Cup cakes for birthday

Fatmum the recipe books that ur bro helped u get fr Taiwan look good! I went Taiwan last yr bot many recipe books too, altho my Chinese is half past 6. Muahahaha....But I alw buy recipe books for their pics.

Here is a website for mummies who can read Chinese, lots of Taiwanese food and cake recipes:

Ytower is a famous publisher in Taiwan, and they publish many cook/bake books. In fact some of the recipes I have are listed on the website. However, I tink its kinda strange. Then who will want to buy their recipe books if u can view it online? Heehee....

Library is a gd place to source for recipes too. I enjoy drooling at the pics.

Been so busy lately not much time to bake. Last bake was 3 weeks ago a choc cake for a colleague's birthday.

Maggie to cut cake into slices got technique. Muz get a gd bread knife. Tink Phoon Huat sells these for $10 the last time I saw.

Put the cooled cake on a rotating stand, position ur knife in the middle of the cake. Cut swiftly. Your knife must be sharp so will have lesser crumbs.

Last time I dun dare to cut cake coz everyting crooked, but with practise will get better. If you are not confident, when you bake, use individual trays so need not cut. Like bake your cake in 2-3 round or square trays, then position the layers on top of each other. So need not cut the big cake into 2-3 layers. Hahaha....lazy me.
Thanks fatmum

Hi Jandew,

Wonder if you have any pic to show me what actually is edible cake image ar? Im very suah ku kekee :p
Are u paging for me? But I don't have contact for edible icing image. I only know BIY do icing image for customer. You may call them.
Teddybear I nvr did tt so no pics show u. But Prima Deli Bengawan do sell duch cakes popular among kids. Maybe when u walk past u can take a look.
hi all, i posted here b4 but was quite long ago, anyway i'm still a silent reader & enjoy reading abt all ur creations here :D

hope to share mine as well... i made this mcqueen car cake & cuppies for my son 5th b'day few days ago, very shiong to do this & whole body arching after this as i was doing this alone & in the same time still need to look after my 17M old boy...


teddybear, just recall i bought mine with the same seller too...
i posted my lousy cupcake before with first buttercream attempt.

wow jess, nice nice...
Jess, your CAR cake looks so good!
I like the way you pipe the cuppies too, which tip can produce such nice designs?

Fatmum, ya I dun have Kahlua and Rum at home so omitted them
Cat and Mrs Teng,

I examine my KA mixer this morning but dunno how to adjust the level of the spring...can either of you teach me? I can't find the knob too...

It's not really a knob leh. It looks like a screw top. only visible when you lift up your KA top. It's at the leverage point between the top and the body.


Nice work! like the details.


Gosh! looks like today's not a day for baking. My younger twin is sooooo manja today, imagine I got to carry her and break the egg and separate the whites and the yolks. The moment I put her down, she wail. Tell me how to bake the cake properly?

My sponge cake turn out horrible today... Looks like I got to redo it tonite. Hope I can get the cake out for my friend's granny's birthday... or else I die.
mrs teng.... SLING is the solution... if not... i'll put my J (once upon a time till even now!!) on a high chair and let her take whisk and empty bowl and 'help' me bake... hahahahaha...
haha.. all make me laugh... on my way creating FB... But will be blank hoh... as just started lei...

Angel Share ur recipe can... me try...
Jess - great work.

Mrs teng - i know how you feel, cause the other day i made some banana muffins and my son was so clingy and insisted i carry him and i was breaking the eggs. One ended up on the floor and the smell was hard to get rid of.

Sling a bit difficult lor cos she only like being in front, like that I sure can't work leh. Den if the elder one see me sling her, she also want me to carry.

You know ah, sometimes when both want me to carry, I got to sling one and carry the other one free hand.


Haha! not easy handling kids and meddling with eggs right?

ANYWAY, THE CAKE IS COMPLETED! Poor workmanship... No face to show ppl also. Super duper jialat... lots of blemishes. A cake for a 70 + becomes one for a 2 year old like thing. Hope my friend wont' reject it, otherwise got to make another one.
Mrs Teng
most impt is the taste! I have tried ur recipes and all yield very nice cake so am sure your friend would not mind! Btw attached the old fashion butter cake...Very soft texture! 谢谢你!

Nice cake! am sure your boy must be super happy!

My bakes.
khula is nice. think u can consider getting a bottle from DFS

talk abt books. Never do see also shiok! My tw trip I nearly shipped books back. Actually page1 at vivo have many but x. So no choice if brother go hor then tongbang back for me. cos shipping incurred $ too then not worth liao! I find ytower books so so only but i enjoy their videoclips!
Kendy recieved... so many ppl dont really know whom is whom only tibitqueen...she easy to know got put smh baking... many thanks....

very nice the mickey mouse lei...
I just bake blueberry cake.... found it so weird today elder son not at home and I lazy just mix everything together, egg, water, oil, flour, sugar, baking powder, tatar,... came out very very moist... 2 days ago I bake it was very crispy outside inside was those so-so moist-with separation of mixing egg... why huh...
hmm.. maybe next time when i do, will put cake in fridge. i put buttercream directly, no syrup cos dun like sweet sweet leh.

oh, and which shop in JB sells d edible cartoon image? see if i can ask my fren help me buy when i need it.

ya, paged u cos Mrs Teng mentioned u got contact mah, kekeke. okie, will contact BIY when i need.

chicken little,
eh, i googled but couldn't find.. so tot post here faster. even post at my FB wall, hahaha.
thanks for the links.

ur CAR and cupcakes looks good leh.

so niceeee.. next time ask u help me make mickey cookies for my #2, lol.

later i go FB send requests liao. lol.
My bake for the week

The Birthday cake for my Friend's granny. I must say I'm extremely disappointed with the smoothing out of the cream. Could see all the lines and blemishes on the surface... What a Mess? Maybe I'm too ambitious.. Wanted a 2 tiered which I totally have no experience at all. The top tier is blueberry flavoured while the bottom is Durian flavoured.


