Cup cakes for birthday

happy new year!!!

i still got left over fried sago flour, what other type of baking/cooking i can use the flour?


I tried this recipe on the 1st day of CNY. Super easy to bake. No need mixer nor oven. Very soft & moist.

My version :

Happy Niu Year ladies!

Sally, you can consider using your evaporated milk to make the chiiled mango + pomelo sago dessert! Yummy
or my mum uses it to replace coconut milk in curries - healthy life version!

Peng, I Luuuurrrrrvvveee Ngoh Hiang. My mum only makes it once a year cos too much work. Hehe

Fatmum, I Luuurrrvveee Kueh Lapis! Gosh, you're so talented, can bake so many goodies
happy new year!! finally got chance to post.. haven been baking since cny.. think will be back to macs.. too much leftover eggwhites..

SN.. my evapourated milk only for bundung.. but think any recipe that uses milk u can sub..

1-0.. how to lor duck? izit same as lor bak? now only noe how to cook whole chicken.. :p

peng's ngor hiong oso very nice.. heng i have mil make for me..
meow.. ur pineapple tart very swee!!
Thanks for the ideas to clear the evaporated milk. Mwah. Xie Xie.

Got yr recipe for the black sesame paste. Thanks.

is that pancake? Where u get the cow mould? So cute.

Yew Yen,
Wow yr blog nice. So many great food u made.
The choco cake tempting. Can just have it w/o the fudge coating?

Actually it is a egg white butter cake. I got mould from phoon huat

I find that cake with egg white taste better if eaten warm or the day it bake.
The next day, mine turn soggy.
Yew Yen,
Yes yes, I tried this evening n had it after din for dessert. Thumbs UP. So soft, moist, n yummy. N yeah, so easy to make, esp w/o the need for mixer. :) Thanks for introducing such great recipe.

i c. paisei, mistaken as pancake.

I also wan the recipe. My fav too. :)
Hi mummies, happy new year to everyone. Just dropping in to see all the goodies. Me super stressed with no helper. So can only drool at all yr nice food.
If you are keen to get the Philips Cucina 3-in-1 which can use as bread sandwich, grill n waffle but feel the pain in the price, I suggest you get the cheaper one from Kenwood. Just bought mine today after searching for so long cos it has been out of stock for a while already. Kenwood one is same 3-in-1, less bulky. Now having offer at the price of S$39.00. Saw at best denki before. Bought mine today at Taka. Stock is back in Taka basement 1.
Hence if you dun wan to pay S$90plus for philips cucina, maybe you can get this Kenwood one. :) Hope this info helps!
mummies ...
anyone know if pink has a blog or how to contact her?
I PM her, no reply. I wanna check if I could order birthday cake from her.
Wow Wow, jux 1 week nv log in so many "fruit" huh...tired, today juz start work after 1 week shut dwn...
Wan to bake a BD cake for my son but juz cant find Mangoes every where. Think hv to buy 1 for him liao...
Gong xi Fa Cai.

Hey with so many mandarin oranges at home, can give some suggestions on wat we can bake with them ? Ha ha knowing me a fresh baker, please give me some idiot proof recipe ha ha
Sally...hahaha think u ask that qn b4...the little round thing posed with my pineapple tarts b4 :p is a orange flavour jelly candy..

CL...juice the mandarin orange n bake mandarin orange butter cake or use to make jelly
Yeah, wan to confirm u using those as decors mah. U so clever, noe how to make use of thsoe candies as decor. Which butter cake recipe u use?
Sally...i happen to find this recipe in my recipe collection, actually quite similar to wat u have done, only certain ingredient different proportion, is also simple to make and taste good!
didn't log in for very long liow... also dunno busy with what... hahahaha...

<font color="ff0000">PINK</font>... I've smsed you since the Thur for collection of pans... no news... smsed you again twice... no news... please answer me... *frantic search*
After CNY, 'junk' food in tummy + HOT weather, cooked abalone porridge (put in also scallops and taiwan black pig pork slices) - still new year bah... must treat ourselves well... hahahahah... and green bean soup to help body system


In the afternoon, decided to bake Jap Light Cheesecake for kids...


Last nite, decided to bake Banana Cake, from 2 bananas in recipe, I've UP to about 6 bananas! ... hahahahaha... adjusted some ingred accordingly. Turned out super fluffy and banana-ish and moist and nice!!!

Pink just came back so maybe take a long time to reply.

You are very on in cooking ha ha. I only cook 1 dish per day and then just prepare snacks for my gal's recess niah.

Still in nua mood. And ha ha catching up with my scrapbook. So can only focus one at a time
<font color="ff6000">Chicken Little</font>
You are back to scrapbooking? Hee. Me too. So many things to scrap, so little time.
Did you get a chance to try out digital SB?
did grilled black pepper flank beef and herbs flank beef as one of the dish for dinner... forgot to take pix... left 3 thin slices when i remembered... hmm... think 5 mins per side rule works!
juice was retained and when i sliced the two pieces into strips, it was very tender!


After dinner, did coconut milk pandan agar agar... tested a non-chilled piece and it taste nice! ... now all in fridge...

ya want to join me in another scrapbooking thread ? Ha ha my storeroom flooded with papers and stuff so must scrap if not ah lau stare.And I print lots of photos last time and have to backlog sb now.teach me digital leh. I have not tried.

Keep your goodies coming, looks good
morning ladies!

TL, I'm also keen to learn digital scrapbooking, can teach me too?

CL, I've also got tons of photos and scrap supplies stashed away but no time to start scrapping! My gal's 1st bday coming in April, I want to do up something for her, any ideas?
You want to do a big album maybe not enough time. Since you have scrap materials, maybe want to try a mini album ? I just did one quite fun. Check out my blog. click on blog. Alternatively is do a big frame , pulling out all her photos by month and do a big layout.
Long time neber post, all the yummy goodies and dishes... well done ladies...

here's my share during ren ri... steamboat &amp; some dishes to tag along while waiting for steamboat...


yewyan, sally, I too am addicted to the steam choc cake! Made it since Xmas period and still making it again... it's gone before I take pics... hahaha...

lovely pics of yusheng... everyone having a good time... Happy CNY everyone!

Juz had pizza for dinner... made dough and it PONG till so much, now got two frozen base in fridge.

3 different base - Plain Herbs, Kethcup and Terriyaki.




Made some vinegar green chilli... going to eat char siew dry noodle *soon*... love the sourness and crunchiness of these green chillies!!!
Seeds are left inside intentionally... to add to the 'hot note' hehehhe...

wa meow.. ur pizza look yummy! keke.. the plate thing u specially buy for this? frm skp? thinking of making.. but keep worrying bout the baking part no pan to bake in..
Manage to find time to bake Osmanthus (桂花) cupcake today ...

Recipe from peng's blog. Thanks.

The sugar flower is requested by my gal.
So I just add on.

kendy, nope... it was there in my storage... dunno why i got these also... hahahaha... always buy buy buy.... FINALLY can use.... think from Giant.
(It was stored in Giant plastic bag...)
