Cup cakes for birthday

peng, no leh... mine is generally melty in and out, no crispy outer skin...

1-0... cool... i tasted makmur once... dun like it... too floury and peanutty... hahahahaha...

Anyone can advice, if after i do PT, like 1-0, got leftover crust, can i put the blueberry on top to replace the pineapple? ... will it work? or melt? hahahaha... thanks!
Catika..whose recipe u use? mine? cos the sago cookie i baked is melt instantly no crispy skin also.

hmmm...u using fresh or blueberry filling? maybe can shape the pastry to tart shape then place the filling inside then will not afraid it 'melt'
peng, nope.
not your recipe.
you've come up with your own recipe? wow...

i'm using the recipe which was posted last year one... by one of the mummies.

me think is PH blueberry kind... and i dun like inside things... i love tartlets and marks&spencer tarts kind... hmm... dunno can work or not if extra pastry i use Blueberry instead of pineapples hor? ....
I'm using the same recipe for KB but my skin is also slightly crispy, but melt in the mouth after the first bite. maybe we baked for too long?

many thanks for your kind words. i'm still learning la, not expert like many of the mummies here.

aiyo u, u saw my pics already mah heheh

your fondant moulding skills are so so good now!! i'll get your nos from SN then sms u to arrange the timing
Hi, thanks for posting all your great tips and recipes. Thought I'd share my experience since I tried two different recipes for KB. The Y3K one and another one that uses 50% tapioca flour and 50% sago flour. For the Y3K one, I had to substitute 50g of the sago flour for tapioca flour and added about 20mls more coconut milk but I liked the result very much.. had a light crisp shell (like a meringue) but melts in the mouth immediately.

The one with 50% tapioca flour is harder and has a firmer bite but still melt in the mouth. It also doesn't break so easily. I think sago flour makes the KB lighter and tapioca flour makes it stiffer so depends what you like... happy baking!
PENG, Thanks for the tip on overkneading. Will keep it short and sweet. Is 5 mins ok?
I suspect that 1.5 hrs of resting is too much. The dough seemed ok after kneading, but after resting, it became dry and "floury".

Joanne, I've read somewhere too that too much coconut milk could cause the KB to be hard.

I'm still a novice in baking, so will keep trying. I've fried my next batch of KB flour yesterday. Will make my KB tmr night.

Not easy to find guinea pigs to try my fruits. Gotta get my colleagues to sample and comment.

Pink, hehe, my 1st post here, but I've been "lurking" around as a silent admirer of all the cakes and goodies (not forgetting the macs craze
) for quite some time liao.
1-0, omg your pineapple tarts looks so good.
The closeup pics very tempting. Couldnt resist popping a few PT after seeing your post.
Jialat....Still eat just b4 I sleep. Very hard to slim down....
Just wanted to say a Big Thanks to you all for sharing your recipes, i managed to make these few things over the past 3 days
Tomorrow will try to make KB as I have already fried the tapioca flour few days ago, bought the almond powder for beverage which i think is not suitable to make the almond cookies, as the ingredients has glucose, will be way too sweet if i use it to make almond cookies, since there's sugar needed in the recipe
Peng, in tat case think i add 30ml more coconut milk was too first bite feel dry like abit floury, then after tat will melt, is it the correct texture, i seldom eat KB coz i dun like so forget the correct texture liao, ask my son everytin he also say nice, salty almond cookies he also say nice, wow lau....dunno is entertain me or wat...
I also used ur recipe for the Sago Cookies. Its melts in the mouth but I dun like the taste of the sago. It just taste so weird. I find the tapoica flour is the best cos it has no funny taste and it able to absorb the fragnant of the pandan leave better but it is very tricky to work with tapoica dough.

My 1st attempt with Tapoica flour, the Bangkit doesnt melt but the fragnant of the coconut and pandan is there. For the sago flour, it melts but the coconut and pandan fragnant like cannot "blend" in well.
Hi Eileen,
I love ur peanut makmur. It was so beautifully done.

