Cup cakes for birthday

Catika...yes yes!! i puree 2 dragonfruits abt 500ml, cook agar powder with 350ml water, turn off heat then stir in the puree
btw i am using a new type of agar powder call 'Agar Q', u seen b4? lucky i added less water, is kind of 'soft' not crunchy nor chewy leh....i still add water cos i dun want to cook the puree directly on fire which will destroy the vitamins of the fruits..
i think agar agar is still 'crunchy' by nature... seaweed mah... prob. the crunchiness is lost because of the fruit puree... the last time i added mango puree/juice to my agar agar... also become 'kuey' like... eeks... hahahahah...

1-0, any advice? u expert in agar agars... hahahahahah... nice sunflower!
Peng, u still can find mango nw huh? i hv benn searching high & low for the mango for my son BD since last 2 week till yesterday his BD still cannot find, hv also unripe hv to store abt 1 week then can eat.
Did some Shui Jiao while J was asleep in the late morning for dinner... very easily done, all washed, chopped and wrapped in less than an hour!


Cat, you are fantastic! So many yummy food. Wah, your next door neighbour selling their hse anot? Must stay next to you
if anyone near JP's Yue (or Yu) Hwa next to FP extra, MUST go get their Q Q plain noodles! It has been receiving very good comments by people who ate it!
very cheap too... 4 pcs in a pack for $1; last promo they have, buy two pack FOC one pack.

Now me eating dessert with HB ... kids juz ZZZ... my coconut-pandan-agar agar... nice nice...

wow meow... so much goodies recently... both Js must be super happy...

Simple dinner for me & HB... braised duck wings, fish paste ommelette & congee for the nite

always had been cooking... but sometimes forgot to take pix, want to take, food all gone! hahahaaha... otherwise, too lazy to take pix.

Oooh... sama sama... had porridge and minced pork + onion + spring onion omelette this afternoon... very sweet...

must prove my 'worth' to be SAHM mah... if not kena sacked by HB... hahahahahaha...
Hi Catika,

sorry to ask, wat JP & FP stand for?? do you have the photo of QQ noodle b4 cooked??


ur fish paste ommelette looks yummy, how to cook the fish paste n the egg?? just mix the fish paste in the eggs n pan fry together?? u self make the fish paste of buy the ready made one?? any recommendation for the ready made??
prawnmee, i used ready purchased one. So far i tries dodo brand, 1 pack + 3 eggs or 1 pack with 2 egg if you want more fish paste. If for adult, can diced in some chilli as well. Just mixed everythings and pan fried it.
Yr butter cake looks veri soft n not oily.

Thanks for the link.

U both r terrific, can whip up such a nice feast. Yum Yum.

Can I have the recipe for the pandan agar agar? Thanks.
nice agar agar! how did u get the passionfruit juice? squeeze the seeds and pulp?

wah....u never cease to amaze me with your speed! can really do so many things while look after your kids!

nice nice bakes! u have been busy busy with your oven recently!
joanne/sally, one pkt of agar agar powder, 1L water, 250g coconut milk and 200g sugar (i used 160-180g). cook and add in milk last, boil a while only.

jacelyn, the noodle sauce i've been using since Primary school days for lazy afternoons... hahahah... mum cook noodle, i make my own sauce... hahahah... concotion of sesame oil, light and dark soya sauce, ketchup, chilli, vinegar.
i dunno proportion though... hmm... used to aga-aga... u can try and taste and see how much of whatever u like.
just done Traditional Fruit Cake... gotto do it... coz fruits in VSOP for a week plus liow... hahahaha... turned out nice... cut it when hot... think will be better tomolo or the next week? ... muahahaha... while baking... the smell is dok gong! :p

second pic looks messy... because cut it while *too* hot... not a clean cut made.
HB can't wait to eat... grrrr....

the fruit cake on the second day is better than the 'just baked' state... nice!

brushed some liquor onto the second loaf, cling wrap it and store it in fridge. Want to see how hard and liquorish it can get!

oops, really ah. i thot the longer the soak the better. i left my mixed fruits in rum for weeks already!!! oh dear.....

Fruit salad in wonton cups
no leh... a bit hiam hiam... and can still taste the alcohol... hahahahaha... i day in day out will open and stir stir stir leh.... maybe it helps?

ixo, how to do the wanton cups? ... so dainty! nice nice!
de-cluttering. Giving away free. Please pm me to arrange pick up from CCK. First come first serve.

1. Electric Pan.

2. Kogepan - mug with cover x 4. BN

3. Mac Coke Glass x 3. BN

4. Garfield Glass x 4. Lightly used.
Just a update on my giveaway.

1. Electric Pan. Reserved
2. Kogepan - mug with cover x 4. BN. Reserved
3. Mac Coke Glass x 3. BN
4. Garfield Glass x 4. Lightly used.

Quick help me clear 3 and 4 otherwise this weekend it will go to rubbish dump
I soak my fruits in rum for weeks, not bitter. I use them to bake my Xmas fruit cake last Xmas.
I tot can soak even up to a year.
thanks! read it liao!

the cups are very easy to do. just brush wonton skins with some oil, then put arrange the skins into mini muffin cups. i baked them in 170C for about 9mins - till brown and crisp. but hor...i think i prefer fried skins to baked ones! heheh
i've included a video link by rachel ray on this in my blog too (
hahahahaha... u do ur own soya bean milk... this morning went mkt bought dou hua + dou hua shui... J&J love this warmy drink!
nice nice.
Hi there,

Am new here. Wow, you ladies can bake good cakes! So envy...

I also love baking but dun really have a chance..
anyone knows if there is a school which teaches baking?

i love home made soya bean as well but i am very scared of the squeezing part... where you have to really squeeze hard to get all the milk out.
Lazy to q last night to buy bread for my gal. So just do a simple orange butter cake using Peng's recipe. Only clear 2 orange, I still have so many to clear.

Hi Catika,

Ur fruits cake was very well done. How did u do to prevent the fruits from sinking to the bottom after bake? I tried dust the fruits last time with some flour b4 mixing into batter but still, it was not spread up evenly like urs.
Pls kindly enlighten =) thks

Dear experts,
Rgds to cupcake shrink from cup after bake. What cld be the cause of the prob? thks ^^
mdl... i dunno wor... it just stay there .... i only use scraper to mix mix mix... nothing needs to beat or what...
AY's recipe.
the batter is not runny kind...
hmm... the fruit cake taste better last nite... more 'powerful' taste... and denser but softer... *sounds weird*...

made some ham+cheese bread last nite... looks UGLY but taste good... eehehehe...

Dear all,
i'm back

for those who wanted the texas muffin tray, pls note it is out of stock. my fren never deliver it to me
paiseh to keep you all waiting.
you can get it from IKEA, the only difference is, IKEA texas muffin tray not as deep as the one i posted.

for wheel pans, everyone who previously in the wait list can have, i managed to get it for all of u.

this morning, baked mixed fruits bread.
open ceremony for my wheel pan

<font color="0000ff">DOUGH for this pan: 480gr</font>
u can use any plain bread recipe, or milky loaf recipe:


and this one from last night, ham &amp; tuna bun:
