, those sponge finger tat i bought here also half side sugar coated one... but i dun like ler, my hb used to complain how come the sugar never 'blended' well when he eat my tiramisu but actually those are sugar from the sponge finger... i ever bought one without sugar coating one from overseas... but dun think i see similar one in supermarket here.

i always want to learn making agar agar but look tedious to me so lazy to try... haha!
btw, ur chiffon cake looks good!

ya i think u r rite... i must have overbeaten the egg white this time coz i wan it to be as stiff as possible lor... hehee!
thanks for pointing out the problem...!

thanks for the link... but i tot we hav to be very gentle when folding in the egg white, but wat i saw from the video is not ler... so next time i dun hav to be so gentle liao... hehe!
I saw at Giant IMM the sweets and choco section got choco sponge fingers lei... can go get it while it last..

Yew tee mum, Will u be coming??

Saw the blog you posted about folding whites with yolk batter. Looks like only 4 eggs. But imagine if it's 10 eggs..
I'll take about 30 to 40 seconds for about 10 whites.

I do it differently in terms of the directions of folding. She folds both way... I normally will fold one direction ie. Clock-wise.. eggs tends to deflate lesser. If you ever notice some of the cook shows on TV, they usually fold one direction. The fold, scrap the side as they fold. Some recommend wooden spoon but I find the spatula works the best.

My egg white are slightly more firmer den hers also.


If I'm not wrong if you are using diary cream, you need to add icing sugar. And you can't over beat it. I read it somewhere but can't remember... will try to find out and let you know. Or maybe Fatmum can help you to check with her instructor.
Mrs Teng yes maybe coz I din add icing sugar coz my sugar was kinda lumpy. Have tis prob with my icing sugar they alw harden even though I put in an airtight container after opening.

this is my first attempt orea cheesecake...
I dont like the taste after 3 mouth tasting... basically gave the whole cake away...
Thx for the tip. juz realise that the red i bought was not xmas red.. think is tetra red.. or somethin of that sound one... =p...

in the end, i bought the other brand (bottle) type, this time is "super red".... with 3 drops, got the red liao.

but my black was using the wilton black... at closer look, it actually v v dark green.... but i dun anyone wld really look at that closely ba??

my mickey mouse club huse is done, but forgot to make the white hand part... the nxtday then remember,, cos i think hv a pic with me when i was molding.... =(

but the fondant took v long time to harden leh.... now puttin in the fridge,,, hope it harden faster..... tmr the day liao...

Mrs Teng,
can i ask for fondant cake, usually how high is each layer? I use ur sponge cake recipe to make both a 8 inch n a 5 inch round tin... the 8 inch look a bit too "short""... abt 2+cm?? Is it enuf? i thinkin to slice half to put whipped cream n mango.... cos this my first time baking such a cake, duno how to gauage the vol... or shld i bake another one (4eggs) to create another 8 inch halve to add on???
still looking for 1.. yday went Courts, saw a Cornell $36.90.. maybe will go buy tmr.

tried to cream till sugar dissolved cos the recipe says so mah.. i tot whisking then to create air, cream also meh? hahaha..

very gd alr. the agar agar muz hv took a lot of effort?

ur chiffon so nice, i so sad

i mixed well alr leh. in fact so scared stir too long the whites deflated.. hahhaa.

room temp mah.. but recently weather so hot.. lol. or maybe i cream too long so melted.

okie, i go check mail later.
how R u feeling? hope u'r better after a nite's rest. Mother's Day, dun fall sick leh.

ya, ya.. the teachers sometimes also boh chap de.. too many students alr.

ur dinosaurs so cute!!
eh, how to make the rainbow cupcake?
*hahaha.. i hvn't succeed 1 cake, keep wanting to try other cakes.. hahaha*

mrs teng,
hahaha.. cos ur recipe says sugar mus dissolve mah. i using castor sugar le, maybe next time i use icing sugar :p

i prefer stand mixer leh. at least got option to hold/not hold. lazy (but still can cream 1 hr), hahaha. but definitely not getting the Philips de cos saw at Courts, the "whisk" is thin thin de, but dough hook very thick. think will go for Cornell, or other cheaper options. when i master then i get a KW or KA.... *dreaming on..*

ya, that's why i can bake chiffon 3x within 2 wks. lol. but still fail lor.

thanks for the link.. actually i've gone watch pretty much vidz online, still... hiaz.. will watch it some other time. nw need to get back in bed b4 bb wakes up :p
Jess : I'm not sure where else sell non-coated sponge fingers. Perhaps you might want to check out swiss butchery on greenwood avenue
if you've not been there.

I haven't been there yet but planning to since I heard there are certain things I could get from there.

You can't use sponge cake for fondant decoration. Useless your sponge cake is the super dense type, otherwise the sponge can't hold the heavy fondant.

There's no rule on how thick the layers should be... As long as the top and bottom tier are well-balanced. For a guide, usually I make my bottom 4 inches and top 3 0r 3 1/2.


You can't use icing sugar for that recipe, it's make the cake very dense and dry.

If you are using golden churn butter, dun have to be so soft, cos it get soften very fast. But other brands like anchor and SCS, you need it to be much soft before you can cream it.

When baking, it's always good to know the characteristics of the ingredients and how it react when combined with others. It makes a lot of differences. Some recipe are meant for another climax and it doesn't work well with our ingredients, so sometimes we need to make adjustments.


The dinos are very cute, it must have been very tiring to make them. But they are definitely very beautiful.
