Cup cakes for birthday

My bread... the cheese totally engulf the bread... hahahahah... looks like some amoeba... eeks!


Pink ... love your bread.
Sob ... I am a failure in making bread.

Tried to make Ma Lai Gao last nite, it turn out to be Fai Gao texture instead ... so sad.

Anyone interested to get this?

The ebay guy offers me that if I buy 5 @ $14.95USD each, he will offer me free shipping from germany to singapore.
Me n my friend is getting 3 sets already so hope to gather 2 more to get free shipping.
It will be useful for my gal's cookie baking "projects"
PM me soon if interested as I will be ordering soon (prob next Mon).

But if you know where to get it cheaper or in S'pore, please tell me. Thanks!
anyone has recipe for Ma Lai Gao 马来糕?
My hubby like it but after last nite failure ... I m so disappointed.

I hope to find a recipe similar to those yellow fluffy ones selling @ dim sum resturants.
I think I can order extra. He claim that he have at least 10 sets ... If all of you want, I will try to ask for discount on top of the free shipping.

I search high and low in S'pore ... cannot find similar ones.
I am checking how many sets he have ...

In order of reservation:
Bluey - 3 sets
ixorarred - 1
Chicken Little - 1
Little pony - 1
n2inpink - 1
forgot to ask... the wheel pan... do i cover the lower half totally or just lay the dough as like a ball and it will expand to fit the pan when baked? *blur* thanks...

That's the recipe I want. ~kiss
I also have malay rice for lunch ... me gave up on weight loss.

No wonder the ones I made last nite requires caramel syrup.
this is my recipe:


500 g Bread flour
8 g yeast
30 g Milk powder
80 g Sugar
9 g Salt
1 egg
300 g Fresh milk

100 g dried mixed fruits.

1. Mix all the DRY ingredients (exclude salt and dried mixed fruits) in the electric mixer bowl.
2. Add in egg, fresh milk, beat about 5-7mnts, then add in salt. continue to beat until gluten is fully developed and the dough is elastic, smooth.
3. Add in dried mixed fruits. beat for another 2mnts.
Cover with a towel and allow the dough to ferment until double in size, about 45 minutes.

4. Take out the dough and press out the gas produced during the proof. Divide it into 2 portions. Round up and let rest for about 20 minutes.

5. Now, devide each dough into 4 portions, roll out and roll up and place in wheel pan. After shaping, let the dough rise up to 2/3 full. then close the wheel pan.
Bake in a preheated 180C oven for about 45 minutes. till golden brown.

<font color="0000ff">yield 2 wheel pans.</font>

hi cat,
how is the mixed fruit bread taste? the yeast smell too strong or not? cos i'm using sachet yeast, one sachet is 10gr, then i lazy to weight, and just throw in 10gr... kekeke!
if you think the yeast smell too strong, u may use 8gr will do.
wow so many nice bakes n dishes. Yum Yum.

Me has been lazy in baking.... Made this Char Siew for my boi for his lunch today. First attempt in making Char siew:

Phew! Lucky turns out well. hee
I wan a set too! Thanks.

In order of reservation:
Bluey - 3 sets
ixorarred - 1
Chicken Little - 1
Little pony - 1
n2inpink - 1
sallyngsj - 1

Wasted lei, my bro just came back from his Germany biz trip last week. If not, can tobang him.
u most welcome! you read up the comments for the malay koh recipe before you start, atleast can give u more input / advise.
i heard it's quite fail proof, i never try to make it. but i ate it, AY gimmi before, very yummy, soft and fluffy.
happy trying!
I told Hwee about it and she is keen. So I putting in order for her too under my name.

