Cup cakes for birthday

Hee hee..just teasing you...MIL already buy lots of goodies...I normally in charge of eating onli...except last yr which i baked...this yr really out of the qns..just NO TIME!!

jekartik, thanks thanks! hope you have a wonderful trip back home!

kathy, oh no... definitely wrong timing... new one coming? even so, still need training time...

kendy, yarrow... still in shopping mood, not PT mood!!! Today went 'family-shoe-shopping' ... bought new shoes for all *again*... hahahaha... i really shoe/earrings/heow heow SIOW... hahaha... now Jeorg also like me... see shoes, keep saying shoe shoe shoe... juz bought the pair of Puma, she immed put on and seeing Josh eyes wide wide, allowed him to change on the spot too! (as usual, pink for gal and blue for boy - siblings wear same design) ... hahahahha...
Peng, Joanne, Eliz, platsplat,
Wow.. all your pineapple tarts look so nice and yummy.. can advise how long can you store the pineapple since you all bake so early. I wanted to bake but scare the pineapple tarts will turn bad before CNY, so till now haven't bake.
Hi Bliss
I will have the tarts fully cooled down (usually overnight) before i store them in containers.
And so this should last max 1 month

If wanna keep longer, i also will keep some in the fridge.
Wanna eat, pop them in the oven and bake just awhile
Hi Those who have the Y3K book that u all mentioned,
Is it this?

I have this.
N the kueh bangkit recipe inside is using tapioca flour not sago flour. Any difference?

My pineapple tarts are all gone so none to keep! Even when my granny made them last time it can keep up to a month or more cos we usually start to bake them for sale right after New Year's day.
Can show me the cover?
Inside the one I posted which I have, it has a few recipes for egg white. Hence can bake to clear egg white. This morning I just baked Black Sesame Seed Thins.
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">Hi All,
Can i check anyone has tasted the Almond Thins from Tampines IKEA?i tried one can &amp; decided to make it myself, have tried making, but cannot achieve the kind of thinness , can anyone help or have the recipe for that kind of cookies?</font></font>
Thks bluey.

Cat, yah so wrong timing. Had relunctant to send back during this time, but one thing i really cannot stand is having "third hand". So bo bian. Dun think can get a new maid so soon, so looking ard for part time cleaners. if any mummies knw of a gd one, pls let me knw. Thks.
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">Hi SN,
Thanks for the link &amp; recipe, it is similar, but not exactly the one I was talking about, if you go to IKEA Tampines, you will see it at their food store opposite the cashiers,it is called Almond Crisps, selling at $8.80 for 120grams</font></font>
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">SN,
i tried to search on IKEA website but cannot find any photo &amp; i have finished my bottle which i bought from IKEA, hehe, too irresistible </font></font>

Anyone does their own Yu Sheng? If yes, how do u cut the carrots into thin strips?
Can let me know where to get such a vegetable cutter?
<font color="808080"><font face="tahoma">there's a peeler which can does the job, i got mine at chong pang market when someone doing demonstration some time back</font></font>
Hi Eliz &amp; platsplat, thanks.. didn't know it can be kept up to 1 month. I scared they'll turn bad if I bake too early.
Think I can start baking on this Wed!
hi all,
nice CNY goodies there! very well done!
makes me hungry in the morning.

regarding " cupcakes does not stick on the paper after it's cooled"
i guess because u use those thin paper type. and u using butter base cupcakes rite?
thin paper will behave like tat if u use butter base cupcakes.

yew yen,
ok, harbourfront collections point noted

u settledown with new pl liao?

cupcakes and macs no prob!
after CNy trip, we meet okie?

haha! finally see u here! busy huh?
sure, when wheel pan arrive, will sms u. cos yours under waitlist.... cross finger, hope u all under wait list can get it.

haha! thks for your kind words!
how are u? busy with the little one? hope u doing fine

ok, noted your collection point, my humble house rite?

wah, your PT biz no joke huh? 1000 pcs leh... do till faint not? haha!

OMG ! princess dana so so so cute! i'm really falling in love with her, sure blocked my calendar for DIL-to-be..... hahaha!
no bake recently nevermind, most important is, you spend quality and precious time with baby dana. when she abt 3 or 4 yrs, can help you bake liao..... bake together, spend time in the kitchen..... chit chat, etc, i loves this moment!
during school holiday, i allow tracy to stay till very late and help me, in the end, we talk and chat more than do things... haha!

thks for your interest, you have mail.

thks for sharing recipe, almond cookies looks so good! have my share not?
tis year i do nothing lah.... i loves cookies leh, especially PT &amp; KB, but once i bake, i lost my appetite.
so i rather go back jakarta and enjoy my mum, my cousin CNY goodies... haha!

ixo &amp; cat,
i can bring the wheel pan &amp; muffin tray on thursday. we arrange the timing via sms can?

here is my weekend "fruits":
for my church monthly bday celebration:

Dinosaurs theme:


Little enstain project:

CL, i copycat your rocket, hope u dun mind :p

edible figurine:


thomas the trains deco with MMF instead of b'cream:
Nearly faint but hvnt coz still hv many CNY cookies to make. But nw c PT only wan to vomit...hahahaha.