Another one is Tiramisu Cake which I thot I should try making... Personally did not like the Tiramisu with Savoiardi, always never complete when I made it. This time round, I thot I should try making it into a cake (Not sure have any mummies did it before) Scout many websites and I decided to pick the recipe here and there and make my version of Tiramisu Cake. Good spread of expresso cum Kahlua syrup. Mascarpone and heavy cream blended in with just sufficient Kahlua to bring out the aroma. Verdict : Just nice, not too much for a simple dessert after a meal. Of cos, for a heavy liqueur lover like my neighbour, the kahlua is never enuf.


Mrs Teng Whoh so nice still say not nice... ME WANT TO learn from u lei... U got teach ppl a not.... damm interested... want to ask how u make the shou tao huh... fondant??? want to try make also for my lovely great grandma also...
Mrs Teng,

Received the recipe for the sponge cake. Thx! =)

Tried bakin it on sat. but sad ah, total failure.... think i did not spread well of the mixture to the whites... end up, the bottom got lumps, also temp of microwave oven too high... the linnin paper got burnt n stick to the cake..

dun think i can make it to bake one "edible" cake for my gal's birthday, which is nxt sun. last try later... still cannot,,, then have to buy one instant one liao... =(

ur shou tou cake look very nice to me also. think ur fren granny will b happy with the cake/ =) looks pretty! =)

The tiramisu cake wasn't really done properly cos It's my first time trying.. I was afraid to brush the espresso syrup on the cake.

I dun conduct lesson. Not qualified. The shou tao is indeed made of fondant. Pretty easy to make in fact.

The flowers are also fresh cream.. Just piped onto it.


Dun think this recipe can use microwave oven. You also got to blend the whites and the batter well. Or else it will be lumpy.
Poky : Microwave = cannot bake cake but microwave convection ovens can though.

Mrs Teng: Your cakes are looking good as usual. Makes me very shy to show my future bakes in here.

Today, made some white chrysanthemum(Gong Ju) jelly - made enough to fill at least 2
different jelly moulds & 1 candy/chocolate mould and 10 small tubs the size of ice-cream cup

This is my 2nd attempt at it as the 1st attempt wasn't good. The normal yellow
chrysanthemum flavour during the 1st attempt didn't taste as good as the white chrysanthemum's
as jellies and it was too watery due to not enough agar agar powder. I made some improvisation
to the amount of agar agar powder on the recipe I found.



Mrs Teng ur shou tao cake is so pretty! How did u stack up the cakes on top of each other, did u use pillars for support?

Aiyo, where got nice? My baking experience is nothing compared to some of the mummies here. I barely have one year of experience leh? You never see my very first cake, wah looks sooo lousy.

For the agar agar, you actually got to brew the chrysanthemum before to put the agar agar powder?


I just stack as per normal. I just treat it like making a six layer sandwich.
No pillars, no support leh... Cos I dun know what the real experts uses. Any idea what they do? For eg PG? what do they do to stack the cakes? I'm clueless too.
Mrs Teng : Yes, have to brew the chrysanthemum first- just like making chrysanthemum tea drink. Then remove the flowers from the tea drink first before adding the dissolved agar agar powder

The taste of the jelly is good and more fragrant than as a drink for white chrysanthemum(Gong Ju) because it is a little bitter as a tea. Even my father in law says its good and the colour is lighter

Your baking progress is better than mine - I haven't progressed to fondant yet.
thx all for the compliments!

ur mickey cuppies look nice ler...

mrs teng,
ur 2 tier cream cake looks nice... the flowers & grass piping reminded me of pine garden's cream cake
and for cake stacking, i once saw my fren cutting the 2-tier cake bought from PG, no pillar no support at all, i guess it's bcoz they using sponge cake & cream only which is lighter so dun need support?

btw, ur tiramisu very nicely done, looks pro
made this choc rice swiss roll today, first time doing & result not so good... i followed the recipe & using the same size pan but think the batter not really enough for the pan so not enough 'height', other than that the cake is also dry... think next time if wan to make it again i should try to increase the ingredients or cut down the baking time...

btw can i ask if so long as it's sponge cake recipe i also can use it to make swiss roll? anyone got good sponge cake recipe?

Jess, yes can use sponge cake recipe for swiss roll - because both swiss roll and sponge cake belong to the airy and light type.

There's a little trick to getting the cake slightly moist after baking.
Mrs Teng,

Your 2 tier cake look very nice. You said the shou tao are made of fondant, but your cake is covered with fresh cream right? Can fondant be put in fridge? I thought the fondant will have condensation after putting in fridge and the colour will run to your fresh cream icing?

Cat, Jess



You got to use gum paste when you make the peaches, that way it's be hard. The base of the peaches are white, so no color to run. And I only put the peaches at the last minute. My friend came to collect before the cake cutting. So it's about an hour prior to the cake cutting. Shouldn't be much of a problem.
