Cup cakes for birthday

teddybear88 paiseh I dont have FB. was thinking of getting one...

YEw Tee mummy can meet up see ur creations direct lei... Me stay at Bt Batok

all so nice... Mrs Teng Pm me the recipe can... many thanks in advance

Mone I forgot to say is use Icing sugar to whipped cream hoh...

I need to ask this: mascarpone is cheese right... any mummy can teach light cheese cake???
v peifu those mummies who decorate their cake. For me worrying abt taste is already stressed enough...must really bake more this year.

Can I know what are the basic tools that is required for cake decoration and where to buy them?

Dun know which one is who leh. No identification, so I just accept. So I dun know whether I see you or not.. Currently, there's no request.
Maggie : I know is icing sugar hehe.

Mascarpone is cheese but is more known as Italian cream cheese and
has higher butterfat content. It's best used in tiramisu as its softer and
richer than american-style cream cheese.

I wouldn't really recommend using mascarpone mainly for cheesecake
'cos it's less dense unless you combine both philadephia cream cheese and
mascarpone together to bake a cheesecake.
Need feedback: anybody used those America brand of icing sold in Ntuc before? Shaped like toothpaste tube, comes in blue, green, red, pink, orange, yellow and white. Can be used on cookies? Only? How does it taste?

Baked blueberry muffins three days ago and juz baked JAP light cheesecake. Upload pics later...
cat, i also bought those tubes before, colour so faint and too runny, i agree with Eileen it's waste of $

btw mummies, cold storage selling Philly Cream Cheese at only $4.45 per block! It's the cheapest I've seen so far, do stock up
morning ladies,

mone: meaning i added wrong Mone le.. haiz...

Teddybear,kendy, jandew: can add me to FB?

Mrs Teng: would like to have the recipe too, xie xie
Me got it too.. hehe
thanks Mrs Teng

cant wait to try out.. by the way can use it to make swiss roll type right...

LAter today go over mum place then create FB.. I cant wait...hehe

America brand of icing sold in Ntuc -I still have them all color in my house... not good at all.. truely waste money... anyone want give u.. if not want to throw out.. its fun for kids lor to play with... damm sweet and googy...

Mascarpone-anyone want... me dont want it... so strange neighbour keep giving me this
me want to ask how u all cut the cake into slices so nice to put jam or cream huh.. everytime I cut it gotton lots of crumbs... I dont know how to cut... Need special knife.. Daiso have???

CAn use the mascarpone to make tiramisu.

The recipe can be used to make swiss roll but you can't bake too long. 13- 15 mins will do. And you probably need to use 150C instead of 160C. I've not tried doing swiss roll with this recipe. YOu can always try out and let us know your results.


Will Pm you later, can? Cos I got to get instruct my maid what to prepare for the dinner.

Also got to do my korean side dish pickles.
Hi Mrs Teng,

I have added u in my FB liao.. by the way can u pm me your sponge cake recipe? hehe thank u in advance.

Hi Fatmum,

May I know what are u using for your teddybear outline ? (The black colour lining?) :D
Mrs Teng, forgot to ask u..

For your Elmo cake, did you cut the elmo into half, add in the fillings then u put back the top layer ? hehe .. im very suah ku.. never do such baking before.. Im more into baking cookies hehe :D

Yes, cut the cake into half, den put filling... Just like how make sandwiches
Sorry, wat was you name in fb? Cos I dun know who to send the recipe to.
Hi Mrs Teng,
have pm u liao :D
by the way, can I use wilton icing colour and mix with the whipped cream to pipe the cake like wat u have done for ur elmo?
* Do I have to spread the whipped cream on the cake and start to do piping ar ?I have never tried piping before.. super suah ku.. keke
Thank you soooo much for your adivce

Yes, you can use wilton color to pipe. Prepare everything color that you need and put in piping bags, Place it in the fridge while you smooth out the cream for the surface. Cos if you dun spread color on the surface, sometimes the tiny gaps will make your sponge very obvious.