Try ur Almond cookies using PH grounded almond which use for macs, nice but abit too salty. Wan to ask if PH grounded almond powder already taste salty? coz i put according to the recipe 1/4tsp of salt leh, hw come so salty...hahahaha

Tonite will start my KB, wish me successful huh...
fennie/k148, yeah... broken link... *sigh*... stupid kayPOH and mod... *grumbles* ... juz my luck... it's my baby apparel online store website/BP.

Fennie, I've got your email, will liaise through email with you after I've checked sizes which you've requested.
Found this in the Y3K cookbook that I have. Is it this?

Thanks. My standard cant compare to u lah.
Wow yr little einstein is so so NICE. U r realli good.

Mine not saltish lei. Just nice. All said nice.
I also tried PH brand of ground almond. Also okie.
How about the rest who have tried the almond cookies? Is it saltish as wat Joanne said?
for my almond cookie i reduce sugar but didn't reduce salt, so a bit salty. But when it cool down, the taste is just nice, hehe!
thks 4 looking photo for me, this 1 the crust looks the same, but on top is alot of slice almond, not like the photo got alot of chopped almonds

i bought the china made almond powder for beverage, is it ok to make the almond cookies??
<font color="808080"><font face="Tahoma">SN,
you are super !you found it!it is the 1st link you sent, 3rd one also looks similar, hv to see which one easier to make,big hugs</font></font>
# 120gm instant almond powder
# 100gm plain flour
# 80gm ground almond
# 100gm caster sugar
# 1/4 tsp salt
# 1 tsp baking powder
# 1 tsp baking soda
# 120ml cooking oil
# 1 egg yolk

i adjusted the ingredient as above
glaze one use 180deg unglaze one use 160deg
Hi Mummies,
Thanks for all the nice photos and recipes/tips.

I was so tempted to try the KB and finally made my 1st attempt last night. Did till early this morning cos 1st attempt at baking. A bit "chicken hand duck leg"....

A qns tho, I'm using PENG's recipe for the sago cookie and the outer part turned out crispy/hard. It does melt in the mouth eventually, if given more time :p

Anyone experienced this? Crispy KB that melts in the mouth?
I left the dough to stand for 1.5 hrs, instead of 1 hr. Could that be the reason?
Or did I overknead? (mix/knead dough for 10 mins)

Many thanks for the tips!
I'm going to try again. Hopefully with any tips, my next batch would be more melt in the mouth.
Karwei....over knead will cause the cookie to be hard, 10mins may be too long..i also rested the dough 1 hr only
2nd time i try to knead shorter time and it turns out more meltier than 1st time
thanks for the advice. think i need to buy those thick paper cups to make cupcakes for my boy's b/day liao.

i also use your recipe to make sago cookies. i find that the coconut milk required in the recipe not really enough to make the dough soft leh. after added the coconut milk, knead liao, still very dry... 10 mins of kneading seems not enough. then i added more coconut milk. end up, the cookies a bit hard though still melt in the mouth after a while.
Peng, try out the KB last nite, taste nice but the texture abit dry leh. Wan to ask the dough shld be abit dry &amp; hard after knead? or it shlh be like the pineapple tart dough soft soft type??? i hv already add in 30ml more coconut milk liao leh, so difficult to knead, it seem so dry &amp; hard to knead. Wat is the correct texture for the dough??? when put into mouth, bite tat time will feel dry then after awhile it will melt in the mouth, is it correct texture???
SN, my ah lao &amp; son love the almond cookies very much, they say although abit salty but taste nice...maybe will change the sugar to icing sugar next time so the texture will be more smooth instead taste like hv sand when bite coz think the castor sugar didnt melt...anyway thanks for ur tasty recipe...
Kak zainab,
thks for your kind words....
jumpa lagi tanggal 31january or 1 febuary ya?

you really good in cookies leh....
almond thins looks very yummy..
how i wish i stay nearby your place, then i got many goodies liao.

yes, u can get those paper cup like i use from sunlik, PH oso have.
if u bake butter cupcakes, get the waxed type of papercup so that the oil will not "goes" every where.

karwei (karwei) ,
u new with us? welcome onboard.
hm... krispy and melt in mouth KB?
u gotta seek PENG's or CAT or others advise, my KB so so only

i made this for my coll, she is helping me alot during this period, be it in the system or support me with her kind words.
ms tan, i know u are a-read only member here


to ALL, 'tho economic down turn, we must have convidence! God will bless everyone...

I'm sincerly wish everyone a very prosperity NEW YEAR!

Finally finish doing the pineapple tarts yesterday. This year with more helping hands, we can make total 6kg of flour n 35 pineapples of pineapples tarts. Really very tired, from morning 11am work till night 11pm.


I am sure Ms Tan will be delighted to see the pretty cake.

Enjoy the precious time with your family and hope to see you here again soon, take care
Wow... Eileen ur PT looks v nice esp when looking at the 1st pic so close-up that can c the texture of the fillings.....
Still have some balance dough from PT, so try to make my hb favourite, peanut makmur. First time make this n take me hrs to finish wrapping.


Sunny, Joanne...i din further added more coconut milk...yes is hard to knead, u need to use ur palm strength to knead hard and fast, cannot overknead. The dough will be a dry n not moist like pineapple tart dough. My one immediately pop in the mouth will melt. is ur KB taste like? crispy outer layer also?