Ur cake and figuring is so nice. Do u do for biz? May be I can order a cake for my son from u next time.
wow so many new year goodies.

My fren's son loves the cake you bake for him for LE. hee hee yours is so pro how can compare to mine.
U r welcome! Saw that u have made some, so which recipe u use? Same as ikea? :)

Mwah Mwah Mwah! Thanks to yr KB's recipe! Tried yesterday to bake my veri first attempt. Veri nice n melt in the mouth. Pandan n coconut fragrance strong too. Outer not crispy as wat some have experience. Just nice, perfect, even the sweetness. Thanks so much.

Wow Wow yr CNY creations design on the MMF super super great n cool!

Nice peanut makmur. So beautifully done. I love to eat. ;-)
Hong...hmmm not sure how come urs not fragrant...heee see Sally also find ok with the sago cookies, fragrant n melts in the mouth
so is the the recipe problem, is the kneading method and the way u all fry the flour etc.....
Polar Cakes & Puffs
Hi ladies, i was wondering if anyone has a recipe for the chocolate almond cookie sold by Polar Cakes & Puffs? couldn't locate a photo of the cookie, but they are rectangle shaped, chocolate cookie with sliced almonds in between. If you have, would greatly appreciate it if you could share the recipe. thks!
yes, i made some, using the 1st link you sent me, pretty simple, but still cannot achieve the super thinness which IKEA sells, will try again
Me too using ur posted recipe also have the crispy outer coat but i had add in some tapoica cos not enough n after kneading still got shiny outlook leh, the dough abit soft when cut the shape out.
Mine just nice, not crispy. Just let my neighbours tried. They said good, asked me do for them, they wan to buy from me. Hee I said I no flour to do liao. kekeke
hi all baking......

Anyone need egg white? i bake kue lapis left so many egg white. Anyone need egg white? Can collect from me. 93860059
wah XL, kudos!! You preggie still got energy and stamina to stand beside oven and do kueh lapis, layer by layer, compress pour etc. ...
Just finish cooking the duck n pork for tomorrow pray pray. Tomorrow morning still need to roast a chicken too. Then need to prepare the dishes for tomorrow night dinner. Plus make an agar agar n prepare some dishes for 1st day of CNY. Aiyo, so many things to do, lucky 1 yr only 1 CNY, haha!


Happy New Year to all bakers!!!
This is my bake for this CNY- Kuek Lapis and Pineapple tarts. Am so tired now!!!!
very nice lapis! I tried baking lapis with other mummies b4, too time consuming so won't dare to try alone, hehe!
1 0
Indeed too time consuming.This my 1st attempt, in all it took me coming 4 hrs jst to prepare a 9' KL. And see the amt of yolks used oso faint!!! Can't leave the oven alone cos it get brown easily. But overall very happy with the end result. Lucky got lao to jagar the 3 rascals when i'm making this.
can i ask where you got your Sipat from?and how much is it?are there many sizes?i am using a toaster kind of oven, small size, wonder if there is smaller size ones
Hello everyone,
I am very interested to know where I can buy pineapple tarts where the pineapple in chewy...I can't seem to find it anywhere..if anyone knows can pm me..? I seldom check here...
I once try Glory pineapple tart, I find it very nice. Alternatively see any mummy here want to bake and sell them to you.
Thanks Thanks.

Yr Ngoh Hiang so beautifully done. U veri clever lei. My hb dun takes pork, but onli the ngoh hiang made by my mom. hee

Wow u so superb, prepared feast yrself. Me cant cope for sure. Can post yr roast chicken recipe? Or teach me how u do? Thanks.

Yr lapis so so so nice n pro. Lapis is the one thing I confirmed wont attempt cos too many eggs involved n time consuming, think I will go crazy if fail... hee
Anyone has good black sesame paste recipe? I dun wan the instant one cos too sweet. Wan to do from scratch so can control sweetness myself. :) Thanks.
Also anyone noes evaporated milk can use in wat recipes? I opened a can yesterday to bake butter cake n still got balance, wan to use up n clear it.