In order of reservation:
Bluey - 3 sets
ixorarred - 1
Chicken Little - 2
n2inpink - 1
sallyngsj - 1
Peng -1

Total 9 liao.
ya lor, so happy! At 1st was worried because put a lot of nuts n fruits scare it will crack. Doing fondant cake tomorrow so hope it is nice, hehe!
pink, thanks! Am suprise that it is put in this way... the bread that u cut... like very round... i tot it's put the other way... one lump per tin...

the bread i had a bite only... jeorg finished WHOLE slice... yeah... think can reduce the yeast... but it's fluffy and soft!
In order of reservation:
Bluey - 3 sets
ixorarred - 1
Chicken Little - 2
n2inpink - 1
sallyngsj - 1
Eliz - 1
Peng - 1

Total 10 sets :)
Nice fruit cake.

Why cakes at times will crack on top?
Anyone can advise?

Thanks. Yeah juicy n tender. First attempt, not dare to try out big big pc, so try out abit. If not successful, at least not wasted. hee U tempting me with yr wanton noodles. So try out see how... kekekeke
do input your names on the list so that we can keep track on the no. of sets to order.
If he have limited stock(which I believe so), I will "assign" the sets in order of the list.

just went to buy custard powder ... hope to do my ma lai koh again tonight.
In order of reservation:
Bluey - 3 sets
ixorarred - 1
Chicken Little - 2
n2inpink - 1
sallyngsj - 1
Eliz - 1
Peng - 1
Faitii -1
Sorry sidetrack, I am ordering liferacer thermal swimsuit at 30-40% discount and need 16 pieces. Now I have 11. Just need another 5 pieces to enjoy discount. Do pm me for the email from supplier so we can enjoy discount together
Hi, Bluey,

Would like to have 1 set if available (have been looking for this also), thanks.

In order of reservation:
Bluey - 3 sets
ixorarred - 1
Chicken Little - 2
n2inpink - 1
sallyngsj - 1
Eliz - 1
Peng - 1
Faitii -1
wei - 1
maro -1
Hi, Bluey, pls put me in waiting list if you cant get more than 10 sets.Thanks.

In order of reservation:
Bluey - 3 sets
ixorarred - 1
Chicken Little - 2
n2inpink - 1
sallyngsj - 1
Eliz - 1
Peng - 1
Faitii -1
wei - 1
maro -1
Kathy- 1
Pink, when can i collect the wheelpan frm you? Msg me ok. Been missing this thread so long, hands super itchy.

Cat, you are getting better and better. Wonder how you find time to cook all this. I got no helper and cant even find time to go toilet.
Hi, Bluey, pls put me in waiting list too =)

In order of reservation:
Bluey - 3 sets
ixorarred - 1
Chicken Little - 2
n2inpink - 1
sallyngsj - 1
Eliz - 1
Peng - 1
Faitii -1
wei - 1
maro -1
Kathy- 1
Eron - 1
the ham &amp; tuna bread is very yummy and i like the texture of the bread - very soft and fluffy like what cat said.

ooo.. your char siew looks so yummy.
Okie ... I'll temporary take up to 15 sets.

I will finalise the pricing with the guy and update.
Then I will PM you my acct no. for transfer. We have to pay by paypal, so I will confirm on the exchange rate.

Oh yes ... I finally made my MaLaiKoh. Thanks!
me juz done with choc-chips bread using wheel pan... using own bread recipe... weigh dough 480gram... left over did some mini plain buns with cheese on top...

cheese buns... nice... *left one only*


In Wheel Pan 'before' and 'after' ...


Nice wheel Pan Choco Chips bread...


BUT the truth is... the top side didn't fill up the upper space...


Generally, still pleasantly 'plumb' and 'round' ...

pretty dissapointed... BUT will definitely try again! ...

pink, if we put in more than 480gram (is this general or only applies to your dough from your recipe?)... what will happen if it grows too much in pan while baking?

more compact thus hard bread? ( = jian tou loti?) thanks.

any bread expert can advice on this?
Hi, Bluey, pls put me in waiting list too =)

In order of reservation:
Bluey - 3 sets
ixorarred - 1
Chicken Little - 2
n2inpink - 1
sallyngsj - 1
Eliz - 1
Peng - 1
Faitii -1
wei - 1
maro -1
Kathy- 1
Eron - 1
kl148 - 1