Den take out the colors you need to pipe.

(if you palm is those that heat up very fast) Do the following extra step)
Prepare a bowl of cold water, just put a few ice cube will do. After piping for a while, the heat from you palm may warm up the cream, so just immerse your hands into the cold water so as to keep you palms temperature down. And dry with a hand towel before you continue.
Hi, I am new to baking.... Would like to bake cupcake for my girl birthday in this coming may. Anyone can share with me the fondant recipe? I don't have a microwave but most of the recipe need microwave....
maggie, I also just made my 1st ever tiramisu this afternoon. Looks nice but tastewise hubby said lacks ""Ooommpfh" factor, maybe because I didn't add in real rum (dun have it at home). But you can try since you have the mascarpone cheese (quite expensive, dun waste it!)

My 1st ever Tiramisu attempt
mrs teng,
erm.. sounds complicated, lol. no wonder i couldn't "cover" my cake nicely.

hehe.. S$60 after staff disc, shld i buy? very 三心二意 leh. or shld i get a < S$30 mixer?!?! cos i dreaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam of getting a KA.

me at YT Cres. wat abt u? scarly we know each other, lol.

so sad. my OCBC-Robinson was cancelled, cos they did an upgrade exercise back then and need to call in to activate, but i chuck the letter somewhere, expired liao called to check, they say need to re-apply
and i'm not working alr

my mum's @ Bt Batok West. me gng tmr cos gal's Berries class changed to tmr (usu is Sat)

me not baking nowadays. usu I bake but don't do deco de, only did deco 2x only. My elder gal 2 &amp; 5 yo cakes/cupcakes.. lol. This yr dunno got time to do her 6 yo cake or not cos bz being mother cow.... bfg.

on mascarpone, maybe ur neighbour hinting u to bake stuff for her, hahaha..

somehow, i don't feel gd putting cake in the fridge leh. will it "harden" the cake? as we're all trying to bake soft &amp; fluffy cake mah.

ya, ya, those tube icing sucks. i din get from NTUC, but got them from Cold Storage previously. Damn diff to squeeze out, tastes yucky. gave a few tubes to a fren for her kids to deco cookies, and i still hv 1 or 2 left. waiting to let my gals deco cookies when i bake, lol.
* prob a long wait *

u doing BP?
i thinking of getting some Princess Petite Signature cake picks... which site is cheap :p

it's also bcos i wanted to bake an eggless cake for my gal, back then, that i started baking. but till now (4 yrs later), my cupcakes still sucks....

* paging for Eileen *
mrs teng says u got contact for edible image for cake... can share (or can u help me get?) :p
Yewtewmum no no the cake wun b hard. This is how I cream my cakes when I m feeling hardworking. Haha... Or else I w juz cream all at 1 go. Lolx...

Fatmum, Tibitqueen, Teddybear added u all on my FB liao.

I do organise www.cakediy BP do PM me if anybody keen.

Fatmum u got a baking blog rite? Tink I got bookmark ur blog. Hehe...

Anybody wan add me on FB locate me as a common fren of Fatmum n Mrs Teng. Thx!

is yr master tip set still available for ordering?


I hv some orders, but still very little, let me knw e link then I try to consolidate, enough order then inform u again.
am using chocolate spread/nutella for the outline. I use no brand round tip to pipe it. I also add this to the whipping cream. Hope this helps.

tiramisu looks great! U didn't use khuala?

this is my blog. Thanks for bookmarking it

Bbpotato I happen to have 2 sets onhand now-$68 per set. Pm me if keen kie?

Yewtewmum do u coat ur cakes with sugar syrup? It makes cakes moist.

I alw buy my liquor fr Dfs when we travel as they r much cheaper. So far got vodka, now 'brewing' vanilla essence using vanilla pods, kahlua, diff types of white n dark rum, Baileys cream, Arumula cream etc. Anybody knows wat other type of liquors shld we stock up on for baking? Haha... I use rum most often for chocs. Rest dun use much.
